

Review and Resonsideration: Communist Party of China Anti-peaceful Evolution History Inspection (1949-1992)

【作者】 邹宏如

【导师】 李屏南;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共运, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 “和平演变”是很“老”的词汇,说他“老”,是因为二战结束后,社会主义与资本主义之间的演变与反演变斗争已经持续了六十余年,而冷战结束后,这个词汇似乎已淡出人们的视野,难以诱发论说的激情;然而,反和平演变毕竟曾是中国共产党执政后的一个重要战略任务,一段重要历史,孰是孰非,总有认真回顾与反思的必要。苏东剧变以后,社会主义与资本主义之间的意识形态斗争并未终结,而且呈现出一些新特点、新趋势,如何面对西方国家在全球化进程中的咄咄逼人的意识形态攻势?如何瓦解西方分化、西化、矮化、丑化中国的图谋?如何结合新世纪新阶段党和国家的中心任务,卓有成效的开展反和平演变斗争?如何有效维护中国共产党的执政安全、凸显社会主义核心价值体系、丰富和发展中国特色社会主义理论体系?这些都成为了社会主义中国无法回避的问题。“观今宜鉴古,无古不成今”,今天的反和平演变是昨天的延续,缺乏对历史的洞察,就不能了解现实,也无法把握未来。从1949年新中国成立到1992年苏联解体,中国共产党在马克思主义的指导下,毫不妥协地进行了四十多年的反和平演变,既取得了巨大的成绩,又留下了惨重的历史教训。反和平演变说到底,就是要保证中国共产党的执政安全,使党和国家政权不改变性质。本文试图对于这一段中国共产党反和平演变的历史进行系统考察,这种考察着力回答四个问题:即中国共产党为什么要反演变?中国共产党又是怎样反和平演变的?怎样评价中国共产党四十多年的反和平演变的历史得失?从中国共产党反和平演变的历史中,我们又能获得哪些宝贵的现实启示?基于这种思路,本文的研究主要从四个方面展开:第一章,阐述中国共产党反和平演变的基本依据。对于1949年到1992年中国共产党反和平演变的历史进行系统考察,首先必须回答一个前提性的问题,即中国共产党为什么要反和平演变?这一部分沿着两条线索来揭示中国共产党反和平演变的基本依据:一是揭示马克思、恩格斯、列宁、斯大林关于意识形态斗争的理论阐述和基本观点,探讨中国共产党长期进行反和平演变的理论依据;二是揭示出中国共产党反和平演变的现实根由。通过着两条路线的考察,回答了中国共产党为什么要反和平演变的问题。第二章,考察中国共产党反和平演变的实践演进历程。将中国共产党反和平演变的四十余年的历史划分为意识萌芽期、起始期、高潮期和调整期四个阶段,具体分析了每一个历史阶段反和平演变的主要思想观点及其实践,从而勾勒出中国共产党反和平演变的基本谱系,回答了中国共产党是怎样反和平演变的问题。第三章,客观中肯地分析中国共产党反和平演变的得失。首先分析了中国共产党反和平演变的主要历史功绩,主要表现为:从理论上明确系统提出了诸多至今仍然具有借鉴意义的反和平演变的思想,从现实来看,中国共产党的反和平演变斗争支援了世界人民的正义斗争,提高了中国的国际地位:巩固了社会主义的国家政权,避免了苏东剧变悲剧;捍卫了中国共产党安身立命的信仰系统和价值追求,维护了国家主权和民族利益。其次。对于中国共产党反和平演变的失误进行了具体的历史的分析。在二十世纪五十到七十年代中期,主要是反和平演变的对象扩大了,对象搞错了,方法不对头;九十年代初的主要问题是:一是未掌握适度原则,在全党全国开展了社会主义教育活动,反对资产阶级自由化,转变了社会主义的主要矛盾,动摇了主要任务;二是有反和平演变存在扩大化的苗头。第四章,在反思中得出中国共产党反和平演变面临的有益启示。中国共产党反和平演变的历史表明,在资本主义与社会主义两种制度并存的形势下,维护执政安全的任务将长期存在。中国共产党必须准确理解“什么是和平演变,怎样反和平演变”着个基本的理论问题,不断解放思想,实事求是,既要反对夸大和平演变的作用与威胁,又要反对和平演变熄灭论,正确处理好反和平演变过程中的若干重大关系,坚持原则性的坚定性与策略的灵活性的关系;发展经济与政治改革的关系;精神文明与物质文明的关系;党风廉政建设与政党合法性的关系;坚持马克思主义与发马克思主义的关系;主流意识形态与非主流意识形态、反主流意识形态的关系等等。中国共产党反和平演变的历史表明,社会主义与资本主义之间演变与反演变、颠覆与反颠覆、渗透与反渗透的斗争是长期而复杂的。在国际共运的低潮期,中国共产党作为一个代表最广大人民根本利益的政党,必须加强和改善自身的政党意识形态,坚定不移地以经济建设为中心,坚定不移进行改革开放,坚定不移地促进科学发展,维护社会和谐。同时大胆而自信地合理吸收人类的一切文明成果包括资本主义的文明成果,广泛进行国际交流与合作,有效化解来自各个领域的和平演变的风险,领导全国各族人民积极稳妥地推进中国的现代化进程。

