

Study on Development Problems of Heilongjiang Forest Industry Region

【作者】 王毅昌

【导师】 蒋敏元;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 林业经济管理, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 黑龙江森工林区(以下简称森工林区)是我国重点国有林区和东北老工业基地的重要组成部分。森工林区经营总面积占黑龙江省国土面积的22%,林业用地面积占东北内蒙古林区重点国有林区林业用地总面积的28.3%,是我国东北、华北重要的生态屏障。建国以来,黑龙江森工林区累计生产木材5.07亿m~3,占全国同期木材产量的20.3%,是我国重要的木材生产基地。森工林区在维护我国生态安全和促进经济社会发展中发挥了重要作用。但是,由于长期的体制性、资源性和结构性等方面的制约因素,森工林区目前仍没有摆脱森林资源危机和企业经济危困的局面。进入新世纪,党中央国务院关于全面建设小康社会、振兴东北老工业基地、构建和谐社会和加快林业发展等决定,为森工林区实现全面、协调和可持续发展提供了千载难逢的历史机遇。面对新形势,如何破解森工林区发展中的难点和障碍,是摆在黑龙江森工面前的重要课题。本研究以科学发展观为指导,采用规范与实证相结合,定性与定量相结合,应用林业分类经营理论、生态经济学、新制度经济学、区域经济发展理论、创新理论、可持续发展理论、战略管理理论、系统动态学原理等新理论与新方法,研究了以下主要内容:(1)黑龙江森工林区的内涵特征与发展历程。(2)黑龙江森工林区发展的环境与取向分析。(3)黑龙江森工林区的管理体制创新问题。(4)黑龙江森工林区森林蓄积的动态模拟及生态体系建设问题。(5)黑龙江森工林区经济社会文化及保障体系建设问题。目的在于破解森工林区发展中的主要障碍和问题,探求森工林区全面、协调和可持续发展的新路径与新模式。本研究得出了以下主要创新成果和结论:(1)提出了国有林区分工论的思想。国有林区分工论就是按照专业化分工的原则对国有林区管理职能进行分工,实现生态、经济、社会和文化体系建设的专业化经营与管理。所谓管理职能分工就是按照专业化的原则对国有林区管理职能进行分工,建立政府行政管理、国有森林资源资产监管和国有企业运营“三个主体”,打破林区管理主体“政、企、资”三权合一的管理体制。(2)提出了构建“三个主体”的制度设计。构建林区“三个主体”,即国有森林资源管理主体,森工企业经营主体,林区政府行政管理主体。通过“三个主体”的构建,保证森林资源管理、企业经营管理、政府行政管理“三种职能”的强化。(3)提出了实现“三个主体”相协调的对策建议。提出了理顺三个管理主体投资渠道的对策。(4)根据SD模拟分析,商品林区蓄积消耗结构极不合理。2003~2006年,商品林区成熟林和过熟林只提供了7%的商品材产量。目前的419万m~3的木材产量是一种不可持续的、高成本的森林经营方式。(5)国务院“十一五”期间确定的黑龙江森工175万m~3的商品材产量,仅由商品林区和限伐林区的成过熟林蓄积提供是难以胜任的,尚需要采伐中龄林、近熟林、散生木和疏林地的蓄积才能平衡。从另一个角度说明175万m~3的产量也是一个超森林承载力的木材产量。(6)研究了不同木材产量方案下最佳蓄积消耗组合。(7)木材产量103万m~3是最优的经营方案。从不同方案的比较看来,木材产量103万m~3无论从森林资源保护的角度,还是森林生态系统可持续经营的角度,都是最优的森林经营方案。但森林采伐量的调减受制于林区经济上的压力,在没有外在的经济补偿和内在的经济发展情况下,调减木材产量是不现实的行为。(8)不论采取哪种方案商品林区成熟林和过熟林蓄积在较长时期内都将在低谷中徘徊;过熟林蓄积处于岌岌可危的状态,供给能力很弱。不论采取哪种方案商品林区成熟林蓄积在2017年以前都处于下降和维持阶段。商品林区过熟林蓄积采伐幅度仅能维持在2~4%之间,在2024年以前都处于下降和维持阶段,20年后才能逐渐回升。这也更进一步证明了天保工程期再延长30~40年的提法。(9)提出了林区生态、经济、社会文化和保障体系建设的对策。认为森工林区三大系统的协同发展都不能追求各自目标的最大化,只能兼顾其它两个系统的目标,取三个系统的共同目标的交集,实现生态、经济和社会文化三大效益的和谐统一。本研究对理论和实践的意义主要体现在两个方面:(1)创新了国有林区发展理论。提出了林区分工论的思想,并按照这个思路设计了黑龙江森工林区管理的新体制。该思想的提出对改革国有林区管理体制具有指导意义。清河林业局应用该思想进行内部政企分开改革,已得到了国家林业局和黑龙江省政府领导的肯定。目前黑龙江省森工系统已有8个林业局进行了内部政企分开改革试点,林区分工论思想已对森工林区管理体制改革实践产生了积极的指导作用。(2)应用系统动力学模型对森林蓄积系统进行了动态模拟与分析。在理论上证明了,国家确定的森工“十一五”期间商品材产量175万m~3,也是一个超森林承载能力的产量,并非是合理的选择。提出木材产量103万m~3是最优的木材产量方案。SD模拟分析的各种经营方案,可以对实践部门设计森林经营方案提供指导。这对在不同的木材产量下,选取最佳的资源消耗组合,减少中龄林和近熟林采伐比重,提高森林资源的供给能力,实现森林生态系统的可持续经营具有重要的指导意义。

【Abstract】 Heilongjiang Forest Industry Region(HFIR) is the important part of China’s key stateowned forestry areas and the old industrial bases in northeast of China.The total area in the management of HFIR is 22%of land area of Heilongjiang,forestry land area is 28.3%of the total area of the Northeastern Inner Mongolia key state-owned forestry areas,is the important ecological barriers of Northeast and North of China.Since 1949,HFIR produced a total of 507 million m~3 of timber,is 20.3%of the country’s total output of timber over the same period,and is an important production base of timber in our country.HFIR has played an important role in the maintenance of ecological security and the promotion of China’s economic and social development.However,because of the long-term constraints in the institution,resources, structure and so on,HFIR is still not out of crisis situation of forest resources and the distress of enterprise economy.Entering the new century,the CPC Central Committee and the State Council building a well-off society,the revitalization of the old industrial bases in northeast China,to build a harmonious society and accelerating the development of forestry decisions provides a rare historical opportunity for HFIR achieving