

The Research of the Citizenization of Peasant-Workers

【作者】 胡杰成

【导师】 江立华;

【作者基本信息】 华中师范大学 , 社会学, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 农民工市民化是中国社会转型期面临的一个重要社会问题。本文试从社会互构论的视野出发,运用实地研究和文献研究的方法,揭示农民工市民化的内在机制,具体展现这种机制在市民化不同领域的运作,并探讨由这种机制运作所决定的农民工市民化的现状与前景。研究认为,影响农民工市民化的社会/结构因素主要包括制度安排、经济环境和舆论态度,个人/行动因素包括农民工的市民化意愿和市民化能力,而农民工市民化的过程则体现为一种作为行动者的农民工与社会结构密切互构共变的过程。具体来说,社会结构对农民工的行为适应既具有制约性,如收容遣送制度对农民工进城的拒斥、城市就业政策对农民工的排斥、城市义务教育制度对农民工子女的歧视等;也给农民工留下了一定的行动空间,如城市非正规就业领域为农民工提供了大量就业机会、城市地方政府在一定时期内默认不合法的民工子弟学校等。在这种结构性背景下,农民工也展现出巨大的主体能动性。他们为了追求自身生活目标,根据具体的行动情景而灵活采取各种策略,如面对收容时的“逃避”、在没有文化技术优势又缺乏高质量的社会资本的情况下“埋头苦干”、子女受到城市公立学校的歧视就自己“创造”民工子弟学校这一新事物、争取社会舆论的支持促使地方政府“变通默认”民工子弟学校、通过非制度化或制度化的“抗争”行为争取自身合法权益等。同时他们也积极利用了各种行动资源,如个人的经济、人力、社会资源等,以及在特定行动情景下对社会舆论力量、政府关注等资源的运用。众多农民工的这种适应行动不仅在不同程度上满足了其个体发展需求,而且带来了结构性的后果,在参与社会结构再生产的同时,也促进了社会结构的变迁,不断拓展着他们自身在城市生存和发展的制度、经济与舆论空间,如收容遣送制度走向瓦解、城市义务教育制度逐步消除对农民工子女的歧视、政府日益重视农民工权益保障等。农民工从而可以在一个更为有利的环境下继续市民化。农民工就是在这种个人与社会的密切互构中逐步走向市民化。自1980年代中后期农民工进城以来,农民工市民化的互构机制就开始发生其历时运作,这种互构运作的当前结果就体现为农民工市民化的现状,这种现状还将通过互构机制的继续运作进一步决定农民工市民化的未来前景。由于个体农民工之间在市民化意愿与能力上存在差异,不同代际农民工面临的结构性背景也存在着一定的差异,因而个体农民工在市民化进度与程度上是存在分化的。从现状来看,只有极少数农民工达到了市民化或准市民化,部分人处于半市民化状态,绝大部分人都处于一种城市边缘化状态,还有部分人返回了农村。展望未来,目前的边缘化农民工能上升至半市民化,甚至准市民化、市民化程度的总是少数,因为他们的文化技能水平普遍较低、市场竞争力弱,他们中的大部分将长期维持一种城市边缘化状态,并在失去年龄体力优势时,陆续重返农村。尽管如此,从代际更替的角度看,农民工所处的市民化环境总体上不断走向更加开放与公平,市民化意愿和能力也一代强于一代,所以,他们将一代比一代有更大的比例实现市民化,一代比一代的整体市民化程度更高。最后,文章提出了农民工市民化的“蓄水池”模型,并认为,为了促进农民工市民化、防止边缘化农民工累积可能带来的社会稳定风险,应采取给予农民工制度化的利益表达渠道、尊重其首创精神、加快给予农民工市民身份与权利、积极发展小城镇等措施。

【Abstract】 The citizenization of peasant-workers is a serious social problem which challenges the transition of China.From the perspective of social mutual-construction theory,with field work and bibliography as research method,this paper reveals the deep mechanism of citizenization of peasant-workers, indicating the operation of this mechanism in various fields.Finally,it discusses the current situation as well as the prospect of the citizenization of peasant-workers which are decided by the mechanism.Scholars indicate that the citizenization of peasant-workers is the process during which peasant-workers and social institution mutually constructed.The social factors affecting the process should include institutional arrangement,economic environment and public opinions.As for the individual factor,it should contain the desire and ability of the peasant-workers to the citizenization process.On one hand,social institution restricts the behavior adjustment of peasant-workers.For instance, the institution of accommodating and sending back excludes peasant-workers from entering cities; urban provisions of work politics repel peasant-workers;urban free compulsory education system discriminates against the children of peasant-workers.On the other hand,social institution also leaves some behavior space for the peasant-workers.For example,informal employment in the city provides jobs to peasant-workers;local government acquiesces in the existence of the illegal school of peasant-workers’ children.Under such circumstances,peasant-workers organize their behavior in an initiative way.They take institutional and uninstitutional strategies,make use of all kinds or resources (such as economic,human and social resources,public opinions and government’s attention) to contend and strive for their legal rights and interests.Some cases in points are like the following. They evade when facing the accommodating and sending back;they work deadly hard as they have no advantage in education as well as social capital;they establish school for their own children as the urban public school discriminate against them;they get support from public opinions,urging local government to admit those schools.All the adjustment behavior mentioned above not only satisfies the need of individuals,but also brings about institutional result:during the course of participating the reproduction of social institution,peasant-workers also change the social structure,and thus their own behavior space in the city develops.The breaking down of the institution of accommodating and sending back,the urban compulsory education system gradually clearing their prejudice towards peasant-workers’ children,the government emphasizing the security system of peasant-workers’ rights and interests,are all the results of the those changes.Just during this mutual-construction process, peasant-workers gradually citizenized.Ever since 1980s,when peasant-workers entered city,the mutual-construction mechanism is being in a diachronic operation process.The current result of this process is shown as the current situation of peasant-workers citizenizati on.And this" current citizenizati on" will therefore decide the prospect of peasant-workers citizenizati on in the future.Because in the peasant-worker group,the desire and ability to be citizenized differs greatly,and structured background also differs between those from different generation,the process and degree of citizenizati on must be divided or even polarized.Currently,only very few peasant-workers are citizenized or quasi-citizenized,some are semi-citizenized,while the reminding majorities are still marginalized groups in the city or even go back to country.And it is thought that there is very limited chance for those marginalized peasant-workers to be semi-citizenized or even quasi-citizenized as they are low-skilled and low-market competitive.As a result,most of them will stay in the state of marginalizati on and will be back to country when they get elder.However,from the point of generation replacement,generally the citizenizati on environment that peasant-workers face is being more open and fair,the desire and ability to be citizenized is being improved.Hence,the ratio of citizenized must be surely improved.Finally,this paper puts forth the" reservoir" model of citizenization of peasant-workers,and suggests that to improve peasant-workers to be more citizenized,and avoid the risk of social stability which would be brought by the accumulation of marginalised peasant-workers,such strategies should be taken:to provide systematic express mechanism for the peasant-workers,to provide citizen position and rights for them more quickly,to respect their initiatives,to develop small town.

  • 【分类号】C912.82
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】3438

