

Unfinished Subjectivity

【作者】 方亭

【导师】 孙文宪;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 文艺学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 文学理论对主体性的思考即文学主体性。作为新时期伊始“人学”理论的延续,中国文学主体性理论在启蒙与现代、本土与西方之间经历了时间和历史的拷问。如果从时间的流变上划分,新时期以来文学主体性理论可以分为三个研究阶段:文学自律性阶段、现代性阶段与反思现代性阶段;如果从关键词上梳理,文学自律性、审美性、现代性、反思现代性、主体间性、文化研究、接受美学、语言等等共同构成了主体性研究广袤而深邃的理论空间。本论文写作的思路既不是对新时期以来文学主体性理论的概述性研究,也不是对西方主体性话语的阐释,而是将中国文学理论对主体性的思考置于全球化的视野中加以研究,寻求中西理论的结合点和差异处。并不仅仅停留在对文学主体性的一般描述和介绍上,而是深入主体性研究的文化机制和社会历史语境,通过阐释不同的主体性理论构成方式,分析为何呈现这种主体性的解读方式,这种解读方式涉及到何种理论问题,回避了何种理论问题,有哪些问题得到了很好的解答,又有哪些问题在历史的考辨中沦为伪命题。新时期以来中国文学主体性研究在宏观上呈现出由单一到多元、由简单到深入的递进关系。本文写作的方式是选取具有代表性的观点来逐一分析论证,抽丝拨茧,旨在发现观点之间逻辑起点、论述方式、理论要素、贡献缺陷等一系列或承继、或反驳、或相通、或异质的关系,以观点为切入点观照文学主体性理论研究的全貌。全文分为四章,具体如下:第一章、自律性与文学主体性。新时期文学主体性理论率先由刘再复明确提出,理论提出的背景有社会历史发展的需要,有李泽厚来源于康德哲学的理论支撑,有文学创作的先在启蒙铺垫,更体现为文学自律性和审美性的吁求。文学自律性表达了新时期文学渴望摆脱机械反映论和政治决定论他律的束缚,而转向凸显文学本身应该具有的特性,其中最突出地表现为审美的需要。“文学是审美的意识形态”,文学对社会生活的反映是审美的反映。而自律性和审美性的实现都是建立在文学主体性确立的基础之上的。自律是文学主体性的理论基点,文学主体性是自律的实现途径。文学主体性理论是“文学是人学”和人道主义命题的延伸,究其本身构成,可分为三个部分:作者主体、对象主体和接受主体。其中对作家主体的关注突出了主观创作心理,如情感、想象在文学创作中的重要能动作用;而对象主体和接受主体则暗含了一种主体间性的思维方式,与巴赫金的对话理论以及接受美学的思路遥相呼应。这一理论的构成于前现代理论视野中,理论研究的总体特征是简单化和趋同化,只拥有思想启蒙的现实意义。既没有借鉴西方当代文论的成果,也没有打通与中国传统文论的关系,呈现出共时与历时的双重断裂。第二章、现代性与文学主体性。文学自律性在现代化进程中得以集中的体现,同时中国文学主体性研究逐渐拥有了开阔的理论视野和深化的思想内涵,但同时表现为论述的离散化倾向。西方现代化进程的主体性研究出现两个关键词,理性与现代性。现代性是一把双刃剑,既张扬了主体性,又遮蔽了主体性。后现代思潮作为对现代性的反思,致力于消解现代主体,主体不是先验的,而是生成的。总的说来,现代性作为一种与现代化进程相生相伴的理论范畴,使中国文学主体性研究由主体/客体二元对立进阶到主体内部研究的范畴。从现代性尤其是审美现代性的角度思考主体性,中国的现代主体表现为理性的、独立的、无限的主体,而与审美现代性相关的现代派和先锋派成为文学创作实践的尝试,在审美取向上表现为从极端的个人主体确立到非主体、反主体写作倾向之转化。现代性与文学主体性研究较多地受到西方理论的影响和制约,理论的思辩性和系统性极大增强,但同时呈现出实践操作性的削弱。现代主体与后现代主体之争使得当时的新理论、新术语层出不穷,研究至此,呈现出离散化的倾向,现代性衍生为反思现代性,并发散为三条路径:解构路径、主体间性路径和文化研究路径。解构路径以后现代思潮为代表,其中对“主体的消解”等相关的论述在中国学界共鸣与误解共存,同时语言成为主体性研究的重要维度。第三章、主体间性与文学主体性。主体间性是反思现代性的路径之一,旨在以对话、交流的方式打通主体之间的关系,是对现代形而上的理性主体研究思路的反驳。西方的主体间性理论可以细化为哲学、社会学阶段和文学、美学阶段,以对中国文论界的影响来斟选,前一阶段以海德格尔“此在和共同此在”理论与哈贝马斯的交往行动理论为代表,而后一阶段则较多地涉及到巴赫金的对话理论和伽达默尔的文本阐释学理论。中国的主体间性理论极具特色,具体表现在:1、主体间性理论既打通了中西方理论,从中国传统美学中可以发掘主体间性的因子,中国传统美学中注重和谐以及天人合一的思维方式重新焕发了生机。2、接受美学和文本间性沟通了主体间性理论和文学批评实践,实现了从主体间性到文本间性的转向,文本间性成为晚近最重要的批评术语之一。3、同时引发了实践和后实践美学的论争,不仅深化了主体和主体间性的相关美学理论和术语界定,更重要的是使主体性重新成为文学理论界关注的焦点。主体间性理论充分表达了中国文学主体性研究回归本土和实践的诉求,但同时必须警惕泛主体化的倾向,而且语言的间性特征还有待进一步关注。第四章、多元化的文学主体性研究。全球化语境带来新的主体性研究方式,通过对文学主体性研究做阶段性的分析和审视,在价值评估上应肯定研究对于新时期以来文论的重要意义,认可研究成果巨大;在问题审理上将文学主体性研究视为考察中西方文论关系的切入点,从主体性研究的嬗变可以窥见西方文论影响和制约下的本土文论建设;并结合当下的全球化语境和文化研究,以突出的问题意识提供主体性研究的三条进路:1、主体研究的思路从主体本身转向对主体存在状态的研究,主体是受社会、历史、文化、话语等多方因素制约的受限制的存在。主体如何构成是未知的、形而上的、悬而未决的,而主体的存在状态是可知的、具体的。2、主体在文学研究是不可能被消解的,理论需要支点,话语需要构架。文学主体性研究中应将主体视为一种文本的功能性存在,主体从实体向功能转化,成为文本展示的工具。3、在文化研究的视野内,身份成为主体的新表征,为阶级、种族、女性等边缘群体发出声音提供武器,也进而成为新的批评术语。身份厘清了主体与他者相生相克的关系。身份适合当下的全球化语境,主体是一元的,身份是多元的;主体是确定的,身份是变动的。由主体到身份的转变既体现出此前主体性研究的缺陷,又提供了可供参考的新路径。而身体作为主体的处身化显现,成为媒介文化中经验化和时尚化的主体。本论文的结论表现为:1、主体性研究深化了文学理论研究,使中国文论从西方17、18世纪的启蒙浪漫主义时代重视作家、作品而一跃拥有了现代性的眼光。经由主体性研究,中国文论对文本、接受、语言、话语的认识极大深化,互文性、身份认同、身体问题等批评策略成为文学批评中的显学。2、主体性研究强化了对文学活动特性的认识,使文学活动具备了跨学科的视野,哲学、社会学、心理学、文化学等学科的丰富成果被吸收接纳。同时,由于主体性研究深受政治、经济、文化的制约,而表现为不同的时代有不同的主体性,对主体的不同解读影响了文学生产和流通的境遇。主体不是先验的,而是被建构的,主体的生成性使其身受合力的规训,而在这种规训中暗含着文学活动的他律因素。3、与西方理论相比,中国文学主体性理论的中介环节比较欠缺。语言是后现代主义用以解构主体的策略,语言意义的不确定性,使文本的意义发生延异。同时语言的间性特征又使之成为连通主体与主体、文本与文本、主体与文本的的节点,语言是主体与文学之间的中介,如何填补这些中介环节的空缺成为下一阶段主体性研究的重点。文学主体性研究是未竟的事业,开放的命题。三十年的理论研究只是历史长河中的一朵浪花,中国主体性研究在理论与实践、本土与西方、启蒙与现代之间酝酿着新的思维方式和研究体系。

