

Study on Public Product by Government Supply of the State-Owned Forest Area in JILIN Province

【作者】 何继新

【导师】 顾凯平;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 农林经济管理, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 林业可持续发展战略的提出,国有林区天保工程全面实施、和谐林区构建和国有森工企业改制以及森林资源管理体制改革等各项改革稳步推进以来,整个吉林省国有林区的经济结构和社会结构发生了历史性的重大变革。在这种形势下,厘清吉林省国有林区公共产品政府供给的实际情况和规律,构筑一个能够与市场经济要求相适应并符合吉林省国有林区状况的新型国有林区公共产品政府供给体制,是当前推进国有林区经济、社会和生态可持续发展的一项紧迫和重要任务。本文从当前国有林区公共产品政府供给现实视角将天保工程在吉林省国有林区全面实施以来作为研究的逻辑起点,选择吉林省国有林区这一典型区域对其公共产品政府供给发展运行状况、规律和供给机制构建进行研究。同时,本文从国有林区公共产品政府供给发展过程和当前现状出发,以公共经济学理论、公共财政理论、现代林业理论和可持续发展理论作为理论基础,国有林区公共产品政府供给的特殊性作为前提,运用定量和定性研究相结合、实证和规范研究相结合、演绎和归纳研究相结合的研究方法进行研究。在理论上界定国有林区公共产品以及政府供给相关规范涵义;厘清国有林区经济社会的不同发展阶段公共产品政府供给的事实和一般性规律;通过抽样问卷调查,对国有林区职工居民公共产品需求偏好进行分析;基于当前国有林区现实状况和公共财政框架,研究国有林区公共产品政府供给主体和客体、供给规模和结构、供给行为和效率,探讨建立长效需求、筹资和供给管理等若干有效的国有林区公共产品政府供给实施机制设计理论模型,提出相应供给政策创新方案并对此进行的规范解释。研究得出的主要结论是:(1)在界定了国有林区公共产品政府供给概念基础上,提出吉林省国有林区公共产品政府供给的现实依据主要体现在:满足国有林区发展目标和社会公共需求全面增长;实现公共产品均等化、和谐林区和小康社会构建客观要求;耦合社会转型,协同改革稳步推进;改善国有林区各种环境,促进国有林区经济社会全面发展和进步。特殊依据体现在:协同性、政府主导性、生态基础性、社会治理性和政策制度依赖性。(2)国有林区从计划管理体制到市场经济体制不同阶段背景下的公共产品政府供给行为有着明显差异,尤其在市场经济管理体制阶段,国有林区公共产品政府供给行为出现了政府供给职能强化和市场转换,政府供给投融资对象效率提高,单一化向多元化转型。