comprehensive,coordinated and sustainable development.Facing with the new situation,how to solve the difficulties and obstacles in development of HFIR,it is an important issue placed in front of HFIR.In this study,by science development view as a guide,adopting combination of standardized and Empirical,adopting combination of qualitative and quantitative,applying the new theories and the new methods of forestry classification management theory,ecological economics,new institutional economics,regional economic development theory,innovation theory,sustainable development theory,strategic management theory,system dynamics principle,this paper studies the followings.(1) The development course,the Connotation and characteristics of HFIR.(2) The development environment and orientation analysis of HFIR.(3) The management system innovation of HFIR.(4) The dynamic simulation of forest volume and ecosystem construction of HFIR.(5) The construction of economy society culture and security system of HFIR.This paper is desirous to solve the main obstructions and problems in the development of HFIR,to seek a new path and new model of comprehensive,coordinated and sustainable development of HFIRThis paper have obtained the following main innovations and conclusions:(1) put forward the state-owned forest region division theory.The division theory is the management function division of state-owned forest region in accordance with the principle of specialization to achieve the specialized business and management of ecological,economic,social and cultural system construction.The so-called management function division is the management function division of state-owned forest region in accordance with the principle of specialization, to establish government administration,state-owned forest resources assets supervision and state-owned enterprises operation "the three main bodies",to break the three synergetic management systems.To break the management system of Forest Region management main bodies of merging one of "government,enterprises,assets manager" the three authorities.(2) Put forward the institutional design of"three main bodies" construction.Construction of forest region" the three main bodies",that is,the main body of state-owned forest resource management,the main body of forest industry enterprise management,the main body of forest region government administration,through" the three main bodies" building to ensure the management of forest resources,enterprise management and government administration" the three functions" strengthening.(3) Put forward measures and proposals of achieving "the three main bodies" harmonization.Put forward the countermeasures of sorting out "the three main bodies" investment channel.(4) According to SD simulation analysis,the consumption structure of forest volume of commercial forest region is extremely unreasonable.From 2003 to 2006,mature and over-mature forest of commercial forest region have provided only 7% output of commercial timber.The current 4.19 million m~3 timber yield is an unsustainable, high-cost forest management mode.(5)The 1.75 million m~3 commercial timber yield of the HFIR established by the State Council is difficult to meet the demand which mature and overmature forest of commercial forest region and limited forest region produce.We need cut forest volume of middle-age forest,nearly mature forest,scattered trees,thin stocked land,the demand can be equilibrium.The 1.75 million m~3 timber yield also is the timber yield that goes beyond forest carrying capacity through another angle.