

Implementation on the Criminal Policies of "Suppressing Counter-revolutionaries" in the Early Days of New China (1950-1953)

【作者】 李露

【导师】 张培田;

【作者基本信息】 西南政法大学 , 法律史, 2009, 博士


【摘要】 建国初期中共中央确立的以“镇压与宽大相结合”政策为主线的一系列刑事政策,在新中国成立后不久的大规模政治运动——镇压反革命运动(简称“镇反”运动)中得以最为全面的贯彻实施。本文基于全国主要地区的档案史料,考察了在这场“镇反”运动中各项刑事政策推行的基本状况,从宏观上较为完整地反映出中共中央在“镇反”运动中不断作出刑事政策调整的规律。同时,为了进一步了解各项刑事政策在基层农村“镇反”运动中的具体实施情况,本文选取了“西康地区”的农村为分析重点,借助该地区丰富的档案史料,对农村各县乡基层执行组织实施“镇反”运动状况的考察与分析,从微观上分析了西康农村地区在实施“镇反”政策中存在的问题和特点。全文除绪论和结语外,共分五章。在绪论部分,首先对刑事政策的概念的内涵作了阐释。因为目前我国刑法学界对刑事政策概念界定不一,人们对刑事政策的认识和理解往往也比较模糊,尽管本文是从法史的视角研究刑事政策问题,但是,作者认为,仍有必要对“刑事政策”这个基础性概念的一般内涵以及在建国初期这段历史时期所具有的特殊内涵进行一定阐释。其次,该部分介绍了本文研究的理论及实践意义、研究对象以及目前我国对刑事政策问题研究的状况,并作了简要评述。最后,本文对所采用的西康地区档案史料情况作了专门说明。第一章“镇反”刑事政策的确立本章从总体上分析了建国初期“镇反”刑事政策的确立状况。首先分析了“镇反”刑事政策确立的社会背景和立法背景,指出中共中央针对全国解放初期严峻而复杂的反革命犯罪形势,发布了各项“镇反”指示、决议、命令,并颁布了《惩治反革命条例》,而这些法律规范的出台正是为了贯彻实施“镇压与宽大相结合”的刑事政策。其次,指出了建国初期以“镇压与宽大相结合”为主的各项刑事政策的实施均是以马列主义、毛泽东思想为理论指导的,它不仅总结了建国前革命根据地的“肃反”经验,同时借鉴了苏联的“镇反”刑事政策立法及其经验,在这些认识的基础上,本章对建国初期确立“镇反”刑事政策的理论及实践进行了论述;最后,对建国初期所确立的主要“镇反”刑事政策的产生及发展情况作了一定分析。第二章“镇反”指示及刑事政策的初步实施本章在对各项“镇反”指示及刑事政策初步实施状况的分析与研究的基础上,集中分析了“镇反”运动发起时的前后两个阶段的刑事政策和指示的实施情况。首先,基于全国主要地区“镇反”执行报告资料,客观描述了新中国成立后到“镇反”运动发起前,全国范围对《共同纲领》第七条所确立的“镇压与宽大相结合”刑事政策、建国前革命根据地提出的“少杀、慎杀”死刑政策以及中共中央1950年3月18日发出的《关于镇压反革命活动的指示》的实施情况;通过对实施状况的分析,归纳了在政策指示实施过程中的“宽大无边”偏向的特征以及中央人民政府所采取的“纠偏”措施。例如,中央人民政务院及最高人民法院1950年7月23日联合发出的《关于镇压反革命活动的指示》,并对该指示的实施效果展开分析;1950年lO月10日,中共中央及毛泽东发布了关于严厉镇压反革命活动的“双十”指示,并发起了全国性大规模“镇反”运动。接着,本章论述了在“镇反”运动中全国各地所采取的各项具体的“镇反”措施及其执行情况。最后,立足于西康地区的档案史料,选取了宝兴、芦山、雅安几个县展开了对该地区基层组织实施上述“镇反”指示及刑事政策情况的分析,并总结出各县实施的特点。例如,雅安各乡在“双十”指示发出后并没有立即开展大规模镇压反革命运动,而是结合当时农村中正在进行的土地改革运动逐步进行“镇反”的。在“镇反”组织机构方面,雅安各乡均建立了自己的农民自卫武装组织如农协,有的乡在该组织内部还设有团支部。第三章“镇反”高潮中《惩治反革命条例》及“死缓”政策的实施1951年2月,《惩治反革命条例》颁布,中共中央提出,根据《惩治反革命条例》的规定,以“镇压与宽大相结合”为基本政策指导,实行“大张旗鼓镇压反革命”方针,并结合“稳、准、狠”策略开展大规模镇压反革命运动。本章在客观描述全国范围实施上述“镇反”政策指示及《惩治反革命条例》情况的基础上,以西康地区雅安县作为典型范例,详细考察和分析了该县人民法院实施《惩治反革命条例》及相关刑事政策的具体状况,并总结出西康地区各县在实施中的一些特点。例如,根据中共中央对西康地区的少数民族政策,康定县在镇压反革命运动中主要依据“少捕、少杀”的“从宽”政策对反革命罪犯进行具体处理。最后,本章对“镇反”运动高潮时期(1951年2月到5月)中共中央提出的“死缓”政策及适用状况进行系统研究,并根据各地适用政策报告,分析出该项政策在全国和西康地区的初步适用中存在的一般问题及其纠正情况。第四章“镇反”刑事政策的全面实施全国“镇反”运动高潮退去,中共中央发布了《关于清理反革命罪犯积案》的指示。根据该指示精神,全国各级公安、司法机关按照“镇压与宽大相结合”基本刑事政策和“杀、缓、关、管、放”具体刑事政策对反革命积案进行了“区别对待”的清理,同时也展开了对“镇反”刑事政策的全面实施。为了彻底肃清一切反革命罪犯,早日完成“镇反”运动,中共中央发出指示要求继续实施“大张旗鼓镇压反革命”的政策方针,并要求各级司法机关根据“思想改造与组织整顿相结合”的政策方针开展对反革命案件进行“清案查错”。本章在对上述内容进行全面考察的基础上,以西康地区的汉源、雅安、盐边县的具体实施情况为主要分析对象,总结出各县在“镇反”刑事政策全面实施过程中的地方特点。例如,雅安县因为受到尚未完成的土地改革运动的牵制,其“镇反”的步伐滞后于全国其他地区,直至中共中央向全国发出清理反革命积案的指示之后,雅安县公安及司法机关才结合积案清理工作开始发动群众大张旗鼓地镇压反革命。第五章“镇反”刑事政策实施状况的评价与反思本章作为全文的最后一章,对建国初期“镇反”刑事政策的总体实施状况进行了评价与反思。在本章评价部分,首先对建国初期确立的“镇反”刑事政策的实施效果进行了总体评价;然后,重点对“镇压与宽大相结合”和“死缓”政策的适用效果进行了一定的评价,尤其对“死缓”政策在适用中出现的预期目标与客观现实之间的偏差问题进行了评析;最后,简单评述了“劳改”、“管制”具体政策在实施中的效果和作用。在本章的反思部分,主要涉及对建国初期“镇反”刑事政策实施的主体和方式进行反思,即分析了“人民法庭”作为实施主体的种种弊端,并以雅安县人民法庭的“错杀”情形为个案进行说明;此外,对“镇反”刑事政策推行的方式即坚持“群众路线”的“大张旗鼓镇压反革命”的群众运动的方式进行了一定检讨;最后,重点论述了“镇反”刑事政策中的“少杀、慎杀”和“死缓”政策对当代死刑立法及适用制度的影响和启示,以凸显建国初期刑事政策实施研究的当代价值。结语部分,对建国初期“镇反”刑事政策的实施特点进行了概括,揭示了中共中央对“镇反”刑事政策的调整规律,以及西康地区实施的一般特征,然后并从理论上对建国初期刑事政策与刑法定位问题作了假设。

