

Research on the Plant Diversity and Its Conversation in Ningxia Helan Mountain National Nature Reserve

【作者】 金山

【导师】 崔国发;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 自然保护区学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 宁夏贺兰山国家级自然保护区位于贺兰山东坡的中段和北段,地理坐标为38°19′~39°22′N、105°49′~106°41′E,总面积2 062.66 km~2。本文在大量的野外调查的基础上,研究了宁夏贺兰山国家级自然保护区的植物区系、物种多样性和植被多样性,评定了植物优先保护级别和优先保护群丛。1.宁夏贺兰山国家级自然保护区野生维管束植物共有81科、317属、731种(包括种下等级)。其中蕨类植物8科、9属、15种;分别占该保护区野生维管束植物科、属、种总数的9.88%、2.84%和2.05%;裸子植物种类贫乏,只有3科、5属、8种,分别占科、属、种总数的3.70%、1.58%、1.09%;被子植物有70科、303属、708种,分别占科、属、种总数的86.42%、95.58%、96.85%。2.宁夏贺兰山国家级自然保护区野生维管束植物区系分析结果表明,科的分布区类型中,世界广布科有40科,占种子植物总科数的54.79%,占有绝对优势。属的区系成分以温带成分占绝对优势,共计232属,占总数属73.19%。种的地理成分共有15个类型和20个变型,各大类型中优势不明显,东亚成分占总种数的22.57%,是本区最大的一个类型;其次为东古北极成分(13.00%)、古北极成分(12.18%)、蒙古成分(11.08%)和泛北极成分(9.71%),这些区系成分对本区的影响相当。在生活型谱中,地面芽植物的种类最多,达362种,占总种数的49.52%;一年生植物次之,有126种,占总种数的17.24%;隐芽植物种类也较多,有108种,占总种数的14.77%;高位芽植物较少,有85种,占总种数的11.63%;而地上芽植物最少,只有50种,占总种数的6.84%;。水分生态类型中,以中生植物最多,有457种,占总种数的62.77%;旱生植物次之,占19.78%,说明该保护区整体环境以半干旱为主。3.运用综合数量评价方法,对718种植物的濒临消失风险评估的结果显示,宁夏贺兰山国家级自然保护区内极易消失种有14种,容易消失种有29种,可能消失种55种,安全种620种;根据优先保护指数的大小确定保护级别,评定结果显示,一级保护植物有38种,二级保护植物有90种,普通保护植物有590种。4.植物多样性分布规律研究结果表明:α多样性(Patrick丰富度指数,Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、pielou均匀度指数、Brillouin指数、Mcintosh指数)在海拔3100 m~3200 m段为最高,2700 m~2800 m段最低;森林群落物种多样性在1800m~2200 m海拔段最高,2700 m~2800 m段最低;灌木群落的物种多样性随海拔升高而增加,在2000 m~2100 m段多样性最高。β多样性方面,Wilson指数在海拔1200m~2400 m范围内,呈现3个高峰,即在1400 m~1500m、1900 m~2000 m和2200 m~2300m海拔段,说明在这三个海拔段内物种交替速度较快,物种间的差异性较大;Whittaker指数在海拔1400 m~1600 m和1700 m~1900m两个海拔段的物种多样性比其他海拔段的高。α物种多样性在不同坡向上的比较结果显示,东坡的物种多样性最高,其次为北坡和西南坡,多样性最小的是东北坡;在不同坡度段上,20°~30°坡上的多样性最高,40°~50°坡的多样性最低,但差异很小,说明在50°以下坡度范围内,α多样性与坡度的关系不为密切。不同调查区间α多样性比较结果表明,从南到北,物种多样性存在明显的两个界限,南部为榆树沟,北部为汝箕沟,榆树沟以南地区和汝箕沟以北地区物种多样性近相等,中间地区的物种多样性显著高于这二者。不同调查区Jaccard相似性指数计算结果表明,苏峪口与其他调查区间的相似性最高。5.根据283块样地资料,可将宁夏贺兰山国家级自然保护区植被分为9个植被型,35个群系,79个群丛。以群系为单位比较主要植被类型的α物种多样性的结果显示,以蒙古绣线菊灌丛的多样性最高,以灰榆—牛尾蒿疏林次之,多样性最低是叉子圆柏灌丛。森林群落的多样性比较结果,不论是整个群落的多样性还是分层多样性,青海云杉林的多样性最低。灌木群落多样比较结果,小叶金露梅灌丛、毛蕊杯腺柳灌丛、鬼箭金鸡儿灌丛、紫丁香灌丛、小叶忍冬灌丛、蒙古绣线菊灌丛的多样性指数明显高于其他灌丛。在所有灌丛中叉子圆柏灌丛和斑籽麻黄灌丛的多样性最低。比较33种群落相似性的结果显示,很多群落间的相似性指数在0~0.6之间,毛蕊杯腺柳灌丛和鬼箭金鸡儿灌丛分别与5种荒漠群落的相似性均为0;相似性最高的是毛蕊杯腺柳灌丛与鬼箭金鸡儿灌丛,相似性指数达0.59。6.植被垂直分布规律,在海拔1500 m以下分布的植被类型主要有短花针茅草原、中亚细柄茅草原、灌木亚菊+戈壁针茅等荒漠草原植被和红砂荒漠、松叶猪毛菜荒漠等荒漠植被。在海拔1600 m~2000 m主要分布灰榆林、多种温性灌丛以及灰榆疏林,2000 m以上主要为针叶林,还有叉子圆柏灌丛、毛蕊杯腺柳灌丛和鬼箭金鸡儿灌丛。按坡向统计,半阳坡上分布的植被类型最多,其次为半阴坡和阴坡,最少的是阳坡。前两种坡向上几乎所有的植被类型都有分布,阴坡上主要以针叶林和灌丛为主,阳坡上主要为灌丛和疏林。斑籽麻黄灌丛、鬼箭金鸡儿灌丛和沙冬青荒漠在阳坡上的分布频率在50%以上,说明这几种群落适合在阳坡发育;青海云杉林、紫丁香灌丛、松叶猪毛菜灌丛在阴坡的频率超过50%,最适合分布于阴坡。在20°~30°坡度段上分布的植被种类最丰富,其次为10°~20°坡度段,植被种类分布最少的是40°~50°坡度段。在0°~10°坡度段内分布有14种植被类型,其中,四合木灌丛的分布频率为100%,珍珠柴荒漠的频率为50%,灌木亚菊、短花针茅草原的分布频率高峰也在这坡度段内。10°~20°坡度段上出现25种植被类型,杜松林和灰榆—白羊草疏林、短花针茅草原、以及灌木亚菊、中亚细柄茅草原等植被的分布频率最高值在这坡度段内。在20°~30°坡度段上,出现灰榆林、小叶金露梅灌丛、小叶忍冬灌丛、紫丁香灌丛、蒙古绣线菊灌丛、狭叶金鸡儿灌丛、松叶猪毛菜荒漠、中亚细柄茅草原和灰榆—白莲蒿疏林的分布频率最高值。在30°~40°坡度段上,青海云杉林、毛蕊杯腺柳灌丛、鬼箭金鸡儿灌丛和灰榆、灌木亚菊疏林的分布频率均超过50%,内蒙野丁香灌丛和几种疏林的分布频率高峰也在此海拔段内。40°~50°坡度段上只出现11种植被类型,灰榆、术叶菊、短花针茅疏林和灰榆—牛尾蒿疏林的高峰值出现在此坡度段。7.各调查区植被类型相似性结果表明,青羊沟至插旗沟的11个调查区之间的相似性最高。南北两端的几个调查区与其他调查区间的相似性系数较低,说明这些调查区植被类型少,尤其处于最北端的柳条沟与其他调查区的相似性最低。8.群丛优先保护级别研究结果,划分一级保护群丛8个,有灰榆—紫丁香+大披针苔草群丛、杜松—毛灰枸子—白莲蒿+阿拉善鹅观草群丛、油松—灰枸子—大披针苔草群丛、青海云杉—毛蕊杯腺柳—珠芽蓼群丛、灰榆—蒙古绣线菊—大披针苔草群丛等,累计确限度均在0.03以上;二级保护群丛15个,累计确限度在0.02~0.03之间;普通保护群丛56个。

