

Provincial Standard and Its Relevance to Regional Economies

【作者】 姚贵宝

【导师】 王立海;

【作者基本信息】 东北林业大学 , 森林工程, 2008, 博士

【摘要】 在经济全球化背景下,市场竞争,不仅是产品的竞争、技术的竞争,也不仅是专利的竞争、人才的竞争,更是标准的竞争。谁掌握了标准的制定权,谁就在一定的程度上掌握了竞争的主动权。标准既可成为促进国际经济交流的催化剂,又可以成为人为设置的贸易壁垒。通过合理使用标准来充分利用国际国内两种资源、开拓两种市场,是我国增强国际竞争力、提升人民生活水平的一条重要途径。地方标准是我国标准分类中的一种,是为适应我国地域辽阔、地理环境条件各不同、经济水平发展不平衡而设置的,是国家标准、行业标准的补充。然而,地方标准对经济发展的促进作用是如何实现的,作用机理和作用效果如何,在现有的标准化理论和经济理论中没有较为系统的研究成果。由于理论上的缺失,影响了地方标准在区域经济中作用的发挥,制约了地方标准的发展,也影响了区域经济的发展。为了探究地方标准在区域经济发展中的作用,本研究选取“地方标准及其与区域经济的相关性”作为研究对象,通过对地方标准的发展属性的研究,运用层次分析和主成分分析及协整分析法多方法、多角度分析地方标准与区域经济发展的相关性。目的是使地方标准充分发挥为区域科技与产业化搭建桥梁、为区域产业升级和结构优化提供支撑、为促进区域贸易和统一市场创造条件、为区域国际竞争提供手段的作用。围绕上述问题,本论文利用6个月时间,对400多名在黑龙江省从事标准化工作的专家进行综合问卷调查,并实际收回300多份,为评价和指标权重的科学准确性提供了基础和保障。本论文分为三部分共七章开展相应的研究。第一部分为第一、二章,属总论部分。第一章主要介绍了本论文的研究背景、研究思路、研究方法、逻辑构架、相关概念和研究范围的界定。并对国内外相关研究与实践的进展情况进行了综合评述。为论文下主体部分研究提供了相应的理论前提和分析基础。第二章是论文研究的逻辑起点,从标准的传统分类与属性出发,首先介绍了标准的产生和发展,其次介绍了地方标准的由来和存在的主要问题,提出必须对标准的属性重新进行科学认识和界定。最后详细论述了地方标准的发展属性,主要从地方标准的知识产权属性、法律属性和公共产品属性三方面进行阐述。本章研究的主要目的是明确地方标准需适应发展的市场经济,应建立适应市场的标准体制,同时提出必须提高全社会的标准意识。加强政府的推动作用。本章也是以下各章进行指标体系构建、评价与选择的理论基础。第二部分为第三章至第六章,是论文的核心部分。第三章主要是构建地方标准质量经济指向性评价指标体系,首先介绍了地方标准质量的内涵。其次论述了地方标准质量经济指向性评价指标体系的构建原则和方法,科学地设定了地方标准质量经济指向性评价指标体系的内容,最后以黑龙江省为实证研究对象求得黑龙江省地方标准质量综合评价指标体系各指标的权重,计算得出黑龙江省1990年到2006年的地方标准质量指数,并对其进行评价。本章研究的主要目的是明确地方标准对区域经济的发展的影响,并通过实证分析得出正处于工业化中期的黑龙江省,地方标准的数量远远满足不了生产实践的需求。第四章着重研究了区域经济竞争力评价体系,首先分析了区域经济竞争力评价指标体系建立的指导思想和原则,其次重点研究了区域经济竞争力评价指标体系构建。构建了黑龙江省经济成长竞争力评价指标体系,用主成分分析法对指标做了权重分配,并最后得到了黑龙江省历年经济成长竞争力指数。第五章主要研究地方标准作用区域经济的机理。首先定性分析了地方标准与区域经济发展规模化、系统化、市场化的偶合关系。其次对专利申请受理量和区域经济发展的定量分析,主要从专利申请受理量与经济成长竞争力指数、GDP、能源消费弹性系数、科技对GDP的贡献率以及区域经济发展各项指标的相关性和专利申请受理量与区域经济发展各项指标的主成分回归模型进行研究;最后对专利与经济相关性进行综合分析。第六章重点研究了地方标准与区域经济相关性。首先通过对地方标准和地方经济发展之间关系的主成分分析,研究结果表明地方标准对地方经济发展有促进作用,区域经济发展的速度、产业结构和人民生活水平是影响地方标准发展的主要因素;其次对地方标准制修订数量和区域经济发展的定量分析,主要从地方标准制修订数量与经济成长竞争力指数、GDP、能源消费弹性系数、科技对GDP的贡献率以及区域经济发展各项指标的相关性和地方标准制修订数量与区域经济发展各项指标的主成分回归模型等方面进行研究;最后对地方标准质量指数和区域经济发展的定量分析,主要从地方标准质量指数与经济成长竞争力指数、GDP、能源消费弹性系数、科技对GDP的贡献率以及区域经济发展各项指标的相关性和地方标准质量指数与区域经济发展各项指标的主成分回归模型等方面进行研究。第三部分为第七章是验证与结论部分。第七章主要对地方标准与区域经济的协整性进行了分析。首先主要对协整性的理论进行了介绍,主要从单位根检验、协整检验、误差修正模型和Granger因果关系检验等四方面进行详细论述;其次以黑龙江省为例,对地方标准和区域经济的协整性进行实证研究。最后对地方标准和区域经济的Granger因果关系进行实证研究,地方标准质量指数与区域经济成长竞争力指数之间存在协整关系表明地方标准和区域经济的发展存在长期的均衡关系,且地方标准的质量指数是区域经济成长竞争力指数的Granger原因,进一步验证了前文的研究。结论表明标准的质量指数是经济发展稳定的原因之一,GDP是标准制修订数量稳定的原因之一。这一结果对于标准化工作与经济发展的关系作了进一步揭示,对于指导标准化工作具有实践意义。

