

Study on Hydrological Characteristics of Forest Ecosystem in Daxing’anling

【作者】 姜海燕

【导师】 赵雨森;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文以大兴安岭北部、南部不同林型对水文特征的影响为主要研究目的。于2006年7-10月和2007年5-10月分别在岭南加格达奇试验区选择蒙古栎林、柞树-落叶松林、杜鹃-落叶松林、杜鹃-白桦林、草类-落叶松林、红松人工林、红皮云杉人工林、兴安落叶松人工林、樟子松人工林、白桦天然林、杨桦混交林、蒙古柞林,岭北塔河试验区选择白桦-落叶松林、柞树-落叶松林、草类-落叶松林、杜鹃-白桦林和杜鹃-落叶松林为研究对象。以定位研究方法为主,以大气、植物、土壤子系统为三个研究空间,通过对研究区降雨特点、降雨后林冠截留、地表枯落物持水、土壤入渗、水化学特征的研究,来揭示大兴安岭森林与水文作用的关系、大兴安岭森林水文生态机制,正确评价大兴安岭森林的作用,为大兴安岭林区实行天然林保护工程提供理论依据,也为当地森林经营提供技术支撑。得出的主要结论如下:(1)兴安落叶松人工林林冠截留量最大,为16.93mm。白桦天然林林内雨量最高,阔叶树种的林内降雨量普遍高于针叶树种。林内降雨平均占林外降雨的70%左右,并存在明显的直线相关,回归方程为:y=ax-b,相关系数R~2值均在0.9以上。可以利用其关系建立模型模拟或预测林内降雨量。树干径流量所占降雨量的比例很小,最大径流量所占降雨量的比例为2.11%,最小径径量所占降雨量的比例仅为0.35%。树干径流与林外降雨之间以线性回归方程拟合较好,其密切程度不如林内降雨与林外降雨的关系。红松人工林树干径流量最大,兴安落叶松人工林树干径流量最小。(2)枯落物储量范围在12.25t/hm~2-48.46t/hm~2之间,草类-落叶松林最大。半分解层枯落物储量普遍大于未分解层。枯落物吸水量随时间的延长而增加,在浸水后前4h以内,枯落物吸水量较大,随后吸水量幅度明显减小,20h时达到吸水量的最大值。当然不同林型枯落物吸水进程是不同的,但基本趋势相似。不同林型枯落物持水量与浸水时间之间都存在对数函数关系:Y=aLn(x)+b。所得回归方程的相关系数R~2都在0.8以上,拟合结果较好。(3)土壤含水量变化区域在6.17%~39.78%之间。兴安落叶松人工林土壤含水量最高。表层土壤含水量高于下层土壤含水量。白桦-落叶松林贮水能力最强,为892.00mm;樟子松人工林有效贮水能力最大,为249.07mm。土层越深,土壤容重越大,非毛管孔隙度越少,有效贮水量相对较弱。不同林型土壤容重随着土层加深逐渐增大,总孔隙度、毛管孔隙度、非毛管孔隙度均随土层加深逐渐减小的趋势。岭南、岭北各林型土壤容重都是草类-落叶松林最大,其次是杜鹃-白桦林;非毛管孔隙度岭南以杜鹃-白桦林最大14.52%,草类-落叶松林最小7.09%,岭北以柞树-落叶松林最大14.15%,草类-落叶松林最小10.00%;不同林型土壤水分入渗过程基本一致。入渗速率随着时间推移而减小,最后达到稳定。不同林型土壤初渗率、平均入渗率、稳渗率分别在15.9~48.2mm/min、6.27~22.83mm/min、2.7~12.1mm/min之间,高低相差40%-50%左右。其中,红皮云杉初渗率、平均入渗率、稳渗率最大。土壤容重越大,稳渗率就越小。对2种模型的比较表明,使用考斯加可夫(Kostiakov)模型模拟土壤水分入渗效果较好。(4)在生长季中,大量元素K、Na、Ca、Mg、P、N的养分含量占总养分输入量的100%,K的含量占降雨总养分含量的46%。依据输入量大小,大量元素排序为K>N>>Ca>Na>Mg>P,微量元素排序为Fe>Mn>Cu。降雨中的养分含量属中等偏高。但本地区降雨偏低,从年输入总量来看,该地区的林外降雨中所含的养分是低的。蒙古柞林林内雨中Mg元素养分含量是林外雨的8倍。兴安落叶松人工林树干径流雨中的K元素养分含量最高,为42.601mg/L,是林外雨的6倍。林内雨和树干径流雨中一些养分含量都存在负淋溶现象。树干径流雨中各元素养分含量普遍高于林内雨和林外雨的养分含量。蒙古柞林林内雨中Na元素含量月际变化较大,7月份的含量是8月份的24.8倍,月际变幅在0.427mg/L~10.61m/L之间;蒙古柞林树干径流雨中Na元素含量月际变化较大,6月份是5月份的6.8倍,月际变幅在0.63mg/L~4.3mg/L之间。K、Cu、Mn、N、P元素在白桦林林内雨中养分含量最高;Ca、Mg元素在杨桦混交林中养分含量最高;Na、Fe元素在蒙古柞林中养分含量最高,表明阔叶林淋溶程度较高。K、Fe、Mn、P元素在兴安落叶松人工林树干径流雨中养分含量最高,Na、Ca、Cu、N元素在蒙古柞林中养分含量最高,Mg元素在杨桦混交林中养分含量最高。