【Abstract】 The Ningxia Helan Mountain National Nature Reserve is located in the middle and northern parts of the east slope of Helan Mountain,and the geographical coordinates are 38°19′~39′22′N,105°49′~106°41′E The total area of the reserve is 2062.66 km~2.In this paper,by applying a large number of field surveys,we studied flora,species diversity,vegetation diversity,and evaluated plant priority conservation grade and priority conservation association.1.There is a total of 731 wild vascular plant species(including subspecies),belonging to 317 genera,81 families in the Ningxia Helan Mountain National Nature Reserve.Among them,there are 15 pteridophyte species,belonging to 9 genera,8 families,and they respectively account for 9.88% families,2.84%genera and 2.05%species of the wild vascular plant;Gymnosperm species is scare, there are 8 species,belonging to 5 genera,8 families,and the gymnosperm account for 3.70%families, 1.58%genera and 1.09%species;There are 708 angiosperm species,belonging to 303genera,70 families,and the angiosperm account for 86.4%families,95.6%genera and 97.1%species.2.The results of the wild vascular plant flora in the Ningxia Helan Mountain National Nature Reserve shows that in distribution types of families,Cosmopolitan has 40 families,accounting for 54.79 %of the total families,and Cosmopolitan is absolutely dominant.In genus flora component,temperate component is absolutely dominant,it has 232 genera,accounting for 73.19%.Species distribution types has 15 types and 20 subtypes,and there is no significant dominant,East Asia component accounts for 22.57%of the total species,and it is the largest type;Followed by Temperate Asia component (13.00%),Old Continent Temperate composition(12.18%),Mongolian composition(11.08%),and North Temperate composition(9.17%),and these floristic elements have a considerable impact on this area;In life-form spectrum,Hemicryptophytes has the most species,up to 362 species,accounting for 49.52%of the total species;followed by therophytes,it has 126 species,accounting for 17.24%of the total species;Cryptophytes has 108 species,accounting for 14.77%of the total species;Phanerophytes has 85 species,accounting for 11.63%of the total species;chamaephytes has the least of 50 species, accounting for 11.63%of the total species.In water ecotype,mesophyte has the largest number,457 species accounting for 62.77%of the total species;The second is xerophyte,accounting for 19.78%of the total species,indicating that the overall environment of this reserve is mainly in semi-drought.3.Applying comprehensive quantitative method,it evaluates verge of 718 species on disappearing risk,the result shows that there are 14 very easy disappearing species,29 easy disappearing species,55 might disappearing species,and 620 safety species;According to priority conservation index,which determines conservation grade,the result shows that there are 38 first-class protected plants,90 second-class protected plants,and 590 species of common protective plants.4.Results of plant diversity distribution research show that:a-species diversity,(such as Patrick abundance index,Simpson index,Shannon-Wiener index,pielou evenness index,Brillouin index, Mcintosh index),is highest at elevation 3100m - 3200m,and lowest at 2700m - 2800m;The species diversity of forest community is highest