

Study on the Village Model of Public Governance for the Orientation of Good Governance

【作者】 吕永成

【导师】 张立荣;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 行政管理, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 本研究以中牟县村域公共治理模式为表述对象。中牟县村域公共治理模式是发源于白沙、推广于中牟的村治实践。它以选举农村家庭代表和联户代表为基础,以建立组委会和村民监督委员会为载体,以培训家庭代表和联户代表为手段,创新了村域公共治理的模式,实现了公共治理的参与性、透明性、合法性、责任性和有效性。本研究采用实证研究的方法,以中牟县村域公共治理模式发源地白沙镇的23个村庄为调查点,通过长时段田野调查,重点对中牟村域治理模式的生成机理、权力结构、运作机制、管理绩效等做深入细致的微观考察。通过考察,本研究主要回答三个问题:第一,基层治理创新的动力是什么?第二,如何通过革新基层的组织和参与机制,建立健全理性的参与程序和规则进行政治和社会整合,创新村域治理的模式?第三,村域公共治理模式的未来发展走向是什么?本研究的主题是:在当下农村社会分化以及城市化、工业化的过程中,基层的组织和参与机制创新以及村域公共治理模式的转化问题。围绕这一主题,本文的写作框架除序论包括五个部分。第一部分从历史的维度对中牟县村域公共治理模式的生成背景、生成动力以及生成过程进行了考察。第二部分从静态结构的维度,比较分析了国家输入的村域公共权力组织框架以及联户代表制实施后中牟县村域公共权力组织体系;在此基础上,考察了联户代表制度背景下的村庄公共权力新格局。第三部分从动态的维度考察了中牟县村域公共治理模式的运作和效能。第四部分基于以上历时态的、结构的、过程的考察,总结了中牟县村域公共治理模式在村域治理实践中的创新及价值。第五部分阐发了中牟县村域公共治理模式的启示以及村域公共治理的未来发展方向。对中牟村域治理的个案考察是为了得出一些普遍性的、带有规律性的结论,用以指导村域治理的实践。本研究的结论为:第一,联户代表制的实施,创新了村域公共治理权力格局。以联户代表为主体的非权力精英群体己能较积极、广泛、高效能地参与乡村公共生活,影响公共权力的运作过程,制约权力精英的治村行为,并以其广泛的代表性和较强的政治技能,实现了村域公共治理结构的多元化。村域治理是在权力精英主导和非权力精英深度参与下运作的,非权力精英阶层成为嵌入村域治理过程的一种重要力量。笔者将这种模式称之为权力精英和非权力精英共同主导的权力结构,亦称多元精英主导的权力结构。第二,联户代表制的实施,使中牟县的村域治理模式实现了从权威型治理实现了向参与型治理的转换。这种参与式治理主要表现在三个方面:一是治理主体的利益表达机制的构建,使村域行动者的知情权、参与权由虚到实。二是公共治理监督机制的构建,使联户代表参与到公共权力运作的日常监督当中。三是公共治理协商机制的构建,使村民参与到村域公共事业的开展当中。所谓参与型治理即由不同的乡村组织(比如联户体)和普通村民共同参与到乡村治理的过程当中,以联户代表制为依托而建立起的权力精英、非权力精英、普通村民等不同主体间的多元参与、合作、协商和伙伴关系以及公共事务的多元化组织方式。第三,这一模式的运行,突显出四大功能:一是联户代表会议为派系和家族提供了这样一个博弈和合作的平台,通过这种制度化的平台,把家族和派系的利益冲突予以规范和调适,有效利用了村治的本土资源,培育了村域治理的社会资本;二是通过联户代表制度建立了“村民—家庭代表—联户代表—组—村—镇”的治理模式,延伸了农村管理体制末端的管理链条,形成了上下联动,建立了国家和乡村社会的制度化沟通机制;三是村庄财务管理实现了日常化监督以及村域公共事务治理的透明化;四是实现了公共事务的多元化治理。第四,中牟县村域公共治理模式实现了三大机制创新:一是民主选举机制的创新;二是民主治理机制的创新;三是民主监督机制的创新。第五,参与型治理模式转换的约束条件有三个:(1)建立健全村民自治运行中的民主治理体制,使村域可以遵循既定的组织体制和规则参与治理,比如中牟推行的联户代表制等;(2)乡镇要充分发挥引导作用,建立健全民主治理运作的规则体系,做到民主治理日常生活化;(3)民众对村域治理的参与有明确要求和必要的能力。为此,需要大规模的培训。村域公共治理的未来发展方向体现在五个方面:(1)治理主体的多元化;(2)治理过程的透明化;(3)治理机制的协商化;(4)治理方式的自主化;(5)治理策略的互惠化。

