

A Study on Theory and Method of Urban Green Space System Planning Based on the Sustainable Development

【作者】 雷芸

【导师】 孟兆祯;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 当前,我国社会发展正经历着全面而深刻的变革,就城市地区而言,这种变革集中表现在社会体制转轨、政治体制改革、社会阶层分化重构、生态环境恶化、城市文化变迁等多个方面。面对社会转型时期的各种剧变,城市绿地系统规划作为一种面向未来、协调城市与自然、并服务于社会的政府职能,必须回应各种变革和挑战。同时,目前城市绿地系统规划与建设中确实面临着诸多矛盾。显然,继续沿用传统的城市绿地系统规划理念和方法,不仅无助于问题和矛盾的根本解决,更不利于我国城市绿化事业的健康发展。为此,本研究立足城市规划与风景园林的学科背景,对城市绿地的本质和城市绿地系统及其规划的认识进行全面阐述,并在“人与自然和谐”理念的指导下,从提高规划的科学性和合理性角度出发,对现行城市绿地系统规划方法进行多方深入的思考和探讨,力图寻找能够符合现今城市发展需求的规划方法体系,从规划技术角度解决城市绿地发展中的现实问题。本研究主要成果如下:1、通过对“城市绿地”概念的重新释义,进一步阐释“城市绿地”的本质内涵,即从土地学角度,城市绿地是一个综合自然体;从经济学角度,城市绿地是社会的自然资本;从城市规划学角度,城市绿地是绿色的基础设施;从社会政治学角度,城市绿地是社会的公共物品。2、借助复杂系统领域的泛义方法论,形成城市绿地系统规划自身的综合集成方法论,并提出其综合集成方法的运行模式,作为绿地系统规划方法体系的宏观路线框架。3、在技术方法层面上,从城市绿地布局入手,重点阐明城市绿地布局必须主动呼应城市发展的现实需求,明确了以“绿地功能”为导向,兼顾现行绿地分类的布局思路,提出了基于“绿地适应性评价”的绿地布局方法;同时,从绿地生态功能角度出发,初步提出了基于缓解热岛效应的绿地布局评价手法。在此基础之上,对现行城市绿地系统规划的程序组织进行了局部调整,从而完善城市绿地系统规划的方法体系。4、针对城市空间层面,把游憩绿地布局作为重点,提出了从社区到城区,再到近郊区的三层游憩绿地布局模式。其中,对于社区层面的公园绿地建设,建议新区或新城建设要结合城市社区发展规划,形成居住社区公园和基层社区游园的二级结构,其中居住社区公园的人均指标为2m~2/人,基层社区游园的人均指标为0.5m~2/人;而对于城区层面公园绿地的人均指标,本研究认为综合公园对于城市居民休闲、缓解热岛效应、建立避灾据点等方面具有重要作用,是城市的骨干性公园,应该是今后一段时期城市公园建设的主要目标,因此,为了切实推进城市大型公园的建设,建议人均综合公园面积为5m~2/人,从而使人均公园绿地面积达到9m~2/人,促进公园绿地发展由量变走向质变。

【Abstract】 At present,Chinese social development is undergoing a comprehensive and profound change,in connection with the urban area,this change is mainly focus on the performance of the transition of social system,reform of political system,social stratification remodeling,deterioration of the ecological environment,urban cultural changes,etc.Meanwhile,there are number of contradictions between the system planning of urban green space and construction indeed so far.Obviously,if we still continue to adopt the traditional concept and methods of urban green space system planning,neither will it help solve fundamental problems and contradictions thoroughly,nor it is beneficial to the development of Chinese urban greening.Thus,this study which was based on the background of urban planning and landscape architecture conducts a comprehensive explanation on the essence of urban green space, urban green space system and its planning,And with the guidance of "harmony between human being and nature" concept,from the angle of improving the scientific and rationality of urban planning, discussing the existing method of system planning of urban green space in details,this article tries to find the system which could meet the needs of urban development planning and solve the problems from a technical point of planning the development of urban green space.The results of this study are as follows:1.Explaining the essence of "urban green space" in further by redefining it’s concept which is from the point of land,the urban green space is an integrated and natural subject.From an economic point of view,urban green space is the natural capital;from urban planning perspective,urban green space is a green infrastructure;from the perspective of social and political science,urban green space is social public goods.2.By using the wide range of meaning methodology of complex systems,the integration methodology of the urban green space system planning comes into being in this article.What’s more,it is also brought forward that operating model of its integrated methods,which is the macro-line system framework of green space system planning.3.On the technique level,starting from the layout of urban green space,the article emphasizes that it is pretty necessary to meet the needs of urban development for the layout of urban green land. After making clear the guidance of "the function of green land" and the layout thought of the classification for existing green land,the article points out the layout methods of the green land based on "adaptive evaluation of green";At the same time,from the perspective of the ecological functions of green space,there are also some evaluation of green practices which are based upon the heat island effect mitigation preliminary.On this basis,in order to improve urban green space system planning methodology,this article also adjusts the process of existing urban green space system planning partially.4.In view of urban space,the layout of the open green spaces is regarded as a keystone,it is also pointed out the three-tier distribution model from the community to the City and to suburb.For the green land construction of park in community,it is highly suggested to integrate with the development planning of urban communities and form the secondary structure of a green land in residential community and the grass root community.The per capita of the green land in residential community is 2 m~2/person,the one of the grass-roots community is0.5 m~2/person,As for the urban level,in order to promote the construction of major parks effectively in the city,the study indicated that the main target for the future should be the construction of major parks.It is suggested that the Per capita area of the construction should be increased to5 m~2/person,The on of large-scale comprehensive park should be 9 m~2/person.


