

Land Pattern Temporal-Spatial Dynamics and Effects on Crane Suitable of ZhaLong Wetland

【作者】 袁力

【导师】 赵雨森;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 水土保持与荒漠化防治, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 本文选取扎龙1995、2000和2004年的Landsat TM遥感图像、地形图、保护区规划图和外业调查数据和其它文字材料为基础,以丹顶鹤为主要研究对象,在遥感(RS)和地理信息系统(GIS)技术的支持下,应用景观生态学的相关原理及方法,分析研究区域的景观生态结构、景观格局现状,从时间序列上和空间尺度上对研究区域的土地利用类型及其景观格局的动态变化进行了定量化研究,并探讨了土地类型和景观格局对水禽数量的影响。在此基础上,选取部分有代表性的生境指标进行定量化分析,通过建立生境适宜性(HSI模型)评价模型,完成对研究区域丹顶鹤的适宜生境评价,提出有利于湿地维持一定鹤类种群数量的生境保护和恢复的合理化景观布局及建议,为湿地保护和管理提供科学依据。在此过程中,本文主要取得以下成果和进展:1.通过对不同时期遥感影像(1995,2000和2004年)的处理,为快速而准确地获取扎龙湿地保护区土地利用格局数据及其演变提供了依据。研究结果表明:区域内各类生态景观斑块的数量、面积及空间位置都发生了不同程度的变化,但区域呈现以沼泽地景观为基质的草地、耕地和盐碱地景观等相对为主体的交错湿地景观格局,其余景观类型呈补丁状散布该区域之中,总体上景观格局没有发生变化。2.有林地和居民工矿用地景观分布零散,斑块数目多,破碎度指数较大,破碎化程度高,沼泽景观斑块趋向于集中分布,以大规模的形式存在,构成区域的控制性生态景观,是丹顶鹤的栖息生境,其破碎度较小。3.景观多样性指数研究结果表明:景观多样性和优势度两指数呈现出一定的负相关关系,景观多样性和均匀度两指数上呈现出一定的正相关关系。景观多样性、景观均匀度呈现递增,景观优势度减小,从侧面反映了各景观类型所占比例差异增大,景观异质性较高,不利于该生态系统的稳定。4.通过矩阵转移法来研究特定时段不同土地利用类型之间数量时空变化。1995-2000年,沼泽湿地是研究区内具有最高转入贡献率和保留率的景观组分,草地景观是转出贡献率最大的景观组分;2000-2004年,草地景观是研究区内具有最高转入贡献率景观组分,沼泽湿地具有最大转出贡献率的景观组分,沼泽湿地景观的保留率最大。5.在对土地利用动态分析和景观格局分析的基础上,研究湿地生境的变化原因,分析土地利用及其退化对水禽生境要素影响,探讨人类活动对自然生境的影响方式和程度。结果表明:草地、盐碱地等景观与典型水禽数量呈现一定的负相关,林地、耕地(繁殖期)与典型水禽数量呈现一定的正相关:景观格局多样性、斑块分维数和形状指数与典型水禽数量呈现一定的正相关,破碎度与典型水禽数量呈现一定的负相关;植被高度、植被盖度和距觅食地距离均为丹顶鹤选择巢址的主要影响因子,生境隐蔽和食物是重要考虑因素。6.利用GIS的空间分析功能和景观生态学方法,研究区域湿地景观的动态变化与种群数量变化的基础上,定性和定量分析了不同时期的土地利用和景观格局与物种的相关关系。结果表明:除了在关键区域建立湿地保护区,还要从区域、景观上对湿地环境进行统筹规划,从根本上保护湿地环境和湿地生态过程。7.综合利用“3S”技术完成了对论文研究所需的数据的获取与处理,在此基础上实现了各评价指标的提取及其定量化研究。选取干扰程度、食物丰富度、植物覆盖适宜度、水文条件、空间格局、繁殖的最佳面积和土地利用类型,并对指标进行定量化研究,通过建立HSI模型完成了研究区域的典型水禽的生境评价,。在此基础上,对生境适宜性评价的结果进行定量分析和分类处理,划分出不同的生境类型:适宜生境:次适宜生境;较不适宜生境:不适宜生境。8.对扎龙1995-2004年湿地水禽栖息地生境评价分析得知:适宜性区域在整个研究区域中占据绝对的优势,主要分布在核心区,构成区域的控制性生态景观:次适宜性区域,占据较小的比重,主要分布在缓冲区:较不适宜区域同样占据较小的比重,主要分布在实验区和缓冲区;不适宜区域,占据较大的比重,主要分布在实验区。9.1995-2000-2004年,研究不同生境类型的空间变化特征,结果表明:适宜性区域的质心坐标的转变方向为:东北部-西南部-东北部;次适宜区域的质心坐标转变方向为:东北部.西南部;较不适宜区域的质心坐标转变方向为:东北部-西南部-西北部,2000-2004年的变化幅度要大于1995-2000年;不适宜区域的质心指标的转变方向为:一直趋向东北部,该类型质心坐标在空间位置的转移没有发生变化。10.研究区域不同生境类型平均周长-面积比指数分析可知:不适宜区域的指数一直呈现增加的趋势,反映了当地社区的经济发展和村屯城镇化进程的加快,人类活动在时间、空间上不断加大,导致典型水禽(鹤类)的生态环境的破坏,区域生态功能的丧失,从而减少水禽种类及其种群数量,表明人类的活动强度所导致的生境生态功能的丧失而造成的破碎化程度成正比。

