

"People Literature" and Chinese Contemporary Literature

【作者】 欧娟

【导师】 罗成琰;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 创办于1949年新中国成立时的《人民文学》是当代文学期刊的代表。作为中国作协机关刊物的《人民文学》彰显着国家的主流意识形态,在中国当代文学界的重要地位不言而喻。《人民文学》以其不可替代的地位和权威,直接或间接地引导和规范着中国当代文学的发展方向,深刻地影响和真实地见证了中国当代文学格局的形成和发展。本文选择《人民文学》作为研究对象,以中国当代文学为背景,对《人民文学》创刊至今的发展历程进行整体观照和细致梳理,通过对《人民文学》与中国当代文学内在关系的深层探讨,以期从《人民文学》这一窗口探视中国当代文学的发展变迁。本文的正文部分由五个章节组成。第一章是对《人民文学》的历史回顾,分析《人民文学》的创刊背景与角色定位,并梳理《人民文学》三个时期的发展历程。第一时期(1949—1966年),从主流叙事与另类话语并存、百花文学的昙花一现、自我修整后趋同主流三个阶段来回顾文革前《人民文学》的发展历程。第二时期(1976—1989年),从“文革”余绪的逐渐过渡、新时期文学的一一亮相、自由化思潮的间接影响三个阶段来梳理《人民文学》进入新时期的发展状况。第三时期(1990年至今),从试图淡化的意识形态隐性存在,游离于主流、精英与大众之间两个阶段分析新世纪《人民文学》的发展变化。此章节通过梳理《人民文学》创刊至今的发展历程,为从《人民文学》角度透视当代文学的演变历程打好基础。第二章从编者主体、作者个体、作品载体、读者受体四个层面来分析《人民文学》的构成要素。徘徊于文学与政治之间的编者,过于强调自己的政治姿态的编者,“编者按”与“编后记”的隐性表达是构成编者主体的三种类型。作者个体分为两类,即顺应时变的主流作者与夹缝中生存的“另类”作者。符合主流文学规范的主旋律创作与溢出主流意识形态之外的边缘文本两种话语形态的并存是作品载体的真实状况。读者受体加强规范文艺的合理性可通过假定读者的理想构造与“读者来信”的深层意义来实现。前两章是对《人民文学》主体的考察,后三章是在此基础上对《人民文学》与中国当代文学内在关系的研究。第三章从“文以载道”的传统文化情结、“为民请命”与“为民代言”的实用主义、文化启蒙与教育功能、宏大叙事与理想主义、“替代性满足”或自娱自乐五个方面论述《人民文学》与中国当代文学的创作特征。第四章主要分析《人民文学》与中国当代文学的精神气质。具体表现在底层视角与平民意识、来自民间的草根精神、集体神话与典型人物的励志性、深沉的忧患意识、时代镜像五个方面。第五章是对《人民文学》与中国当代文学的审美取向的探讨。博大、真实、生动的现场感;庄重、厚重、高蹈的主题;明晰而硬朗的叙事风格;壮美为主、柔美为辅的审美追求;格调清雅,气韵生动的文本意境是其审美取向的五大侧面。本文以《人民文学》杂志作为中国当代文学的缩影和切入点,从微观与宏观的角度全面考察《人民文学》的发展历程、构成要素、创作特征、精神气质与审美取向,以此探寻中国当代文学的发生、发展和跌宕起伏的时代镜像。

【Abstract】 "People Literature ",which created in1949-the time of foundmentation of China,is on behalf of Chinese Contemporary Literatural magazines.It is an organs publication,and stands for the mainstream ideology of our country,and its significance goes without saying.Its status and authority can not be substituted. "People Literature" led and standard the development direction of Chinese contemporary literature,influenced and witted its formation and development.The essay researches "People Literature" by analyzing the development and using Chinese contemporary literature as background.The author intends to probe into the development and transition of it from the discussions of inner relationships between "People Literature" and Chinese contemporary literature.This essay consists five chapter altogether.The first one is a hysteretic review,analyzing the magazine’s creation background and role positioning.The magazine’s three development stages are as followed:The first period(1949-1966):the three stages of development procedure reviewed are the co-existing of Mainstream narration,"letting a hundred flowers blossom and a hundred of schools of thought contend",and convergence toward mainstream after reconditioning.The second period(1976-1989):Analyze the development of stepping into the new times by traction of Culture Revolution,the appearance of new times literature,and the indirect influence of liberalization trend of thought.The third period(1990-):analyze the change of the magazine by the ideology recessive existing,which tended to desalt and dissociating between the mainstream,talents and the masses.This chapter formed a upstanding foundmentation for penetrating the evolution procedure of contemporary literature from the angle of "People Literature"The second stage analyzes the contracture elements of the magazine from four aspects:editors,writers,texts and readers.The editors roving between literature and politics over-emphsized their political status,their recessives expression of "Editor’s Note"and "Postscript" are the three types of main party of editors.Authors could be divided into two kinds,those are mainstream and special. The co-existing of two kinds of discourse conformation about answering for the rules and mainstream theme and sloping over the mainstream ideology is the real condition of Works.Reads’ rationality reinforcement were able to realize by postulating the ideas construction and "Reads’ Letter"The former two chapters are inspections on the principal part of "People Literature",the later three are researches on the inner relationships between Chinese contemporary literature and the magazine.The third chapter illustrates about the creation characteristics of them,respectively from five aspects based on the traditional literature plot,which bearing the weight of arguments by articles.The five aspects are Pragmatism,which pleading for the people and speaking for the people,Cultural Enlightenment and Education Function,Idealism and Alter-nativity Satisfaction.The forth chapter analyzes the spirit gaiety of Chinese literature and "People Literature".This five aspects embodied are as followed: Underlying perspective and civilians awareness、Grass-roats spirit, Collectivity myth and inspirational typical characters、Sense of Crisis、Times enantiomorphism.The fifth chapter probes into the Aesthetic orientation of them,also in five aspects.Broad and true Sense of locale、solemn、thick and high trend topic、clear and hale style of illustration、aesthetic pursuit and aesthetic tropism.The essay applies "People Literature" as the epitome and breakthrough point of Chinese contemporary literature,reviewing all-snidely on the magazine of "People Literature" from its development,contracture elements,creation characteristic,spirit ethos and aesthetic tropism,so as to mouse out the ups and downs Times enantiomorphism of Chinese contemporary literature.