【Abstract】 A thought of literary theory towards subjectivtiy is literary subjectivity.As the continuance of the "theory of human science" at the beginning of New Period,the theory of Chinese literary subjectivity has undergone the hard proof of time and history,between Enlightenment and modernity,mainland and the west.If divided by the changing of time,the procedure of the new literary subjectivity theory research can be done as follows:the period of Liu Zaifu,the modernity period and critizing modernity period;while if we do according to the key words,it has become a very complex and deep theory interrelated by literature self-discipline,aesthetics,modernity,critizing modernity,inter-subjectivity, culture studies,language and reception aesthetics.The innovation of this thesis lies in the study of the theory of Chinese literary subjectivity with a global vision in search of the differences and relationship between the mainland and the western theories,not just interpreting the general idea about the literary subjectivity theory in New Period,nor the western literary subjectivity theory.This essay does not just stay at the level of general description or introduction about the theory,but in a very deep level of the evolution of the theory,historically and globally——according to different structure of subject,reasons for way of interpretation.Several theorical problems have been concerned and solved well by this way of interpretation,and other problems that have not been solved and have gradually become false propositions in history.The studies of Chinese literary subjectivity prsents progressive relationships from single to multiple,from simple to deep in macroscopic views.In this essay,I chose representive views one by one in order to find different relationships such as inheiting,reversing,connecting,and these different relationships exist on logic starting point,discussing ways,theoretical elements,contributions and defects.The writing methods of this essay are resreaching the whole perspective of literary subjectivity theories by views.The whole essay is divided into four main chapters,we can see them concrete as follows:Chapter one,the self-discipline and the literary subjectivity.The literary subjectivity in New Period was first introduced by Liu Zaifu,under the background of Li Zehou’s philosophical support from Kant,pre-enlightment’s needs of writing,and,most of all,the asking for literary self-discipline and aesthetic character.Literary self-discipline shows wishes get rid of Mechanical Materialism and political determinism which are heteronomous.New period literatue want to show the characteristics which outstanding demand for aesthetic.Literature is aesthetic ideology,from aesthetic to reflect social lifes.Literary self-discipline and aesthetic character are established on literary subjectivity’s implementations.Self-discipline is basic pionts of literary subjectivity theory,and literary subjectivity theory is the way of realizing for Self-discipline.The theory of literary subjectivity is the extention of the two propositions that literature about human science and humanitarianism is an everlasting literature topic.It includes the author,the object,and the acceptance subject.We focus author on subjective creative psychology such as emotion and imagination playing important dynamic roles in literary creation,while the object,and the acceptance subject implies thinking mode of inter-subjectivty which may echo each other with dialogue theory of Bakhtin.This theory what characteristic is simple and convergence was composed of Pre-modern theoritical views,it only has the practical meaning of enlightment.However,this theory has niether learned from contemporary western theories nor got the relationship through Chinese traditonal literary theories,therefore this theory showed Synchronic and Diachronic double fractures.Chapter two,modernity and literary subjectivity.Literary self-discipline sets centralized embodies in modern history,at the same time,literary subjectivity theory has open theoritical pespectives and deepening theoritical connotations,however,this theory shows discretization intendency.The studies of western modern process have two key words:rationality and modernity. Modernity is double-edged swprd which is not