

Study on the Reform of Decision-making Mechanism Being in Power of the Communist Party of China

【作者】 刘敏军

【导师】 何一成;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中共党史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 中国共产党是我国居于领导地位的执政党。从公共政策学的角度看,执政就是决策。从本质上看,执政决策属于公共决策的范畴,是指中国共产党在领导人民运用国家政权处理国家事务和社会公共事务时所进行的政策制定活动。执政决策是党执政的首要环节。加强执政决策机制改革研究,有助于改善我国执政决策的状况、提高党的执政能力、丰富马克思主义政策理论。本文以马克思主义理论为指导,综合运用历史学方法、政治学方法、公共政策学方法和比较研究方法,从整体上探讨了中国共产党执政决策机制改革的根源、历程、成就、困境等问题,并有针对性地提出了一些改革措施。除导论和结语外,论文共分五章。第一章,中国共产党执政决策机制的一般理论。中国共产党执政决策机制是指中国共产党在对国家事务和社会公共事务的重大问题进行决策时,与国家政权机关、民主党派、社会团体和普通公民之间形成的制度化关系模式。主要由合理化的决策价值观、民主化的决策体制、科学化的决策系统、体系化的决策制度等要素构成。执政决策机制的运行包括政策议程、政策规划、政策合法化等环节,受经济、政治、文化和国际环境等因素影响,遵循党的领导、实事求是、群众路线、民主集中制等原则。第二章,中国共产党传统执政决策机制的基本特征。中国共产党执政决策机制脱胎于计划经济时代的传统机制。改革开放以前,党在强化“一元化”领导体制的过程中,逐渐形成了个人专断的决策机制。其基本特征与主要弊端表现在四个方面:一是革命理想主义的决策指导思想;二是高度集权的决策体制;三是制度缺失的决策过程;四是经验型的决策方式。第三章,中国共产党执政决策机制改革的客观必然性。改革开放以后,世情、国情和党情的深刻变化提出了改革执政决策机制的现实要求。一是经济体制深刻变革,社会结构深刻变动,利益格局深刻调整,思想观念深刻变化,必然要求改革执政决策机制;二是坚持党的领导,保障人民当家作主,实现依法治国,推进政治体制改革,迫切需要改革执政决策机制;三是党从革命党到执政党,从经济建设型执政党到公共服务型执政党的政治角色转换,客观上要求改革执政决策机制;四是国外执政党决策机制民主化改革对我国执政决策机制改革有一定启示意义。第四章,中国共产党执政决策机制改革的进程与现状。从20世纪70年代末到现在,中国共产党执政决策机制改革经历了目标提出、内容拓展和模式创新等三个阶段。改革使我国执政决策机制向现代化方向迈进了一大步,取得了如下成就:确立了求真务实的决策指导思想,恢复和发展了集体决策制度,着手理顺执政决策中的党政关系,扩大了执政决策公民参与,形成了五位一体的信息传输系统,健全了执政决策专家咨询系统,在一系列重大决策中应用现代决策技术与方法。但是,改革仍然面临许多亟待解决的问题。一是执政决策理念相对滞后。人治观念、官本位思想、政治全能主义观念和革命理想主义情结仍有一定市场。二是执政决策体制尚不健全。党内科学民主决策制度不完善,执政决策中的党政关系调整不到位,公民决策参与的组织化、制度化和程序化都显不足。三是执政决策系统功能失调。决策中枢的功能紊乱,专家咨询系统的实际作用有限,信息系统的沟通功能不足,监督系统的功能发挥不力,决策失误责任追究制度缺失。四是执政决策过程的制度化、程序化程度不高。这一切决定着中国共产党执政决策机制改革必须深化。第五章,中国共产党执政决策机制改革的推进路径。推进执政决策机制改革,是一项极其复杂的系统工程。首先,需要更新执政决策理念。主要包括“立党为公、执政为民”理念,科学发展、社会和谐理念,科学、民主、法治理念等。其次,需要创新执政决策体制,主要解决党内决策体制、国家决策体制和公民参与决策体制的创新问题。再次,需要优化执政决策系统。一是优化执政决策中枢系统,二是优化执政决策信息系统,三是优化执政决策咨询系统,四是优化执政决策监督系统。最后,需要完善执政决策制度,重点是建设和健全社情民意反映制度、决策信息公开制度和决策责任追究制度。

