

The Research on Sustainable Development of Rural Tourism in Karst Areas

【作者】 李锦宏

【导师】 金彦平;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 农林业经济管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 喀斯特地貌在中国西南地区分布广泛,其形成因其二元结构三维空间的物质、能量流转换开放系统的特点而著称,在地球环境的“三态”作用下,形成了环境承载力和弹性系数极低的脆弱的生态系统。由于喀斯特山区环境的封闭性,形成并保留了众多独具魅力的喀斯特自然风光、丹霞地貌景观和浓郁古朴、多姿多彩的少数民族文化,以及神秘悠远、积淀厚重的历史文化,成为发展乡村旅游业不可多得的资源宝藏。但粗放式的喀斯特乡村旅游开发,又造成了喀斯特旅游区域生态环境的破坏、社会文化的变质和各利益相关者之间的冲突等一系列外部性问题,这将严重制约喀斯特地区乡村旅游的可持续发展。为此,深入开展喀斯特地区乡村旅游可持续发展研究具有重大的理论与实践意义。本文结合国内外乡村旅游的相关研究进展,从区域乡村旅游可持续发展的内在关系出发,重新审视了喀斯特乡村旅游可持续发展的内涵,归纳和总结了喀斯特乡村旅游可持续发展的相关基础理论。系统地提出了喀斯特乡村旅游可持续发展研究的理论框架,从可持续发展观、系统动力学和社区参与三个视角出发,明确地界定了喀斯特乡村旅游可持续发展研究的主要内容和方法。在此基础上,以喀斯特典型区域——贵州省作为实证分析的案例,对贵州省乡村旅游可持续发展问题进行了深刻的剖析。通过上述的分析与探讨,从宏观与微观的双重角度提出了喀斯特地区乡村旅游可持续发展的对策。通过研究发现:(1)喀斯特乡村旅游是基于喀斯特特有的自然生态环境、经济环境和社会文化环境下所开展的一种乡村旅游活动,其发展面临着特定的机遇和挑战,自然资源丰富、民族文化深厚与生态环境异常脆弱、贫困高度集中并存是喀斯特地区乡村旅游的显著特征。(2)喀斯特地区乡村旅游可持续发展是以喀斯特为开展空间,依托喀斯特特有的旅游资源,根据可持续发展的内在要求,实现经济、社会和生态效益协调统一的发展过程。(3)喀斯特乡村旅游系统是在喀斯特特定环境下,以参与主体系统为基点的耦合互动型的动力系统,对动力系统的分析和优化也就是对喀斯特乡村旅游系统的剖析。喀斯特地区乡村旅游可持续发展的问题即是该地区乡村旅游各个子系统的优化和共生问题。(4)旅游系统的解析与优化、利益参与主体行为的冲突与协调、多维目标体系的耦合共生、可持续发展评价指标体系的构建形成了喀斯特地区乡村旅游可持续发展研究的方法论。(5)实现乡村旅游经济可持续性、社会可持续性与生态可持续性的协调统一是喀斯特地区乡村旅游可持续发展的核心内容。(6)利用构建的评价指标体系对喀斯特典型区域——贵州省进行实证分析并得出贵州省乡村旅游的发展具有可持续性的结论。(7)喀斯特地区乡村旅游可持续发展研究,宏观上需要政府的主导,微观上需要构建一种以社区居民为核心的微观主体全面参与的模式体系。同时要充分考虑社区居民的利益,把居民的意见纳入旅游发展规划和政府决策中的原则,并实现各主体互利共生,和谐相处的一体化利益格局。本文的主要创新点如下:(1)为喀斯特地区乡村旅游可持续发展问题的研究提供了一种全新的研究视角。(2)系统构造了一个具有多学科理论耦合性的喀斯特地区乡村旅游可持续发展的分析框架。(3)构建了一套适用于喀斯特地区乡村旅游可持续发展的评价指标体系。(4)实现了理论研究与现实问题的紧密结合。综上所述,本文对指导喀斯特地区乡村旅游可持续发展及解决该地区“三农”问题具有较强的实践意义。

