

Research on the Construction of the Administrative Resources of the Communist Party of China

【作者】 王思敬

【导师】 文选德;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中共党史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 2004年8月22日胡锦涛总书记在邓小平同志诞辰100周年纪念大会上,用了较大篇幅,从执政理念、执政基础、执政方略、执政体制、执政方式、执政资源、执政环境七个方面阐述了党的执政能力建设问题。胡总书记指出:“党的执政理论建设是一项系统工程,包括执政理念、执政基础、执政方略、执政体制、执政方式、执政资源等主要方面。”其中“执政资源”首次在中央权威文献中被提出,为我党执政理论建设注入了新的丰富内容,引起了学术界、理论界的关注、重视和研究。在随后召开的十六届四中全会上,我们党又明确提出要大力加强党的执政能力建设。胡锦涛总书记在全会上指出:“要紧密结合党的执政能力建设的实践,深入开展执政理论研究,为加强党的执政能力建设提供有力的理论指导。”这既表明在新的历史时期,党的执政能力建设已进入了一个新的阶段和境界,也表明在国内外形势发生急剧变化和全面建设小康社会进入紧要关口的大背景下,执政党的能力建设问题已然凸显到一个必须从战略高度加以规划、从理论层面系统阐释、从战术角度全面推进的地步。可以说,加强党的执政理论研究,是一个事关我们党和国家前途命运的重大问题。执政资源是执政党为提高执政能力、巩固执政基础和执政地位、维护执政安全、保证执政效能所能利用的一切积极因素和条件的总和,是执政党得以宣传自己的主张,执行自己的政策,满足人民的各种需要、维持自己的政治体系和政治权威、保证社会系统有序运行所赖以倚重的各种资源的总称。其主要内容包括:经济资源、政治资源、思想理论资源、文化资源、组织资源、群众资源、历史资源等各种有形的和无形的资源形态,是政党执政的基础和前提。我党自执政以来,始终坚持执政为民,创新、开发并积累了丰富的执政资源,为提高党的执政能力、巩固党的执政基础和执政地位、维护好党的执政安全奠定了扎实的基础。但是,由于党执政的历史还不长,执政经验尚不丰富,我们党对人类社会的发展规律、对社会主义的建设规律、对党自身的执政规律尚缺乏科学而清醒的认识。加上国际时局深刻转换,东欧剧变、苏联解体,两极格局终结,世界政党政治发生了深刻变化,一些长期执政的大党、老党失去了执政地位。在严峻的形势下,我们党在开发、创新、积累和发展执政资源的时候出现了一些值得认真研究并加以有效解决的问题,这些问题已经影响到了我们党执政能力的提高和执政地位、执政基础的稳固。本文在借鉴国内专家、学者对执政资源研究所取得的成果的基础上,揭示了执政资源的含义、特点以及特征;深入分析了党的执政资源的现状,逐一详细剖析了各种执政资源存在的问题,指出了加强执政资源建设的必要性、紧迫性与现实意义,提出了解决执政资源存在问题的具体方法和有效途径。加强执政资源开拓、创新、积累和发展是一项长期的战略任务,不仅要重视在实践上加强执政资源的开发和建设,解决好执政资源开发、建设中存在的问题,而且要不断总结经验教训,形成系统的科学理论体系,为不断开拓、创新、积累和发展执政资源提供理论指导,从而更有效地丰富和发展党执政兴国的执政资源,提高党的执政能力,巩固党的执政地位和执政基础,维护党的执政安全。全文除导言和结束语以外,共分为七章。第一章:创新和发展好党的执政资源是执政党面临的重大课题。论文从执政资源的功能、党所处的历史方位、加强党的执政能力建设和巩固党的执政基础以及长期执政地位、党的执政资源现状以及国际经济政治格局的新变化对党提出的新要求的角度出发来论述创新和发展党的执政资源的重要性、必要性和紧迫性。第二章:创新和发展好党的执政资源的理论基础中国特色社会主义理论体系。论述了中国特色社会主义理论体系是创新和发展好党的执政资源的理论基础、中国特色社会主义理论体系对创新和发展好党的执政资源的指导作用以及创新和发展党的执政资源的具体要求。第三章:大力发展生产力,开拓和发展好党执政兴国的经济资源。从分析党的经济资源的现状入手,深入论述了开拓和发展好党执政兴国的经济资源的重要性、开拓和发展好经济资源的有效途径、主要措施。第四章:坚持党的基本政治制度、发展社会主义民主,创新和发展好党执政的政治资源。从分析党的政治资源的现状及其重要作用入手,论述了创新和发展党执政兴国的政治资源的重要性、创新和发展好政治资源的有效路径和主要措施。第五章:坚持和发展马克思主义,创新和发展好党执政的思想理论资源。论述了马克思主义是我们党宝贵的思想理论资源、坚持和发展马克思主义在创新和发展党的思想理论资源中的地位和作用。第六章:继承优秀的民族文化传统,大力发展先进文化,创新和发展好党执政的文化资源。提出了优秀的民族传统文化是党执政的宝贵的文化资源的观点、强调始终代表先进文化的前进方向、大力创新和发展文化资源是党在新时期的重要任务、指出大力加强思想道德和教育科学文化建设是创新和发展文化资源的重要内容和中心环节。第七章:以改革创新精神全面推进党的建设新的伟大工程,创新和发展好党执政的组织资源。论述了党在执政条件下创新和发展好组织资源的重要性及其客观必然性,提出了创新和发展组织资源的现实途径。本文的主要创新之处体现在:①把党的执政资源创新和建设的好坏放在关乎党自身的执政能力、执政安全的高度来考量并把三者有机结合起来,科学界定“党的执政资源”的概念、内涵,分析执政资源的理论构架、现状、建设的决定因素,具有很强的理论意义。②如何在新的时代背景下不断利用好党执政的现有的各种资源,同时更好地创造、扩展、积累新的资源,以不断加强党的执政能力建设,巩固其领导的人民政权,维护其自身的执政安全,使国家长治久安,在人类已经进入知识经济时代的今天,无疑具有很强的针对性和重要的现实意义。③本课题在研究方法上注重实证研究,综合多种学科的知识和理论成果,实现多学科的交叉和互补,因而在研究方法上将是一种创新。