【Abstract】 A series of criminal policies taking the policy of "the combination of suppression and spaciousness" as the main line established by the Central Committee of the CPC in the early days of the new China can be implemented most comprehensively in the first large-scale political activity after new China was established---the campaign to suppress counter-revolutionaries("suppressing counter-revolutionaries" for short).On the basis of the historical file and particulars about the main areas all over the country,the author in this thesis probes into the whole condition of implementing the criminal policies established by the Central Committee of the CPC in the nationwide campaign to "suppress counter-revolutionaries",which macroscopically reflects the dynamic rule of making an adjustment for the criminal policy unceasingly by the Central Committee of the CPC according to the different situation of the campaign to "suppress counter-revolutionaries".At the same time,to further understand the concrete situation of implementing each criminal policy in the campaign to suppress counter-revolutionaries in the basic unit of countryside,the author has selected the "Xikang area" for the model of newly-liberated rural areas after new China was established,with the aid of rich historical file and data in this area, launches to thoroughly analyze the condition of implementation about the basic executive units in various counties or towns,which microscopically reflects many questions and characteristics in the process of implementing the policies and directives by the Central Committee of the CPC in the campaign to "suppress counter-revolutionaries".The full text is divided into five chapters besides of the introduction and conclusion.In the introduction,firstly the author has given an explanation on the connotation of criminal policy.Because there exists various defination about the concept of the criminal policy in the present criminal academic circle,although in this dissertation the author researches into the criminal policy in the historical angle of view,but it is necessary to have an introduction for this foundational concept of the "criminal policy" as well as the special connotation in the early days of the new China.Next,the author introduces both theoretical and practical significance of this dissertation as well as the present researching condition in our country. Finally,the author has given a special explanation for the historical file and data concerning Xikang area which used in this dissertation. ChapterⅠEstablishment of the Criminal Policies in the Campaign "to Suppress Counter-revolutionaries".Firstly,the author introduces the social and legislative background for establishing the criminal policies of "suppressing counter-revolutionaries",namely,under the situation of stern and complex counter-revolutionary crime in the early days of liberation,the Central Committee of the CPC has issued the instruction,resolution,order of "suppressing counter-revolutionaries" and promulgated "the Rule of Punishing Counter-revolutionaries", which precisely has implemented the related criminal policies.While these criminal policies has instructed theoretically by Marxism-Leninism and the Thought of Mao Zedong,absorbed from the experience on "suppressing counter-revolutionaries" in the revolutionary base which established by the Communist Party of China as well as the socialist legislative model of these criminal policies in Soviet Union.Accordingly,in this chapter the author elaborates on those mentioned above.Finally,the author introduces the production and evolution regarding several of the criminal policies of "suppressing counter-revolutionaries" which established in the early days of new China.ChapterⅡPreliminary Implementation on the Instruction and the Criminal Policies of "Suppressing Counter-revolutionaries".In this