

Analysis of Wild Plant Industrialization and Developing Strategies in China

【作者】 罗彦平

【导师】 刘俊昌; 温亚利;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 野生植物是人类社会发展的重要物质基础,为人类生活提供了各种物质资源,涉及从食品、医药、保健品、木材、花卉、能源到工农业原料等生产生活的各个领域。然而,随着利用范围的不断扩大,野生植物资源受到了严重的破坏,其物种和资源蕴藏量都急剧下降,并且有进一步恶化的发展趋势。可见,野生植物资源的利用和保护之间存在着较大矛盾,如何在保护好野生植物资源不受破坏的基础上,充分的利用野生植物资源,成为我们亟待解决的问题之一。另外,从资源分布上看,野生植物资源多分布在老少边穷的地区,丰富的资源却没能给当地经济的发展带来发展动力,而野生植物利用产业化的实现,将成为促进这些地区经济增长的重要途径,同时,产业化的实现将有效的促进野生植物资源的合理有序利用,缓解资源压力,可见野生植物利用产业化的全面实现具有非常重要的现实意义。因此,本文对我国野生资源产业进行较为系统的分析,将为我国野生植物利用走上产业化的道路提供科学的理论依据。本文主要内容包括:(1)对野生植物利用产业及产业化概念进行界定,并对我国野生植物利用产业的特点进行概括。(2)探究我国野生植物利用的发展历程及演变,分析不同阶段野生植物利用特点。(3)利用产业经济学、区域经济学、资源经济学等知识,对野生植物的利用和产业化发展情况进行分析,其中包括野生植物利用产业布局、产业市场、产业结构、产业组织模式、产业政策。(4)在产业分析结果基础上提出我国野生植物利用产业发展战略。在研究方法上,论文以资源经济学、产业经济学、区域经济学等学科理论为基础,结合统计学、生态学知识,以定性分析为主,定量分析为辅、实证分析与规范分析相结合的方法进行研究。本文主要结论包括:(1)野生植物利用产业是一个内容丰富,构成复杂的产业。其丰富的内涵决定了野生植物利用产业化应当包含产业空间布局、产业市场、产业结构、产业组织模式以及产业政策5方面要点。(2)野生植物利用产业发展是一个漫长的过程,且需要经历不同的阶段,而在不同阶段中,政策起到了非常重要的决定作用。(3)野生植物利用产业布局与资源禀赋情况具有较大的相关性。现有的资源禀赋情况决定了我国野生植物利用的地区不平衡性特点。(4)我国野生植物市场体系还处在发育阶段,这在很大程度上阻碍了产业的发展。(5)野生植物利用产业构成的复杂性及内容的丰富性决定了产业组织模式的多样性,目前单一的产业组织模式在很大程度上阻碍产业的快速发展,而构建多样的组织模式是产业发展的必然需要。(6)产业中各组成部分的结构分析发现,目前我国野生植物利用产业发展水平还很低,处在产业形成阶段向成长阶段的转变时期。(7)产业政策在产业发展方面起到了重要的规范与导向作用,但是由于目前产业政策不完整造成了我国野生植物利用产业的缓慢发展甚至是停滞发展。(8)在分析基础上,文章创造性的构建出了我国野生植物利用产业发展的总体框架,提出了野生植物发展战略,通过空间布局的合理规划,产业市场的完善、产业组织模式的创新以及产业政策保障体系的建立,为野生植物利用产业的快速发展提供了理论基础。

【Abstract】 Wild plant is an essential resource for human being.Besides the crop plants that provide our basic food and fibers,many thousands of wild plants have great economic and cultural importance and potential, providing food,medicine,fuel,clothing and shelter for vast number of people throughout the world.Yet, in spite of our reliance on plants,crisis point has been reached.Many species of plants are on the edge of extinction.So,it is seems that there is a contradiction between wild plant protection and utilization. How to utilize these resources on the premise of that wild plants are well good protected? We should solve this problem as soon as possible.On the other hand,wild plant is mainly distributed in remote and border areas and poverty-stricken areas.Wild plant utilization and industrialization will be a very import way to increase the economic growth in these places.In the process of wild plant industrialization,large scale of plant will be cultivated,so the plants which growing in wild will be protected at the same time.Thus,the research of wild plant utilization and industrialization has further and actual significance in China,and the research will provide the theory basis for wild plant industrialization.The main content of the thesis contains:(1) Give the definition of wild plant industry and industrialization.Then summarize the distinctive feature of wild plant industrialization.(2) Analyze the historical course of the wild plant utilization,then classifies the wild plant industry into several phases based on the different features.(3) Analyze the wild plant utilization and industrialization in China which based on Industrial Economics,Regional Economics and Resources Economics.The analysis will contain 5 parts,like the relationship between wild plant utilization and the distribution of natural science,the driving forces of wild plant industrialization and the development of wild plant markets, industry structure,industrial organization model and industry policy.(4) Make strategies for wild plant industrialization after the analysis of wild plant industry.The main methodology of the research is qualitative analysis,supplemented by quantitative analysis, and uses both the tools of positive and of normative analysis in the thesis.The theory basis of the research includes:Industrial Economics,Regional Economics,Sources Economics,Statistics,and Ecology.The conclusion of the thesis contains:(1) Wild plant industry is a very complicated system,which contains distribution of wild plant industry,industry market,industry structure,industrial organization model,and industry policy.(2) There would be a long process in the development of wild plant industry. We can divide the long process into different stages based on the feature of wild plant utilization.In the development of wild plant industrialization,policy plays a crucial role on it.(3) There is a very strong correlation relationship between the distribution of wild plant industry and relevant resources.The development of wild plant industry is uneven which decided by the distribution of relevant resources.(4) Wild plant markets are at the stage of forming,and it is an important factor holding back the development of wild plant industry.(5) There should be many kinds of industrial organization model in wild plant utilization based on the complicated structure of wild plant industry.Now,there is only one model in China,which is another important factor holding back the development of wild plant industry. (6) As it said before,industry policy plays a very important part in the development of wild plant industry.Industry policy will be a guide in the process of development.However,the policies already existed in China are incomplete.(7) In the thesis,a frame of wild plant industry will be built based on the analysis of wild plant industrialization in China.The frame will contain the distribution of wild plant industry,the wild plant market,industrial organization model,and industry policy.The frame will be a theory basis for wild plant industrialization.


