

A Study on the Government Intervention in Minban Schools

【作者】 杨红霞

【导师】 范先佐;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 教育经济学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 改革开放后,随着经济体制和教育体制改革的不断深入,私立中小学被冠以“民办中小学”的称谓在中华大地得到恢复和发展,从而也逐渐引起了政府和社会的重视。2003年1月《民办教育促进法》的出台,使我国政府对民办中小学的管理进入了法制化阶段。但与此同时,也应当看到,《民办教育促进法》的颁布和实施并未真正促进民办教育的大发展,民办教育仍然面临着很多问题,其中的突出问题是政府应该在民办教育的发展过程中发挥什么作用,怎样处理政府与市场的关系,即政府对民办教育的干预问题。本文以有关政府干预的理论为基础,以民办中小学为研究对象,分析政府对民办教育干预的意义、方式及目的,同时运用比较和历史研究方法,考察国外和我国历史上政府是怎样对私立中小学进行干预的,总结其经验和教训。通过实地调查揭示目前我国政府对民办中小学干预的现状,发现其中存在的问题及分析出现问题的原因,并据此提出改善我国政府干预民办中小学的政策建议。全文共分七章:第1章导论,提出论文要研究的问题,对相关概念进行界定,对已有的相关研究进行梳理,介绍本文的研究方法及思路。第2章以市场失灵、政府失灵和志愿失灵等理论为基础分析政府干预民办中小学的优势和局限,以及政府对民办中小学干预的目的,并将政府干预问题分为政府管制和政府资助两个方面。政府对私立中小学管制的内容主要包括:民办中小学的收费、申办与停办、投资管制、教育质量、教师及工作人员权利保障及安全等,政府对私立中小学的资助也可以采取两种方式,一种是对私立学校资助,叫补助,一种是对学生的资助,叫凭单(国内很多文献称为教育券)。第3、4章通过横向比较和纵向比较,总结国外和我国政府干预私立中小学的经验教训。第3章以发展中国家印度和发达国家澳大利亚为例,分析两国政府对私立中小学的管制和资助的现状及效果。第4章考察了我国古代和近代政府对私立中小学的干预,从中寻找出政府对私立中小学进行干预的规律。通过比较研究和历史研究,得到的启示是政府的适度干预是必要的,也是有利于私立中小学发展的;政府对私立中小学的资助有利于私立中小学的发展,而资助方式的选择对于实现效率与公平有着直接的影响;政府对私立中小学的过多的管制或不合理的管制会阻碍市场机制发挥作用,不利于私立中小学的健康发展。第5、6、7章以湖北省C市为例,通过实地调查政府对民办中小学的进入与退出管制、价格管制、投资管制、质量监督、教师权益保障、财产运行监督及政府对民办中小学资助,分析了我国政府对民办中小学干预的现状,取得的成效与存在的问题,以及存在问题的原因,并据此提出了改善政府干预民办中小学的具体政策建议。

【Abstract】 Private school named "Minban school" resumed and developed rapidly in China after 1978 along with economy and education system reformation and attracted the importance from the government and the society.In January,2003,the implement of Minban Education Progressive Act put the management of our government of Minban schools in a legal period.However,Minban education doesn’t get rapid development and is still confronted with a great many problems.The prominent problems are what part the government should play in and how to deal with the relations between the government and the market.Namely,the issue of the government intervention in Minban education.Taking Miban schools as objects,this research analyzes what’s the significances,methods and purposes of the government intervention in Minban schools on the basis of the relevent government intervention theory.The study also discusses how the government intervenes in private schools overseas and in history in our country and finds the experiences and lessons by comparison method and history study method.Field survey has been applied to collect information to identify the status quo and problems in government intervention in Minban schools,furthermore,the reasons why these problems come forth are deeply discussed.The last chaper gives suggestions about how to improve the government intervention in Minban schools.The dissertation contains seven chapters:The first chapter is the introduction.This part focuses on the origin of the study,the main concept of the study and the issues that this paper discusses,and then briefly studies the present literatures as well as introduces the procedure,thoughts and methodology of the study.The second chapter mainly discusses the aim,the advantages and the shortages of the government intervention in Minban schools based on the theory of market failure,government failure and voluntary failure.The issue of the government intervention includes two sides which are the government regulation and the government finance aid.The government regulation of Minban schools includes the regulations of the fees,the safety,the entry and the exit,the investment,the qualities and the right of the teachers and the workers.There are two forms of the government finance aid to private schools,one is finance aid to the schools named subsidy,the other is finance aid to the students named education voucher.The third chapter and the fourth chapter summarize the experiences and lessons of the government intervention in private schools overseas and in our history through landscape orientation and portrait comparison.The third chapter analyzes the status quo and the effect of the finance aid and the government regulations to private schools in Australia and India.The forth chapter reviews the government intervention in private schools in different periods in China.It concludes that propriety intervention is essential for the development of private schools and the government finance aid can accelerate it.While the choice of method of government finance aid can influence efficiency and education equity.Excessive or immoderate intervention may hinder the operation of the market mechanism and may be not benefit for the private schools.The fifth,sixth and seventh chapter focus on the practice of the government intervention in China today.Based on the investigation of price regulation,entry and exit regulation,investment regulation,quality supervision,property supervision and government finance aid to private schools in C city in Hubei province,This part discusses the status quo and problems in government intervention in Minban schools,furthermore the reasons why these problems come forth are deeply discussed. Finally suggestions about how to improve the government intervention in Minban schools is given.


