

Study on Seed-base Method for Afforestation in Saline Land in Hebei and Rocky Mountainous Area in Beijing

【作者】 李国华

【导师】 朱金兆;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 为了克服困难立地地区植被恢复过程中种子发芽率低、树苗造林成活率低以及初期生长量较差的现象,在河北滨海盐碱地和北京土石山区造林试验中,采用局部改善植物生长环境的技术——保育基盘造林技术进行了试验研究。在河北滨海盐碱地,通过修筑台田、挖排水沟、铺隔离层、基盘育苗、营养客土基盘移植树苗等综合措施,探讨河北滨海盐碱地基盘法造林技术。结果表明:种基盘具有一定阻隔盐碱的作用。2007年种基盘出苗率降序排列依次为Ⅲ、Ⅳ、Ⅱ、Ⅰ,即客土、草炭、蛭石和珍珠岩体积比为5∶1∶2∶2的种基盘出苗率最高,且蛭石和珍珠岩组合占优势的基盘配方出苗率高于草炭占优势的基盘配方。2008年试验中种基盘的出苗率主要因树种而异,就基盘配方而言,海藻肥对种基盘出苗率影响不显著,粘合剂对其影响显著。经过生长季节6,7,8,9月份连续观测,直到10月7日对基盘苗进行全面统计,存活率和生长状况良好的基盘苗为国槐,白蜡、臭椿和刺槐,其余4种存活率较低。说明河北滨海盐碱地适应性基盘树种主要为国槐,白蜡、臭椿和刺槐。营养客土基盘具有较强的阻隔盐碱的作用,能够为绿化植物提供一个良好的局部生长环境,营养客土基盘的内部养分环境受台田土壤水盐运动的影响,一般台田土壤盐分在中度盐化或以下水平时,营养客土基盘内植物易取得高生长量,当台田土壤盐分为盐化或以上水平时,营养客土基盘内植物的生长量会有所下降,且与台田土壤盐化水平呈负相关关系。通过对台田水盐动态情况的观测,初步得出台田土壤的水盐变化规律。台田水盐状况主要受降水和蒸发的影响,4月和5月降水较少,蒸发强烈,土壤含水量相对较少,土壤水分变化波动性强,土壤盐分含量较高,土壤含盐量变化波动也较强,有升有降;6月,7月和8中旬降水充沛,土壤含水量达到年季上限水平,土壤含盐量明显的降低,脱盐显著;从8月中旬以后到9月和10月降水明显减少,土壤含盐量又逐渐增大。不同类式的台田水盐状态差异性显著,2007年的台田土壤平均含盐量从低到高依次为南北两条“十”字式、全铺式、对照式、南北两条加塑料布式、南北两条式,2008年的台田土壤平均含盐量从低到高依次为南北两条“十”字式、南北两条加塑料布式、全铺式、对照式、南北两条式。炉渣隔离层的排盐阻盐效果优于建筑垃圾。除此之外,在北京地区的低海拔石质山区对基盘育种造林方法的应用进行了调查研究,通过9个树种在不同配方种基盘条件下的生长情况进行试验,调查在同等生长条件下不同树种在播种后的出苗情况、生长情况,并对可能发生的状况进行预判和改善,然后对各树种在不同配方下生长情况进行单因素方差分析以确定不同配方对树种的影响,从而找到最适合本地区进行基盘绿化技术的树种和方式。结果表明:9个树种在任意配方基盘下的成活率降势趋势是侧柏>元宝枫>刺槐>白皮松>火炬>白蜡>盐肤木>油松>桧柏。尤其是1—15号配方基盘下侧柏、元宝枫、刺槐、白皮松和火炬的成活率与白蜡、盐肤木、油松、桧柏的成活率差异显著(P<0.05),得出结论是侧柏、元宝枫、刺槐、白皮松、火炬是北京土石山区利用基盘技术造林较适宜树种,白蜡、盐肤木、油松、桧柏等不适宜采用基盘技术播种育苗造林。试验测试的9个树种,除桧柏外其他8个树种——侧柏、元宝枫、刺槐等其基盘苗成活率与化肥量方差分析差异显著,一般情况是基盘苗成活率与所添加的化肥量成负相关。试验设计的5种化肥量水平,侧柏基盘苗随着化肥量的增加成活率下降;元宝枫、刺槐、白皮松、火炬、白蜡基盘苗成活率在化肥量0、0.75、1.50 g·L-1处理下差异显著,当化肥量≥2.25 g·L-1,成活率差异不显著,表明基盘育苗阶段基盘中添加的化肥量在不超过1.5 g·L-1,才能保证幼苗阶段的成活率。通过分析,粘合剂对基盘苗成活率没有影响,化肥量≥2.25 g·L-1基盘苗成活率极低,化肥量≤1.50 g·L-1的基盘配方为较优基盘。通过对化肥量为1.50 g·L-1水平下不同基质配比的3、8、13、16—21号基盘树种成活率分析,16、19、20号配方成活率较高,3、8、13号配方次之,17、18、21号配方最低。在基盘种植后的3种处理方式,塑料薄膜覆盖、枯枝落叶覆盖和塑料瓶罩下的基盘苗成活率有明显差异,塑料薄膜覆盖优于其他两种管护措施。

