

Modern Chinese Political Factions, Political Attitude and Strategy Towards Japan

【作者】 左世元

【导师】 罗福惠;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 中日两国关系源远流长,有着几千年的历史,而近代中日关系是从1871年两国签订《友好条规》开始的。两国虽然是“一衣带水”的邻邦,但是直到近代中国人对日本的认识仍然有“隔十重雾”的感觉。这主要是因为一方面中国人深受天朝上国和华夷之辨观念的影响,另一方面也因为在西方资本主义入侵以来,东亚各国基本上处于一种自我封闭状态。近代中日关系是从1871年两国签订《友好条规》开始的,但日本已表现出极强的侵略野心。1874年日本发动侵略台湾的战役。从此,对日关系开始成为开始成为近代中国对外关系的一个重要组成部分,对日态度亦成为影响中国政府决策层对日决策考量中一个不可忽视的因素。1874年至1915年这段时期发生了甲午中日战争和日俄战争,中国思想界和政界大致经历了一个“轻日”到“师日”,再由“师日”到“仇日”的复杂过程。不过也有一部分政要存在着“联日”和“防日”的思考。1915年至1937年是中日关系发展的一个转折时期。1915年日本向中国提出“二十一条”要求,暴露了日本独霸中国的野心,使得中国人不得不重新审视自己的邻邦——日本。此后,尽管日本不断地变换侵略中国的手段和策略,但“二十一条”的阴霾在中国人心目中总是无法抹去,无论是中国知识界,还是政府中的政派、政要基本上对日本持防范和警惕态度。在北洋政府统治时期,除段祺瑞政府执行过短暂的亲日政策外,袁世凯集团和直系军阀在态度上仇视日本,在实践上是反日的。“二十一条”交涉过程中明显地展现出袁世凯集团的仇日、反日态度。至于直系军阀首领冯国璋、吴佩孚等在“参战问题”、中日军事协定问题及中日山东问题等所表现出的反日态度,不仅是因为直系在利益上与日本支持的皖系和奉系严重对立,而且还有爱国思想和民族思想的成分存在。即使是张作霖奉系军阀,它虽然是依靠日本的扶持起家的,对其持温和态度,但又无时不防范着它的侵略。对国民党而言,孙中山和蒋介石等对日本侵略中国的野心也是有着深刻认识的。孙中山在其革命过程中,虽然总是在苦苦寻求日本对中国革命的支持,但这并不能说明他对日本的侵略缺乏警惕,问题的关键在于,他一方面希望得到日本的帮助,一方面又不敢过分谴责日本对中国的侵略,因此对日本的态度无不体现这种矛盾。在南京国民政府期间,以1928年的“济南惨案”为起点到1935年“华北事变”期间,国民党决策者以日本为假想敌国,在军事和外交战略上主要取守势,以“防日”为主旨;从“华北事变”到“七七事变”期间则采取了相对积极主动的应对策略,在思想上和精神上准备“抗日”。在很大程度上来说,自1915年日本向中国提出“二十一条”要求到1937年中日战争全面爆发,这一时期中国的对外政策主要是围绕对日政策展开的。其中心内容是:中国政府应依据什么原则,以何种方式,采用何种政策、策略和外交手段,防范和阻止日本的侵略步伐。近代中国政派、政要的对日态度必然要反映到他们的对日决策和政策上,而他们的态度自然也受到多种因素的影响和制约。影响政府对日决策的因素多种多样,从外部来讲,有国际形势、对外关系的现状及历史状况等:从内部来看:阶级与集团利益、党派斗争与政治斗争、公众舆论、决策者的状况等。研究对外政策必须考虑到这些因素的具体影响效果及其综合作用的效果,从而阐述国家外交活动展开的决策背景和真实动机。从总体而言,影响中国政府对日决策的主要因素有三,即中国民族主义的蓬勃发展,中国内部的政治分裂及统治阶级内部的派系斗争和欧美列强及苏俄(苏联)对远东局势的影响。但有一点需要特别指出的是,“九一八事变”后,随着日本对中国侵略的加深,不仅中国民族主义进一步发展,而且中国社会各阶层、各集团以及各政治派别重新调整自己的态度,酝酿着新的分化、组合,欧美列强及苏联对华政策逐渐由消极趋向积极等,这些都极大地影响了中国政府的对日态度及对日政策。

