

Study of the Systematic Assessment of Conversion Program of Cropland to Forest in China

【作者】 刘诚

【导师】 刘俊昌; 田治威;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 退耕还林工程是中国林草业生态建设史上涉及面最广,规模最大,投入最多,政策性最强,与农民关系最密切的生态工程。退耕还林政策系一项影响广泛且深远的公共政策。应用政策评估方法开展退耕还林还草政策的分析和评估具有非常重要的现实意义,本文的研究以完整的退耕还林政策过程为对象,即以退耕还林政策的制定、执行和效果为分析和评估的对象,尝试借鉴公共政策学的分析框架,基于《国家林业重点工程社会经济效益监测报告》数据,运用多目标分析方法,对我国退耕还林政策进行系统的分析和评估,建立起退耕还林政策分析评估体系及具体评估指标,评估退耕还林政策的综合效果,以促进退耕还林工程的持续发展,为政府决策提供借鉴和参考。本论文第一章前言,首先对全文研究框架进行了总体安排,具体介绍了全文的研究背景、研究对象、研究目的、研究意义及研究思路。第二章主要对国内外退耕还林政策研究状况进行了简要的回顾和综述,并较为系统地总结出了与退耕还林政策分析和评估相关的理论基础,为后文研究奠定了基础。第三章首先介绍退耕还林工程规划简况及工程发展进程,进而分析退耕还林政策体系,并提出退耕还林政策的评价框架,包括具体的评价思路、评价原则、评价内容、评价指标体系及具体的评价方法。第四章至第七章借鉴公共政策学的逻辑分析框架,分别从政策制定、政策执行进展及政策效果三个角度进行了退耕还林政策全过程分析与评估。第四章侧重回溯分析退耕还林政策制定的宏微观背景,以揭示退耕还林政策制定的必要性和重要性。第五章侧重分析退耕还林政策执行进展情况,分析和评价政策执行进展的轨迹、及执行过程中存在的偏差、成因及纠偏举措。第六章分别从退耕还林的生态目标实现程度、退耕对农民收入影响、退耕对农村社会经济结构、退耕对粮食安全等多个维度对退耕还林政策效果进行分析与评价。第七章基于层次分析法,运用多目标评价框架,围绕政策目标较为系统地构建起了一套评估指标体系,对退耕还林政策效果进行综合评估。第八章总结全文研究,得出相关研究结论和本研究的创新点,并提出相关促进退耕还林工程持续发展的政策建议。总结全文研究,本文得出如下主要研究结论:1)退耕还林政策的制定具有必要性、重要性和合理性;2)退耕还林政策体系随工程实施进程动态渐进且日趋完善;3)退耕还林政策的执行总体进展顺利,但其中也存在一些退耕数量、退耕经费、退耕效果偏差,原因主要在于政策设计存有缺陷、管理上有漏洞;4)退耕还林政策效果显著,政策设计的生态目标得到了较好的实现,增加了农民收入,促进了农村产业结构调整,对粮食安全的威胁越来越小;5)退耕还林政策效果综合评估结果表明,退耕还林政策综合效果较为显著,退耕还林工程应该持续开展。同时,本论文也提出了如下一些政策建议:提高政策制定的参与性;进一步协调处理好工程的生态目标、经济目标和社会目标的关系:健全和完善退耕工程的论证、监控和协调反馈机制;不断优化和完善工程配套政策,确保退耕政策体系的完整性和系统性,确保退耕工程实施的可持续性。本论文研究的主要创新点在于:1)运用政策学分析框架,对退耕还林政策的制定、执行和效果进行了系统性的全过程评估;2)运用层次分析法对退耕还林政策的多维度效果进行了综合性的量化评估。

【Abstract】 The Conversion Program of Cropland to Forest is such an ecological program which has the widest outreach,the biggest scale,the most input,the strongest policy and the closest relationship with peasants in the history of ecological construction of forestry and grass industry of China.The policy of conceding land to forestry is a public policy which has extensive and far-reaching influence.It has very important practical significance to analyze and evaluate the policy of conceding land to forestry using policy-evaluation method.The research object is integrated process of the policy of conceding land to forestry.That is setting the constitution,execution and effect of the policy of conceding land to forestry as analysis and evaluation objects,using the analysis framework of public policy for reference,basing on the data of "Monitoring Report of the social and economical benefits of national forestry key projects",using the multiple objective analysis to systematical analyze and evaluate the policy of conceding land to forestry,then establishing analysis and evaluation system and specific evaluation index to estimate integrated effect of the policy of conceding land to forestry in order to promote sustainable development of the policy of conceding land to forestry and provide reference for government.The first chapter,preface generally arranges the whole-length research framework and specifically introduces the research background,objects,purpose,significance and process.The second chapter is a brief retrospection and summary of research status of the policy of conceding land to forestry both home and abroad.It also systematically summarizes fundamental theories corresponding to the analysis and evaluation of the policy of conceding land to forestry which lay the foundation of following research work.The third chapter firstly introduces the brief programming of conceding land to forestry and the programming process,then analyzes the policy system of conceding land to forestry and put forward the estimation framework of conceding land to forestry which includes the evaluation process,principle, content,index system and specific methods.From the forth chapter to the seventh chapter,a whole-process analysis and evaluation has been done from three separate perspectives:constitution, execution and effect by using the logical framework of public policy.The forth chapter mainly reviews the macroscopic and microscopic background in order to reveal the necessity and significance of constitution of the policy of conceding land to forestry.The fifth chapter stresses execution of the policy and its tracks,deflection of execution progress and its cause and solution.The sixth chapter analyzes and evaluates the effect of the policy of conceding land to forestry from actualization of ecological goals,influence to peasants’ income,social and economic structure of rural areas and food security.By using multiple objective estimation,the seventh chapter establishes a systematical evaluation index system based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process and the policy goals,and then estimates the effect of the policy of conceding land to forestry.The eighth chapter summarizes the main conclusions and innovations of whole research and put forward policy proposal to promote sustainable development of the project of conceding land to forestry.In closing,the main research conclusions are as follows:a) the policy of conceding land to forestry is a public policy which are necessary to be discussed using public policy analysis framework from public policy perspective;b) constitution of the policy has its necessity,significance and rationality;c) the policy system progresses dynamically and becomes more consummate with the process of corresponding projects;d) execution of the policy is favorable generally,but there are some deflection on the conceding amount,conceding outlay and conceding effect.The main reason is that design of the policy is deficient and the management is imperfect;e) effect of the policy is significant:ecological goals of policy design achieve well and peasants’ income increases,the regulation of rural industrial structure is promoted and its threat towards food security becomes more and more slight,f) the general estimation result to the effect of the policy indicates that the integrate effect is significant and the project of conceding land to forestry should keep going on.Meanwhile,there are several policy proposals as follows:a) improving the participation in constitution of the policy;b) coordinating the relationship better between ecological goals,economical goals and social goals of the project;c) regulating the demonstration,supervision,coordination and feedback mechanism;d) optimizing supporting policies of the project to ensure integrity and systematization of the policy setup and sustainability of the project process.Key innovation points of the research are:a) systematical and whole-process evaluation to the policy of conceding land to forestry from its constitution,execution and effect by using the analysis framework of public policy;b) integrated and quantized evaluation to multiple effects of the policy of conceding land to forestry based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process.


