

Opening to the Outside and the Great Renaissance of Chinese Nation

【作者】 林峰

【导师】 李屏南;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 中者,其方位与四周的距离相等;华者,光彩与光辉。在如林的世界民族里,勤劳、智慧的中华民族,其名也灿,其史也煌。但自近代以来直至新中国成立之前,中国是一个久经内忧外患、贫穷落后、四分五裂的弱国。二战结束时,中国虽然作为四大战胜国之一,跻身于联合国安理会常任理事国行列中,但中国贫弱的本质并未因此改变。新中国成立后,中国近代以来积贫积弱的趋势才得到了根本扭转,使民族复兴第一次获得了制度保障,国家的面貌产生了深刻变化,国际地位逐步提升。但是受国际环境的制约与国内“左”的指导思想的影响,直至改革开放前,中华民族的复兴之路仍然只能在曲折中践行。1978年,以邓小平同志为核心的党中央开辟了改革开放的新阶段,中华民族的复兴之路才步入了良性的轨道。对外开放对于中华民族伟大复兴的根本意义,在于对外开放内在地改变了中国对于外部世界的态度,使中国从世界市场和国际体系的挑战者变为参与者,以积极的姿态公平参与国际竞争,在相互合作和利益博弈中实现了对外开放与国际影响力的良性互动。作为发展中的社会主义大国,中国的发展目标是实现社会主义现代化,实现中华民族的伟大复兴。为了这个目标,需要制定和实施一系列方针措施,其中一个不可或缺的政策就是对外开放。这既是世界历史和当今时代发展的必然要求,也是中国和世界其它国家探索的曲折经历所提供的历史经验教训。我们实施对外开放的目的,正是为了在中国和世界之间建立起良性互动关系,以此促进国家目标的实现,推动世界历史向纵深发展,实现中国和世界的共同繁荣与进步。这就是本文研究对外开放与中华民族伟大复兴的出发点和落脚点。在这一宏大进程中,中国共产党人从马克思、恩格斯、列宁那里,找到了真理,找到了希望,从此开始了新民主主义革命和社会主义革命,并取得了最终的胜利。以毛泽东同志为核心的党和国家第一代中央领导集体,提出过许多科学的对外开放思想,并进行了有益的开放实践,但由于种种原因未能很好地贯彻施行。当中国从十一届三中全会起将工作重心重新向社会主义现代化建设转移以后,关于中华民族伟大复兴的口号就不再是一种理想,而是全民族一致行动的宏伟工程。党的十二大指出,实行对外开放是我国坚定不移的战略方针。党的十三大、十四大都重申了实行对外开放政策的重要意义,强调要进一步扩大对外开放。党的十五大,第一次明确地将对外开放作为我国的一项长期基本国策。党的十六大,指出我国的开放型经济迅速发展,对外开放进入了新阶段。党的十七大,对改革开放进行了高度评价,认为“改革开放是决定当代中国命运的关键抉择,是发展中国特色社会主义,实现中华民族伟大复兴的必由之路。”本文坚持以马克思主义的唯物辩证法作为最基本的方法论,坚持从中国的具体国情出发,研究对外开放的整体而不是某一个领域的问题。在具体的研究过程中,综合运用了规范研究与实证研究相结合、逻辑与历史相结合、整体与结构相结合的方法分析对外开放的多维内容。具体展开如下:导论部分,首先阐明了本文的选题缘起、选题意义和研究方法。其次,综述国内外关于对外开放的研究成果、研究现状和研究动态。最后,通过概括、分析与归纳提出了本文的核心概念。第一章,从马克思、恩格斯到列宁、斯大林,社会主义对外开放理论与实践在历史演进中不断丰富和发展,成为科学社会主义理论宝库中的一份珍贵财富,成为当代中国对外开放赖以竖立的理论基石和思想渊源。从中国古代的繁荣鼎盛到近代的落后挨打,中国对外开放的历史实践表明,“封闭导致落后挨打,开放带来繁荣富强。”我国改革开放三十年的实践效应为中华民族的伟大复兴提供了现实的参照。而当今时代随着经济全球化的迅猛发展,世界各国都不可避免地融入全球化的浪潮,因此,世界政治经济新变化为中国对外开放提供了必然动因。中国需要世界,世界需要中国。第二章,新中国建立后,在党和国家几代中央领导集体对外开放思想指引下,中国进行了大胆和无畏的对外开放实践,建立了中国特色社会主义对外开放的理论、实践与应对体系。中国共产党的几代中央领导集体所处的时代不同,因此,他们的对外开放思想也具有渐进性,根据国内外的具体情况,他们在继承前一代对外开放思想与成果的基础上,不断实践、不断发展、不断创新,呈现出曲折、自觉、全面和理性的对外开放轨迹。本章按照历史与逻辑统一的方法,对中国共产党成立以来特别是党的十一届三中全会以来的对外开放理论与实践互相衔接阶段的发展过程进行了归结。第三章,通过对发达国家与发展中国家以及苏东巨变的实证分析充分说明:闭关自守、闭门造车、因循守旧、固步自封、保守自大、断绝外部联系、不向别人学习、完全关起门来搞建设是没有出路的,但如果没有自己的国家意识,没有自己的民族主体性,完全无原则地对外开放,任由外部事物和外来文化的冲击,这个国家和民族也肯定是没有前途的。因此,从世界性的交往开始形成以来,任何国家的发展都离不开与世界、与周围邻国的交往,如何处理好与外部世界的联系,为本国的发展创造一个良好的环境就成为非常重要的抉择。第四章,是本文的核心部分。当今世界正处在大变革大调整之中。随着我国对外开放的日益扩大,同时面临的国际竞争日趋激烈,发达国家在经济科技上占优势的压力将长期存在,可以预见和难以预见的风险增多。我们必须立足社会主义初级阶段这个最大的实际,牢牢把握发展这个主题,科学分析我国对外开放发展中面临的有利环境与不利环境。通过贯彻落实科学发展观的要求与构建和谐世界的价值诉求,在互利共赢战略思维的基础上,善于从国际形势发展变化中把握发展机遇、应对风险挑战、创新发展内容,营造良好国际环境,在坚持中国特色社会主义方向,坚持独立自主、互信互让、平等相待的基础上与各国进行广泛合作,求共赢、谋发展。从而实现中华民族的伟大复兴、实现世界共同繁荣与持久和平。结语部分,改革开放,前无古人,没有现成的道路可走。回顾过去,展望未来,我们所能做的是从历史充满变数的发展中,寻找我们必须遵循的规律,从时代充满挑战的拷问中,坚定我们始终不渝的选择。停顿和倒退没有出路,中国还在路上。

【Abstract】 Zhong,it means the equal distance to the periphery.Hua,it means glare and significance.Among the several thousands of peoples in the world,the hard-working and intelligent Chinese people is not only famous but significant.However,from 1840 to 1949,China had experienced poverty,lagging behind,unintegrated period and great troubles from inside and outside for a long time.After the second war was over,although china is one of the four countries who had won the war, and we had become one of the United Nation security council,the essence of the poor and weak situation in China is not changed.After the building-up of new china,the trend of sliding into poverty and backwards is changed,our international position is improved gradually,but due to the restriction of the international environment and the influence of the internal political movement,the way of renaissance of Chinese nation experienced ups and downs.Before the policy of reform and opening to the outside,the basic meaning exerted by our great Renaissance for the policy of