(6) Research the best combination of forest volume consumption under different timber production.(7) 1.03 million m~3 timber yield is the best management plan.Comparing with different management scheme,the 1.03 million m~3 timber production regardless of the angle of the forest resources protection,or the forest ecosystem sustainable management,is the best forest management plan.However,the reduction of deforestation subject to the pressure on the forest region economy,in the absence of external economic compensation and internal economic development,the reduction of timber output is unrealistic behavior.(8) Regardless of which management scheme,the mature and over-mature forest volume of commercial forest region will be stagnating in the bottom in the longer period of time.The over-mature forest volume is in the condition between the beetle and block,and is very weak to supply capacity.Regardless of which management scheme,the mature forest volume of commercial forest region had been on the decline and maintenance phase in 2017 before.The over-mature forest volume of commercial forest region cab be cut in the range of only 2 to 4%,and is on the decline and maintenance phase in 2024 before,only after 20 years to edge upwards.It also further prove that the natural forest protection project scheduled time should be again prolonged for a further extension of 30 to 40 year references.(9)Put forward the construction countermeasures of ecological,economic,social, and security system.The three main systems should be coordinated development.Each system can not maximize their own goal,and should consider the goal of other two systems,and should choose the intersection of the common goal of the three main systems.We must achieve ecological,economic,social and cultural three main benefits of the harmony and unity.In this study the major significance of the theory and practice was embodied in two aspects:(1) The innovation of development theory of the state-owned forest region.It proposed the state-owned forest region division theory,and then designed the new system of HFIR in accordance with this theory.This theory has the guidance significance to reform the management system of state-owned forest region.This theory had been applied by Qinghe Forestry Bureau to achieve the reformation of the interior separation of government from enterprise,which was affirmed by the State Forestry Bureau and Heilongjiang provincial leadership.HFIR has eight Forestry Bureau experimental units that practiced the interior separation reformation of government from enterprise.This thinking of the division of stateowned forest region that has shown a positive role in guiding the practice of forestry management system reformation.(2) The model of application of system dynamics makes the dynamic simulation and analysis of forest volume system.It indicate theoretically output of 1.75 million m~3 timber decided by the state in the Forest Industry "11th Five-Year Plan" period is a super carrying capacity of production which is not a reasonable choice.The 1.03 million m~3 timber production is the best project.The various management plans of SD simulation could provide guidance of the forest management project design for practice departments.To select the best combination of resource consumption,reduce middle-aged and near-mature forest harvesting proportion to increase supply capacity of forest resources to achieve sustainable forest ecosystem management in different timber production is of important guiding significance.


