

Study on the "Chuang Tzu" Theory in the Song Dynasty

【作者】 肖海燕

【导师】 刘固盛;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 专门史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文运用文献学与思想史相结合的研究方法,并借鉴诠释学的相关理论,通过对宋代庄学思想主要内容的历史考察,揭示宋代庄学思想发展的主要特征,展现宋代庄学丰富的思想内涵和蕴涵在其中的时代精神。论文的重点在于发掘宋代庄学思想在前代的基础上所取得的突破性的发展,彰显宋人如何通过对《庄子》进行创造性的诠释,将心性论这一时代课题融入庄学之中,并由此反映儒、道、释三教合流的时代思潮;揭示宋代学者如何通过吸收庄学思想作为建构宋学的思想资源,尤其注意揭示庄学与宋代理学的相互关联;展现宋代学者如何发挥《庄子》的治世思想为现实政治服务。全文分为五章:第一章概述宋代庄学发展的思想学术背景。宋代庄学的发展离不开宋代思想文化的土壤,因此,论文首先从宋代思想文化的繁荣、宋代的学术精神以及宋人对《庄子》的关注与推崇三个方面对宋代庄学发展的思想学术背景作了简要的梳理。在宋代统治者右文政策的引导和学者们的共同努力下,儒、道、释三教思想在交融互摄中都有了发展和突破。在这一过程中,宋代思想学术所表现出来的怀疑精神、创新精神、经世精神和包容精神,与其他时期相比,更为突出。这些学术精神对宋代庄学思想的发展产生了深刻的影响。而宋代统治者和文人学者对《庄子》的关注与推崇,则是宋代庄学繁荣的重要原因之一。第二章考察宋代庄学文献情况及其诠释特点。本章概述宋代庄学文献的基本情况,并对其中现存的有代表性的庄学文献从作者情况、基本思想倾向及版本情况等几个方面进行了介绍。在此基础上,论文从五个方面分析宋代庄学发展的特点:注重义理;以庄学为中心,调和儒、道、释;以心性之学解《庄》;鲜明的经世倾向;文学评《庄》。第三章分析宋代学者对庄子道论的哲学阐发。主要从宋人对庄子道论的肯定,道体的特点和功用,道与理的关系三个方面论述。道论是宋代庄学的重要内容之一,宋代学者在注《庄》、论《庄》时充分肯定了庄子之道的玄妙性、普遍性、包容性、超越性,并对庄子之道的特点和功用进行了深入的阐发。宋代庄学中的道论亦反映了庄学和理学之间的密切关系,如陈景元《庄子注》所阐发的“道气生化”论和“道虚理实”论对二程等理学家的思想产生了直接影响,在理学思想体系建构的过程中发挥了重要作用;而林希逸以“理”释道、褚伯秀援“理”入《庄》等,则反映了理学在成熟以后对庄学的渗透和深刻影响。第四章阐述宋代庄学思想中的心性论。心性论是宋代三教共同关注和探讨的时代课题,也是宋代思想最为突出和新颖的内容,这一点在宋代庄学中有典型的体现。宋代学者借《庄子》阐发心性之学,使该时期的庄学和前代相比,在思想上呈现出新的特质。其中既可见儒家的性命道德学说,又可见道教内丹心性学,还有佛禅心性论的渗透。王安石学派是以儒家性命道德学说解《庄》的典型代表,他们在肯定《庄子》中性命道德学说的基础上,十分注意将心性范畴与道贯通起来,强调无心体道,着力阐发《庄子》中的性命之理、道德之意。在内丹学成为道教主流思想的背景下,以陈景元和褚伯秀为代表的宋代道教学者都通过诠释《庄子》阐发“性命双修”的内丹心性修炼理论,同时,道教内丹心性论亦影响宋代儒家学者对《庄子》的看法。至于佛教心性论在庄学中的渗透,不仅体现了庄禅思想的内在联系,而且反映出佛教与中国文化真正结合到了一起。第五章论述宋代庄学中的治世思想。王安石、苏轼、程俱、褚伯秀等人通过调和庄子与儒家思想的关系,指出《庄子》实为救世之书,认为庄子思想是可以经世致用的,由此反映出他们对社会政治的深切关怀。宋代学者诠解《庄子》,大都强调“有为”,认为治国必须仁义礼法并用等等,这些思想都体现出儒家精神在宋代庄学中的进一步强化。宋代庄学的发展,与宋代的文化精神密切相关。第三、四、五章是论文的主体部分,也是宋代庄学思想的核心内容。“道论”、“心性论”、“治世思想”这三个方面各有特色,但互相之间又有内在的联系,体现了宋代庄学从天道至人道,由内圣而外王的思想理路。