opening to the outside lies in that it internally changed the attitude lies in that it internally changed the people toward the external world of the Chinese from challenger in the world market and international system,and it makes china positively and fairly participate international competition,and that it realizes the benign influence in the mutual cooperation and beneficial games.As a big developing socialism country,the purpose of development is socialism modernization and the great Renaissance of Chinese nation. We need to design and practice a Series of policies and regulations for this purpose.Among them one of the necessary policies is opening to the outside,this is not only the absolute demand of the world history and the development of our times,but the historical experience and lesson which are provided by china and other countries,the Object for us to practice the policy of opening to the outside is to set up good interaction relationship between china and the world.In this way can we promote the realization of our objects and stimulate the deeping development of the world history and realize the mutual prosperity and progress of china and the world.This is the Starting point and final point for me to study the relation between opening to the outside and the great Renaissance of the Chinese nation.In the great course of progress,Chinese communist found truth and hope from Max,engles and lenin,thence new olemocraticism in the end.The first generation leader group on the ideas as to opening to the outside and proceed a lot of beneficial opening practice,but for Some reason it Could not Carry out Smoothly.When china changed its Working Center into Socialism modern Construction Since the third Session of the party’s Eleventh Congress.The slogan of the Renaissance of Chinese nation is not a dream but a great project of all our nationalities the twelfth congress pointed out that complementing the policy of opening to the outside is our unchangeable Strategic policy,party’s thirteenth and peurteenth congress reiterate the importance Significance of Carrying out the policy of the opening to the outside,and emphasize opening to the outside further opening to the outside as a long-term fundamental policy, the Party’s Sixteenth congress pointed out that our economy with opening Style developed quickly.Opening to the outside entered a new stage. Party’s Seventeenth Congress gave high remarks on the policy of reform and opening to the outside and insisted that reform and opening to the outside is the Key decision the real road to develop Socialism with Chinese the Chinese nation.This paper adhere to the dialects and materialism of Marxism as the most basic methods,and it begins with the Concrete State affairs and studies the whole aspects of opening to the outside instead of questions in some field.In the process of my study I comprehensively make use of the joint methods between Standard Study and Empirical study,joint method between history and logic and between whole and part to analyze the multi-dimension Content of opening to the outside.In the introdnction part,this paper expound the reason,meaning and methods of chosing this subject,then it describes the reswts and trend of the stwely about the opening to the outside,finally it comes up with the keay concepe by way of summary,analysis and deductive.In the first part of this paper,the socialism of opeing to the onside theory and proltice hard constantly been experiencing prosperity and development from Marx engles to learn and starlin.It becomes the precious assets in the theretical bank of the scientific socialism.It becomes the