【Abstract】 In order to improve the low seed-germination rate,the low seedling survival rate and the low initial growth rate in vegetation recovery in poor sites,a technology called "Seed-bases afforestation technology",which can partially improve site conditions for plant growth,was adopted in the afforesting experiment in seashore saline land in Hebei and rocky mountain area of BeijingIn seashore saline land in Hebei,afforestation measurements such as sowing seeds in seed-bases to breed seedlings,building stair-fields,digging open drains,constructing isolate layers,transplanting seedling with soil column etc.were adopted afforetation activities for evaluating "Seed-bases afforestation technology".The study results showed that the seed-bases had a certain impact on reducing salt movemnment in soil.Vermiculite and pearlite had a better effect than the peat in the rate of emergence,and the seed-base that was made by carrying soil,peat,vermiculite and pearlite in the volume ratio of 5:1:2:2 had the highest rate of emergence.The rate of seedlings emergence in seed-bases was mainly different with tree species in 2008.The bond had a remarkable influence on the seedlings emergence of seed-bases,while the seaweed fertilizer didn’t have an influence.The survival condition of seed-bases seedlings are observed continuously in the vegetative season from June to September,and a comprehensive investigation to the seed-bases seedlings was conducted on October 7th.The seedlings of the Chinese scholartree,the white wax,the tree of heaven and the locust tree had a high survival rate and a substantial growth rate.The other 4 tree species had low survival rate,indicating the "Seed-bases afforestation technology" were suitable for the Chinese scholartree,the white wax,the tree of heaven and the locust tree in seashore saline land.Because the carrying soil seed-bases could prevent transplanting seedlings from the harmful effects of salt.The carrying soil seed-bases influence internal soil water and salt movement.Generally,when the soil salinity content of stair-fields was at a moderate or a low level,the plant in the carrying soil seed-bases could get a higher growth rate.When the soil salinity content of stair-fields was at a high level,the plant carrying soil seed-bases would have difficulties to survive.The survival rate was negatively correlated with the soil salt content in stair-fields.Through observing the dynamic situation of moisture and salinity contents of stair-fields,general patterns of moisture and salinity contents in the stair-fields were found.Precipitation and evaporation had a substantial influence on the condition of the stair-fields.The precipitation was low and evaporation was high in April,May and October,meanwhile,the soil moisture content were relatively low and fluctuated.The soil salinity content was high,and its fluctuation was remarkable.The precipitation was abundant in July and August.The soil moisture content reached the upper limit level in the year and the soil salinity content decreased to a certain level.Desalination happened significantly.The difference of the moisture and salinity condition of different stair-field styles was remarkable. The saline level of the stair-fields descending sequence in 2007 was:Stair-field with a layer in the form of a shape of two stripes from south to north>stair-field with plastic film and a layer in the shape of two stripes from south to north>stair-field without layer and stair-field of the entire shop type>stair-field with a layer in the shape of two stripes from south to north>one strip from east to west.The saline level of the stair-fields descending sequence in 2008 was:stair-field with a layer in the shape of two stripes from south to north>stair-field without layer>stair-field of entire shop type>stair-field with plastic film and a layer in the shape of two stripes from south to north>stair-field with a layer in the shape of two stripes from south to north>one strip from east to west.Concerning the insulating material of layer:the slag was better than the waste from buliding site.However,this kind of effectiveness was not as effective as that of the form of insulating layers.The examination of the seed-bases breeding afforestation method in Beijing’s low elevation lithical mountainous area was conducted.The experiment of 9 tree species in the different seed-bases was conducted.The status of sapling under the same site condition was investigated.The growth status of different tree species under the different site condtions was tested with single factor variance analysis method to determine the influence of different site condition to the tree species.Thus the most suitable afforestation tree species and its afforestation method were found in this area.The results showed:The of survival rate of 9 tree species under seed-base with random formula was as following sequence: Oriental arbor-vitae>silver piece maple tree>locust tree>lacebark pine>torch tree>white wax>Chinese sumac>Chinese pine>Chinese juniper.Especially with the NO.1-15 formula,the survival rates of oriental arbor-vitae,silver piece maple tree,locust tree,lacebark pine and torch were significantly higher than these of white wax,Chinese sumac,Chinese pine and Chinese juniper (P<0.05).This draws to the conclusion that the seed-based technology afforestation are suitable for the oriental arbor-vitae,silver piece maple tree,locust tree,lacebark pine and torch tree in the infertile earth from rocky mountain area Beijing,and not suitable for the white wax,the Chinese sumac,the Chinese pine,the Chinese juniper.Except Chinese juniper,seedling survival rates of the other 8 tree species such as oriental arbor-vitae,silver piece maple tree,locust tree were significantly correlated..In general,the survival rate in seed-bases was negatively correlated with the applying amount of chemical fertilizer.The Experiment designed 5 kind of chemical fertilizer quantity treatments,the percentage of survival seedling of oriental arbor-vitae in seed-bases decreased with the increasing application of chemical fertilizer.The survival rates of silver piece maple tree,locust tree,lacebark pine,torch and white wax in seed-bases showed significant differences among different fertilizer treatments 0,0.75,1.50 g L-1., When the amount of application of chemical fertilizer was≥2.25 g L-1,the difference among different treatments were not significant,indicating that the reasonal amount of applying chemical fertilizer for saplings in seed-bases should be lower than 1.5 g L-1.Through the analysis,the bond did’t show any effect to survival rate of seedling in seed-bases.The chemical fertilizer quantity≥2.25 g L-1 seed-bases seedling survival rate was extremely low,chemical fertilizer had quantity of≤1.50 g L-1 seed-bases formula for superior seed-bases.Because the chemical fertilizer quantity was under 1.50 g L-1 levels,the different matrix allocated proportion 3,8,13,16-21st seed-bases tree seed survival rate analysis,16,19, 20 formula tree percentage were high.3,8,13 formula were the next to the best and 17,18,21 formulas were the lowest.Among the three treatments,the seed-bases seedling survival rate with the plastic film cover,the deadwood fallen leaf cover and the plastic bottle cover had a significant difference.The plastic film cover was better than the other two treatments.


