

Ecosystem Services Evaluation of Danjiangkou Reservoir Area and upper Reaches Based on 3S Technology

【作者】 李亦秋

【导师】 冯仲科; 罗富和;

【作者基本信息】 北京林业大学 , 林业装备工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 生态系统服务价值评价研究是当今生态系统可持续性研究的热点之一,吸引了大量不同学科研究者尤其是生态学和经济学者的广泛参与。用3S技术来量化生态系统服务是今后的一个研究方向。南水北调中线工程是一项跨流域的大型调水工程,丹江口库区及其上游生态环境状况,是南水北调中线工程发挥其社会、经济和生态效益的关键所在。本论文以丹江口库区及其上游生态系统为研究对象,根据生态系统服务评价理论和方法,采用多源遥感影像数据、辅助地学数据和外业GPS定位采样数据,利用RS、GIS技术及数理统计方法,对研究区生态系统服务价值进行有效分析和定位、定量及动态评价。研究结论如下:土壤保持服务价值评价。(1)研究区土壤保持总量林地最高,草地次之,水域等其它类型土壤保持量都非常少,这与植被覆盖度和植被净第一性生产力的分布是一致的,说明高植被覆盖类型分布区的植被能有效防止和控制土壤流失。(2)研究区生态系统土壤保持价值中,林地和灌木林地生态系统的土壤保持价值占到近60%,草地生态系统占到近30%,林、灌、草共占到服务总价值的近90%,林、灌、草在土壤保持生态系统服务中具有决定性的作用。温度调节服务价值评价。(1)LST月产品均值与各个月份平均气温变化规律基本一致,极端最大值和平均最高温都出现在7月份,极端最小值和平均最低温都出现在1月份。(2)一年之中,LST和NDVI有着相似的变化规律,其间存在明显的线性关系。植被覆盖度和海拔高度是影响LST的主要因素,随着植被覆盖度和海拔高度的增加而降低,它们与LST存在明显的负相关线性关系。(3)林地、草地和水域对LST起着明显的调节作用,城镇的热岛效应突出,并采用能量替代法估算出研究区域2008年林地、草地和水域调节温度的价值。土壤水分保持服务价值评价。(1)研究区内各个月份地表土壤湿度有很大差异,随着季节变化,地表土壤湿度变化很大;从空间分布来看,山地的土壤湿度明显高于平原和盆地,具有与地势相一致的空间差异;湖泊和河流所在的区域,由湖泊和河流向四周扩展土壤湿度逐渐降低,表现为湿润到干旱。总的来说,由于受到复杂的微地貌的影响,区域内土壤的干湿度变化情况比较复杂。(2)从2008年不同土地利用/覆被类型土壤水分保持价值来看,研究区域内土壤水分保持单位面积价值林地>灌木林地>草地>耕地>其它,土壤水分保持总价值来看,林地、灌木林地和草地占到80%以上,是丹江口库区及其上游水源涵养和水质水量保证的关键所在。基于净初级生产力的综合服务价值评价。(1)从年际变化来看,2000-2006年研究区NPP总量呈现出不规则的变化,因为其变化除了土地利用和覆被变化的影响以外,还受到气温降水等多种自然和人为因素的影响。(2)从空间分布来看,NPP随着海拔升高呈现先增后降的变化趋势。随着坡度的增加,NPP呈现增长趋势,这都与研究区域的地形地势引起的水热条件变化和耕作状况有关。(3)从基于净初级生产力的生态系统有机物质生产、维持大气中的CO2和O2动态平衡、营养物质循环、对环境污染的净化作用等的服务价值来看,林、灌、草的服务价值占到总量的75%以上,对维持整个生态系统平衡和稳定中起着决定性的作用。将3S技术与生态系统服务价值评价相结合,在获取定量、实时和实地信息,为更加准确评价生态系统提供的服务方面提供较好的技术支持工具,能够解决传统方法所不能解决的目前在生态系统服务领域内存在的缺乏动态性和空间异质性的问题。最终以货币的形式显示丹江口库区和上游生态系统为人们提供的服务价值,能够提高库区和受水区人民对生态系统服务的认识程度;可以作为生态补偿的参考依据,为自然资源和生态环境的保护找到合理的资金来源;还能够发现区域内生态系统敏感性空间分布特征,为进一步的生态功能区的划分和生态建设规划提供科学的依据,在时间尺度和空间尺度上实现资源的合理分配,保证区域内和区域间当代人和代际间的公平性,最终实现区域可持续发展。