at elevation 1800 m - 2200m,and lowest at 2700m - 2800m; The species diversity of shrub community is highest at elevation 1800m - 2200m,and increasing following the elevation.Inβ-diversity,Wilson index presents 3 peaks from elevation 1200 m to 2400 m, they are 1400m - 1500m,1900m - 2000 m,and 2200m - 2300 m,it shows that alternating speed of species is faster in these three sections,and differences among species are greater;Whittaker index at elevation 1400m - 1600m and 1700m - 1900m is higher than others.The result of comparingα-species diversity at different aspects shows that the species diversity at east aspect is the highest,followed by north aspect and southwest aspect,the species diversity at northeast aspect is the minimum;In different slopes,the species diversity at slope 20°~30°is the highest,the second is noah slope and southeast slope,the species diversity at slope 40°~50°is the minimum,but the difference is very little,it shows that,α-species diversity is not closely related to slope when the slope is small than 50°.Comparison ofα-species diversity in different investigation area,the result shows that the species diversity has two boundaries,south boundary is Yushu Ditch,north boundary is Ruji Ditch,the species diversity at south area from Yushu Ditch and north area from Ruji Ditch is approximately equal,the species diversity at median area is significantly higher than the former both.The result of calculating Jaccard similarity index in different investigation area shows Jaccard similarity index at Suyukou is the highest.5.According to data of 283 sample,vegetation of the Helan Mountain Natural Nature Reserve is classified into 9 vegetation types,35 formations and 79 associations.The result ofα-species diversity in formations shows that the diversity of Spiraea mongolica shrub is the highest,the second is Ulmus glaucescens,Artemisia dubia veld,and the diversity of Sabina vulgaris is the lowest.The result of the diversity in forest community,the diversity of Picea crassifolia forest is the lowest at either the whole community or hierarchical diversity.The result of the diversity in shrub community,the diversity of Potentilla parvifolia shrub,Salix cupularis var.lasiogyne shrub,Caragana jubatashrub,Syringa oblate shrub,Lonicera microphylla shrub,Spiraea mongolica shrub is significantly higher than others.The diversity of Sabina vulgaris and Ephedra rhytidosperma shrub is the lowest.The result of the similarity of 33 communities shows that the similarity of the most community is 0~0.6,the similarity between Salix cupularis shrub,Caragana jubata shrub and 5 desert community is 0;The similarity between Salix cupularis shrub and Caragana jubata shrub is the highest,it is 0.59.6.Vegetation vertical distribution rules are as follows:desert grassland vegetation of Stipa breviflora-Ptilagrostis pelliotii,Ajania fruticulosa- Stipa gobica,desert vegetation of Reaumuria soongorica,Salsola laricifolia distribute under elevation 1500 m.Ulmus glaucescens forest,various teperature resistance shrub,and Ulmus glaucescens veld distribute at elevation 1600m~2000m, Coniferous forest,and Sabina vulgaris shrub,Salix cupularis var.lasiogyne shrub and Caragana jubata shrub at elevation 2000m.According to aspect,there are the most vegetation types at half-sunny