【Abstract】 The Communist Party of China is the incumbent party in the leading positions in our country.Looking from the community policy, being in power is the decision-making.From the essential,the ruling decision-making belongs to the public policy-making category,it refers to the Communist Party of China’s carrying on decision-making while leading the people to utilize state power processing of state affairs and social public affairs.The ruling decision-making is the most important link of the Party being in power.Enhancing the study of decision-making mechanism reform being in power is helpful to improving our policy-making condition being in power,improving the Party’s ruling ability,enriching Marxist policy theory.This article has discussed the roots,courses,achievements and difficult positions of Communist Party of China’s decision-making mechanism being in power,and has proposed some reform measures with the instruction of the Marxism theory,the synthesis utilization the history method, the politics method,the community policy method and the comparison research technique.Besides the introductory remarks,the paper altogether divides five chapters.The first chapter,the elementary theory of Communist Party of China decision-making mechanism being in power.The decision-making mechanism of the Communist Party of China being in power refers to the Communist Party of China’s carrying on decision-making while leading the people to utilize state power processing of state affairs and social public affairs with the institution relations pattern among the State’s Institutions,the democratic parties, the social groups and the ordinary citizens.It constitutes mainly by rational policy-making values,democratical policy-making system, scientific decision-making system,systematic policy-making system.The riming of the ruling decision-making mechanism including policy agenda,policy plan,policy legalization and so on.It is influenced by the economy,politics,culture and international environment.So we must persist the party’s leading,seek truth from facts,uphold mass line and democratic centralism.The second chapter,the basic characteristics of the Communist Party of China’s traditional decision-making mechanism being in power.The Communist Party of China’s decision-making mechanism being in power left the womb from traditional mechanism in the planned economy time.Before the reform and open policy,the Party had gradually formed the policy-making mechanism which acted arbitrarily personally while strengthening "the unification" in the leadership system Its basic characteristics and the main malpractices displayed in four aspects:One was decision-making guiding ideology with revolutionary idealism;Two was the highly centralized policy-making system;Three was the decision-making process lack of systems;Four was decision-making way only with experience.The third chapter,the objective necessity of the Communist Party of China’s decision-making mechanism reform being in power.After the reform and open policy,it asks to reform decision-making mechanism being in power by the profound change of the worldly affairs,the national condition and the Party’s condition.First,it requests to reform decision-making mechanism being in power inevitably as the profound transformation of economic system,the profound change of social structure,the profound adjustment of benefit pattern and the profound change of thought ideas;Second,it urgently needs to reform the ruling decision-making mechanism as the needs of persisting the party’s lead,safeguarding the people to be masters of own affairs,ruling a nation legally and advancing to reform political system;Third,on objective it requests the reform of decision-making mechanism being in power,for the Party’s political role changed from the revolutionary party to the incumbent party, transformed from leading the economic development to the public service;Fourth,the overseas incumbent party’s democratization reform of decision-making mechanism have certain enlightened significance in the policy-making mechanism reform to our country.The fourth chapter,the advancement and present situation of the Communist Party of China decision-making mechanism reform being in power.From the end of 70’s of the 20th century to the present,the Communist Party of China decision-making mechanism reform being in power experienced three stages of the goal to propose,the content development and the pattern innovation.The reform caused our country to have made great strides forward the modernized aspects in the policy-making mechanism being in power,and has obtained the following achievements:Established the really practical decision-making guiding ideology,restored and developed the collective decision-making system,began to straighten the relations between the Communist Party of China and the Chinese government, expanded the citizen’s participation of decision-making,we have formed five-dimensional information transfer systems,improved the expert-consult system of the ruling decision-making,applied modern decision-making technology and methods in a series of significant decisions-making.But,the reform still faced with many questions which urgently awaited to be solved.One,ruling decision-making ideas relatively lagged.The man-ruled ideas,the officialdom standard thoughts,the political totalitarianism ideas and the revolutionary idealism still had certain market.Two,the ruling decision-making system was still not perfect.The inner-party’s scientific democratic decision-making system is imperfect,the relations between the party and the government in the ruling decision-making does not arrive at the spot,the organization,the institution and the degree of the citizen’s decision-making participation all reveals the insufficiency.Three,the function of decision-making system being in power is out of balance.The main center’s function of policy-making disorder,the actual function of the expert-consult system is limited, the communication function of information system is insufficient,the function of monitoring system does not work well,the responsibility investigation system of decision-errors is flaw.Four,the degree of the diversified,regularized and institutionalized pattern of decision-making process being in power is not high.All these decide that the Communist Party of China must deepen decision-making mechanism reform being in power.The fifth chapter,the advancing way of the Communist Party of China’s decision-making mechanism reform being in power.Advancing decision-making mechanism reform being in power is an extremely complex systematic engineering.First,it needs to renew the ruling decision-making idea.It mainly includes "Building a party to serve the people,being in power for the people",scientific development,the social harmonious,science,democracy,governed by law and so on.Next,it needs to innovate the ruling decision-making system,in order to solve the question of inner-party’s decision-making system,the national decision-making system and the citizen participation in the policy-making system.Once more,it needs to optimize the decision-making system being in power.First,we must optimize the main central decision-making system being in power. Second,we must optimize the decision-making information system being in power.Third we must optimize the ruling decision-making consultation system.Fourth,we must optimize the ruling decision-making monitoring system.Finally,it needs to consummate the ruling decision-making system,the key point is to construct and perfect the reflection system of the social situation and public opinions,the public decision information system and the investigation system of policy-making responsibility.


