

A Study on Dialogue and Communication: Mechanism about Aesthetic Value Construction of the Contemporary Aesthetic Education

【作者】 黄卫星

【导师】 张玉能;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 文艺学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 对话与交往,是当代美育建构审美价值观的重要机制。美育建构审美价值观,需要建立在学生个体审美活动对话和交往的基础上,主要在学校课堂上多种形式的对话和交往中得以实施,把握建构审美价值观诸要素的美育课堂,逐步推进和落实审美价值观建构的程序和实效,并进一步在与开放的文化和广阔的生活之对话和交往中,进行审美价值观的检验、调整和巩固。总体说来,对话与交往,作为当代美育建构审美价值观的重要机制,其中,审美价值关系的对话与交往,是机制核心;后现代视域中美育课堂的对话与交往,是机制特征;对话与交往中的美育要素,是机制实施;走向有效而无限的对话与交往,是机制保障。美育建构审美价值观,最根本的要依托于作为个体的审美欣赏者的具体审美活动。美育建构审美价值观机制的核心,就是审美价值关系的对话和交往。这种对话和交往,是指学生首先作为个体的审美主体在审美价值关系中的对话和交往行为。审美价值关系的对话与交往,首先来源于审美价值主客体的统一,这体现在审美价值是种关系范畴,是在实践中产生的主客体统一。其次,审美价值关系的对话与交往,主要表现为审美价值主客体的对话和审美活动主体间性的交流。欣赏者,首先作为一个独立的审美主体,必然和审美客体(审美对象)进行观照和对话,体现了从主客体性到主体间性的双重转换。在进行对话的过程中,审美价值的主体性得以彰显,欣赏者的主体性得以建构。随着审美活动的深入进行,审美活动中的主体(我们根据艾布拉姆斯在其《镜与灯:浪漫主义文论及批评传统》中的经典提法),除了作为审美价值主体的欣赏者和艺术品之外,还有艺术家和世界。这四种角色又共同构成了审美活动中的主体,使审美活动由审美价值关系中审美主体(欣赏者)单个主体活动转向了多个主体间的交互作用,体现了审美活动的主体间性。在多重对话和交往中,美育建构审美价值观伴随着审美价值关系中的主体性到主体间性的建构。教育活动作为一种培养人的社会实践活动,本质上是一种建立在人类生产实践活动基础之上的人与人之间的特殊交往实践活动。教育交往实践实际上是一种教育主体之间的相互作用、相互交流、相互沟通和相互理解的过程,是一种人与人之间全面的心灵对话过程。后现代视域中美育课堂的对话和交往,是当代审美教育建构审美价值观的重要机制特征,这种特征的本质是促发每个学生自由精神的生长。美育课堂上的教师—学生、学生—学生、学生与自我的对话和交往活动,既能体现学生与其他主体之间的关系特征,又能由此显示出美育需建构的审美价值观之标准。这两个方面相辅相成,是美育建构审美价值观的机制不能回避的关键问题。平等性和依赖性、开放性和原则性、新理性和完满性既是美育课堂建构审美价值观的对话与交往活动的特征,又是后现代视域中美育课堂所应建构的审美价值观的标准。其中,平等性和依赖性主要体现为和谐互动的美育课堂和建构多元审美价值观,开放性和原则性主要体现为建构开放的审美价值观和建构社会主义核心价值体系,新理性和完满性主要体现为美育引领精神和建构人文审美价值观。