only stinking but also shadowing subjectivity. Post-modernity thought as reflecting modernity has devoted to digest modern subjectivity through these kinds of views that subjectivity is generated instead of transcendental.In summary,modernity which related modern progress made the studies of Chinese literary subjectivity from binary opposition of subject/object to onology of internalsubjective studies. Chinese modern subjectivity is rational,independent,infinite.Modernism and vanguard faction which related aesthetic modernity have become practical attempts of literary creation in New Period,literary creations in this period have shown transforms from extreme individual subject to non-subject,anti-subjecy writing on aesthetic trendency.The studies in modernity and literary subjectivity are mainly influenced by western thoery,the syetemic and depth in thinking of theroies are greatly inhanced as well as the practivity are relative weaken.Many new thoeries and terms appeared in the period when the controversy between modern and post-modern subject happens,the studies of literal subjectivity show features of discretization.Modernity is gradually becoming criticizing modernity,and it has divergence of three paths which are deconstruction,inter-subjectivity and cultrual studies.Deconstruction is representive by post-modernity,according to these theories, the discusses of "subjectivty’s digestion" have existed resonance and misunderstanding,while language has become most important dimensions in subjectivity studies.Chapter three,inter-subjectivity and literary subjectivity.Inter-subjectivity is one of the method of criticizing modernity which uses dialogues and contacts to commicate subjects.Inter-subjectivity theories refute ideas of metaphysical modern subject.Western inter- subjectivity can be divided into two stages:philosophy,sociology and literature,aesthetics.Chosen from the inflenuence of Chinese literary theory field,philosophy and sociology stage can be represented by Heidegger’s "Dasein and commom Dasein" theory as well as Habermas’s theory of communicative action,while literature and aesthetics stage are most related Bakhtin’s dialogue theory and Gadamer’s textual interpretation theory.Chinese subjectivity theories are very characteristic which concrete manifest as follows.First, Inter-subjectivity theories commicate Chinese and western theory as well as looking for factors of inter-subjectivity in Chinese traditional aesthetics,harmonious thinking method related heaven and human beings has shown vitality again.Second,These theories commicate theories and literal critic practices by reception aesthetics and inter-textuality thoeries,and inter-textuality thoeries become most important terms recently in sudies of literary criticism.Third,practical and post-practical aesthetics theories debate on inter-subjectivity,this debate is not only deepen aesthetic theory and definition of terms related subjectivity and inter- subjectivity,but aslo focus subjuectivity in academic cricles again.Inter- subjectivity express appeals that Chinese literary subjuectivty theories will return to native and pratical theory,homever,we must keep vigilance against thetredency of Universalsubject, and we must pay much attention to inter characteristic of language.Chapter four,the diversified research about literary subjectivity.I think a new subjectivity research method was generated along with the globalization context.In the respect of value evaluation, through the stage analysis and survey on research about literary subjectivity,we can affirm this research method is of great importance to the literature theoretic criticism in New Period,and besides, the research has made great achievements;In the respect of issue survey,if we regard the research about literary subjectivity