

Twin Stars Shining

【作者】 杨永生

【导师】 钟涵; 詹建俊;

【作者基本信息】 中央美术学院 , 美术学, 2008, 博士


【摘要】 本文阐述了光在整个欧洲风景画中的发展历程,着重分析了光在浪漫主义风景画家弗里德里希与透纳作品中所起的精神性作用。我借用了艾布拉姆斯评论十九世纪浪漫主义文学的概念,他用形容心灵的两个比喻——“镜与灯”来描述浪漫主义:把“镜”比作外界可能的反映者,而把“灯”比作照亮外界的发光体。前者来自于模仿说,后者来自于表现说。浪漫主义之前的风景画更注重“镜”的作用,浪漫主义风景画则将“镜”与“灯”的双重作用进行了完美的结合,自然与人达到了浑然一体,风景画成为一种传达多层次情感精神与内心体验的方式。在其后的论述中,我对两位浪漫主义风景画家弗里德里希和透纳的作品进行了详细的分析,阐述了他们风景画的深层精神内涵。而在这个过程中,光作为一种关键因素对这种精神意蕴的形成发挥了重要作用。通过赋予自然非尘世的光芒,弗里德里希使普通的自然景色具有了神秘的宗教氛围。透纳则将注意力转向了自然本身,通过探索自然内在的宇宙秩序,表达他对于崇高自然力的赞美。两位浪漫主义风景大师的用光方式和精神内涵对其后的艺术家都产生了深远的影响。不但弗里德里希和透纳的用光方式为后来的艺术家不断沿用,而且浪漫主义的精神也并未消失。这种形式与情感的类似性将他们的作品纳入了一种历史的延续性。

【Abstract】 This paper describes the development process of light in the whole Europeanlandscape, analyzing emphatically the spirit role which the light plays in the works ofRomantic landscape painter Friedrich and Turner. I borrowed the concept of Abrams’comment on 19th-century Romantic literature, who described romanticism with thetwo similes——"the mirror and the lamp" which is used to describe the soul:Comparing "the mirror" to the possible reflection of the outside world, and "the lamp"to the luminophor illuminating the outside world. The former comes from the"imitation hypothesis", and the latter from the "expression theory". Landscapes paymore attention to the role of "the mirror" before romanticism, while landscapes ofRomanticisrn make a perfect combination of the dual role of both "the mirror"and"the lamp". Nature and the human spirits achieve a unified entity, so landscapesbecome a way to convey multi-level emotion spirits and inner experiences.In the subsequent discussion, I conduct a detailed analysis of the works of thetwo Romantic landscape painters Friedrich and Turner, and expound the deep spiritualmeanings of their landscapes. In this process, the light plays an important role in theformation of this spirit meaning as a key factor. Friedrich makes the ordinary naturalscenery have the mysterious religion atmosphere by enduing the nature with theunearthly light. While Turner puts his attention to the natural itself, expressing hispraise for the noble natural forces by exploring the inherent universe order in thenature. Both the way using light and the spiritual connotation of the two romanticlandscape masters have a profound impact on the later artists. Not only bothFriedrich’s and Turner’s ways using light are used continually by the latter artists, butalso the spirit of romanticism has not disappeared. The similarities of forms andemotions make their works into a historical continuity.

  • 【分类号】J205
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】349