(3)依据建构的国有林区公共产品初步分类体系框架,在公共财政框架下明晰公共产品政府供给客体的时间和价值层面目标体系,供给总体范围和重点范围,政府与市场的公共边界性范围、政府内部层级性范围。(4)国有林区公共产品政府供给主体定位是以公共财政下的政府供给为主,适当转移基本公共产品供给责任重心,让省、县一级政府在公共产品提供中发挥更大的作用,作为过渡时期区别对待国有林区乡镇政府的公共产品供给作用和责任。森工企业组织结构及相应职能应该被重新整合归位,不同供给主体应该找到其发挥作用的场所。(5)国有林区公共产品政府供给方式正在由内部收益分配的隐性供给、集权式单中心管理向公共财政的显性供给、放权式多中心治理转变。供给渠道上,国家预算内资金投资额度大幅增加;地方政府预算内配套资金投资额度下降并在一定水平上保持稳定,并发挥了重要的补充作用;天保工程中央财政专项事业投资一直是国有林区公共产品政府供给的主要资金渠道。供给决策上,强调了决策理念正在由“生产导向的分配财政”到“消费导向的公共财政”转变;决策模式正在由“自上而下”到“自下而上、上下结合”转变。供给管理模式上,强调当前实行项目法人制、推广项目“代建制”是国有林区公共产品政府供给发展的必然要求和改革的必然趋势。(6)国有林区公共产品政府供给规模存在着较强的周期性,表现出一定的周期规律性。宏观环境的变动,尤其政府层面宏观上的制度性安排和政策取向是其波动的最重要原因。另外,其对国有林区林业总产值贡献的效率波动幅度大,具有不稳定性。供给资金到位率和管理效率也较高。职工年收入水平、供给分权程度和财政分权程度等变量构成影响政府供给水平的主要影响因子。政府供给规模具有比较显著和稳定的持续增长趋势,但增长幅度不是很大。(7)大部分政府供给投资投向了以围绕营林育林为主要内容和范围的林业生态建设类公共产品。国有林区三大区域公共产品政府供给投资存在不均衡状态。延边林管区一直是主要的国家投资区域,投资下降幅度最大。(8)政府供给规模是林业生产总值的格兰杰成因,并存在单向因果关系,对林业生产总值有解释力。从短期来看,公共产品政府供给资金要素的变化与林业生产总值的变化方向具有反方向的变化趋势。从长期来看,政府增加林业中的公共产品政府供给资金的投入可以带来大于投入的产出。(9)国有林区职工居民公共产品紧迫性需求优先序和重要性优先序更多地集中在生活类公共产品需求上面,生产类公共产品供给集中在造林建设上面。目前政府供给方向与公共需求偏好基本上吻合,需求满意强度较高的是生产类公共产品,生活类公共产品的满意度较低,尤其是住房、生活环境和基本医疗卫生服务。(10)围绕需求、筹资和供给管理一体化三个层面提出并阐释了国有林区公共产品政府长效供给机制构建。包括:构建“自上而下”和“自下而上”双结合的国有林区公共产品需求表达机制和显真机制和不同层级公共产品供给的决策制度;构建公共财政体制框架下的政府主导、市场化运作、社会参与相结合的多中心筹资模式;构建和创新目前国有林区公共产品政府供给管理制度。

