

On the Character-Groups in the Period of Jing Gang Shan (1927-1930)

【作者】 汤红兵

【导师】 王玉德;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 区域文化史, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 土地革命时期的根据地史是中共党史学科领域里的重要分支,井冈山根据地史研究一直都是根据地史研究中的热点,这与井冈山斗争史在中国革命史上的重要地位有密切关系。本文尝试采用人物群体分类研究法、历史叙事学方法,援引现代性社会理论和社会心理学理论等跨学科理论,观照包括普通士兵、下层民众在内的井冈山斗争时期的各类人物群体,叙述代表人物的历史事迹,研究井冈山革命社会的人物群体。为了挖掘、利用新史料,本文除了引用已经出版的史料和论著,还到井冈山根据地及其周边县市区的党史、档案部门收集录用大量未出版、未刊印的史稿、手记、回忆录,通过田野调查的方式寻访亲历者或过来人、赴革命遗迹旧址实地调研,并且利用当时国民党要人的家信、日记等相关资料作为论据。凡此努力,希望拓宽井冈山根据地史的研究视野,在研究视角和研究方法上有所创新,在发掘新史料和探讨新观点上有所突破。本文以阐述1927年历史选择井冈山的背景、原因和历程为开笔,然后集中对井冈山时期人物群体进行分类研究,以历史叙事学方法论述各群体代表人物在井冈山的历史事迹为着笔点,通过对人物的历史活动、群体特征、历史贡献的分析,来研究1927—1930年间的井冈山根据地“革命社会”中的人物群体,并归纳几点井冈山时期人物群体的社会共性。全文有绪论、正文六章和结论三部分。绪论部分,旨在交代选题缘起、回顾研究现状、阐明研究思路等问题。第一章分析1927年10月中国共产党的革命精英们引兵上井冈、创建革命根据地的背景,叙述创建井冈山根据地的简要历程,并援引现代性社会学理论分析井冈山革命社会生存并发展的原因。首先分析当时的革命背景,着重分析国共两党的政治信仰、思想基础的分歧,并从文化背景的大视野出发,深层次分析国共合作走向破裂的原因,由此导出1927年的国共武装对抗是不可避免的结论。接着,为便于对井冈山根据地史有一个基础性的了解,本文采用历史叙事学方法对井冈山根据地的历程作简要叙述。就探析井冈山革命社会的成因,本文援引现代社会学的方法,把井冈山根据地看作一个社会化系统进行分析,从而解答这个问题。从第二章到第五章,将井冈山人物分为革命精英群体、革命女性群体、绿林武装群体、普通民众群体(包括农民群体、游民无产者群体、底层士兵群体、俘虏与义兵)进行分类研究。首先着笔于对各类人物群体中代表人物的历史事迹作历史叙事和历史评价,然后论述各个群体的特征及其历史影响。第六章是井冈山人物群体综论。通过不同人物群体的研究透视,从人的社会属性角度出发,深层思考井冈山人物群体的行为动力。井冈山时期的人物群体生活在井冈山革命社会里,充当着不同的社会角色,表现某些共同的价值取向。其思想行为都是利害得失权衡后的抉择,体现出实用主义的倾向。他们怀有强度不一的期待革命成功的理想信仰,是他们参与革命的精神支柱。他们生活在社会集群中,无法避免群体心理效应的作用,群体心理效应是他们思想行为的重要动力。结语部分归纳出两点研究结论:第一,1927年开辟井冈山革命根据地是中国革命必然性与偶然性的结合,历史选择井冈山,是自然、社会、主客观各种条件作用的结果;井冈山根据地是一个现代性社会理论视角下典型的社会化系统,是一个特殊的社会模式。第二,井冈山各类人物群体构成了井冈山革命社会的实践主体,表现出一定的社会共性。希望本文为拓展井冈山根据地史的研究提供一点学术参考,并对现实问题的思考与处理有所启发。

【Abstract】 The history of the base in the time of Ground Revolution is one of the most important broach in the field of Chinese Communist History.The study on the history of the Jing Gang Shan Base is always the hotspot in the history of the base,because the history of the battle in Jing Gang Shan plays a very important role in the history of Chinese revolution.This paper tries to use the method of assorting the character-groups and histories narrate,and invokes the theory of modernity society and social psychology. It concludes the rank-and-filer,underplayed plebs,narrates the historical story,and studies the society in the battle of Jing Gang Shan.In order to dig and use new materials,this paper not only quotes the published materials and books,but also the unpublished drafts and memoirs,which from the file sections nearby Jing Gang Shan.All these efforts enlarge the study vision on the history of the base in the time of Ground Revolution,innovate in the angle of view and study method,and break through in the materials and standpoints.The paper,Firstly,expatiates on the background and course,and why history chooses Jing Gang Shan in 1927.Then it focuses on the Character-Groups separately, discourses upon the image in the base of Jing Gang Shan.Later,it sums up the Character-Groups’ commonness during the time of Jing Gang Shan from 1927—1930.The entire article is divided into three parts:introduction,text and the conclusion. The introduction hands over the origin of the title,looks back the actuality and illustrates the line of consideration.The first chapter analyses the background of Chinese Communist comes to the Jing Gang Shan and the course of creates the base,narrates the creating course and analyses the reason why the Jing Gang Shan society can exist and develop.From chapter 2 to chapter 5,studying on the heroes,women,armed and common people respectively,it first narrates and evaluates the story of the typical person from different group,and sums up the characteristic of the group and its historical influence.The chapter 6 discusses the group of the Characters Group in the Jing Gang Shan.According to study on the different group,it exploits the action motivity of the group of the Characters Group in the Jing Gang Shan from the social property.They live in the society of the Jing Gang Shan Revolutionary Base,and play different social roles. Their thinkings and actions embody the tendency of pragmatism.They have the belief on the success of the revolution,which is the spiritual support.They live in the society,and the group psychology influences them a lot considerably.The conclusion includes two points of view.Firstly,inaugurating the revolutionary base of Jing Gang Shan in 1927 is the combination of the inevitability and chanciness.The revolutionary base of Jing Gang Shan is a typical socialization system and a special social pattern in the angle of modernity.Secondly,the different character-groups is the main body of practice in the Jing Gang Shan Revolutionary Base.Their actions base on their thinking motivation,and put up some social commonness.This paper tries to make some efforts on the studies of the history of the Jing Gang Shan Revolutionary Base,and hopes to illumine on the salvation of the realistic problems.

  • 【分类号】D231
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】951

