

Development Study of Democratic Politics in Contemporary China

【作者】 冯霞

【导师】 祝黄河;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 没有民主就没有社会主义,民主是社会主义中国的不懈追求。中国社会特殊的历史发展逻辑和独特的国情,决定了当代中国的民主政治发展是一个比较复杂的历史过程。本文以“当代中国民主政治发展模式研究”为题,以“发展模式”形成一种分析视角和分析框架,试图围绕“发展模式”范畴所涉及的主要内容,选取中国民主政治发展道路有关的主要问题,揭示中国民主政治的历史生长逻辑,探讨后发现代化国家如何发展社会主义民主政治的现实路径,试图回答中国特色社会主义民主政治发展道路的科学内涵,论证中国特色社会主义民主政治发展道路在中国大地上建立和发展的历史必然性,并且通过对当代中国民主政治发展历史进程中诸多经验和教训的总结,探索中国特色社会主义民主政治发展道路的未来趋势和正确方向。本文认为民主在中国生成、发展的脉络和趋势,是在中国独特的历史和现实中演进和发展的,它的成长始终是围绕中国现代化这个主题而进行的,同时它也是催生中国现代化发展的决定力量。今天中国的民主形态,不光是宏观历史文化因素的影响,也是政治行动者的选择因素等多种历史合力影响的结果。中国的民主是围绕建立人民民主的国家而成长的,是围绕国体展开的,而不是围绕政体展开的,它是中国历史形成的,而不是制度生成的。历史的形态决定了中国民主的道路和模式,这是近代以来中国民主生长的历史逻辑,也是当代中国民主发展的现实起点。在这一起点上,也即在长历史、超大型的后发现代化国家,在面临国家现代化建设、现代社会发育和民主政治发展多重目标,国家权力与社会自治、国家权威与民主诉求多重矛盾的条件下如何发展社会主义民主政治,这是当代中国民主政治发展的主题。在改革开放的过程中,中国逐渐探索出了适合中国国情的民主发展模式,创造了具有中国特色的社会主义民主实现形式。即“执政党主导的民主政治发展模式”,其内涵主要有三:一是基于市场经济、体现党政一体化的民主成长模式;二是基于现代法治、体现人民当家作主的民主政治模式;三是基于多党合作、体现共产党执政的协商民主模式。这一模式正以自身发展的逻辑迎接世界的潮流,吸引世界政治文明优秀成果的共性,彰显自身特有政治形态的个性,实现共性和个性的有机互动,逐步形成了中国特色社会主义民主政治发展模式。

【Abstract】 There can be no socialism without democracy,democracy is the pursuit of socialist China. Chinese society of the historical development of the logic of the special and unique conditions, determines the development of democratic politics in contemporary China is a more complicated historical process.The reason why this article in order to "Contemporary Research on the development model of China’s democratic politics" in the title of it was trying to "development model" to form an analytical perspective and analytical framework,trying to focus on "development mode"areas covered by the main content,select Chinese Democracy development path of the principal questions,and reveal the history of the growth of China’s democratic politics logic to explore the hair after the modern country,country in the face of modernization,development and democracy in modern society the development of multiple targets,the state power and social autonomy,the state authority and the democratic aspirations of multiple conflicts under the conditions of how the development of socialist democratic politics,the reality of the path,trying to answer the road of socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics,the scientific connotation,argues the development of socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics and the road in China on the establishment and development of the historical inevitability,and through democratic political development in contemporary China a lot of the historical process of summing up experiences and lessons learned,and explore the development of socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics and the future trend of the road and in the right direction.In this paper,that democracy in China,production,development and trends in context,is unique in China’s history and the reality of evolution and development,its growth has always been around the theme of China’s modernization carried out at the same time it is also the birth of the decision of the development of China’s modernization.Form of democracy in China today,not only macro-historical and cultural factors,political actors are also the choice of a variety of factors influence the outcome of history together.China’s democracy is built around the establishment of people’s democratic state and the growth is carried out around the state system,rather than carried out around the government, which is the formation of Chinese history,rather than system-generated.Determines the form of the history of China’s democratic path and pattern,which is the growth of democracy in China in modern times the history of logic,is the contemporary reality of China’s starting point for the development of democracy.In this starting point,that is a long history,after the modernization of large countries, countries in the face of modernization,development and democracy in modern society the development of multiple targets,the state power and social autonomy,and democratic aspirations of the authority of the state of multiple conflicting under the conditions of how to develop socialist democratic politics,this is the development of the contemporary themes of democratic politics in China.In the process of reform and opening up,China has gradually explored a suitable for the democratic development of China’s national conditions model,created with Chinese characteristics to achieve the form of socialist democracy.That is,"the ruling party-led development model of democracy",its meaning there are three:first,market-based economy,reflect the government’s democratic growth model integration;Ⅱis based on the modern rule of law,embodied the democratic model of the people are the masters;c is based on the multi-party cooperation,reflecting the Communist Party of the consultation model of democracy.This model is the logic of self-development to meet the trend of the world,attracting the world the outstanding achievements of political civilization in general,demonstrate their own unique forms of political personality,and personality to achieve common organic interaction,and gradually formed a socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics and mode of development.

【关键词】 民主政治发展模式
【Key words】 democraticdevelopmentmodel

