

Research on the Vicissitude of Individual Income Distribution System in New China

【作者】 高志仁

【导师】 何一成;

【作者基本信息】 湖南师范大学 , 中共党史, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 收入分配作为人类社会一个最基本的经济范畴,它不仅在马克思主义理论中占有极其重要的地位,而且分配状况的好坏直接取决于收入分配制度的公平公正与否,并在相当大的程度上影响和制约社会经济的发展。传统的经济学理论总是把制度视为己知的、既定的“外生经济变量”,把它排斥在经济模型之外。笔者认为制度创新和变迁是经济增长的决定性因素。本文运用马克思主义的辩证唯物主义和历史唯物主义的基本分析方法,并借助经济学的制度分析方法和实证的方法,分别对新中国三个不同的历史时期即过渡时期、全面建设社会主义时期、改革开放时期我国个人收入分配制度的历史变迁进行了分析。分析表明,我国的个人收入分配制度完成了由“混合收入分配制度”向“以按劳分配为主体、多种分配方式并存的分配制度”的转化。这种转化是一个不断摸索、不断创新的过程,其中经历了许多曲折。中国共产党在收入分配制度变迁中所取得成就的集中体现,就是领导中国人民解放和发展了生产力。经济结构总量位居世界前列、人们收入快速增长,生活水平不断提高、社会就业规模稳步扩大。在取得伟大成就的同时,也出现了一些不容忽视的问题,其中较为突出的问题就是城乡居民之间、不同地区居民之间、不同所有制企业职工之间以及不同行业或部门职工之间的收入差距过分悬殊,这个问题已经引起了全社会的广泛关注和人民群众的强烈不满。在我国现阶段存在的影响个人收入差距扩大诸因素中,既有对此产生影响的制度性原因,也有劳动者个人原因,更有市场体制本身的因素。纵观我国收入分配制度变迁过程的基本轨迹,它表现出一些鲜明的特点:我国收入分配制度的变迁与经济体制改革相伴而行、相互促进、共同发展;我国的收入分配制度变迁的落脚点是增进最广大人民群众的利益;我国的收入分配制度的变迁是一个不断发展、不断深入、不断完善的过程,具有渐进性的特点。本文通过考察我国个人收入分配制度的变迁及其引起的社会变化,以期为我国在未来经济发展过程中建立合理的收入分配制度提供一些借鉴。

【Abstract】 Income distribution,as the most basic economic category of human society,it not only holds the extremely important status in the Marxism theory,moreover the assignment condition’s quality directly lies on that the income division system is fair or not,and in quite great degree,it influences and restricts the development of the social economy.The traditional economic theory always regards the system as the known fixed xogenous economic variable,and repels it out of the economic model. The writer think that the institutional innovations and the vicissitude are the determining factors to the economic growth.This thesis utilizes the basic analysis method of the Marxism dialectical materialism and the historical materialism,and uses the economic system analysis method and the fact analyse method to analyze the individual income distribution system’s historical vicissitude of three different historical periods respectively,that is,the transition period,the comprehensive socialism building time and the reform and open policy time.The analysis indicated that our country’s individual income distribution system has completed the transition that from the mixed income distribution system to the distribution according to labor income as the main part,and many kinds of distribution mode coexisting.This kind of transformation is an unceasingly,innovating process,and it has encountered setbacks.In the division of income system vicissitude,the success that the CCP achieved mainly embodies in that it leads the Chinese people to emancipate and to develop the productive forces,the economic structure gross is in the world’s top level,the people’s income grow rapidly,the living standard has improved greatly,and the social employment scale has expanded steadily.While we achieved the great achievements,we also had some unneglect problems,and the marked problem was the big gap between the city and the countryside resident,the different area’s resident,the different enterprise’s staff,the different industry or department’s staff income.This problem has already aroused the entire society’s widespread interest and the intense disaffection.In our present stage,the various factors which influence personal income disparity includes that the institutional reason,the worker’s individual reason,and moreover the market system’s factor.Looks over the vicissitude process of our income distribution system,it shows some bright characteristics:our income distribution system’s vicissitude is accompanying with the economic restruction;and the vicissitude’s foothold is to promote the most broad masses’ benefit;the vicissitude is an unceasingly developing,unceasingly penetrating,and unceasingly perfecting process,it has the gradual characteristic.This thesis’s purpose is that to provide some advises for reference in the future economy development on the basis of the inspection on the social change of the individual income distribution system’s vicissitude and it’s causes.


