

System and Operation: Representatives of the People from All Walks of Life Study in Hubei Province (1949-1954)

【作者】 黎见春

【导师】 刘伟;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 中国近现代史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 二十世纪50年代,执政的中国共产党在清理旧政权遗迹的基础上,对政治制度、经济形态、价值观念、社会结构等重新建构,引发了中国社会由制度到观念,从思想到生活方式等全方位变革。本文试图从国家政权建构与民众政治参与的视角,探讨社会巨变中,执政党整合民众利益表达和团结各界的组织形态——各界人民代表会议制度及其实际运作情形。本文以建国初期湖北地区各界人民代表会议的实践为考察对象,以各界人民代表会议制度发展演变的历程为切入点,分析其组织与形态、职权及运作机制,探讨在实际运作中各界人民代表会议与执政党、地方政府及民众的互动方式。本文共分五个部分,具体内容如下:第一章从历史的角度考察各界人民代表会议制度创设的理论渊源和形成的基础。中国共产党在领导中国革命的过程中,在政权组织形式方面,以苏维埃制度为样本,结合中国国情,在革命初期先后试用了工农兵代表会议制度、“三三制”的参议会制度。随着政治上的成熟和对中国国情认识的深化,在总结前期政权建设的经验教训和考虑现实政治需要的基础上,中国共产党创设了各界人民代表会议制度。这个制度成为建国后地方民主建政的主要形式。第二章以湖北各级各界人民代表会议制度的实践为例,考察其在实践中发展演变的历程,揭示其在建国初期民主建政的地位与作用,以及它与当代基本政治制度的渊源关系。建国初期湖北新政权按照中央部署,以各界人民代表会议沟通政府与社会各界。湖北地区各界人民代表会议经历了三个阶段:由召集各界座谈会到各界人民代表会议制度的普遍建立;经初步代行人民代表大会职权之后转向人民代表大会。与此相应,各界人民代表会议完成了政权的协议机关到地方权力机关的演变。此外,还探讨建国初期湖北地区实施各界人民代表会议制度的社会环境,湖北各级各界人民代表会议制度建设的情形,由各界人民代表会议转向人民代表大会的条件等具体问题。第三章主要分析各界人民代表会议的组织形态及其具体结构。各界人民代表会议是民众议决地方兴革事宜的组织,其机构包括会议期间的组织和闭会后的常设机构。作为政权的协议机关,代表是各界人民代表会议活动的主体。湖北各级政府对当选代表提出了明确的资格要求,并以不同方式选聘代表。代表的结构反映了代表的界别构成和参政议政的素养、代表的任期与变动映射出制度实践的情形。观察各界代表的政治参与情形和具体方式,勾勒民众与政权互动情态。第四章主要讨论各界人民代表会议的职权和运作。在分析制度设计中的各界人民代表会议职权的基础上,考察其在实际运作中的实现程度。提案是民众实施利益表达的主要方式,会议提案的数量反映了民众政治参与的态度,提案的内容折射出民众的利益诉求;会议对提案的处理,显示了政权回应民众利益表达的态度;政府执行提案的情形,反映出其整合民众利益表达的程度。湖北地区各界人民代表会议的运作,显示了其贯彻执政党施政意图与整合民众利益表达的两难境遇。第五章主要探讨各界人民代表会议制度运作的系统环境。在执政党的政权建构中,各界人民代表会议、执政党、地方政府分工合作。在各界人民代表会议的运行中,执政党、地方政府与各界人民代表会议发生频繁的互动。执政党对各界人民代表会议实施领导,各界人民代表会议协议政权组织动员社会,将执政党的施政意图变为各界行动的纲领。地方政府加强各界人民代表会议的制度建设,各界人民代表会议协助政府推行中心工作。结语主要讨论各界人民代表会议在共和国政治制度建设中的地位与影响。各界人民代表会议对地方人民代表大会和政治协商制度的建构和运作产生了深刻的影响,其在建国初期的实际运作,促进了当代中国民主的成长,并在实践中对建构国家权威有特殊价值。各界人民代表会议在实践中偏离制度设计的现象,是诸多因素交互作用的结果。建国初期各界人民代表会议的实践,对今天完善和健全人民代表会议制度有借鉴意义。

