

On Moral Dimension of Law

【作者】 周慧

【导师】 李培超;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 伦理学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 在人类文明的发展史上,社会的变迁孕育了思想的发展和学科的多元,伦理思想的演进和法律的发展构成内在的互动,伦理精神和法律意识沉淀在社会的深层,共同参与了一个新兴学科——法伦理学的生成。尽管法伦理学在学术界依然是一个众说纷纭的论题,但是对法律和道德关系问题的考察,却始终是其中确定不移的主题,而且对法伦理学的研究在现代也已成为一种新的趋向,学者们对法伦理学的研究正是方兴未艾。德沃金是当代西方学术界名声显赫的一位思想家,他的法伦理学思想令世人瞩目,真可谓是法伦理学领域中的一朵奇葩。德沃金的法伦理思想是在与法律实证主义持续的斗争中而建立起来的。他试图克服法律实证主义的缺陷,认为法律并不是与道德截然分立的,法律之所以有约束力,在于它具有某种独立的道德价值。因此,他认为试图将法律与道德完全分离的努力是徒劳的,而且是无益的。可见,德沃金非常强调法律与道德的关联,并且主张探讨任何法律问题都必须追问道德本质。在德沃金看来,法律中的“道德要求“和“伦理应当”不应通过对特定道德问题采用观念投票的方式去实现而是应该通过“法律是什么”这样的问题来获得。①德沃金的法伦理思想正是围绕着“法律是什么”这个问题而展开的,而且对这个问题他也从不同的角度作出了回答。首先,从法律的内涵上来说,法律和道德之间并没有绝对的界限,在法律之中还蕴含有道德原则。德沃金彻底批判了法律实证主义的“法即规则说”,在批判实证主义的同时,德沃金鲜明地提出了他的原则论。他认为法律不仅包括规则,也包括一系列的法律原则,法律原则来自于道德,是道德的法律化表达。这种原则又具体体现为平等、自由、权利、良善等等道德理念。因为法律是“善”法,追求的是善的理念。平等、自由、权利、良善是法学上的基本范畴,是法治的基本原则,在一定的意义上来说,法律的精神与生命就是对平等、自由、权利和良善的追求与维护,否则,法律将成为一种弱肉强食的“丛林规则”,成为要排斥的“恶法”。其次,从法律的识别过程上看,德沃金认为应采用建构性阐释的方法,对法律进行阐释,特别是对宪法进行道德解读,从而使其合乎道德。德沃金认为道德是法获得合理性诠释的重要内容,这种法律阐释虽然具有能动性,但是也不是无所限制的。因此,德沃金提出了“基于道德并能融通现有法制”的阐释标准,用整体性的法的美德对法官自由裁量的空间进行了合理限制。最后,在法律的具体适用上,需要进行法律判断,德沃金认为,这也只不过是道德判断的延伸。通过德沃金对善良违法、反向歧视以及生命和种族等问题的论证,我们可以更加体会到德沃金对法律的敬畏以及对道德的尊重。法律在人们对它的反思中成长,但真正重要的问题是,当遇到法律与道德的冲突时,如何能使法律的有效性得到保证?德沃金认为,当法律与人们的道德良知相冲突时,法律的道德意义也应受到尊重,要解决法的合法性危机,只有遵照原则的指引,在法的实践中始终贯彻法的道德理念。总之,德沃金所构建的就是一个以道德原则为核心的法伦理学体系,这个体系也是德沃金所精心描绘的一幅蓝图:以原则论和权利论为理论基础,通过法律阐释的方法,以道德原则为核心,体现自由、平等、权利、良善等理念,对人们的权利切实加以保障的一个理想世界。本文旨在全方位地分析德沃金法伦理思想的内涵、思想特色与实践路径,以期探询德法互动的机制,更好地服务于我国的现代化建设。

【Abstract】 In the history of human civilization,development of thoughts and diversity of disciplines derived from social changes and the evolution of ethical thought as well as the development of law became interacted with each other.Ethical thoughts and law consciousness,deep rooted in society, contributed to the generation of a new discipline—legal ethics.Although people have various views on legal ethics in the academic world,yet it is an unshakable topic in terms of study on the relation between law and morality;what’s more,there is a new trend of studying legal ethics in modern times and such kind of study is on the rise.Dworkin is a renowned philosopher in the Western academic circles,whose thought of legal ethics is famous all over the world.What an exquisite works of art in the field of legal ethics!Dworkin’s legal ethics was established under the lasting struggle against legal positivism.Overcoming the demerits of legal positivism,he holds that law and moral are not completely separated and that constraint of law lies in its certain unique moral values.Therefore,he thinks efforts to completely separate law from moral are in vain and useless.It indicates that Dworkin attaches great importance to connection between law and morality and that he advocates lawful problems should be resolved from the perspective of the nature of morality.As far as Dworkin is concerned,“moral demands”and“ethics”should not be realized by balloting on specific moral problems rather by asking such questions as“what is law”.Dworkin’s legal ethics focuses on the problem“what is law”and gives answers from different perspectives.First,in terms of connotation of law,there is no absolute limit between law and morality and the former contains moral principles. Dworkin criticizes thoroughly“legal rule theory”in legal positivism when he obviously proposes his principle theory.He maintains that law compromises rules as well as a series of legal principles which come from morality and are legal expressions of morality.These principles are embodied as moral ideologies such as equality,freedom,rights and kindness because law is a“virtuous”one that pursues goodness.Equality, freedom,rights and kindness are basic categories in study of law and are fundamental principles of rule of law.To some degree,the spirit and life of law is to pursue and maintain these principles;otherwise it will become“the law of the jungle”and excluded“vicious law”.Second,from the process of distinguishing law,Dworkin thinks that we should interpret laws,especially understand constitution from the aspect of morality,through a constructive interpretation,so that it is in line with morality.Dworkin believes morality is an appropriate interpretation of laws and this kind of interpretation is active but limited. Thus,Dworkin proposes standards of interpretation“based on morality and accommodated to existing rule of laws”,rationally constraining judges with the entire virtue of law.At last,from the specific application of law,we should make legal judgments,which,Dworkin thinks,are only the extension of moral judgments.Through his demonstrations of such issues as civil disobedience,reversed discrimination,life and races,we can better understand Dworkin’s awe of law and respect for morality.Law develops during the process of people’s reflection on them;however,what really accounts is how to ensure the validity of law in face of contradiction between law and the morality.Dworkin believes when law is contradicted with people’s moral consciousness,the moral significance of law should also be respected.To deal with the crises of validity of law,we should keep conforming to the moral ideology of law in accordance with relevant principles.In short,what Dworkin has established is a legal ethic system with a core of morality,which is also a blueprint made by him through great efforts:an ideal world of practically safeguarding people’s rights with the theory of principles and rights as a basis,by means of law interpretation and with a core of moral principles and with ideologies of freedom, equality,rights and kindness.This dissertation aims to analyse in an all-round way the connotation, ideological features and practice approaches of Dworkin’s legal ethics so as to explore the interaction between law and morality,thus better serving modernization in China.

【关键词】 德沃金法律道德权利
【Key words】 Dworkinlawmoralityrights