chapter,the author starts to analyze and research into the implementation of those criminal policies and the instruction of "suppressing counter-revolutionaries".Firstly, according to the executive report from the main areas in the country,the author describes the situation of nationwide implementation for those criminal policies and instruction of "suppressing counter-revolutionaries" sent out by the Central Committee of the CPC on March 18,1950,simultaneously elaborates the preliminary implementation for the criminal policy of "the combination of suppression and spaciousness" set in the Common Program and the policy of "killing little,killing cautiouly" about the death penalty.Accordingly,the author summarizes and analyzes the deviation of "spacious boundlessly" in the process of implementating and its corrective policy which adopted by the Central People’s Government, for example,An Instruction About the Campaign to Suppress Counter-revolutionaries sent out jointly by the Administrative Council in the Central People’s State and the Supreme People’s Court on July 23,1950.On October 10,1950,the Central Committee of the CPC and Mao Zedong have issued the "Double Ten" instruction,and initiated a nationwide compaign to "suppress counter-revolutionaries",therefore,in this chapter the author then elaborates the implementation for the criminal policy and instruction in the campaign to "suppress counter-revolutionaries".Finally,according to the historical file and data in Xikang area,the author analyzes the situation of implementing the criminal policy and instruction in such counties as Baoxing,Lushan,Ya’an,and summarized their characteristics in the process of implementing.For example,some townships in Ya’an county has not immediately developed the campaign to suppress counter-revolutionaries after the instruction of "Double Ten" sent out;Additionally,these townships established their own self-defensive armed services like peasant association,some townships were also equipped with the youth corps in the interior of those services.ChapterⅢImplementation for the Rule of Punishing Counter-revolutionary and Policy of "the Postponed Death Sentence" at the High Tide of the Campaign to "Suppress Counter-revolutionaries".In February,1951,the Central Committee of the CPC proposed,according to the stipulation on the Rule of Punishing Counter-revolutionary and the basic policy of "the combination of suppression and spaciousness" as well as the strategy to "suppress steadily, accurately,ruthlessly" to develop the large-scale campaign to suppress counter-revolutionaries. Accordingly,in this chapter the author sets Ya’an County of Xikang area as an example, probes into the practical situation implemented by its people’s court in detail and summarizes some characteristics in Xikang area.For example,in Kangding county the court carried on the counter-revolutionary cases under the policy of "little catching,little killing" set by the Central Committee of the CPC to the ethnic groups in Xikang area.Finally,in this chapter the author elaborates the implementation about the policy of "the postponed death sentence" at the high tide of the campaign to "suppress counter-revolutionaries"(from February to May, 1951) sent out by the Central Committee of the CPC,according to the practical report from main regions in the country,analyzes the general question existed in the process of carrying out this policy in the nation and Xikang