【Abstract】 In the 1950’s,as the ruling Party,Chinese Communist Party cleaned up remains of the old regime,on the base of which she re-constructed political system,economy,values,social structures, and they resulted in holistic changes,such as from the system to the Chinese concept of society,from the idea t.o the lifestyle.This paper attempts to make some research from the perspective of ties between the construct of political state power and participation of the public,and explore representatives of the people from all walks of life system and its actual operation,by which the ruling party integrates the solidarity organizations form and people’s benefits expression from all walks of life during social changes.The paper focuses on the target,the system representatives of the people from all walks of life,studies the evolution of practice on the founding of the early representatives of the people from all walks of life in Hubei Province as the breakthrough point during the course,analyzes its organization,morphology,functions and operational mechanism,and explores the practical operation of it with the ruling party,local governments and people interact.This article is divided into five parts,as follows:Chapter one is written from creation of theoretical origin and formation of the foundation of representatives of the people from all walks of life from a historical perspective.In the process of leading the Chinese revolution,Chinese Communist Party trial worker-peasant-soldier system and Three-three system representatives in the form of political organization,which worked as the sample of the Soviet system and combined with China’s national conditions during,the early revolutionary course.With the political maturity and awareness of the deepening of China’s national conditions, Chinese Communist Party concluded lessons of pre-regime-building,considered the political realities on the basis of the Chinese Communist Party Congress,and created the system of the people from all walks of life.It became the main form of democratic governance after the founding of People’s Republic of China.Chapter two studies its practice at the course of evolution,reveals its founding at the early Democratic Alliance for the Betterment of the status and role of governance,as well as its basic political system of contemporary sources of the relationship between all levels of all walks of life practice as an example.In accordance with the central authorities,Hubei Early deployment of the new regime communicated the relationship between the government and representatives of people of all sectors of the community from all walks of life.Representatives of the people from all walks of life in Hubei Province went through three stages:from forum,a forum of all walks of life to generally setting up the system representatives of the people from all walks of life;from Preliminarily acting authority of People’s Congress to the terms of reference of People’s Congress.Accordingly, representatives of the people from all walks of life completed the evolution from the protocol regime authority to action of authority.In addition,it explores the founding of the early implementation of all walks of life in Hubei Province People’s Congress system,the social environment,Hubei People’s Congress at all levels from all walks of life system where representatives from all walks of life turned to the people of the People’s Congress on specific issues such as conditions.Chapter three consists mainly of the analysis of the organization and its specific structure of representatives of the people from all walks of life.Representatives of the people from all walks of life was the organization where people discussed reforms of local places.It also included the organization during the meeting and the permanent body after close of the meeting.As organs of political power,main representatives of the activities were on behalf of the people from all walks of life in Protocol.All levels of government in Hubei Province put forward a specific eligibility requirements and different ways of selecting the elected representatives.The structure of the representative represented a reflection of the composition and quality of participation in politics,the term of office reflected the change in the practice of the system case,and the representative of the mentality of political participation outlined the way people interacting with the modal regime.Chapter four mainly discusses the terms of reference and operation of people’s representatives from all walks of life.It analyzes the design of the system in terms of rights of people’s representatives from all walks of life,and studies its actual operation at the level of implementation. Proposals were main form to express people’s interests.The number of sponsors reflected people’s political participation and their attitudes.The contents of the proposal reflected the aspirations of the people’s interests.Treatment on the proposal of session demonstrated the regime’s responding to the interests of the public.Implement of the Government to the case of the proposal reflected the benefits of its integration of the public extent of expression.Hubei operation of representatives of the people from all walks of life showed its intent to carry out the ruling party’s policy and integration of the interests of the people,and it expressed a dilemma situation.Chapter five explores operation of the system of environment system of representatives of the people from all walks of life.During the construction of the ruling regime,the representatives of the people from all walks of life,the ruling party,and the local government carried out division of labor. Representatives of the people in all walks of life,the ruling party,and local government led to frequent interaction.The ruling party implement leadership to representatives of the people from all walks of life,and representatives of the people from all walks of life mobilized social organizations, to turn the ruling party’s policy intent to the Program of Action into all walks of life.Local government strengthened the system construction of representatives of the people from all walks of life,and the latter assist the Government to implement the work of the center.Conclusion mainly discusses status and influence of representatives of the people from all walks of life in the Republic political system.Representatives of the people from all walks of life had a profound impact on system of construction and operation to local people’s congresses and political consultative,and its actual operation at the beginning of People’s Republic of China promoted the growth of democracy in contemporary China,and had a special value in practice to build the authority of the State.Representatives of the people from all walks of life in practice deviate from the institutional design of the phenomenon,which are the results of interaction of many factors.The founding of the early representatives of the people from all walks of life practice had perfect and sound influence on today’s representatives of the people.

  • 【分类号】K27
  • 【被引频次】1
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