美育建构审美价值观的机制实施,主要体现在对话与交往的美育过程的诸要素中,这些要素贯穿在作为审美教育的主体和对象的双重存在——学生不同的审美经验的阶段中。在研究和选择这些要素的时候,必须同时考虑美育过程的两个最为重要的主体——教师和学生的共性。同时,作为美育对象的学生,美育实施的要素必须将审美活动的两种心理要素(价值心理要素和认识心理要素)都涵括在内。由于审美活动主要是情感领域的活动,并以此与科学和道德区分,所以,美育应突出情感活动,强调从审美愉悦出发。在审美活动过程中,审美感知、审美移情、审美想象等审美感受活动侧重审美主体的感性审美活动,是审美主体具体体验的审美活动初级阶段,因此,“在感美中健全审美感受”是美育建构审美价值观的基础——对审美表象的感觉和知觉的审美价值初级意识。审美感受的进一步发展就是审美思维,它是由审美感性上升为审美理性后的审美价值高级意识,由形象价值意识发展为较为明晰的关于美的观念(审美价值观)。在这一过程中,审美判断、审美评价、审美批判等价值心理要素和认识心理要素,构成了审美价值观建构的重要心理要素。持续建构的审美价值观,不是以稳定不变的概念或规律形而上地担任着控制者的角色,而是渗透在每一次具体的审美活动中,往往内化为欣赏者的审美需要、审美趣味、审美理想和审美境界,它们共同决定着审美主体的每一次审美经验活动,并且在每一次审美经验活动中重新不断地改变和调整着欣赏者的审美需要、审美趣味、审美理想和审美境界。因此.这四个要素作为美育长远的基点,提示美育的审美价值观建构过程是一个长期的、不断持续建构的过程,是一个逐步内化到学生的审美心理图式和审美人格结构中的过程。这些要素既体现在课堂审美教育的实施过程中,也体现了长期美育的发展方向,既有审美情感的沟通和交流、审美感受的对话和交流,还有审美理性的对话和互通、审美人格的互动和交往。美育建构审美价值观,是一个长期建构的过程,也是学生和多个对象长期对话和交往的过程。对话和交往,除了美育课堂上学生与文本、学生与教师、学生与学生、学生与自我的对话和交往外,还有学生与开放文化、生活世界的对话和交往。从美育课堂走向鲜活广阔的审美文化和生活世界.意味着从封闭狭小的对话空间走向开放无限的交往天地。走向有效而无限的对话和交往,是美育建构审美价值观的机制保障。学生走向文化生活、走向现实世界,在进一步持续建构审美价值观的过程中,进行有效而无限的对话和交往,也需要运用正确的方法,唯有如此,才能使得学生的对话和交往活动得以积极地进行。这些对话和交往的方法来源于美育课堂上教师与学生之间的有效对话和交往的方法,尤其是教师的有效对话方法为文化、生活的无限对话和交往提供保障。教师的有效对话方法包括传授美学知识、训练审美技能、提高审慎思维,学生在美育课堂上得到的这些美学知识、审美技能和审慎思维,既促进教师与学生之间对话与交往深入展开,又为学生走向无限的对话和交往活动提供保障。这样,学生与开放文化的交往,无论是与多种艺术种类的审美文化交往、视觉文化交流,还是综合性美育渠道的沟通,都能显示出出色的对话和交往能力。美育课堂内外相辅相成,其构建的审美价值观,将最终最为广泛地与生活进行无限的对话和交往,并作用在生活的点滴之中。只有真正变生活为艺术、审美价值观与生活“同在”,审美价值观的建构才真正在最广泛的意义上发挥着它无所不在的魅力。