【Abstract】 The research on evaluation of ecosystem service value is one of the hotspots of current ecosystem sustainablility research,which attracts broad participation of a large number of researchers from different disciplines,especially the scholars of ecology and economy.It is a future study direction using 3S technology to quantify the ecosystem services.The Middle Route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project is a large-scale trans-basin water transfer project,and the ecological environment of Danjiangkou reservoir area and upper reaches is the key factor that the Middle Route of South-to-North Water Transfer Project brings its social, economic and ecological benefits.According to the appraisal theory and method of the ecosystem service,the paper takes the Danjiangkou reservoir area and the upstream ecosystem as the objects of the study,uses remote sensing,geographical information system and the mathematical statistic method by adopting the multi-source remote sensing images,geosciences data and the field-work GPS localization sampling data.This paper carries out effective analysis and localization,rational and dynamic evaluation on each term of services in the study area.The conclusions are as follow:Evaluation of soil conservation service value:(1) As far as the total amount of soil conservation in the study area is concerned,the forestland is the highest,followed by grassland.What’s more,soil conservation amount in water and other types of soil are very low,which is consistent with the vegetation coverage and the distribution of net primary productivity and it indicates that the vegetation in the high vegetation coverage type distribution area can prevent and control the soil erosion effectively.(2) Among the soil conservation value of the ecosystem in the study area,the soil conservation value of forestland and shrub land ecosystems accounted for nearly 60 percent, grassland ecosystem accounted for nearly 30 percent,while forest-shrub-grass accounted for nearly 90 percent of the total value of services.So,forest,shrub,grass play a decisive role in the ecosystem services of soil conservation.Evaluation of temperature adjustment service:(1) The average temperature of LST monthly products is basically consistent with the mean air temperature changing tendency of each month.The most extreme maximum and average maximum temperature both occurred in July while the extreme minimum and average temperature both occurred in January.(2) LST and NDVI changes have similar changing tendency in a year,between which there is an obvious linear relationship.The vegetation coverage and the altitude are major influencing factors of LST,and there exists an obvious negative correlation linear relationship between LST and the above two factors.(3) Forestland,grassland and water area exert a significant regulatory effect on LST.The heat island effect of the town is very prominent and the value concerning the temperature adjustment of woodland,grassland and water area is estimated by using the energy substitution method in the study area in 2008.Evaluation of the value of maintaining soil moisture service:(1) There exists significant difference of the surface soil moisture in each month of the study area,and significant change in the surface soil moisture takes place with the seasonal change.In the view of the spatial distribution,the soil moisture in mountain area is significantly higher than that in the plain and basin area,consistent with the spatial difference of the topography.In the area where lakes and rivers lies,the soil moisture reduced gradually and expressed as from sub-humid to arid with the dropping moisture of lakes and rivers extending to the all directions.In general,the change in the dry soil moisture situation is more complex in the area due to the complex impact of micro-topography.(2) In the view of soil moisture maintenance value of different land use or cover types,the order from high to low is as followl: forest,shrub land,grassland,farmland and other types,in accordance with per unit area value of soil moisture retention in the study area.In the view of the total value of soil moisture malntainance, forestland,shrub land and grassland accounted for more than 80%in the Danjiangkou reservoir area and upper reaches,which is the key to ensure water conservation and the quality and quantity of water.Comprehensive evaluation of service value based on net primary productivity:(1) From the view of the inter-annual change,the total NPP of the study area shows irregular change from 2000 to 2006 because the change is affected by the temperature,precipitation and other natural and human factors apart from its land use and cover change.(2) In the view of the spatial distribution,NPP shows changing trend of first increase and then decrease,which is relevant to hydrothermal conditions change and state of cultivation brought by topography of the study area.(3) The service value concerning net primary productivity includes the aspects of the organic matter production of the ecosystem,the maintenance of atmospheric carbon dioxide and oxygen in the dynamic balance, nutrient cycling and purification of the role of environmental pollution.And in the view of the above service value,the service value of forest land,shrub land and grass land accounted for more than 75 percent of the total,which plays a decisive role for the maintenance of the entire ecosystem balance and stability.The combination of 3S intergrated technology and service value evaluation of ecosystem provides as a preferable technique-support tool in the aspects of quantitative and timely acquisition of the location information,as well as the more accurate evaluation of the ecosystem service.And this new method will solve the problem the conventional method can not do in the aspect of the lack of dynamic and spatial heterogeneity existed in the current ecosystem service.The service value of the Danjiangkou reservoir area and upper reaches is demonstrated in the form of currency in the end, which will improve cognition of the people in the study area.Meanwhile,it can provide as a reference for ecological compensation to find reasonable fund sources for the conservation of the natural resources and ecological environment.In additon,sensitive spatial distribution features of the ecosystem in the area can be found to provide further scientific basis for the division of ecological function region and the plan of ecological construction.As a result,the rational resource distribution both in the temporal and spatial scale will guarantee the fairness between the contemporary people and intergeneration both in intra-region and inter-region,realizing the sustainable development in the region finally.

  • 【分类号】X826;Q149
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】1328
  • 攻读期成果