【Abstract】 This dissertation utilizes the research technique with the document study and the history of thought,and profits from the hermeneutics the correlation theories,through studying the content of the "Chuang Tzu" Theory in the Song Dynasty,promulgates its chief feature and unfolds the rich connotation and the time spirit of the Zhuang-zi research in the Song Dynasty.The dissertation’s key point is openning out the unprecedented development of the "Chuang Tzu" Theory in the Song Dynasty:scholars in the Song Dynasty how to integrate the theory of mind and nature into the Zhuang-zi research through creative interpretation,which reflects the syncretic current of the Confucianism,the Buddhism and the Taoism;scholars in the Song Dynasty how to absorb the Zhuang-zi as thought resources;scholars in the Song Dynasty how to use the thought of kingcraft in Zhuang-zi.The full text divides into five chapters:Chapter one "the background of the ’Chuang Tzu’ Theory in the Song Dynasty".The Zhuang-zi research in the Song Dynasty cannot leave the culture of the Song Dynasty,therefore,the dissertation first analyzes academic background from three aspects:the prosperous culture of the Song Dynasty; the academic spirits in the Song Dynasty;the scholars’ attention to Zhuang-zi.In the Song Dynasty, the Confucianism,the Buddhism and the Taoism absorbs each other,and have development and breakthrough.In this process,the academic spirits in the Song Dynasty,such as the suspicious spirit, the innovative spirit,the governing spirit and the inclusive spirit,are more prominent.These academic spirits have profound influence on the development of the "Chuang Tzu"Theory in the Song Dynasty.Chapter two "the document of the ’Chuang Tzu’ Theory in the Song Dynasty and the annotation characteristic",summarizes the basic situation of the document of the "Chuang Tzu" Theory in the Song Dynasty by the form,and introduces the document in brief,including the author,the basic philosophy tendency and the edition situation and so on,then analyzes the characteristic of the "Chuang Tzu" Theory in the Song Dynasty in five aspects.Chapter three "the Tao theory of the ’Chuang Tzu’ Theory in the Song Dynasty",discusses that scholars how to elucidate the philosophy theory of Zhuang-zi,mainly from three aspects."The Tao theory" is one of important contents of the "Chuang Tzu" Theory in the Song Dynasty.Scholars in the Song Dynasty fully affirmed the Tao theory of Zhuang-zi from four aspects:the mysticism,the universality,the confluent,the transcendence.They carried on in-depth expatiation to the characteristic and the function of the Tao theory of Zhuang-zi.In the Song Dynasty,the Tao theory of the "Chuang Tzu" Theory has also reflected close relation between the "Chuang Tzu" Theory and the Neo-Confucianism,like the Zhuang-zi research by Chen Jing-yuan,whose research had the immediate influence on the Neo-Confucianism,and played the influential role in the process of construction of the Neo-Confucianism ideology;the Zhuang-zi research by Lin Xi-yi and Chu Bo-xiu reflect that the Neo-Confucianism in mature later had profound influence on the Zhuang-zi research.Chapter four "the theory of mind and nature in the ’Chuang Tzu’ Theory in the Song Dynasty", discusses that scholars how to displays the theory of mind and nature taking advantage of Zhuang-zi. In the Song Dynasty,the Confucian,the Buddhist and the Taoist all payed attention to the theory of mind and nature,which is the time topic.In the Song Dynasty,the "Chuang Tzu" Theory includes the Confucian life morals theory and the Taoist theory of mind and nature obviously,but also has the Buddhist theory of mind and nature,which has reflected that the Confucianism,the Buddhism,the Taoism absorb each other to introject,is also the most prominent and novel content of the "Chuang Tzu" Theory in the Song Dynasty comparing with the anterior generation.The Zhuang-zi research of Wang An-shi school mainly about the Confucian life morals theory.Under the background of the Taoist prescriptions or exercises to achieve immortality becoming the mainstream of the Taoism,the representative Taoist in the Song Dynasty,such as Chen Jing-yuan and Chu Bo-xiu,discuss "the life double repairs" thought through annotating Zhuang-zi.In addition,Chao Jiong and Lin Xi-yi,as Confucian,integrate the Buddhist theory of mind and nature into the "Chuang Tzu" Theory.Chapter five "the thought of kingcraft of the ’Chuang Tzu’ Theory in the Song Dynasty", discusses that scholars how to display the thought of kingcraft by the Zhuang-zi research.Wang An-shi,Su Shi,Cheng Ju,Chu Bo-xiu pointed out that Zhuang-zi is a book of the salvation actually through attemperring the relation between Zhuang-zi and the Confucianism,which reflected the scholars’ deep concern at the social politics in the Song Dynasty.They emphasised "the thought of kingcraft" in Zhuang-zi,which in fact strengthened the thought of kingcraft in the Confucianism.Chapter three,chapter four and chapter five are the main body parts of the dissertation,also the central content of the "Chuang Tzu" Theory in the Song Dynasty."The Tao theory","the theory of mind and nature","the thought of kingcraft",has their characteristic respectively,but also has the profound inner link mutually,which manifests that the "Chuang Tzu" Theory in the Song Dynasty is from nature to humanity,and from Saint to the kingcraft.