【Abstract】 Since the economic globalization,market competition is not only the contest of product or the technology,the patent or the talented person,is also the standards competition.Who catch the right to set the rules or the standards,who gets the initiative of the maket competition.The standards may both become the promotion catalyst of the international economy,and the the artificial trade protectionism.We can full use the standards to control international and domestic resources and to develop the two markets.It is an important way for our country to promote the living standards and strengthen our international competitiveness.The provincial standards,one of our normal sorts,is set to adapt the vast territory,the various geographical environments and the imbalance developing conditions.It is the supplement of the national and profession standards.However,in any standardsized theory or economic theory,there is no systematic research for the process,the function and the effects of provincial standards working on the local ecnomic growth.As a result of the theoretical flaw,it has influenced the provincial standards that displayed in the regional economies the the regional economies development.It has also restricted the provincial standards’ development and the regional economies development.In order to explore how the provincial standards work in the economic development,this research study "the provincial standards and the relevance between the standards and the regional economies"as project.By researching the development attribute of provincial standards,and cooperating the hierarchy analyzing, principal components analyzing,cooperating the entire analyzing and so on,the author multiply perspectives the relevance between provincial standards and the regional economies development.The goal is for the provincial standard to establish the bridge between regional science and the industrial region,to provide the support for the region industry upgrading and structure optimization,to promote the condition for the region trades and unifying the market, to provide the method for the region to competite in international.Regarding to above questions,the author carries on the comprehensive questionnaire for 6 months with more than 400 experts,working in Heilongjiang Province,who are engaging in the standardized,and takes back more than 300 questionares.This has provided the foundation and the safeguard for the accuracy and science of appraisal and the target weight.This paper make the corresponding research in seven chapters and of three parts.The first part,of the first and the second chapter,is the general part.This chapter mainly introduced the research background,mentality,technique,logical skeleton,the related concept and the limitation of studying.And the author has also commented on the related domestic and foreign researches and their practice progress.That provided the corresponding theory premise and the analyzing foundation for the main part research.The second chapter is the logical beginning of the paper,embarking from the standard traditional classification and the attribute. This chapter first introduced the producing and development of the standard,then introduced provincial standard’s origin and the main existence matter and proposed the re-identifying on the science limitation that must be carried on the standard attribute.Finally it elaborated the provincial standard development attribute in detail,mainly from provincial standard’s three aspects:intellectual property rights,the legal attribute and the public product attribute.The main purpose of this chapter is to clear that the provincial standard should adapt the developing market economy and establish adapted market standard system.Simultaneously it proposed that the entire society should enhance standard consciousness and the government should strengthen its promotion effect.The second part is from Chapter 3 to Chapter6,which is known as the core of thesis.It mainly constructs a system target of directional evaluate of regional standard quality economy. At first,it introduces the intension of regional standard quality.Secondly,it discusses the instructed principle and methods in the system target of directional evaluate of regional standard qulity economy.And it sets the scientific content of the system target of directional evaluate of regional standard quality economy.At last,based on an object of study of Hei Longjiang,it gets the weight of the system target of directional