【Abstract】 The village of Zhongmu County public governance domain object model formulation, the so-called public domain Zhongmu County village governance model that originated in Baisha, promotion of village governance in Zhongmu practice, it is to elect the representative of the rural home and the family foundation representatives to set up the organizing committee and the villagers as the carrier oversight committee to train and the home on behalf of the representative household as a tool for domain innovate the village mode of public governance, implementation of public participation in governance, transparency, legitimacy, accountability and effectiveness.This dissertation used empirical research methods to Zhongmu County village birthplace of the domain of public governance model Baisha town of 23 villages for the survey points, through the long period of field research, focusing on the village Zhongmu domain governance model of formation mechanism, the power structure, the operating mechanism , management performance, etc. to do a thorough and meticulous inspection of the micro. Through investigation of this study is to answer the following questions: First, the grass-roots governance What is the power of innovation? Secondly, how the grass-roots organizations through innovative and participatory mechanisms, and establish and improve the participation of rational procedures and rules to carry out political and social integration, innovative governance model village domain? Thirdly, the village of the domain of public governance model towards the future development of what?Subject of this dissertation are: differentiation of rural society at the moment, as well as urbanization, industrialization process, the grass-roots organizations and participatory mechanisms for innovation and the village of the domain of public governance model transformation problem. Around the subject of this study, the research framework of this study include five parts. The first part from the historical dimension of Zhongmu County village public governance domain model to generate the background, to generate power as well as the generation process were studied. The second part of the structure from a static dimension, a comparative analysis of the country entered the village the domain of public power, the organizational framework as well as the families on behalf of the village after the implementation of domain Zhongmu county system of public power organizations; On this basis, the study on behalf of the joint family system in the context of villages under the new pattern of public power. The third part from the dynamic dimension examined the public domain in Zhongmu County village governance model village under the domain of the operation and effectiveness of governance. The fourth part of the history of state based on the above, the structure, process study, summed up the domain in Zhongmu County village governance model of public governance at the village of domain practice innovation and value. Part V further analysis of the Zhongmu County public governance domain Village Mode, the domain of village governance in the direction of future development.Village of Zhongmu domain management case study is to draw some general with the conclusions of law to guide the practice of village governance domain. This study concluded that:First, the representation of households in the implementation of the innovative power of the village pattern of public governance domain. Co-operators as the main representative of the non-elite groups in power have been able to more active, extensive, high-performance to take part in the village public life, the impact of public power of the operation of the restraining power of elite rule village act, and its wide representation and more strong political skills, public domain implementation of the village governance structure diversification. Village domain management elite are in power and non-power elite led the depth of the participation of the operation, non-power elite become embedded in the village of domain governance process, a significant force. I will call this mode the power elite and non-power elite led the common power structure, also known as multi-elite-dominated power structure.Secondly, the representation of the implementation of households, so that Zhongmu County village domain governance model from the authority of governance to achieve the conversion participatory governance. This participatory governance is mainly manifested in the following areas: One is the governance mechanism to express the interests of the main building, so that the village of domain actors right to know, participate from virtual to real. A public governance oversight mechanisms to build, so that the operation of public power to participate in day-to-day oversight of them. Governance of a public consultative mechanism to build, so as to enable villagers to participate in the village of the domain of public utilities to carry out these. The so-called participatory governance that is, from different rural organizations (such as joint households body) and the ordinary villagers to the village to participate in the process of governance to joint representation based on households and the establishment of the power elite, non-power elite and ordinary villagers, such as different Inter-subjectivity pluralistic participation, cooperation, consultation and partnership, as well as the diversification of public affairs organization.Third, this mode of operation, highlighted the four major functions: First Union representatives for the families and factions in the family to provide such a game and cooperation platform, through which the institutionalization of the platform, put the interests of family and factional be a conflict of norms and adaptation, effective use of the village’s local government resources, to cultivate the village governance domain of social capital. Are two families through the system set up on behalf of the "village - home on behalf of - on behalf of Union households - Group - Village - Town" model of governance, rural management system extends the management of the end of the chain, forming a linkage up and down, set up the country and rural society institutionalized communication mechanism. Three villages are a day-to-day financial management and supervision of implementation. Domain implementation of village governance transparency in public affairs. Four are the implementation of diversified management of public affairs.Fourth, Zhongmu County village governance model of public-domain implementation of the three main mechanisms: First, the democratic election mechanism innovation; are two mechanisms for democratic governance of the innovation; three are democratic supervision mechanism innovation.Fifth, the participatory governance model of the conversion of some restrictive conditions there is the following: (1) establish and improve the autonomy of villagers in the operation of the institutions of democratic governance, so that the village of domain can follow the established organizational structure and rules of participation in governance, such as the implementation of the Joint Zhongmu representation households; (2) the township to give full play to the guiding role, and establish and improve the operation of the rules of democratic governance system, to achieve democratic governance of daily life; (3) people’s knowledge, that is, people have to participate in political demands and the ability of the village domain there is a clear governance requirements and the necessary capacity. This requires large-scale training, through training General villagers improve the quality and sense of participation.Domain of public governance in the village of the future direction of development has the following aspects: (1) the diversification of the main governance; (2) the transparency of the process of governance; (3) governance mechanisms of the consultations; (4) the autonomy of governance; (5) governance strategy of reciprocity.

  • 【分类号】D422.6
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】1228