theretic basis and thinking resources for the opening to the out side of china,From the ancient prosperity of china to the back ward of the contemporary.The historic produce of the opening to the outside in china proved that closenjd the door resncts in backward;opening esults in prosperity,the practical perfoomhhle of the 30-year reform and opening to the outside.Provide actual contract for the great rehahilitation of the Chinese people.Nowadays with the fast development of the econemical globalization every country in the world inevitably melt into the tide of globalization,So the new changes of the political economy of the world provides absocute motive for the Chinese opening to the outside.China needs world,world needs china.Thence we draw a conclusion opening to the outside is the real road for the great rehabilitation of the Chinese people;The second part mainly analyzes that china have carried out the proutice of the opening to the outside under the leadership of the Several generation central leaders.And we built the system of theory,practice and respondeule for Chinese charouteristics socialism opening policy.Owniy to the different times of the Several generation cewtral leaders,their idea about opening to the outside poliy emlpody gradnality.According to the actual sotnation of the internal and external country.They cousteanty ptactise,develop and create on the basis of the for mer generation leader’s thousht.This part draw a coudusion interms of the development precess of the theory and practice.Of the communist Party since the huilding of the commulrise part espeaialy the according to the methods of history and wgics.The third part make full use of the actual analysis of the developed and developing countries and soviet and east Eumpean lountries to expound that every land of refusing to connect the outsode world or to learn from other counerjes will have no future,meanwhile if a country, open to the outside world without the read of then own countries and nationality and lent external thought and auture shock.This kind of country or nationality will have no future;this kind of opening to the outside only resuts in damage.Since the international communication come into being.My country’s development Cann’t get away from the conneotion with the world and neighbor countries.So to create a good environment for the development of your own comtry becomes very impntant devision.The fowrth part is the most important,the world today is experiencing great revovution and adjustment.With the expansim of our opening to the outside and iatensive international eompetotion we faced the developed couurtries will own advantages in the fiecd of economy and science and technology.The predictable and uupredictable risks are increasing.We must be on the basis of the beginning stage of we socialism,and scieutifically awalyze the aelvantegeows and disadvantageous.Environment we faced in the development.By way of carrying out the demond of the scientcfic development idea and building up harmohious world on the basis of mlltual benefit ancl win stratedical thought we should be good at grasping the opportunity from the change of the inter nationall situation and challenge the risks innovate the developing and challengc the risks;innovate the developing content,and create good international environment and on tie basis of addere to the Chinese characteristics socialism dndepeudce mutcrral trust in order to colaborate with every countries mutural win and development and then realization of the sreat rehabilitation of the Chinese people and to realize the multual prosperity and forever peace of the world.