evaluate of regional standard quality economy,and also calculates the index of regional standard quality from 1990 to 2006 of Hei Longjiang Province.The main intention of this chapter is making a clear-cut developed influence on regional economy from regional standard.In the Chapter 4,it mainly studies evaluate system of competitive power of regional economy.At first,it anlyzes guiding thought and principle of contructed evaluate system of regional economy competitive power.Then,it contres on studying of constructing in evaluate system of regional economy competitive power. It constructs the target sysytem competitive power in developing of economy of Hei Longjiang Province.It makes the weighted distributio in target with main principle component analyzing. In the chapter 5,it mainly studies the mechanism of regional standard working on regional economy.First,it qualitative analyzes coincidence relations of the scanlism system,and marketism of regional standard and development of regional evonomy.Then,it quantitative analyzes the acception of applying for patent and deveopment of regional economy.It mainly studies from the number of acception of applying for patent,development index of economy, GDP energy use elastic index,science and technology to the GDP technical progress factor, relevance of regional economy development indexes,the quantity of applying for patent and returns to the scale of main component of economy development indexes.At last,it generally analyzes the promoter coincidence between patent and economy.In the chapter 6,it mainly studies the coincidence between regional standard and regional economy.First,according to the main component analyzing to tegional standard and regional economy development,and also according to studying result,it indicates that the regional standard has the promoter function on economy development.And it also indicates that the mainly factors of influencing on developmetn of regional standard are rapid of regional economy development,industry stucture and living level of people.Second,the definitely analysis of the regional standard system revises quantity is mainly from the regional standard system revises quntity and economical development index,GDP energy use elastic index,science and technology to the GDP technical progress factor,the relavence of regional economical development index, returns to the scale of the regional standard system revises standard quantity and regional economical development indexes.At last,the definitely analysis of regional standard qutity index and regional economical development is mainly from the index of regional standard quality and economical development,GDP energy use elastic index,science and technology to the GDP technical progress factor,the relanvence of regional economical development index, and returns to the scale of the regional standard system revises standard quality and regional economical index.The third part,for the seventh chapter,is the confirmation and the conclusion part.The seventh chapter mainly has carried on the cooperation the entire analysis to the provincial standard and regional economies.This charpter first mainly introduced the cooperated entire analyzing theory,mainly from four aspects:unit root examination,association entire examination,error correction model and Granger causal relation examination.Next taking Heilongjiang Province as an example,the seventh chapter conducted empirical study on the cooperation the entire attitude between the provincial standard and regional economies.Finally it conducted the practical study to the Granger causal relation between the provincial standard and regional economies:the cooperating the entire realtion,between the provincial standard performance figure and the regional economies growth index,indicates that the provincial standard and the regional economies development have long-term balanced relations.And the provincial standard’s performing figure is the Granger reason of regional economies growth index,which has further confirmed the preamble research.The conclusion indicated that the standard performing figure is one reason of economic development stablization,and GDP is one reason of standard system revision quantity stablization.This result has further promulgated the relations between the standardized work and economic development,which has the practice significance to instruction standardization work.

  • 【分类号】F203;F127;F224
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】620
  • 攻读期成果