area.ChapterⅣComprehensive Implementation of the Criminal Policies of "Suppressing Counter-revolutionaries ".After the high tide of the campaign to suppress counter-revolutionaries was retreating, the Central Committee of the CPC had issued the instruction About Cleaning up Long-pending Case of Counter-revolutionary Criminal,according to which,and under the basic criminal policy of "the combination of suppression and spaciousness",the public securities and judicial organs in all levels of the country had been cleaning up the long-pending counter- revolutionary cases and carried on "the differential treatment" to the counter-revolutionaries,simultaneously also implemented comprehensively all of the criminal policies.In order to eliminate all counter-revolutionary criminals thoroughly,the Central Committee of the CPC give directions to continue implementing the policy of "suppressing counter-revolutionaries on a grand scale",and requests all levels of judicial organ to summarize their implementation for "cleaning up case and looking up wrong" under the policy of "the ideological remolding and reorganizing the organ",hi this chapter,the author mainly analyzes the implementation on several counties of Hanyuan,Ya’an,Yanbian in Xikang area and summarizes respective characteristics of those counties in the process of implementing the criminal policies of suppressing counter-revolutionaries.For example,in Ya’an county,it has left behind other areas in the country in suppressing counter-revolutionaries because of the campaign on the land reform which not yet completed, until the instruction about cleaning up the counter-revolutionary long-pending case was sent out by the Central Committee of the CPC,the public security and judicial organ in Ya’an county only took action to suppress counter-revolutionaries on a grand scale.ChapterⅤAppraisal and Reconsideration on Implementation for the Criminal Policies of "Suppressing Counter-revolutionaries".In last chapter,firstly,the author make a general appraisal for the effect to implement the criminal policies of "suppressing counter-revolutionaries" in the early days of new China; then,especially assesses the effect of implementing such two piece of criminal policies as "the combination of suppression and spaciousness" and "the postponed death sentence"; finally,comments on the effect and function of implementing the concrete criminal policies such as "reform-through-labor" and "the control",hi the part of resonsideration,the author mainly takes such two aspects as the subject and the way of implementing the criminal policy into reconsideration,that is,analyzes all sorts of malpractices from "the people’s court" which set as a subject of implementation,and also takes the people’s court in Ya’an county as a case, and recosideres the way to "suppress counter-revolutionaries on a grand scale" by the way of "mass line" in carrying out those criminal policies.Finally,the author elaborates the influence and the enlightenment of such criminal policies as "to kill little,to kill cautiously" and "the postponed death sentence" for the contemporary legislation and practice of the death penalty.In the part of conclusion,the author generalizes the common characteristics in the whole country and Xikang area of implementing the criminal policies of suppressing counter-revolutionaries in the early days of new China,and elaborates briefly the relationship between criminal policy and criminal law.


