

【作者】 陈忠康

【导师】 邱振中;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 美术学, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要内容为梳理王羲之《兰亭序》(以下省称《兰亭》)版本的历史流变,并对其传播影响情况进行了考察,通过这一研究,反思宋代以来以刻帖为范本的历史阶段人们的书法学习境遇。第一章例举了《兰亭》研究史中的基本文献与成果,并对相关的三个问题——版本命名、描述与分类方式做了探讨。第二、三章分唐、宋、元与明、清两个时期去梳理《兰亭》版本的呈现状况,着重于各种风格派别与制作方式的版本在历史中的流传与影响问题。第四章首先研究《兰亭》版本的形态变异特征,以及在刻帖方式下的艺术信息的流失问题;其次,探讨了《兰亭》版本中“二派说”的基本认识框架和“鉴真”与“求意”的两种鉴赏方式与态度。第五章研究在以刻帖为范本的学习方式中,人们如何感受刻本,如何调整学习策略,如何进行临摹等问题。通过《兰亭》这一经典名义下的所有图像的分析与比较,我们发现,当刻帖方式成为书法经典传承的重要中介时,必然给书法史带来极为深刻的影响。当经典以拓本面貌出现,成为学习、理解、感受书法的常规渠道时,由经典所构成的书法传统在慢慢地消蚀,这也是为什么以王羲之为中心的帖学传统在后期书法史传承中会严重衰落的原因。

【Abstract】 The research tries to trace back the historic evolution of various versions ofLanting and study about the influence during their spread, hence to make aspeculation on circumstances of calligraphy learning since Song Dynasty whichused the carving copy as a model.In the first part, lists of basic literature and achievements in the historicperiods of Lanting study are provided through examples, and three relatedquestions are discussed in this part-how to name, how to describe and how toclassify a specific version. In the second and the third parts, different ways inpresenting different versions of Lanting are sorted out based on two historicperiods, Tang, Song and Yuan Dynasties and Ming and Qing Dynasties respectively,paying special attention to the spread and influence of different artistic styles anddifferent productive methods in history. Two questions are studied in the fourthpart. The first is on the variation features of Lanting versions and the depletion ofartistic information in learning from carving copy. The second question is adiscussion on the basic framework of the so-called "two different branches" andtwo appreciation methods and appreciation attitudes towards Lanting versions. Thefifth part studies how people feel about a carving copy, how to adjust their learningstrategy and how to imitate in learning from a carving copy.With an analysis and comparison of all the composing systems of Lanting, wefind that when carving becomes an important means in spreading classiccalligraphy works, it will surely cast a profound influence on the history ofcalligraphy. When classics are presented in the form of books of rubbings, whichthen becomes a normal way for people to learn, comprehend and feel calligraphy,the calligraphy tradition of classic works is slowing diminishing. This is why thecarving copy tradition centered upon Wang Xizhi declined enormously in thelater period of calligraphy spreading.

【关键词】 兰亭序版本刻帖真迹拓本临摹
【Key words】 Lantingversioncarving copyauthentic workbook of rubbingsimitate
  • 【分类号】G256.22
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1255

