

On the Changes of Local Organizations of Labour Party in UK

【作者】 李媛媛

【导师】 林建华;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中外政治制度, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 政党的地方性组织是政党伸向社会的根蔓,它为政党构筑合法性并提供各种支持。它的状况、特点能够折射并深刻影响政党的理念,并决定政党在政治上是否能够顺利发展。英国是政党政治的发祥地,也是政党地方性组织最早出现的国家。英国工党虽然是英国政坛上的后起之秀,但它却凭借强大的组织优势迅速成长为主要大党之一,并引领着组织变革的风尚。英国工党在地方组织建设方面积累了丰富的经验和教训,因此,研究英国工党地方性组织的嬗变有着特殊的理论意义与现实意义。19世纪末20世纪初是英国工党地方性组织初步形成的时期。早在工党诞生之前,工会和新生的社会主义团体就已拥有数量不等、规模不一的地方分支,从事竞选和宣传鼓动工作,构成工党地方性组织的起点,也为工党的成立奠定了基石。工党成立后,随着更多工会的加入和党中央对组织建设的关注,工党的地方性组织渐成规模,竞选功能有所提升。然而,这时的地方性组织仍以附属工会和社会主义团体的地方分支为主,以集体党员为主,直属工党中央的地方性组织寥寥无几,个人党员也付诸阙如。工党地方性组织整体上处于碎片化、交叉重叠、各自为政、社会基础薄弱的状态,从而制约着工党的发展。第一次世界大战的爆发改变了英国的政治生态,也揭开了工党及其地方性组织历史的新篇章。战争使自由党迅速衰落,工会的力量却得到扩张。战争还催生了1918年的选举法案,使英国普选制有了质的飞跃。在历史机遇面前,工党制定了新党章,以期完成向现代政党的蜕变,实现问鼎全国政权的雄心。工党地方性组织也由此完成了重组:选区党组织宣告成立,逐渐覆盖到所有选区,选区之下普遍设立小选区组织;个人党员得以引入,党的社会基础得到拓展;党中央与地方性组织建立了正式沟通机制,前者对后者干预加深;地方性组织的竞选功能明显强化,招募党员、征收党费、政治教育、开展社会活动等也成为选区组织在竞选之余的常见功能;城市地方党组织还是“社会主义”先锋队,社区政治和社会生活的中心。工党地方性组织的转型为工党的发展扫除了组织障碍,为工党取代自由党成为第二大党,并两度短暂执政提供了支持。二战后,工党地方性组织在经历了短暂的繁荣之后又出现回落。二战深刻改变了人们的社会心理和价值取向,对工党所标榜的国家干预、福利国家持支持态度的人越来越多,从而使工党得以在1945年战后首次大选中以绝对优势上台执政,并推行福利国家、国有化等政策。在激进主义余波中,工党地方性组织不仅党员数量一路攀升,组织活动相对频繁,而且配合工党中央政府为社区提供各种福利。不过,这种相对繁荣的景象在20世纪50年代有了变化,工党的施政出现问题,党内裂痕扩大,保守党再度振兴,工党的个人党员数量开始回落,地方性组织的政治功能弱化,与工会的关系也有所疏远。这种局面导致工党在选举中渐失优势,后来虽然成立了委员会审查选区组织,但收效不大。20世纪60年代后,工党地方性组织出现了衰弱与转向。英国式的福利模式使经济陷于滞胀泥潭。英国社会变迁明显,产业结构和社会结构转型加剧,工人阶级衰落,中产阶级膨胀,工党核心选民减少。同时,利益集团和新社会运动兴起,大众传媒在政党活动中的作用也愈益凸显。社会变迁冲击着英国政党政治。60、70年代末,两届工党政府在工会牵绊下对滞胀危机束手无策,丧失了大量支持者。保守党则突破战后共识政治,撒切尔主义被用来医治“英国病”,并初见成效。工党政府的失败、社会结构变化和利益集团的竞争使个人党员大量流失。工党地方性组织的职能也出现转向,大众传媒的发展改变了党内外交流方式,工党领袖可以绕过地方性组织与党员和选民进行沟通,地方性组织在维持政党组织如发展党员、召开会议等方面的职能式微,但它在地方政府中的活动和影响却在增加。与此同时,经济危机、工党政府的失败等因素使选区工党为左翼势力所把持,整体上出现左倾。左翼势力不但协同工会发起党内夺权运动,而且在某些地方推行与撒切尔主义针锋相对的地方社会主义。金诺克和史密斯时期的改革目标是重树领袖权威、打压极左势力、扩大党员权利、调整与工会关系等。工党地方性组织的改革也围绕这些目标展开:加大个人党员的发展力度,削弱地方党组织在选举和决策中的权力,革新选区组织的管理委员会,通过“一人一票”制赋权个人党员,弱化工会和积极分子的影响。上述改革对于扼制极左势力,改善工党形象有所帮助,但尚未使工党真正步入复兴之途。1994年布莱尔掌舵工党后,在“新工党,新英国”的号召下,展开了大刀阔斧的改革。为淡化阶级色彩,塑造“全民党”形象,他大力发展个人党员,使党员数量一度大幅回升。他还通过创新决策机制等方式,在扩大直接民主的同时,进一步限制选区党组织在选举和决策方面的权力。另外,他进一步拉开与工会距离,排除工会的组织优势。新工党的改革成效斐然,在1997年大选中取得空前胜利后蝉联执政至今。不过,新工党的组织优势在执政后开始消解,由于组织建设的疏忽、某些不得人心的执政政策以及来自外部环境的影响,工党的党员人数持续走低,党员参与政党活动的积极性也下降。整体而言,工党地方性组织呈现从职能的单一、虚弱到多样化、专业化再到部分弱化,组织结构从依赖工会到摆脱工会、从简单粗糙向专业化和精细化发展,党员构成从排他性向开放性、均质化向异质化转变;与党中央关系方面,虽然党内民主在逐步扩大,但权力重心却也在向中央倾斜。这种嬗变的发生是政治体制的演变、社会结构的变迁、大众传媒的发展、工党执政表现等一系列因素综合作用的结果。虽然国情不同,但英国工党地方性组织的嬗变仍对我国党的组织建设尤其是地方与基层组织建设有所启示,诸如:扩大党员民主权利,满足地方性组织的“介入”需求;加强党群沟通;在政党内部确立“与时俱变”、“与时俱进”的政治环境和政治理念,等等。