【Abstract】 Based on Landsat Image from remote sensing(RS),topographic and planning maps,field investigation and other data in 1995,2000 and 2004,this dissertation investigated habitats of wetland waterfowls in the Zhalong National Nature Reserve.Supported by RS and Geographical Information System(GIS),theory and techniques of the landscape ecology were used to quantitatively analyze landscape structure and status,landscape dynamics and land use types in temporal and spatial scales,and further explore their effects on cranes(Grus sp.) populations in Zhalong.Moreover,through quantitative analysis on certain wetland habitat indexes and establishing HSI evaluation model,evaluation on suitable habitat of the redcrowned crane(white-napped crane) was conducted and several plans and advices were proposed for protecting and restoring wetland and maintaining cranes populations.These would offer basic data for wetland protection and management in the future.The results showed:1.Analyzing RS data from different times(1995,200and 2004year) would serve as an important measurement for regional LUCC study and offer possibility to obtaining fast and concise data on land use patterns and evolvement.Though numbers,acreage and spatial position of each ecological landscape patch had changed at different levels,the landscape pattern unchanged:the dominant inter-wetland pattern composed with swampland,grassland, farmland and saline and alkaline land was patched with other landscape types.2.With high fragmentation and large number of patches,the forest lands,residential and industry lands were scattered;with low fragmentation,the swampland patches tended to centralize into large scale and composed of the dominant regional landscape,which offered habitats for the red-crowned crane populations.3.Three groups of data during 1995-2004 disclosed landscape diversity was negatively correlated to dominance index while positively correlated to evenness index.Landscape diversity and evenness index increasing while dominance index declining partially reflected increasing differences on proportions of each type of landscape and high landscape heterogeneity,which further disclosed ecosystem was unstable.4.Matrix transformation method was used to disclose spatio-temporal changes of various land types at certain time.During 1995-2000,swamp wetland hold the highest the contribution rates of conversion-in and preserving ratio while grassland had the highest the contribution rates of conversion-out.However,during 2000-2004,the grassland had the highest the contribution rates of conversion-in,whereas swamp wetland had the highest the contribution rates of conversion-out and preserving ratio. 5.To investigate the reasons underlying wetland habitat change,explore means and degree impacted on habitat by human activities,and analyze land use and degradation effecting water fowl habitats,based on dynamics on land use and landscape pattern.Grassland and aline and alkaline land,landscape type fragmentation index were negatively while woodland, farmland,landscape pattern diversity,fractal dimension and shape index were positively correlated with amount of typical water fowls.Vegetation height,vegetation cover and the distance of search for food became the important factors for selection nest of red-crowned crane,covert habitat and food became the second important factors.6.To disclose relationship of dynamic change between wetland landscape and populations quantity through temporal analysis of GIS and landscape ecological methods.In addition to establish wetland reserves in key areas,the wetlands should also be planned as a whole to protect environment and ecological processes ultimately.7.Acquired and dealt with key data by synthetically utilizing 3S techniques and realized extracting each evaluating index and their quantitative analysis.Indexes including interferential degree,food abundance,vegetation cover,hydrological condition,temporal patterns,the most optimal acreage for reproduction and land use type were selected for quantitative analysis. Through HSI model to evaluating habitat and suitability of the typical water fowl,the habitat was typed as:suitable,hyposuitable,less suitable,unsuitable.8.From 1995 to 2004,evaluation on suitable habitat of water fowls in the Zhalong showed:suitable areas distributed in the core area was absolutely preponderant,which formed dominant ecological landscape;hyposuitable habitats distributed in the buffer area occupied less proportion;less suitable habitats mainly distributed in the experiment area and buffer area occupied the same small proportion;and unsuitable habitat distributed mainly in the experiment area occupied a large proportion.9.From 1995 to 2000 to 2004,the centroid coordinate changed from northeast to northwest then to northeast for the suitable areas;from northeast to southwest for the hyposuitable;was,from northeast to southwest to northwest for the less suitable,which had more large changes from 1995 to 2000 than those from 2000 to 2004;The changing direction of centroid coordinate of the unsuitable habitat changed from southwest to northeast and did not change at spatial position.10.According to the resuts of PARA-Mean of different type habitat,the index of unsuitable habitat increased all long,which shown the economical development and expedite proceeding of cities and towns.The ecological habitat had been broken becase of the increasing of man activity in time and space,the region function had lose,which caused the number and type of waterfowl decreased.the ecological function losingwhich caused by man activity was positively correlated and fragmentation degree.