【Abstract】 "Peaceful evolution" is very old a phrase.By saying it as an old phrase,it is because the campaign of Evolution V.S.Anti-evolution between Socialism and Capitalism had been lasted for more than sixty years since the end of the Cold War,yet the phrase seems to recede beyond people’s life and cannot stimulate any passion after the Cold War; However,after the counter-peaceful evolution once was a Communist Party of China being in power important strategic mission after all,phase of important histories,which is right and which is wrong,always has reviews earnestly with the resonsideration necessityAfter the drastic changes in Soviet Union and Eastern Europe,the battle of ideology between Socialism and Capitalism didn’t end but present some new characteristics and trends.How to confront with the aggressive attack of western countries in ideology during globalization? How to disintegrate the conspiracy of western countries to differentiate, westernize,belittle and vilify China? How to launch an effective campaign against Peaceful Evolution combined with the central tasks in New Century and New Stage? How to maintain the safty of our Party, highlight the core value system of Socialism and enrich the theoretical system of Socialism with Chinese characteristics? All of these are the questions that China,as a socialism country,cannot avoid.As a Chinese old saying goes:"We should take advantages of the ancients " The campaign against Peaceful Evolution of today continues from yesterday. Without the insight into the history,we cannot get to know the reality or master the future.From the Foundation of New China in 1949 to the Disintegration of Soviet Union in 1992,the Communist Party of China has uncompromisingly carried out anti-Peaceful Evolution for about forty years with the guide of Marxism and not only obtained great achievements but also learned painful lessons.The counter-peaceful evolution in the final analysis,is needs to guarantee that Communist Party of China’s ruling security,causes the party and the state power does not change the nature.T his paper aims to systematically investigate the Anti-Peaceful Evolution history of China during this period.Four questions are addressed:1)Why did the Communist Party of China fight against Peaceful Evolution?2)How did the Communist Party of China fight against Peaceful Evolution?3)How should the gains and losses of the Communist Party of China be evaluated during the forty-year history of anti-Peaceful Evolution?4)What can we get in the anti-Peaceful Evolution history of the Communist Party of China?Based on this,the article is unfolded mainly in four aspects:The first chapter expounds the fundamental basis for Chinese Communist Party’ s anti-peaceful evolution.When making a systematic investigation to the history of Chinese Communist Party’ s anti-peaceful evolution from 1949 to 1992,we must first answer a prerequisite question, that is,why did Communist Party of China oppose the peaceful revolution? This part will reveal the fundamental basis for Chinese Communist Party’ s anti-peaceful revolution according to two routes:Firstly,it reveals the theoretical explanation and basic viewpoint about ideology struggle of Marx,Engels,Lenin and Stalin to make an inquiry to the theoretical basis of Chinese Communist party’ s long-term anti-peaceful revolution. Secondly,it reveals the Chinese Communist Party ’ s practical basis for anti-peaceful revolution.By studying the two routes,it answers the question "why did Chinese Communist Party carry out the anti-peaceful revolution policy."The second chapter studies anti-peaceful revolution development course of Chinese Communist Party.First,it analyzes the formation and evolution of western peaceful revolution strategy after worldⅡ.Then it divides the 40 years’ history of Chinese Communist Party’ s anti-peaceful revolution into four stages,that is,consciousness phase,preliminary practice phase,high-tide phase as well as adjustment phase.By concretely analyzing the main thought viewpoint and practice of anti-peaceful evolution in each stage,it