

The View of Buddhish Equality in the Ethical Perspective

【作者】 欧顺军

【导师】 张怀承;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 伦理学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 佛教从创立开始,就是以一种争取根本平等的宗教而出现在人类历史上。佛教平等观是佛教根本教义之一,也是佛教伦理的伦理原则之一。《佛学大辞典》解释为“无高下浅深之别曰平等”,也即是说佛教的平等意指“无差别”,因而这种平等最具彻底性和最广泛的涵盖性,其具体内容主要包括:人与人的平等;众生平等;众生与佛的平等;众生与无情的平等等四个方面。佛教平等观在不同的历史时期其内容呈现出不同的时代特色。原始佛教时期,主要表现为“四姓平等”、“一切众生悉皆平等”,到大乘般若学阶段,主要表现为强调“性相平等”、“怨亲平等”,再到中观学派时,平等观主要表现为“不二平等”;佛教传入中国后,随着佛教中国化的完成,中国佛教各宗的平等观主要在佛性思想中体现出来,将不二平等发展到极致,表现出“圆融无碍”的平等境界。文章从缘起论、性空论、佛性论、业力果报论四方面对佛教平等观的合理性进行了论证。佛教平等观最根本的理论前提是“缘起论”,空论是其本体论依据;佛性论是其心性论依据;业力因果论是其现象论依据。佛教伦理思想中处处贯穿着佛教的平等原则和平等理念。如果把伦理关系归结为人与自身、人与人(含社会)、人与自然的关系,那么,对人生真实的揭示并由此得出佛教的独特的人生观体现出佛教的平等理念的运用,或者说,没有平等观,就无法识破人生的各种幻相而得出“无我”及提炼出“苦”的价值判断;人与他人、与社会的关系中,没有等视人我的平等原则,也就不会有大乘佛教的自利利他、自觉觉他的菩萨伦理情怀;在人与自然的关系上,佛教的护生理念、净土(环境)观念离不开众生平等、一切众生佛性平等、果报平等等佛教平等观的理论前提。从伦理视域考察佛教平等观,可以发现佛教平等观具有独特的伦理特性,具体表现为三个方面,一是世俗性和超越性的统一,二是自律性和他律性的统一,三是生命观、自然观和理想价值观的统一。佛教平等观作为佛教伦理的重要原则在今天仍然具有重要的理论资源价值。今天时代虽远别于古代及近代,但佛教平等观作为一种道德规范和伦理准则,对于处理各种人际关系直至人类与自然的关系依然具有重要意义。当然,不可否认的是,佛教平等观作为一种宗教教义,其宗教出世的终极价值追求决定了它不可避免地具有荒谬性、软弱性和抽象性等负面价值。对此,我们应该以马克思主义的科学平等观理论为指导,采取“扬弃”的态度分析对待。

【Abstract】 Buddhism is such a religion that have been pursuing basic equlity since it was founded.The view of Buddhism equality is one of Buddhism basic doctrines and also one of Buddhism ethical principles.Buddhism Great Dictionary explains that equality is having no difference among high,low,deep and shallow.That is to say,Buddhism equality means without difference. Therefore this kind of equality has thoroughness and inclusion. It includes:the equality between individual persons;the equality between sentient beings;the equality between sentient beings and Buddha;the equality between sentient beings and non-sentient beings.The view of Buddhism equality represents different features in different historical periods;the four castes and all the sentient beings are equal during the primitive Buddhism;essential natures are equal during Great Vehicle Wisdom;non-duality equality during Madhyamika School.After Buddhism spread through China,the different Chinese Buddhism schools made the view of Buddhism equality reflected in Buddha-nature thinking and developed the non-duality equality extremely well.This thesis demostrates the reasonableness of the Buddhism equality view from Dependent Origination,Buddha-nature thinking,the Emptiness of Nature and Effects of Prior Actions. The most basic theoretical premise of the Buddhism equality view is Dependent Origination.Emptiness is its ontology basis, Buddha-nature is its pure mind basis,and Effects of Prior Actions is its phenomenon basis. Buddhism equality principle and thought run through in Buddhism ethical thinking everywhere.Ethical relationships mainly represent in the following three aspects;indivedual person and self;one person and others;human beings and nature. The view of Buddhism equality reveals Buddhism unique life thinking and life truth.It represents the Buddha spirit of benefiting and enlightenment of self and others.The view of Buddhism equality is exactly the equality of sentient beings, essential nature and effects.It represents the thought of protecting lives and pure land.By studying the view of Buddhism equality in the ethical perspective,we can find that this kind of view has unique ethical features:the unity of secularization and transcendence;the unity of self-discipline and heteronomy; the unity of life view,nature view and value view.The view of Buddhism equality still has important theoretical resource value as an important Buddhism ethical principle.Times are changing,but the view of Buddhism equality still has important meaning in dealing with communicational relationship and the relationship between human beings and nature as a moral norm and ethical principle.However,it can not be denied that the view of Buddhism equality has some negative values inevitably such as absurdity, weakness and abstraction as a result of its supramundane ultimate value pursuit.We should study it scientifically on the guidance of the Marxism equality view.

【关键词】 平等佛教伦理佛教平等观
【Key words】 equalityBuddhismethicalthe view of Buddhism equality

