

The Construction of Modern Country and the Rural Women’s Political Participation

【作者】 杨翠萍

【导师】 刘筱红;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 行政管理, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 本文将研究个案---河南省宇县置于20世纪以来中国宏观历史变迁的大背景下,采用实证研究的方法,从现代国家建构的视角出发,梳理和分析了百年来国家吸纳和组织农村妇女的过程、机制和困境,考察并厘清妇女参与的起步、发展和变迁的历史脉络,在此基础上,进一步剖析了国家建构与农村妇女政治参与间的内在逻辑。全文共分为三个部分,即导言、正文和结语,其中正文部分共三章。第一章主要考察了国家采取的吸纳策略的历史变迁,即国家是基于什么理念,采取哪些制度、法律和政策将远离政治的农村妇女吸纳到政治过程中来。文章以宇县的解放和改革开放为两个分界点,将百年历史划分为三个时期,即晚清民国时期、土改与集体化时期和改革开放时期。本文认为,晚清和民国时期,在民族危难背景下,国家是以“国民”理念来吸纳妇女,赋于妇女抽象的民权资格,并试图建立吸纳农村妇女的政权组织体系,但这些设计仅停留在制度层面,并未实施,故这是一种表象化吸纳;土改和集体时期,国家分别建立了农会和人民公社体制,这时期的吸纳机制看似平等和开放,但实际是建立在“重义务轻权利”的“群众”理念基础上,法律所规定的权利与妇女能够实际享用的权利间并不对等,而且阶级成份的划分也将一部分妇女排斥在政治体系之外;改革开放后,国家以“公民”理念来吸纳妇女并建构了村民自治体制,使妇女的参与权利完成了从形式到实践的统一,这是一种最为开放的政治吸纳。第二章主要考察了国家建构的妇女组织的历史变迁。本文将妇女组织的演变进程分为萌生、扎根、变异与转型四个阶段。认为农村妇女组织萌生于革命战争年代,脱胎于政权和政党结构,它是伴随着国共两党“政权下乡”和“政党下乡”的过程建立起来的,所以当它扎根农村社会后,对政权政党体系的依附色彩便较浓厚,其行为也主要是服从性的,根本上讲,国家政治体制内的妇女组织是个依附性的他组织而非自主成长的自组织。近年来,伴随着现代民主国家的建构与社会自主力量的成长,妇代会内部有了自主行动的角色意识,但因隶属党组织的结构属性未变,它们只能是有想法而无行动。与此同时,一些基于利益需求而结合的内生型妇女组织也逐渐萌生,成为妇女组织新的增长点。除此外,本文还对妇代会异化为计划生育组织的背景、原因和过程进行了探讨。第三章主要考察了妇女政治参与行为的历史变迁。本文从统计数据和典型个案两个角度解读了百年来妇女参与的特点、问题和演变轨迹。认为在革命年代,有少数妇女精英冲破传统家庭的束缚参加到民族解放的革命事业中来,但绝大多数妇女仍处于政治冷漠状态。从特点上看,以贫苦妇女和革命者家属为参与主体,以民族革命而非民主政治为参与渠道,以改变自我的生存状况为主要参与动机,属于动员式而非自主式参与。土改和集体时期,从表象上看,妇女大规模地参加到国家组织的政治和生产活动中去,妇女精英也在村庄权力体系中占据一定位置,但从内在本质看,她们的行为仍属于国家高度动员下的非自主式参与,其根本原因在于,国家是以政治强制而非民主化的方式来整合妇女。对参与者来讲,担心被斗争的恐惧心理、经济利益的诱导、不甘落后的竞争心态和社会理想的精神感召是推动她们参与的主要因素。改革开放后,妇女参与的自主性、理性和有序化程度大为增强,但其规模出现萎缩,原因在于,国家放松了对农村社会的强制控制,妇女不再有必须参与的外部压力;家庭承包制后妇女与集体间利益关联疏离,参与村政的动力不足;妇女拥有的乡土资源有限,在政治竞争中处于弱势地位。总之,从历史变迁角度看,农村妇女参与政治的规模经历了抛物线式的曲折反复过程;层次是逐渐由外围走向中心;参与方式也逐渐由动员式朝自主式演变。除此外,本文还以几个典型材料为例,揭示了不同时期妇女精英的生成机制和身份特征。在文章的结语部分,笔者对国家建构和妇女参与间的图景变迁和逻辑关系进行了总结探讨。本文认为,20世纪以来,现代国家在农村妇女的参与历程中扮演了重要角色,正是在国家力量的推动下,妇女才从传统的家庭领域步入村庄政治领域。显著标志是,妇女的参与状况与国家的建构行为紧密相关。革命战争年代,国家虽有吸纳、组织妇女的意识但缺乏应有的能力,故未能成功地将妇女纳入政治体系;建国后至改革开放前,民族-国家的建构先于民主-国家的建构,国家主要采取外力强制手段吸纳和组织妇女,结果是妇女大规模地、被动地卷入政治体系;改革开放以后,国家加大了民主-国家建构的力度,以民主化手段来建构妇女的身份和行为,所以,妇女参与的规模虽然缩小,但自主性增强。