【Abstract】 In the dissertation,the main purpose is the influence of different forest types to hydrological characteristics in south and north of Daxing’anling.Among months 7-10 in 2006 and months 5~10 in 2007 we choose 12 forest types in south Daxing’anling and 5 forest types in north Daxing’anling as research object.Position research is applied as main method in the paper,Atmosphere,plant and soil subsystems are three major research spaces.Through researching rainfall characteristics、canopy interception characteristics、water retention characteristics of litter、soil infiltration characteristics、water chemical characteristics,to disclose the relationship between forest and hydrological functions and eco-hydrological functions of Daxing’anling Mountains.These researches are conducive to accurate appraisal of forest functions of Daxing’anling Mountains,to provide theoretical proofs for natural forests protection project at Daxing’anling as well as technological supports for local forest management.Main research results:(1)Results indicate that the biggest canopy interception is Larix gmelinii for 16.93mm,it is increasing with rainfall.Rainfall inside forest accounts for about 70%of rainfall.There is an obvious linear correlation between them,equation is y=ax-b,R~2 is bigger than 0.9.which can be used to make simulation model or forecast rainfall inside forest.Rainfall inside forest for Betula plytyphyla is the highest,rainfall inside forest of broad-leaves forest is higher than that of conifers.Stem runoff volume only accounts for less parts,the biggest stem runoff volume accounts for 2.11%of the total rainfall,the least stem runoff volume accounts for 0.35%of the total rainfall.There is a linear correlation between stem runoff and rainfall,but the close degree is less than that of relation of rainfall inside forest and rainfall.Stem runoff volume of Pinus korensis is the biggest,and Larix gmelinii is smallest.(2)The accumulated mass of litter of Grass-Larix is the biggest for 48.46t/hm~2 in south Daxing’anling.The accumulated mass of litter of half-decomposed layer is bigger than that of undecomposed layer.There was greatly absorption amount in the first 4 hours for the water-holding of the litter, then the water-absorption extent is getting less and reach saturation in 20 hours.The absorption processe of different forest litter is different,but there is a similar trend.The relation between water-holding amount of different forest litter and soaking time is y = aLn(x)+b,correlation index is bigger than 0.8.(3)The change range of soil water-holding capacity are between 6.17%-39.78%.The soil water-holding capacity of Larix gmelinii is highest for 39.78%.The soil water-holding capacity of upper layer is higher than deep layer.The soil water-retaining capacity of Betula-Larix gmelinii is biggest for 892.00mm,the soil available water-retaining capacity of Pinus sylvestris is biggest for 249.07mm.The deeper the soil is,the bigger the soil bulk density is, the less the soil non-capillary porosity is,the smaller the soil available water-retaining capacity is.The deeper the soil layer is,the bigger the soil bulk density is,the smaller the soil porosity、soil capillary porosity、soil non-capillary porosity is.soil bulk density of Grass-Larix is the biggest in all forest types in south and north Daxing’anling,betulla is second;soil non-capillary porosity of betulla is the biggest for 14.52%,the smallest is Grass-Larix for 7.09%in south Daxing’anling;soil non-capillary porosity of oak-Larix is the biggest for 14.15%and the smallest is Grass-Larix for 10%in north Daxing’anling.The soil infiltration processes is similar for different forest types,soil infiltration rate is decrease with the time increase,and gradually tend to stability.The soil infiltration rate,average infiltration rate and firm infiltration rate is between 15.9~48.2mm/min,6.27~22.83mm/min, 2.7-12.1mm/min.The soil infiltration rate、average infiltration rate and firm infiltration rate of fir is biggest,the bigger the soil bulk density is,the smaller the soil non-capillary porosity is,the smaller the soil firm infiltration rate is.Comparing two modal show that,Kostiakov modal has better effect in simulating soil infiltration.(4)In growing season,the content of macroelements,including K,Na,Ca,Mg,P,N accounts for 100%of the total nutrient input,the content of K accounts for 46%of the total nutrient input.According to nutrient input,macronutrients order are K>N>Ca>Na>Mg>P. micronutrients order are Fe>Mn>Cu.the nutrient content of of rainfall belong to middle and higher,but because the less rainfall in the area,the nutrient content of rainfall in the total nutrient input of per year is lower.The Mg content of rainfall inside forest of Oak is 8 times higher than in rainfall.K content of stem flow of Larix gmelinii is highest for 42.601mg/L and is 6 times higher than in rainfall. Some nutrient content in rainfall inside forest and stem flow is lower than in rainfall.Nutrient content of stem flow is relatively higher than that of precipitations inside and outside forest.The monthly change of Na content of rainfall inside forest of Oak is bigger,Na content in July is 24.8 times higher than in August,monthly change range for 0.427mg/L~10.61mg/L; The monthly change of Na content of stem flow is bigger,in June it is 6.8 times higher than in May,monthly change range for 0.63mg/L~4.3mg/L.K、Cu、Mn、N、P of rainfall inside forest of Betula is highest;Ca、Mg of Populas- Betula is highest;Na、Fe of Oak is highest.K,Fe、Mn、P of stem flow of Larix is highest, Na、Ca、Cu、N of Oak is highest,Mg of Populas-Betula is highest.