as the incisive point of study on the relationship between Chinese and western literary theory,we can aware of the domestic development of literary theory under the western hegemony of literary theory.In my paper,together with the present globalization context and cultural studies,i offered three possible developing trends of research about literary subjectivity under the guide of prominent problem consciousness:first,the focus of the research about subjectivity shift from the subject itself to the existing state of the subject,the state that the subject exists under the limits of many respects like society,history,culture and discouse.The composition of subjectivity is unknown,metaphysical,suspense,however,the existing states of subjectivity is known,concrete.Second, subject can’t be digest in literary studies because theoties discourses need fulcrum and frames.the research should view the subject as something textual and functional,the subject convert from entity to function,which is a demonstration of the text;Third,in the perspective of cultural study,identity which provide weapons for marginal groups,such as classes,races and femal is a new characterization of subjectivity,and then identity have become new critic terms.Identity has digtinguished the relationship between subjuect and the other.Now identity is suitable for globalize context,because subject is unary,while identity is multiple;subject is certain,while identity is changeable.The changes from subject to identity is not only reflecting defects in subjectivity syudies before,but also providing referenced new paths.Besides,body which related subject’s suitation is an experienced and fashion subject in media culture.The conclusions of this thesis show as follows:Firstly,the subjectivity study deepens the research on literary theory,Chinese literary theory skips to the vision of modernity form the emphasis on writers and works of the enlightenment Romantic era in the seventeenth、eighteenth century of the West.Through the subjectivity study,the comprehension to text、acceptance、language and discourse of Chinese literary theory have greatly improved,criticism strategies such as mutual culture nature、identity and physical issues become to the eminent studies in literary criticism.Secondly,the subjectivity study deepens the cognition to characteristics of literary activities.Thus literary activities have an interdisciplinary perspective,the rich study results such as philosophy、sociology、psychology and cultural disciplines have been accepted.At the same time,Because of the study constraints by political、economic and cultural problems,it shows the different subjectivity in the different time and the different interpretations to subjectivity impact the literary production and circulation.Thirdly,the intermediary aspects in Chinese literature subjectivity theory have some defects compared with the West theory,Language is used to deconstruct subject by post-modernity,language whose meaning is uncertain has impelled diffenernt meanings for literary text.However,the inter characteristic of language is the connectivity node with the main text with the subject and the subject、the text and the text、the subject and the text.Language is intermediary between subject and text.How to fill these vacancies of intermediaries aspects become the next stage focus of the subjectivity study.All in all,Chinese literature subjectivity research in the new period is the unfinished business and open proposition.Three decades of theoretical research is one of a spray in the long history,Chinese literature subjectivity research have been brewing the new ways of thinking and study system between the theory and practice、the nativeand the West、the enlightenment and the modern.

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