

Study on Germplasms of Phaseoulus Vulgaris L. in Heilongjiang and Strategy of Breeding Program

【作者】 冯国军

【导师】 李玉花;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 菜豆味道鲜美,营养丰富,是一种重要的蔬菜作物,在世界各地均有栽培。黑龙江气候独特,菜豆资源丰富,其特有的油豆角品质好、嫩荚外观亮丽、营养丰富、纤维少、口感好,深受市民欢迎。优质油豆角目前已成为黑龙江省最具地方特色的优质农产品之一。油豆角栽培面积和栽培区域逐年扩大,栽培方式有露地栽培和保护地栽培。油豆角生产的迅速发展,对育种工作提出了更新、更高的要求。在对东北优质菜豆种质资源进行抗逆性、抗病性综合评价鉴定基础上,根据对种质资源的分子分类研究结果,进行东北油豆角种质资源的创新,科学地选配杂交组合,建立科学合理的高效育种体系,提高油豆角的育种效率,育成优良的油豆角新品种,满足油豆角生产发展的要求。本研究利用人工气侯室采用苗期形态鉴定法并辅以间接鉴定法对部分种质资源的耐冷、耐热性进行了苗期鉴定,结果表明不同基因型菜豆苗期冷害指数及电解质外渗率存在明显差别,且冷害指数与电解质外渗率呈极显著正相关性。灰豆角等49个品种耐冷性强,可用于提高菜豆耐冷性遗传改良。不同基因型菜豆苗期热害指数及电解质外渗率存在明显差别,热害指数与电解质外渗率之间无显著相关性。紫花等9个品种属于耐热性强的品种,可用于菜豆耐热性遗传改良。采有喷雾接种法和下胚轴双孔注射法分别对部分菜豆种质资源进行炭疽病和枯萎病的抗性的苗期鉴定,从所供试的材料中筛选出高抗菜豆炭疽病材料7份,高抗菜豆枯萎病材料1份,为抗病育种奠定了基础。SSR标记由于具有呈共显性遗传、多态性高、操作简单、重复性好、稳定可靠等优点而被广泛应用。本实验经过对50对引物的筛选,其中16对引物成功地扩增出目标谱带,并具有明显的多态性。利用SSR标记的多态性对100份菜豆种质资源进行聚类分析,根据聚类分析结果,所有供试材料在相似系数为0.33~1.00范围内聚在一起,在阈值0.54处可将所有的种质资源分成六个组群,第一组群主要是由肉质脆的蔓生菜豆构成,这一组群的遗传背景丰富。第二组群和第三组群均是引自国际热带农业中心的矮生菜豆种质资源,荚表现为较小,荚壁纤维多,种子粒小等特点,但是分为两个组群,说明在菜豆起源中心菜豆的遗传多样性较丰富。第四组群主要由黑龙江省地方食荚菜豆品种及育种系构成,嫩荚无纤维,肉质面,具有物殊的风味品质,熟期为中晚熟为主。第五组群主要由矮生扁荚品种组成,早熟,无纤维,品质优。第六组群主要由矮生圆棍型品种组成,早熟,嫩荚翠绿色,无纤维,商品性好。从聚类分析结果可以看出,维坊白粒与白架豆、绿龙豆与碧丰、花雀蛋与小马掌间的相似系数大于0.99,可以判定它们是异名同物。利用此方法进行种质资源的分子分类,可为核心种质的收集和科学地选配亲本提供了依据,能科学地解决黑龙江食荚菜豆种质资源的“同名异物”和“异名同物”的现象,并可为菜豆品种权保护提供科学依据。通过多种育种手段构建了食荚菜豆的育种体系,在此基础上探讨了黑龙江油豆角育种策略。根据菜豆育种实践,创新性地根据菜豆营养生长和生殖生长的平衡关系,建立新的蔓生菜豆“理想株型”育种模型并选育了菜豆新品种哈菜豆8号。通过基因聚合,采用杂交后反复进行回交的方法改良品种的嫩荚品质及其它综合性状,育成了哈菜豆5号、哈菜豆6号、哈菜豆7号等系列矮生品种;合理选配亲本,筛选出耐热的绿荚新品系HG-12。本项目的主要创新点为首次利用SSR分子标记完成了对黑龙江食荚菜豆的分类;将育种理论与实践相结合,育成了哈菜豆5号、哈菜豆6号、哈菜豆7号、哈菜豆8号等系列新品种,并在品质、熟期、抗病性及丰产量等方面较对照有较大改良。