【Abstract】 From the point of view of the national construction, Yu County, Henan province, has adopted the demonstrational research method to apprehend and analyze the whole process, mechanism and hardness of conforming the country women, and observed the historical course of original, development and diversification of women participation in recent century under the macroscopical background of Chinese historical transformation since the 2oth century. On this basis,further analyze the internal logic between the national construction behavior and rural women action during public motion.Full text is divided into three parts, namely Introduction, body and conclusion,and the body has three chapters in total.The first chapter attaches more importance to the historical changes of the absorbing strategy the country adopted, that is, how to absorb the rural women whom far from the politics into the whole systems on the basis of what theories and which systems, laws and policies do the country adopt. The article takes Yu county’s liberation and reform and openness as boundary, divides one hundred years of history into three periods, namely, the late Qing Dynasty Republic period , land reform and collectivization period, and the period of reform and opening up. This article holds that, in the late Qing Dynasty Republic period, The country is to integrate a woman with the "citizen" idea, entrusts with the woman the abstract civil rights qualifications, and attempts to establish political power organization system which absorb women, But these designs only pause in the system stratification, implements by no means,, therefore this is one kind of representation buying in; in land reform and collectivization period, the country has established the peasant association and the people’s commune system separately, absorption mechanism of this period appears to equal and open, but is actually set up on the "masses" basic concepts of the "obligation to light the rights, the right which the law stipulates and the right which the woman can enjoy actually is not coordinate, and the division of the social class ingredient also repels some women outside the political system ; After reform and opening up.country integrates women with "citizen" concept and builds the villagers self-government mechanisms which allows women’s participation,makes woman’s participation right accomplish the unification arriving at practice from the form, which is one of the most open political buying.The second chapter mainly inspected historical vicissitude of woman organization which country constructs. In this paper, the evolution of the women organizations in the process divides into initiation, root, mutation and transformation of four stages. Rural women’s organizations sprout in the revolutionary war age, derive from the regime and political party structures, and it is set up by the process of the KMT and the CPC "regime to the countryside" and "political parties to the countryside", When it is rooted in rural society, the political party system of government should be more dependent on strong colors, its behavior also is mainly obedient, fundamentally speaking, women organization which is in the country’s political system is a dependent of his organization rather than self-organization of autonomous growth.. In recent years, along with the construction of a modern democratic country and the growth of social independent force, the Congress of Women have their own internal role consciousness of independent motion, however, the structure attribute of the party system has not changed, they only have ideas but no action. At the same time, some endogenous organizations for women which base on the benefit demand also gradually sprout, become the new point of growth of women organization. In addition, this article also inquires into the background, the reason ane the process of Family Planing Committee which the Congress of Women alienates.The third chapter accentuates the historical transformation on the political participative behavior of women. The thesis figures out the characteristics, issues and evolvement traces of women participation in recent a century from two aspects which are the statistical data and representative illustrations. There were a few women elites who joined in the revolutionary undertaking by crushing the family chains in the epoch of revolution. But in this regard, many of them were still in the predicament of political inhospitality. From these characteristics, principal parts of them were poor women and the relatives of the revolutionaries. The participation manner was ethical revolution not the democracy and the primary motivation were to remodel the self-fulfillment situation which attributed to the mobilization style not the self-determination. In the period of land reform and collectivity, professedly, women took part in the national activities on a large scale and women elites occupied main position in some extent in terms of the rural power systems. But, substantially, their conducts still belonged to the non- self-determination. The roots were that the nation conformed the conducts of women through political compulsively not the democracy. As far as the participant concerned, the leading factors that droved them to join in were the scared mind fearing been battled, the inducement of economical benefit, the competitive attitudes of getting ahead and the spiritual summons of social ideal. The self-independence, rational and order of women participation enhanced until the opening up. But the scope appeared to shrink. There was no exterior pressure of participation for women because of the nation released the compulsive control for the countryside. The relationship between women and the group benefit departed and the motivation of joining in the country politics was insufficient after the policy of family contract. They were in the weak position in the political competitive by reason of women owned limited land resources. On all accounts, from the point of view of the historical changes, the scales of country women’s participation in politics have experienced the process of ups and downs. The trend of arrangement is from periphery into the core gradually. The mode of participation evolves from motivation to self-independence slowly. Besides, the text discloses the original mechanism and characteristics of women elites from different era by using some representative stuff.In the ending part, the author summarizes and discusses the chart changes and logistical relationships of national construction and women participation. The article convinces that the nation plays an important role in the process of women participation since the 20th century. The situation of women transfers from the field of traditional family into the modern public life attributes to the promotion of the national power. The remarkable symbol is that the status of women participation contact tightly with the national construction. In the war years, the nation failed to absorb women into the politics systems which accounted for lacking of conform ability although it had the consciousness. In the phase of the national establishment and the opening-up, the construction of nation-state exceeded the construction of democracy-state. The nation adopted compellable measures to conform women which resulted that many of them involved passively in politics systems on a large scale. The nation attached more importance to the democracy -state construction through democratic methods since the opening up, therefore, the self-determination of women participation increased although in the smaller scale.

  • 【分类号】D422.6
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】893