slope, the next is at half-shaded slope and shaded slope,the least is at sunny slope.There are almost all the vegetation types distribution at half-sunny slope and half-shaded slope,coniferous forest and shrub mainly distributes at shaded slope,shrub and veld mainly distributes at sunny slope.The frequency of Ephedra rhytidosperma shrub,Caragana jubata shrub,and Ammopiptanthus mongolicus desert distribution at sunny slope is more than 50%,it shows that these communities are suitable to grow at sunny slope;The frequency of Picea crassifolia forest,Syringa oblata shrub,Salsola laricifolia shrub distribution at shaded slope is more than 50%,they are the most suitable to grow at shaded slope.There are the most abundant at slope 20°~30°,the next is at slope 10°~20°,the least is at slope 40°~50°. There are 14 vegetation types at slope 0°~10°,among them,the frequency of Tetraena mongolica shrub distribution is 100%,the frequency of Salsola passerina desert distribution is 50%,the peak of the frequency of Ajania fruticulosa,Stipa breviflora grassland distribution is at slope 0°~10°.There are 25 vegetation types at slope 10°~20°,among them,the peak of the frequency of Juniperus rigida forest and Ulmus glaucescens- Bothriochloa ischaemum veld,Stipa breviflora grassland,and Ajania fruticulosa,Ptilagrostis pelliotii grassland distribution is at slope 0°~10°.The peak of the frequency of Ulmus glaucescens forest,Potentilla parvifolia shrub,Lonicera microphylla shrub,Syringa oblata shrub,Spiraea mongolica shrub,Caragana stenophylia shrub,Salsola laricifolia desert,Ptilagrostis pelliotii grassland and Ulmus glaucescens- Artemisia gmelinii veld distribution is at slope 20°~30°. The frequency of Picea crassifolia forest,Salix cupularis var.lasiogyne shrub,Caragana jubata shrub and Ulmus glaucescens-Ajania fruticulosaveld distribution at slope 30°~40°is more than 50%,the peak of the frequency of Leptodermis ordosica shrub and several veld distribution is at slope 30°~40°. There are only 11 vegetation types at slope 40°~50°,the peak of the frequency of Ulmus glaucescens-Synotis atractylidifolius - Stipa breviflora veld and Ulmus glaucescens- Artemisia dubia eld distribution is at slope 40°~50°.7.The result of the similarity at every investigation area shows that the similarity between 11 investigation sites at from Qingyang Ditch to Chaqi Ditch is the highest.The similarity between two ends of south,north and others is lower,it illustrates that these investigation area has little vegetation types,especially the similarity between Liutiao Ditch at the northeast and others is the lowest.8.The results of association priority conservation grades shows that there are 8 first-class protective associations,they are Assoc.Ulmus glaucescens - Syringa oblate-Carex lanceolata,Assoc. Juniperus rigida - Cotoneaster acutifolius var.villosulus - Artemisia gmelinii - Roegneria kanashiroi, Assoc.Pinus tabulaeformis - Cotoneaster acutifolius - Carex lanceolata,Assoc.Picea crassifolia - Salix cupularis var.lasiogyne- Polygonum viviparum,Assoc.Ulmus glaucescens- Spiraea mongolica -Carex lanceolata,the accumulative fidelity is all more than 0.03;There are 15 second-class protective associations,the accumulative fidelity is between 0.02 and 0.03,the common protective associations are 56.