【Abstract】 Since varieties of reforms such as steadily forestry strategy of sustainable development being put forwarded,the natural forest protection project of state-owned forest area being put into effect all-around,harmonious forest zone structured,the system of state-owned forest labor enterprise changed and the system of forest resource manage reformed and so on move forward steadily,historic significance happened in entire Jilin province national forest zone economic pattern and social structure. Under this circumstances,cleaning up reality and law that the common product supplied by Jilin province national forest zone government,building one system that is able to meet market economy requirement.And this is a new kind of system called new model of national forest zone supply which adapts to Jilin province national forest zone situation.Currently,this is an urgent and important mission pushing forward national forest zone economy,society and ecology sustainable development.The article has taken natural forest protection project as research logic starting point since the Jilin province national forest zone is put into effect all round,considering the real visual angle from the current national forest zone product government supplement.Choosing this representative Jilin province national forest zone area supplying to research common product government supplies developing operational state,law and the mechanism supplying structure.Theory,public property theory,modern forestry theory and sustainable development theory are a rationale with common economics,the develop process and current situation setting off from the common national forest zone product government supplying process.The particularity that the government supplies with common product of national forest zone is a premise,wielding a quantify and determining the nature studying union of demonstration and norm study,deducing and being summed up that going into each other.The boundary fixes the common product of national forest zone and the government supplying with standard implication of relevance;Cleaning up realities and generality law that national forest zone economy society supplies in different development stages.The questionnaire inquires into,by sampling,common product need prefers by national forest zone staff and worker resident.Owing to current national forest zone real situation and public property frame,Forming varieties of theory models of common national forest zone product government supplying mechanism such as studying subject and object,scale and structure,behavior and efficiency that common national forest zone product government supplying with, discussing long effective needs,raising capital and supplying with administration and so on.Suggesting innovation frame of corresponding supplies policies and making an criterion explanation for it. The main conclusions received from researches are:(1)On having defined the concept of state-owned forest area public product government supply,we put forward that the practical foundations of state-owned forest area public product government supply in Jilin province embody mainly in satisfying the development target of state-owned forest area and full-scale increase of social public demand;achieving objective requirement of public product equality\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ forest area harmoniousness and constructing a relatively well-off society;coupling social transforms, cooperating reform and moving forward steadily;improving the environment of state-owned forest area, promoting full-scale development and advance of economy and society in state-own forest area.The peculiar foundations embody in:coordination,government leading factor,ecological foundation,social government and policy dependence.(2)The supply behavior of the government is sharply different between planned management system and diverse stages of market-oriented economy system;especially at the management system stage of market-oriented economy,the government strengthen their supply function and change their marketplace in state-owned forest area public product government supply;the efficiency of investment object goes to a higher degree.Unitary-rization transform to the diversification.(3)According to the preliminary classification system frames of state-owned forest area public product,under public property frame,we make clear the time of government supplying object with public product and target system of value level,total range and focal range of supply,common boundary range of government and market,layer range of government.(4)The principle of orientating subject in state-owned public product government supply is that we give first place to government supply under common finance,transfer the responsibility focus properly in fundamental public product supply,make one-level governments in province and county play an more important role in public product supply,as transitional period,treat the function and responsibility of government in villages and towns differently in public product supply,reorganize the structure and corresponding function in forest-labor enterprise,find a place for diverse supplies where they play a part.(5)The ways of government supply are transferring form recessive supply- dyadic centralization of state power to dominance supply、multi-centered decentralization of state power.On the supplying channel,the degree of investment increases by large margin within the state budget;supporting fund degree of investment comes down and maintains stably on some level within local government budget, also plays an important complement part;the special cause investment of central finance in Tianbao project is always the main channel of funds in state-owned public product government supply.On the policy decision of supply,decision-making conceptions change from assignment finance oriented by production to public property oriented by market;the decision-making patterns change from "top-bottom" to "bottom-up" and combination;on management pattern of supply,we emphasize putting project corporation system into practice at present,and extending project "acting organization system" is the certain demand of development and the inevitable trend of reform.. (6)In state-owned forest area public product government supply,there is strong cyclicity in scale,showing certain regularity,macro-environment alteration,especially system arrangement and policy trend in macroscopic view on government tier of face play the most important role in fluctuation; besides,the undulant extent of efficiency that these changes contribute to forestry total output value in state-owned forest area is big and instable;the Fully-Funded rates and efficiency of management are also higher,the variables such as staff and worker’ s yearly income level、supply decentralized degree and finance decentralized degree are main factors which affect the level of government supply;the increasing trend of government supply scale is comparatively notable and stable,but the extent is not big.(7)Most government supply invest in common product which consider building and breeding forestry as main content and range.Government supplies of common products exist disproportion in three areas.The Yanbian district of a forest warden is always main government investment area,but the descendant of investment is maximal.(8)The scale of government supplies results in forest total output value Gelanjie and exists one-way causality and also can explain the total output value of forestry.In the short run,the changing trends between fund elements and forestry total output value are opposite directions.In the long run,the fund that government added to public products can bring about output greater than that of throws into.(9)Preferential order of urgency needs and significance of common products concentrate on common products of daily necessities,supply of productive common products concentrate on afforestation.At present,the government supply direction and common need preference coincide basically.The needing satisfied level in productive articles is higher than that of daily necessities, especially housing,environment,and fundamental medical and health service.(10)Center on demand-,raising capital and supplying management three layers integration,we bring forward and expound building long effect mechanism.Including:building demand expressing mechanism、displaying true mechanism and making policy system with " top-bottom" and "bottom-up" combination.under public financial system frame,Building multi-centre raising capital pattern where government leading factor、market-oriented operation and social participation combine, building and innovating present management system of state-owned public product government supply.

  • 【分类号】D625;F326.2;F224
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】631
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