

Research on Structure and Growth of Pinus Tabulaeformis Stand Simulation in Beijing

【作者】 贺姗姗

【导师】 彭道黎;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 森林经理学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文以北京市八达岭山区油松(飞播)人工林为例,研究了实现人工林(纯林)林分模拟的方法和基本流程,为逐步构建全国森林植被模拟系统奠定了基础,也为人工林生产经营提供了真实有效的参考。本研究基于林分现实结构和生长规律,弥补了其他领域模拟系统缺乏林业特点的缺陷,并自主研发了适用于我国特色的林分模拟原型系统。本文研究的主要内容包括:(1)林分现实结构规律的研究;(2)林分生长规律的研究和建模;(3)基于林分模拟的三维建模研究;(4)基于林分特征的模拟研究(5)原型系统的设计与开发。(1)林分现实结构规律的研究。通过实际样地调查以及现有数据的积累,研究林分的直径结构、树高结构以及林分的空间分布格局。通过Weibull函数利用最大似然法对林分直径结构、树高结构进行了建模;运用了Ripley’s K(d)函数和大小比、角尺度分析了林分空间格局,最后得到林分的结构规律和分布格局特征。(2)林分生长规律的研究和建模。首先对林分多形地位指数模型构进行构建,本研究提出了运用小生境遗传算法建立Sloboda多形地位指数方程,取得了较好拟合结果,并与传统遗传算法进行了比较研究,总结了方法的优劣。其次,建立了林分密度指数模型。最后,对不同林分尺度进行了生长模型构建,包括全林分模型和单木模型,为后面林分模拟做好参数准备。(3)林分模拟三维建模的研究。本研究提出了适用于林分场景模拟的三维建模技术,即基于OBJ模型文件的几何建模,运行结果在林分尺度上真实、快速,得到了较满意的效果。(4)基于林分特征的模拟研究。首先依据现有数据,在林分模拟中排列树木的位置,如果没有全部真实的位置信息,本研究提出了基于样方调查得到林分空间分布格局规律,以整个林分空间格局规律进行模拟林分树木分布状况,并取得了很好的模拟结果,由于在传统二类调查过程中,往往缺失了位置信息,该方法能够真实有效的反应林分现实分布状况,并且符合一定的理论依据。其次,本研究首次尝试了对现有小班数据,通过调查部分树木位置信息,得到了林分空间格局分布规律,模拟林分树木分布。最后,对林分树木生长的模拟,以动画的形式表现,基于Agent机制进行树木动画建模,并利用树木模型的真实数据进行模拟,该数据的计算均是依据前边生长模型得到的相关参数,具有一定的参考价值。(5)原型系统的设计和开发。本研究对示范区油松人工林林分建立一个面向森林经营管理的林分模拟平台的原型系统——林分模拟系统(Quick StandSystem,QSS)。该系统主要分为六个功能模块,包括:2D图层管理模块、3D视窗模块、属性数据管理模块、树木模型管理模块、林分结构构建模块与林分生长预测模块,并利用八达岭油松人工林进行了测试与试运行,实现了人工林林分模拟。

【Abstract】 In this paper,the Beijing Badaling Pinus tabulaeformis mountain stands as an example,the research to achieve the plantation(pure)stands simulation methods and the basic processes,and explore the application of a set of tree species in forest plantations in China the feasibility of simulation program,in order to gradually build a simulation system for the national forest cover has laid a foundation for plantation production and management provides a real and effective reference.Based on this study,stand structure and growth of the laws of reality,in other areas to make up for the lack of forestry characteristics simulation system deficiencies,and the application of independent research and development characteristics of China’s stand on the prototype system simulation.The main contents of this paper include:(1)Stand structure of the rules of reality;(2) stand growth law research and modeling;(3)simulation of three-dimensional modeling of forest research;(4)based on stand characteristics Simulation of(5)of the prototype system design and development.(1)Stand structure of the rules of reality.Through practical sample surveys,as well as the accumulation of existing data to study the structure of the stand diameter,tree height structure and the spatial distribution pattern of the stand.Weibull function through the use of maximum likelihood structure of the stand diameter,tree height structure modeling;use of Ripley’s K(d) function and the size ratio,angle of the stand-scale analysis of spatial pattern,finally stands structure and distribution pattern characteristic of the law.(2)Stand growth law research and modeling.First index stands plcomorphic structure to build a model,this study proposed the use of niching genetic algorithms to establish the status of Sloboda pleomorphic index equation,and achieved better results fit with the traditional genetic algorithm research,summed up the method is good or bad.Secondly,the establishment of a stand density index model.Finally,stand on different scales for the growth model,including model and single-tree stand model for simulation of the back stand ready to do a good job parameters.(3)stands simulation study of three-dimensional modeling.In this study,a stand for the scenes of simulated three-dimensional modeling techniques,namely model based on the OBJ file to the geometric modeling,the results in the stands true scale,rapid,and have been more satisfied with the results.(4)Based on the simulation of stand characteristics.First of all,based on existing data,in the stands with the simulation of the location of the trees,if not all of the real location information, this study has been based on sampling the spatial distribution pattern of the law stands,a whole stand to simulate the spatial pattern of law-lin distribution of sub-trees and made a very good simulation results,as second-class in the traditional course of the investigation,the location information is often missing,the method can be effective response to the true reality of the distribution of stands,and with some theoretical basis.Second,this study was the first attempt of the existing forest map data,by investigating some of the trees in the location information has been the pattern of distribution of stand space to simulate the distribution of forest trees.Finally, the simulation of forest trees to the form of animation,each frame tree model used to simulate real data,the data are based on the calculation of the growth model in front of the relevant parameters, has a certain reference value.(5)The prototype system design and development.This study of Chinese pine plantation forest demonstration area for the establishment of a forest stand management simulation platform prototype system-stand simulation system(Quick Stand System,QSS).The system is divided into six functional modules,including:2D layer management module,3D window module, attribute data management module,model management module trees,stand structural building blocks and stand growth prediction module,and the use of Badaling Chinese pine plantation has been tested with the test run,the realization of a simulation of plantation forest.

【关键词】 人工林林分结构生长模型模拟
【Key words】 plantingstand structuregrowth modelsimulation