【Abstract】 Dialogue and communication are important mechanisms for the construction of aesthetic values, which should be based on individual students’ conversation and communication practiced in various forms on campus.The procedures for constructing aesthetic values must be advanced steadily and the performance ensured.And further carry into execution trial,modification and consolidation of aesthetic values through dialogue and communication with open culture and profound life.On the whole,the interrelations within aesthetic values are the core of the mechanism;aesthetic classes in the post-modernistic scope,the nature;aesthetic education elements,the execution;effective and permanent dialogue and communication,the safeguard.The fundamental basis for constructing aesthetic values is none other than the individual who admires and appreciates and the core is dialogue and communication between different aesthetic values.Dialogue and communication here first of refer to those participated by students as individual aesthetic subject.And this is made possible only by the mere unity of aesthetic subjects and objects, embodied in the fact that aesthetic values are a relational category,a unity arising in the process of practice.Dialogue and communication between aesthetic value relations are actualized in the conversation between aesthetic subjects and objects and the communication between intersubjectivity. The admirer as an individual aesthetic subject will invariably contemplate and converse with the aesthetic object,representing the dual transformation between subjects,objects and intersubjectivity. In the conversing process,the subjectivity of aesthetic values stands out and the subjectivity of the admirer is constructed.As Meyer Howard Abrams classically advocates in his The Mirror and Lamp, apart from admirer and artwork,there are another two aesthetic subjects,namely,the artist and the world.The four roles combine together to constitute the subjects of aesthetic activities,thus the aesthetic activity transforming from mono-subject activity to quadric-subject interplay and representing the intersubjectivity of aesthetics.In the intertwined dialogue and communication is completed the construction aesthetic values and the switching from subjectivity to intersubjectivity.Education,in its effort to cultivate people in social practice,is in essence an interpersonal communicative interaction based on the productive activities.Communicative practices in the educational context is in practice the process of educational subjects’ interplay,and mutual exploration and understanding,an interpersonal heart-to-heart conversation.Conversation and communication in aesthetic classes in post-modernistic scope is a significant mechanic feature in the construction of contemporary aesthetic values.The essence of the feature is to facilitate the development of free spirit in students.Teacher-student、student-student、student-ego conversation and communication in aesthetic classes can represent the relational features between students and other subjects and reveal the criterion for constructing aesthetic values.Equality,dependency,openness, principle,neo-rationality and perfection are the main features of conversation and communication in the construction of aesthetic values in school settings and also aesthetic criterion for post-modernistic aesthetic value construction.Equality and dependency are important in constructing plural aesthetic values through harmonious and interactive class activities.Openness and principle play a significant role in constructing open aesthetic values and socialist core values.Neo-rationality and perfection act as tour guide in constructing humanistic aesthetic values.The mechanism by which aesthetic education constructs aesthetic values is mainly composed of the factors governing the educational process featuring dialogue and communication.These factors operate in different stages of the student’s aesthetic experience,the student enjoying the dual identity of the aesthetic education subject and object.In selecting and studying these factors,great important must be attached to the commonness of the two most important subjects in aesthetic education, teacher and student.Aesthetic activities are mainly emotional and thus distinguishes itself from science and morality.Therefore,aesthetic education should give prominence to emotional activities and cater to emotional pleasures.Such sensible aesthetic activities as aesthetic perception,aesthetic empathy,and aesthetic fantasy emphasize particularly on the subject and form the foundation for aesthetic values construction through sensing aesthetics.Aesthetic experience is followed by aesthetic thinking,a higher class of consciousness ascending from aesthetic perception to aesthetic rationalism, from concrete values to clearer aesthetic concepts(aesthetic values).In this process,aesthetic judgment,aesthetic evaluation and aesthetic criticism and other value psychological elements, together with cognitive psychological elements,make up significant psychological elements for aesthetic value construction.Aesthetic value construction is a dynamic process,which,instead of acting as a fixed unchanging manipulator,permeates in every aesthetic experience,ending up internalized as the admirer’s aesthetic needs,aesthetic tastes,aesthetic ideal and aesthetic stature, which in turn determine the subject’s every aesthetic experience and in the process continuously alter and modify the admirer’s aesthetic needs,aesthetic tastes,aesthetic ideal and aesthetic stature.Thus, the four elements as the long-term basis for aesthetic education reveals the fact that aesthetic value construction is a long-term dynamic process which gradually internalized into the student’s aesthetic psychological schema and aesthetic personality.These elements demonstrate the actual process of aesthetic education in school setting as well as prescribe the long-term trend that aesthetic education comprises the emotional,perceptual,rational and personality interaction and interplay.Aesthetic value construction is a long-term process in which the student keeps conversing and communicating with various objects.Conversation and communication refer to those between student and text,student and teacher,student and student,student and ego as well as student and open cultures, student and real-life world.Stepping out of the aesthetic classroom into vivacious and profound aesthetic culture and real life means exiting a strait space and entering an open and far-reaching communication world.And this is the very mechanism safeguard for aesthetic value construction.And all this hinges on the employing of proper means by which the student can positively and effectively undertake dialogue and communication,the effective means of which come from those employed in aesthetic classroom.Teachers can effectively enhance conversation by imparting aesthetic knowledge, training aesthetic skills and promoting aesthetic thinking,from which students will benefit a great deal, an extension of teacher-student conversation,an important guarantee for students enjoying unrestraint dialogue and communication.Students’ interaction with open cultures,whether aesthetic culture, visual culture or comprehensive aesthetic channels,can display outstanding dialogue and communication skills.Intra-curricular and extra-curricular aesthetic instruction benefit and complement each other and the aesthetic values thus constructed will eventually converse and communicate with life itself and permeates every detail of life.Only by living life as appreciating art and having aesthetic values coexist with life will the construction of aesthetic values universally display its immanent beauty.

  • 【分类号】G40-012
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