

A Study of Charity and Relief in Hunan during the Period of Beijing Regime of Republican China

【作者】 向常水

【导师】 周秋光;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文以民国北京政府时期湖南慈善救济事业为研究对象,重在分析民初湖南社会与慈善救济的关系,梳理民国时期湖南慈善救济组织的嬗变,介绍北京政府时期湖南慈善救济的主要内容,探析北京政府时期慈善救济的运行机制,阐明影响湖南慈善救济事业发展的几大主要因素,揭示北京政府时期湖南慈善救济的主要特点、社会影响、存在的不足以及对当前我国慈善救济事业发展的启示作用,从而说明社会环境与慈善救济的密切关系、北京政府时期湖南慈善救济的基本态势以及它在近代湖南社会变迁中的地位作用。第一章主要考察北京政府时期湖南社会环境与慈善救济之间的关系,强调社会大系统是慈善救济发生发展的基本土壤。民初湖南兵灾匪患严重、时政局势动荡、自然灾害绵延不绝、经济态势脆弱不堪,这些共同构成了北京政府时期湖南慈善救济事业衍生发展所处的社会状况。第二章简要梳理民国时期湖南慈善救济机构的嬗变,从纵向了解慈善救济的组织演进脉络。民国时期湖南的慈善救济组织大致有三类,即传统慈善救济组织经改组改造后依然焕发生机,像湖南省城慈善总公所;新型官办慈善救济组织的产生,如湖南水灾筹赈会和湖南赈务协会;新出现的义赈组织,如湖南义赈会、湖南华洋筹赈会。它们的活动内容各有侧重,又有合作。特别是义赈组织在北京政府时期湖南慈善救济中发挥了关键性作用,也极大地推动了湖南慈善救济事业的近代化进程。第三章扼要介绍湖南慈善救济的主要内容,其中包括灾荒赈济、日常慈善和红十字事业。灾荒赈济主要由官赈和义赈组织担当,重点是兵灾救济、水旱灾救济,在赈济过程中必须解决好救灾民难民出险、米禁、防疫、遣散难民、施赈和平粜等问题。日常慈善涵盖救贫、慈幼、恤嫠、消防、积谷等内容,主要是救助弱势群体、维护一些传统道德价值以及预防社会危机。红十字组织在民国北京政府时期湖南的人道救助中发挥了重要作用,无论在战时救护、自然灾害救济还是日常医疗卫生中都有它的存在。第四章依照灾赈的基本环节,剖析民国北京政府时期湖南慈善救济的筹款、查灾、放赈的运行机制,并就慈善救济组织内部的结构和运作模式加以探讨。在考察慈善救济的运行机制后还简要分析它的基本特点、存在的问题等。第五章重点探讨影响民初湖南慈善救济的几种重要因素,像名人(熊希龄)、商会、政治公权力、教会以及媒体(长沙《大公报》)。正是这些因素的综合作用让北京政府时期湖南慈善救济在维持社会运转等方面发挥重要作用,呈现颇具时代和地域特色的性格。结语部分分析了民国北京政府时期湖南慈善救济事业的主要特点、主要贡献、存在的不足以及对当前我国慈善救济事业的启示。本文既有微观的描述性、梳理性介绍,又有宏观的规律性、经验性总结。总之,本文遵循探讨背景—梳理脉络—介绍活动—分析模式—总结特点—反思经验的路径展开,通过对民国北京政府时期湖南慈善救济事业的专门考察,以加深对中国慈善史和近代湖南历史的认知,并给当前我国慈善事业发展提供参考。

【Abstract】 This thesis mainly studies the charity and relief in Hunan during the period of Beijing Regime of Republican China(BRRG). In this thesis,I’ ll focus on the analysis of relationship between the early Republic China society in Hunan and charity and relief,tidy up the evolution of the organization of charity and relief in the period of Republic of China in Hunan,instruct the main content of charity and relief in Hunan during the period of BRRG,investigate the operational mechanism of charity and relief during the period of BRRG,expound several main factors that influenced the development of charity and relief in Hunan during the period of BRRG,reveal its main characters,social influences,shortcomings and lessons to the development of current charity and relief in China.Through the research,we’ ll understand the close relationship of social situation with charity and relief,the elementary condition of the charity and relief in Hunan during the period of BRRG,the position and function of the charity and relief in social development in Hunan.Chapter 1 mainly investigate the relationship of Hunan social situation with charity and relief during the period of BRRG,emphasize that social system is the elementary earth of the formation and development of charity and relief.In early period of Republic China in Hunan,the disasters caused by troops and bandits were very serious,politic situation was out of joint,natural disasters continued,economic condition became extremely fragile,which constituted together the social surroundings of the development and change of the charity and relief of Hunan during the period of BRRG.Chapter 2 tidy up the evolution of the organization of charity and relief in the period of Republic of China in brief, comprehended lengthways the movement and development path of charity and relief organizations.In Republic China period,the charity organizations in Hunan mainly have three kinds,that is traditional charity and relief organization which still remain dynamism through reorganization and transformation, such as General Charity of Hunan Provincial Capital;government charity and relief organization originally established,for example,Hunan Flood Relief Committee,Hunan Relief Commission, and civilian famine relief organizations,for instance,Hunan Famine Relief Committee and Hunan Chinese-Foreign Famine Relief Committee.Their actions were not only with priority given to different pursuits but also in collaboration with each other.Those civilian famine relief organizations were of crucial importance in the charity and relief in Hunan during the period of BRRG,and drove forward the modernization of Hunan’ s charity and relief.Chapter 3 briefly instructs the main content of the charity and relief in Hunan including famine relief,ordinary charity and Red Cross service.The famine relief involved wartime relief,flood and drought disaster relief,and the responsibility of relief was lay with government and civilian relief organizations.In the process of relieving,some problems must be properly solved which included saving refuges and victims of natural calamity from danger,forbidding to transport rice and side crops off Hunan Province,epidemic prevention,refuge repatriation,providing relief materials, selling goods to victims of man and nature at a lower price. The ordinary charity involved helping the poor,favoring infants,helping widows,fire protection,storage of grain, rice and side crops,and so on.The intention of these actions was to help the vulnerable group,maintain some traditional morality and value,and prevent social crisis.The Red Cross Organization performed a useful role in humane help in the period of BRRG,not only in war and natural disaster relief but also in day-to-day medical and health services.Chapter 4 analyses the operational mechanism of fund-raising,disaster-investigating,and relief materials handing out of Hunan’ s charity and relief in the period of BRRG according to the essential links of disaster relief,at the same time probing into the structure and operation model of Hunan’ s charity and relief organizations.After discussing the operation mechanism of charity and relief,I’ ll briefly analyze its essential characteristics and existing problems.Chapter 5 stresses on discussing several factors which affected Hunan’ s charity and relief in early Republic China, such as personalities(for example Xiong XiLing),chamber of commerce,politics public power,church and media(that is Changsha Ta Kung Pao).Just the comprehensive function of these factors made Hunan’ s charity and relief in the period of BRRG have a vital pole in maintaining society operating,take on that time and local characteristic.The Conclusion Part analyzes the main characters, contributions,existing deficiency and contemporary lessons to our country’ s current charities and relieves.This attic has descriptive introductory and macro disciplinary experiential conclusion.In a word,the artic follows such route as discussing settings,tidying up veins, introducing actions,concluding characters and reflecting on experiences.Through specially exploring Hunan’ s charity and relief in the period of BRRG,we’ ll promote public understanding of Chinese charity history and Hunan’ s modern history,and provide essential reference to the development of current charity of our country.

  • 【分类号】K258;D693.66
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】812
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