

A Study on the Agricultural Economy and Society in North Ern Dynasties in the View of the Climate

【作者】 李文涛

【导师】 王玉德;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 区域文化史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文研究北朝时期气候的变化与农业经济和社会。全文分绪论、正文和结语三部分。正文的第一章通过文献梳理与考证归纳出北朝气候的基本情况和主要特点。第二章研究气候变化下的北朝农业情况。以往的研究成果虽然涉及了这一时期的农业情况,但缺乏气候的视野,没有关注气候变化下的农业变化。在传统社会之中,农业生产部门占据支配地位,农业收成的好坏影响物价甚至整个社会的稳定。而在农业社会之中,粮食种植结构与亩产量受到气候条件的制约。本章以气候变化为出发点来研究这一时期农业,从另一个方面也可说是农民如何应对这一时期气候变化。第三章研究农业变化对自然经济形态以及兵制的影响。气候变化可以导致社会生产发生变化,比如引起就业水平的升高或下降。在传统农业社会,这种影响主要表现在劳动力在农业和手工业商业之间的分配,劳动力在农业部门增加,在商业和手工业部门减少,对商品经济产生了一定的影响;种植结构的调整,导致农事时间安排随之发生变化,同时使农民日常生活也产生变化,对亦农亦兵的兵制产生一定的影响。第四章考察这一时期的家庭情况。气候变冷导致干旱和饥荒发生频率增加。为了度过饥荒,除了改变农业种植结构,采取多方面保证粮食安全之外,农民还必需控制人口增长。控制人口的主要措施是溺杀女婴,这是导致社会之中男女比例失调的原因之一,这一结果使得一部分人出现早婚。同时,为了渡过饥荒和保持农业生产,农民将家庭的人口保持适当的规模,这样必定会影响家庭结构与宗族组织。第五章研究这一时期的各种社会群体的行为。气候变冷影响农业生产,导致饥荒频繁发生。当饥荒发生时,朝廷的救济往往力不从心,朝廷往往把本应该自身承担的赈济责任推给地方豪强与佛教徒,使得地方豪强与佛教徒在地方上的影响增大。朝廷对这些力量也比较限制和提防,朝廷的力量有逐渐延伸到基层的趋势。同时,地方力量也逐渐改变自己行为模式,使得中国逐渐由豪强社会过渡到富民社会。本文的基本结论是:与其他时代相比较,北朝时期气候相对寒冷。农业生产受到一定影响,农业社会发生一定的变动,对北方农业经济与社会产生了深远的影响,也是造成这一时期中国南北文化出现较大差异的因素之一。本文采用了跨学科的研究方法,历史文献学研究方法为主,还用了气候学、地理学、生态学和政治学的一些理论与研究方法交叉研究,以期对北朝环境与农业社会作出新视野的探讨。

【Abstract】 This article is to study the climate change、the agricultural economy and the society in Northern Dynasties.The whole text is made up of three parts:the sub-preface,the body and the conclusion.The first chapter summarizes the basic situation and the main features of the Northern climate through literaturing and researching.Basing on the climate change,chapter two studies the agricultural situations in the Northern Dynasties during the period of this time.Although the results of the previous studies related to the agriculture of this period,it lacks climate perspective and has no concern about the changes in agriculture under the climate change.Because the agricultural production sector occupied an important dominance position in the traditional society,good or bad, the agricultural harvests affected the stability of the price or even the whole society,but in the agricultural society,the planting structure and the production of the grain were restrained by the climate.So this chapter studies the agriculture of this period considering the climate change,in other words,about how farmers adjusting to climate change during this period.Chapter three studies the impact on the natural economy and the Military System for the change of the agriculture.Climate change might also lead to changes in social production,such as the increase or decrease of the employment level.In the traditional agricultural society,the influence was mainly manifested by the distribution of the labor forces in agriculture、handicrafts and commercial, which resulted in the decrease of the labor forces in commercial and handicraft production department, and therefore also led to the contraction of the merchandise economy.Since planting structure was adjusted,the free time of the peasants also changed.It also had influence on the military system in which the peasants were also considered as soldiers,for the soldiers under such Military System were required to have longer military training before battle.Chapter four inspects the family situation during this period.Climate cooling caused drought and famine to happen more frequently.In order to survive in famine,apart from changing the agricultural planting structure and a multi-pronged approach to ensure food security,farmers also need to control population growth,even killed the female infants by drowning.This led to the imbalance between men and women in society.So they had early marriage.Meantime,in order to survive and avoid famine,the family must be maintained to be in a certain scale,which would definitely affect the family structure and the clan organizations.Chapter five studies the relief act about various forces during this time.The impact of climate cooling on agricultural production,resulted in the reduce of the food production,and therefore food supply in the Northern Dynasties was particularly limited.When famine occurred,the relief from the central government was often inadequate,which often put the responsibilities of the charity they should have to the local forces and the Buddhists,therefore local forces and Buddhists had great influence in local places.To address this situation,on the one hand,the central government should let them play an active role,on the other hand,they must think of ways to control these forces.The strength of the imperial court had a trend of gradually extending to the grass-root,meanwhile,local forces had also gradually changed their patterns of behavior.It made China gradually transit from the society of strong forces to the one which could enrich the whole people.The basic conclusion is as follows:the cooling of the climate in the Northern Dynasties affected the agricultural production and it also caused the frequent occurrence of the famine.So it had a profound impact on the Northern agricultural economy and the society and became one of the factors resulting in a larger Chinese cultural differences between North and South during this period.In this paper,an interdisciplinary research method is used,apart from the traditional method of the historical research.The article also incorporates a number of theories and research methods in the natural and social sciences.In this paper,economic history and the history of the Northern Dynasties are by reference.

【关键词】 北朝气候农业自然经济大家庭赈济
【Key words】 Northern Dynastiesclimateagriculturenatural economyextended familyrelief
  • 【分类号】F329;K239.21
  • 【下载频次】578