outlines the basic pedigree of Chinese communist party for anti-Peaceful evolution and also answers the question "how did Chinese Communist Party perform the anti-peaceful evolution."The third chapter analyses the gains and losses of Chinese Communist Party’s anti-peaceful evolution objectively and pertinently. Firstly,it analyzes the main historic contributions that Chinese Communist Party made in course of anti-peaceful evolution.As following shows,theoretically it clearly and systemically proposed many anti-peaceful evolution thoughts which still owning reference meaning at present,in reality,Chinese Communist Party’ s anti-peaceful evolution struggle has many advantages such as it supported the just struggle of people of the world and improved China’ s international status,it also consolidated the state power of socialism and avoided the drastic change tragedy in Soviet Union and East Europe.What’ s more,it defended Chinese Communist Party’ s Fundamental belief system and value pursuit, safeguarded state sovereignty and national interest.Then it makes concrete and historic analysis toward the misses that Chinese Communist Party had in anti-peaceful evolution.During the period from 1950s to the mid-1970s,the main problems ware the targets of anti-peaceful evolution were expanded and wrongly defined,the methods they used were incorrect,while in 1990s there were two major problems:one was they did not master the moderate principal.They conducted socialist education activity-combating bourgeois Liberalization throughout the Party and county which leaded to the change in socialist principal contradiction and major task.The other was there was tendency that the anti-peaceful evolution was expanded.The forth chapter,on the basis of reflection,summers up the beneficial lessons that Chinese Communist facing in anti-peaceful evolution.The history of Chinese Communist Party’s anti-peaceful evolution shows that under the circumstance of the coexisting of Socialism and Capitalism,Maintenance being in power security duty thwill exist for a long time.Chinese Communist Party must understand precisely the basic theoretical question "what is peaceful evolution and how to carry out anti-peaceful evolution" as well as emancipate the mind and seek truth from facts.They not only have to object the exaggerating of the function and treat for peaceful evolution,but also oppose quenching theory of peaceful evolution as well as correctly deal with several significant relationships in the course of anti-peaceful evolution,for example,the relationship between the principal and flexibility for anti-peaceful evolution,the relationship between economic development and political reform,spiritual civilization and material civilization, Conduct and ethical governance construction with political party valid relations;Insisting that the Marxism with sends Marxism the relations, the mainstream ideology and non-mainstream ideology as well as anti-mainstream ideologyThe history of Chinese Communist Party’s anti-peaceful evolution shows that the struggles between the peaceful evolution and anti-peaceful evolution,subversion and counter-subversion,infiltration and antiinfiltration in Socialism and Capitalism is long-term and complicated. During the low-tide period in international Communist Party Movement, Chinese Communist Party,as a party representing fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people,must strengthen and improve their Party ideology,firmly uphold economic development as a central task,continue to adhere firmly to the policy of reform and opening up, promote scientific development as well as safeguard social harmony.At the same time,we should absorb all rational mankind’ s civilization achievements including the capitalistic achievements and conduct extensive international exchanges and cooperation to effectively defuse risk of peaceful evolution in all fields and lead people of all ethnic groups to propelling China’ s modernization positively and steadily.

  • 【分类号】D232
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】840