【Abstract】 Karst areas are widely distributed in Southwest China,well-known for its formation with the open system of material and energy flow conversion at three-dimensional space in dual structure,the fragile ecosystems was formed with low environmental capacity and elasticity under the effect of "tri-state".The unique charming Karst scenery,danxia landform,ancient colorful minority culture and the mysterious massive accumulation of historical culture were formed and retained as a result of the close environment in Karst area,which become the great resources for developing rural tourism. The extensive development of Karst rural tourism turned out to be a series of external conflicts with the regional ecological environment,society and culture and the people with related interest,which would restrict the sustainable development of rural tourism in the Karst area seriously.Therefore,the study on the sustainable development of rural tourism in Karst area has great theoretical and practical significance.The thesis re-examines the conception of the sustainable development of rural tourism in Karst areas from the point of inherent relationship of sustainable development in regional rural tourism by combining the related researches from home and abroad fields,and also sums up the theoretical system of the sustainable development of rural tourism in Karst areas.And the theoretical framework of the sustainable development of Karst rural tourism is put forward systematically as well as the clear definition of the main content and multi-discipline way for the research on the sustainable development of Karst rural tourism form three perspectives of sustainable development concept,the system dynamics and community participation.On this basis,the paper takes Guizhou-a typical Karst region as a case for deep proof analyzes on the sustainable development of rural tourism.And through the above analysis and discussion,the strategies for the sustainable development of rural tourism in Karst areas are offered from the dual perspective of the macro and micro levels.Through the study, we could find that:(1) Karst rural tourism is a kind of rural tourism carried out based on its unique natural ecological environment,economic environment and socio-cultural environment,the development of which faces specific challenges and opportunities.Abundant natural resources, profound national culture and great fragile ecological environment,highly concentrated areas poverty are remarkable features for the areas.(2)The sustainable development of Karst rural tourism is a process of taking the Karst as a space,relying on the unique tourism resources of Karst,realizing the harmony of economic,social and ecological benefits according to the inherent requirement of sustainable development.(3) The system of Karst rural tourism is the coupling interactive dynamic system based on the participation under the specific environment of Karst,an analysis and optimization of which is just the analysis of rural tourism.The sustainable development in Karst rural tourism is just the problem of optimization and coexistence of branch-systems in the region.(4) The analysis and optimization of travel system,the conflict and coordination of the interests of the participants,coupling system of multi-dimensional goals,construction of the evaluation index system forms the multi-disciplinary,multi-method explanation for the research on sustainable development. (5) The core content of sustainable development of rural tourism in Karst is the harmonization between the economic sustainability of rural tourism,the social sustainability and ecological sustainability.(6) Using the evaluation index system as a way to analysis the typical Karst region-Guizhou Province with an empirical way and obtain the conclusion that the sustainability exists in Guizhou Krast areas.(7) The research on sustainable development of rural tourism in Karst needs the government’s lead at macro level,and a micro-community of residents as the core of the full participation in the model system.At the same time,the interests of residents in the community should also be taken into full consideration as well as the residents’ views into the tourism planning and government decision-making process,and the harmonious interest pattern could be achieved for mutual benefits coexistence between the main subjects.In summary,the main innovations in the thesis are as the follows:(1) provides a new perspective for the research on the development of rural tourism in Karst areas.(2) constructs an analysis framework for the sustainable development of rural tourism in Karst regions with the coupling of multi-discipline.(3) constructs the evaluation index system which applies for the sustainable development of rural tourism in Karst regions.(4) the realization of an integration between the theoretical research and real problems.In conclusion,the research is of strong practical significance for guiding the sustainable development for rural tourism and the resolution of "tri-agriculture" issues in Karst areas.