【Abstract】 Local parties are the roots extended by political parties to society.They build local support for the party.Their status and characteristics will reflect and influence parties’ ideas and decide parties’ prospect.This is the same for all the parties.Britain is the cradle of party politics and local parties.As an up-and-coming youngster among british parties,The Labour Party grew up rapidly with its organizational advantage,lead the organization reform and have many experience and lessons.So it is meaningful to study the change of local labour parties.From the late 19th to the early 20th,the local labour parties began to form.In the late 19th,trade unions and the new-born socialist societies had their own local branch,which committed to campaign and propaganda work,formed the base of local Labour parties.After the foundation of Labour party, more trade unions were affiliated and the national party paid more attention to organization.As a result,the local Labour parties came into being and its function of campaigning was strengthened. However,it is the local branches of trade unions and socialist societies which dominated the local Labour parties,and the affiliated members rather than individual members who were included in the local Labour.On the whole,the local Labour parties were fragmented,lapped and restricted the Labour party’s development.The First World War changed british political life and Labour party’s fortune too.The Liberal party declined quickly.Trade union was strengthened.The war hastened the election reform and universal suffrage was realized.In front of the opportunity,the Labour party reorganized its structure in order to transform into a modern party and came into power.The local Labour party were transformed too:local Labour parties were established in every constituency and were founded on the ward associations;individual members were absorbed to extend party’s social base;formal communication systems were formed between the national party and local parties;the function of local Labour party in campaigning was reinforced obviously,other functions also developed between the elections,such as recruiting members,collecting fees,educating members,and holding social activities;the inner local Labour parties became the centre of community’s political and social life. The transformation of local Labour contributed to Labour party’s replacement of Liberal party as the second party.The Second World War changed social mind profoundly.More and more people supported Labour party’s welfare state and state intervention so that Labour party can win the overwhelming victory in the 1945 election and then carry out welfare and nationalization policy.In the aftermath of the radicalism,the membership of Labour party increased dramatically,the activity of local Labour party increased relatively,and provided public services for community.But then,this relative prosperous vision changed in fifty,when labour party had problems in government,cleavage inside party was broadened,and the Conservative party revived again.As a result,the membership of labour party began to decreased,the political function of local labour party weakened,and the trade union alienated local labour party.All of this weakened the labour party’s priority in elections.Although the labour party set up a special committee to examine the constituency party,it has no effect.After 1960,the change of british society accelerated.The economy ran into troubles.The change of industry and social structure speed up,the working class declined and middle class was espanded, the core electorate of labour party decreased too.Meanwhile,the interest groups and new social movement rised and the mass media had been used in party activity much more.The social change lashed the party politics.The labour party governments in late sixty and seventy couldn’t deal with the economic crisis because of the bind of trade union and lost many supporters.The Conservative party abandoned common understanding of governance and turned to Thatcherism.All of this had great impact on local labour party.The membership of Labour party decreased.The function of local labour party changed because the development of the mass media.The function of local labour party in maintaining the party organization such as recruiting members and holding meetings had declined,but increased in local government involvement.Meanwhile,many local labour parties controlled by leftists,who demanded to weaken the power of leadership and parliamentary caucus and promoted local socialism opposite to Thatcherism.The reform of Kinnock and Smith focused on restoring the leadership’s authority,pressing the hard left,expanding the individual member’s right,adjusting the relationship between labour party and trade union.The reform was extended to local level,including:recruiting members,although yielding no results;weakening the power of local labor party in candidate selection and decision; renewing the General Management Committee of constituency party and endowing the individual member with right through "one member,one vote" in order to weaken the influence of trade union and activists.These measures were helpful to press the hard left and improve labour party’s image. But a thorough reform was needed to revive labour party.In 1994,when Blair led the party,he reformed labour party drastically in order to make a "New Labour party,New Britain".In order to weaken the class nature and shape a catch-all party,he recruited members so energetically that the individual membership increased greatly.He also reformed the policy-making systems to restrict the power of local labour party.Besides,he went far to alienate trade union and remove the dominance of trade unions.His reform was so successful that Labour party got an overwhelming victory in 1997 election and came into power until now.However,the organizational advantage of labour party began to weaken because of neglect of organization,some unpopular policies and influence from outside. The membership had decreased continually and the activism of member’s participation declined too.On the whole,local labour party has changed in many respects.Its function has changed from singleness,weakness to diversity,specialization.Its structure has changed from depending on trade unions to breaking away from them,from roughness to fineness.Its composition has changed from exclusivity to openness,from homogenization to heterogeneity.As for the relationship with national party,although the intra democracy has expanded gradually,the center of power has inclined to central party.The causes of these changes are the changes of political system and social structure,the development of mass media and the performance of labour governmentDespite the situation of countries are different,the change of local labour parties in Britain can provide many enlightenment and lessons to other parties,such as expanding the members’ democracy rights,fulfilling the "involvement" need of local parties,strengthening the communication between parties and citizens,establishing an idea of changing with times.

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