【Abstract】 General Secretary of the CPC Hu Jintao proposed to strengthen the construction of the administrative abilities of CPC from seven aspects:Administrative Idea, Administrative Basis, Administrative Strategy, Administrative System, Administrative Style, Administrative Resource, Administrative Circumstance at the 100th anniversary of Deng Xiaoping on August 22,2004.Hu emphasized that the construction of the Administrative theory of CPC is a project. Administrative Resources was advanced the first time in Authoritative literature of CPC, which poured into new plenty contents for the construction of Administrative theory of CPC. And it has caught much attention and study from the field of theory and academic. It was clearly advocated to strengthen the construction of the administrative ability at the 4th Central Committee of the 16th NPC. Comrade Hu emphasized we should promote the study of administrative theory combining closely with the practice of strengthening the construction of the administrative so as to provide theory guide for strengthening the construction of the administrative ability. It indicated that the construction of the administrative ability had attained a new stage and enter new state. And it also showed us that the issue of the construction of the administrative ability had reached such a height which requires us to plan from strategy, to expound from theoretical level, to push forward comprehensively from the aspect of tactics, under the harsh current domestic and international circumstances. It is an issue of critical and of great value for the fate of our country and the Party to strengthen the study of Administrative Theory.Administrative Resources are the summary of all kinds of positive factors and conditions which the administrative Party can make full use of for enhancing the administrative ability, consolidating the administrative basis and position, maintaining the administrative security, Guaranteeing the administrative effectiveness. And it is the assembly of all kinds of resources on which the ruling Party rely to propaganda its advocation, fulfill its policy, meet with all kinds of the needs of the people, maintain its political system and authority, guarantee the operation orderly of the social system. Administrative Resources which are the prerequisite basis of the ruling Party including mainly all kinds of tangible and intangible resources morphology such as Economic Resources, Political Resources, Ideological theory Resources, Culture Resources, Organization Resources, the masses Resources, historical Resources and so on. CPC which always persist administrating for the people has innovated, developed and accumulated rich Administrative Resources since it came to power.All these Administrative Resources have laid solid foundation for enhancing the Administrative Ability, consolidating the Administrative foundation and position, guaranteeing the Administrative Security of the Party. But the Party still lacks of Scientific and clear understanding to the developing regular of the human being, the construction regular of socialism and the administrative regular of itself since it is not so long for the Party to come to power, and it also lacks of administrative experience. As national and international circumstances evolve deeply, drastic changes in Eastern Europe, disintegration of the Soviet Union, the end of the bipolar pattern; political parties around the world have changed greatly. Under the grim situation., the Party has met with some issues which are worth studying seriously and saluting effectively when it develop, innovate, accumulate Administrative Resources. All these have effected the enhancing of the Administrative Ability, the consolidation of the Administrative Status and Foundation of the Party.In this paper, I summarized current study results made by the specialists and scholars in field of administrative resources based on extensive literature review. I analyzed the problems of the administrative resources, defined the connotations and features of administrative resources and pointed out in detail their necessity, urgency and importance for the construction of the Party, then proposed vital ways of solution and channels. It is a long-term strategy task for thrive of the Party to exploit, innovate, accumulate and develop administrative resources. We are supposed to deal with it via both practice and theocratic research approaches. From practice, we should gain important experimental insights and accumulate precious experiences, based on which we will be able to develop political models and theoretical system that can facilitate policy-making so as to develop and enrich the administrative resources of the Party more efficiently, enhance the administrative ability, consolidate the administrative status and foundation, guarantee the administrative security.The major interest of this paper is tried to understand the administrative resources of the Party and focus on how to exploit, accumulate and utilize it. Chapter 1, point out that to innovate and develop administrative resources well of the Party is a problem and a challenge which the Party meet with in the new era; Chapter2, put forward that socialism theory system with Chinese characteristic is the Guiding ideology when the Party exploit and develop its administrative resources; Chapter 3, economic resources; Chapter 4, political resources; Chapter 5, ideological theory resources; Chapter 6, cultural resources, Chapter 7, organization resources;Innovation of this thesis:Firstly, innovation of research perspective. The thesis makes a systematic probe into the connotation of the administrative resources and the checking factors from the perspective of economic, politics, ideology theory, culture, organization, clarifies the connotation of all kinds of resources and reflects on it with economic, social and culture factors.Secondly, innovation of research subject. The thesis analyses the major factors influencing administrative resources, which are of economical, social, ideology theoretical, organizational, cultural ones, and discusses the joint influence of these factors on the construction of administrative resources and on improving the administrative ability.Thirdly, innovation of the way of study. In the study, I integrated knowledge and theoretical results of multiple disciplines. And traditional economical and social methods such as econometric analysis, statistic analysis, participant observation, in-depth interviewing are all utilized in this paper.