【Abstract】 Snap bean is an important vegetable with delicious taste and abundant nutrition,which is cultivated all over the world.Heilongjiang Province has a plenty of snap bean germplasms,because of its unique climate some landraces which are called ’You Dou’ bean are welcomed by customers for its high quality,splendid pod and special flavor,and are regarded a kinds of featured agriculture products of this area.The planting areas and cultivating region grow gradually.’You Dou’ beans can be cultivated in fields or in plastic green house.A new and high breading goals have been put forward with the rapid development of production.On the basis of evaluation of the landraces germplasm to tolerance to abiotic and biotic factors,according to the classification results of the germplasms.A new special breeding line is created.A new variety is breed by selecting proper parents and building high efficient breeding system.The study adopt the seedling identification methods and indirect methods to identify the germplasm tolerance to chill injury and to chill chamber.Concerning the tolerance to chill,the results show that different gene type have different tolerance to chill and the chill injury index has a positive correlation with electrolyte leakage rate,49 landraces such as HuiYouDou are high tolerance to chill and can be used for improving tolerance to chill in breeding program concerning the tolerance to heat,the results shows that different gene types have different tolerance to heat and electrolyte leakage rate,but the heat injury index have no correlation with electrolyte leakage rate.9 landraces such as Zhihua perform a high tolerance to heat and can be used for heat resistance breeding.Spore spray and hype double holes injection methods are used to evaluation some snap bean germplasms resistance to anthranthranose and Fusarium root rot during seedling.7 varities are high resistence to anthranthranose and 1 variety is high resistanee to Fusarium root rot.SSR markers have many advantages such as high codominant,high polymorphism. easy operation,easy repeat,steady and reliability and are widely used.16 pairs of primers which selected from 50 pairs of primers are amplifyied pattern bands which perform a high polymorphism.SSR markers are used to do cluster analysis on 100 snap bean germplasms which divided into 6 groups.The 1st group include Bayuelu,Laolailu,Hongdoukuan etc.which come from Heilingjiang,Jiulibai from Shandong,No.12 Yudou from Guang dong and BELBAK-RR-2,BELDAKMI-RR from CIAT.This group varieties all are climb type and have a complicated genetic back ground.The 2nd and the 3rd group varieties are all from CIAT which show small pod,small seed and more fiber.The 4th group are make up of landraces from Heilongjiang and some breading lines which pods have no fiber and have special flavor. The 5th and 6th groups are all dwarf varieties but have flat pod and round pod respectively. The cluster analysis result shows that the similarity coefficient of Weifangbaili and Baijiadou, Lulongdou and Bifeng,Huaquedai and Xianmazhang exceed 0.99,and conclude that they are the same varieties.The result is helpful to core collection of snapbean germplasm and parents selection in hybridization.This method solve the problem’ same name but different varieties’ or ’different name but the same varieties’ and can be used to give a scientific proof for protection on the variety right of snap bean.Breeding system is built by many breeding methods breeding strategy for.Youdou in Heilongjiang is discussed in detail.According the relationship of vegetative growth and reproductive growth,building a new ’ideal type’ breeding model for climbing snap bean,and a new snap bean variety ’No.8 of Ha snap bean’is bred.Hybridization,back-crossing to improve the pod quality and other trait.’No.5 of Ha snap bean’,’No.6 of Ha snap bean’,’No.7 of Ha snap bean’are bred.A new green pod breeding lines HG-12 which tolerance to heat is selected.The creative points of the study are reflected,in two aspects,as follows:SSR markers are first time used to classification of snap bean germplasms in Heilongjiang;Combining the theory and breeding Practice.Four new varieties,’No.5 of Ha snap bean’,’No.6 of Ha snap bean’,’No.7 of Ha snap bean’ and ’No.8 of Ha snap bean’ are bred and the traits of quality, maturity and resistance to disease and high yield are improved.

【关键词】 食荚菜豆种质资源SSR聚类分析育种
【Key words】 snap beangermplasm valuationSSRcluster analysisbreeding system