【Abstract】 Sino-Japanese relations went back to ancient times,with several thousand years of history,but modern Sino-Japanese relations began in 1871,when the two countries signed friendly regulations. Although the two countries are neighbors,which was called narrow strip of water,the modern Chinese people’s understanding of Japan still had a feeling of every ten heavy fog.This is mainly because,on the one hand,by celestial on the Chinese people and the barriar of concept,which regarded the difference between China and other nations,on the other hand,because since the invasion of capitalism in the West,the East Asian countries were basically in a state of self-isolation. Access to modern times,China and Japan have become the target of aggression and oppression by Western capitalist countries.Thus their respective long-closed state were broken,the exchanges between China and Japan began to increase,and thus the Chinese people’s understanding of Japan increased.Before the trend of western Learning,Japan and the Qing government showed a different attitude.Japan followed the general trend of world development,Mingzhi Restoration,quickly embarked on the capitalist road of development.In 1871,Japan estabished foreign relation with Qing government signing the Sino-Japanese friendly regulations by using peaceful way.but Japan has demonstrated highly aggressive ambition.In 1874,Japan launched a campaign to invade Taiwan,so relation with Japan has become an important part during China’s foreign relations in modern times,which greatly affected attitude by China’s government,which has become an important layer, when they made foreign decisions.so Japan became an important factor that can not be ignored during their decision-making.From 1874 to 1915 period Japan launched Sino-Japanese War and Russo-Japanese War,during which China circle and politicians in general experienced realization from igorance of Japan to admiration of Japan,then from admiration of Japan to revenge of Japan. However,there were a part of political leaders who they had the thought of Union of Japan and anti-Japan.Period from 1915 to 1937 is a turning point of the development of Sino-Japanese relations.In 1915,Japan put forward 21 requirements and forced China to accept it,which exposed Japan ambitions to dominate China,and made Chinese people had to re-examine their own neighbor-Japan. Since then.Despite Japan continued to transform the means and strategies of invasion of China,the haze of 21 requirements in the eyes of the Chinese people can not always be erased, regardless of China’s intellectual or political faction in government,they basically held the attitude of prevention and vigilance to Japan.In the reign of the Northern Government,with the exception of the Government Duan carried out short-term pro-Japanese policy,the warlord Yuan Shikai Group showed attitude of hostility to Japan and anti-Japanese in practice.It was clearly shown during the process of the negotiation of 21 requirements between Yuan Shikai Group and Japan.As the immediate leader Feng Guo-Zhang and Wu Pei-Fu of warlords,they showed their anti-Japanese attitude during the events such as war problem that China should join in the First World War or not and Sino-Japanese Military Agreement,etc.Wu Pei-Fu resulted in a series of confrontation in term of Shandong problem not only because of the immediate benefits with Wan warlord and Feng warlord who were supported by Japan in support of between the,but also the thought of patriotism and national composition of the existence.Although Zhang Zuo-lin,the lead of Feng warlord,relied on the support of Japan and showed its moderate attitude,it tried to prevent its aggression all the time. the Sun Yat-sen and Chiang Kai-shek,leaders of The KMT,also had a profound understanding of the ambition of the Japanese invasion to China.Sun Yat-sen’s,although he always struggled to seek Japan’s support to the Chinese revolution,but it does not mean that he lacked any awareness of Japan’s aggression.The key problem lies in the fact that,on the one hand,he wanted Japan’s help,he dare not condemn Japan’s aggression.against China too much,so all of his attitude to Japan embodies the contradiction.During the period of Nationalist government,from Jinan Massacre in 1928 to the North China Incident in 1935,policy makers of the KMT regarded Japan as the imaginary country,so they made defensive preparations in military and diplomatic strategy mainly in order to defend against Japan as their keynote;from the North China Incident to Marco Polo Bridge Incident in1937,they took a relatively pro-active coping strategies in the ideological and spiritual preparation. To a large extent,since 1915 Japan proposed 21 requirements to China,until outbreak of the Sino-Japanese war in1937,Chinese foreign policy in fact focused on Japan.Its central elements lie in what principles the Chinese Government should base on,and in what manner,what policies, diplomatic means and strategies Chinese government should take to prevent and stop the pace of Japan’s aggression.The attitude to Japan of Modern Chinese political faction leaders on the day is bound to be reflected in their decision-making and policy towards Japan.But their attitude naturally are influenced by many factors and constraints,which affect the government’s decision-making.Factors from the outside were the international situation,the status and history of foreign relations position;The ones from the internal point of view were the working class and corporate interests,partisan struggle and political struggle,public opinion,policy-makers conditions.Research on foreign policy must take into account the specific impact of these factors effect and the effect of the combined effects,which carried out diplomatic activities on the country’s decision-making background and true motives. Overall,three major factors impact the Chinese government decision-making,namely,Chinese nationalism vigorous development,China’s internal political divisions and factions within the ruling class struggle,and the European powers and the Soviet Union(USSR) on the situation in the Far East impact.But one thing needed to be noted is that since the Mukden Incident,with Japanese aggression against China to deepen,not only the further development of Chinese nationalism,China all strata of society,various groups and various political factions re-adjust their own attitudes,brewing a new division and composition.And furthermore the Soviet Union,Europe and the United States policy toward China gradually became positive from negative,which greatly affected the Chinese Government’s attitude towards Japan and its policy to Japan.

  • 【分类号】K25;K313.45;D829.12
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1203

