

Exploration on Relevant Clinical Application of WuYunLiuQi

【作者】 栾加芹

【导师】 庄礼兴;

【作者基本信息】 广州中医药大学 , 针灸推拿学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本论文的目的是深入研究《素问》运气理论,揭示运气理论的来源、运气理论的基本概念如五运、六气及五行理论的含义,证实时间对于人体疾病的影响。本研究的研究方法采用《离散数学》的数学分析、归纳、演绎等推理方式。“运气之说,出于王冰补《素问》七篇,而见于褚澄《遗书》。”,正因为如此,古代医家关于运气学说向来有两种截然不同的观点,一种观点是持完全否认的态度,如缪希雍、王履、黄仲理、周礼、何梦瑶、张倬、万全等,反对的理由大体有几种,一种直接以运气学说是唐代王冰补入的,所以反对;一条种以伤寒的相关看法为基准,发现运气学说有些说法与伤寒不一致,所以反对;另一种对运气学说了解得非常粗浅,觉得与实际不一致,所以反对。很显然,这些反对的理由细究下来,都是无法真正成立的。关于运气学说的另一种观点是完全赞成,以王冰本人为代表,认为一旦研究透彻运气学说“能究其言,见之天生,可以延生;见之天杀,可以逃杀。”,更有谚语流传“不明五运六气,检遍方书何济。”刘温舒则认为运气学说是《素问》中最为重要的内容。清代高士宗在《本草崇原》里用运气学说的观点来解释药效,著书成说。王琦认为用运气学说的观点诠解药物功效,才能“得其纲领,无不贯通”,否则便是“舍其本而末是图”。清代唐宗海在《本草问答》里也从五云六气的角度来描述药物的功效。历史上还有其他医家非常看重五运六气学说如清代的潘楫、张隐腌等。这些医家在他们临床诊病和著述立说里,都明确应用了运气学说的知识,所以他们对运气学说的看法更值得后人相信。古代医家研究运气学说的方法一般可归为五类:一、注解《素问》关于运气学说的篇章这种方法采用的最多,如清代汪昂著《素问灵枢类篡约注》,直接对《素问》里运气学的条文进行了注解。“夫五运阴阳者。天地之道也。(金木水火土为五运。风寒暑湿燥火为六气。)”在这一句里,“夫五运阴阳者。天地之道也。”是《素问》原文,“(金木水火土为五运。风寒暑湿燥火为六气。)”括号里的部分是汪昂的注解。这一句里出现五运,所以汪昂注明了是五运的具体内容是金木水火土,顺便也提到了六气的内容是风寒暑湿燥火。其它的注释都与此类似。二、重新整理五运六气学说,使得更好阅读《素问》五运六气学说散见于各个篇章,初学者读起来很难窥探全貌,所以历史上有部分医家对《素问》五运六气学说的各篇章作了综合的整理,如清代章楠著《灵素节注类编》里专门有《运气提纲》一章,在短短的一篇文章里,章楠总结概括了《素问》运气学说的主要内容,先介绍五运、六气的具体内容,次介绍五运、六气与时间的联系,再介绍五运、六气的详细知识,接着介绍五运、六气异常所导致的疾病,继续介绍五运、六气异常导致疾病的治疗方法,最后介绍应用五运六气的注意事项,显然更有利于后学者对运气学说有全面的把握。三、用口诀和图表来帮助对运气学内容的掌握《素问》中运气学说的内容单纯用文字表示,由于涉及到天干地支、五运六气,都是不容易熟悉和记忆的内容,所以,古代有部分医家给这些内容编撰了口诀和图表,以利于记忆。这方面的医家代表是明代的陈荩斋,他著有《荩斋医要》一书。在这书里给出了五运六气的系列口诀和图表,看上去一目了然,显然有助于对运气学说的掌握。四、用运气学的理论阐释《素问》其它内容首先认为运气学说是正确的,然后以运气学说的知识来解释《素问》里的其它内容,反过来也加深或强化对运气学知识的理解,是古代医家研究运气学说的另一种方式。这种方式的代表首推金代医家刘完素,他著有《素问玄机原病式》,用五运六气的内容来阐述病机的含义,既可以加强对五运六气的深入理解,也可以加强对上述病机的深入理解,一举两得。五、用运气学说相关理论阐释药物功效刘完素先生用运气学理论解释《素问》病机十九条,唐宗海先生则用五运六气学说来阐释药物的功效,可以使得这些药物的功效理解起来更为明白从而在临床应用也会更为准确。反过来也再次证实了运气学说的正确性和重要性。古代的医家研究《素问》运气学说的方法大体上是上述五种,这所有的研究方法,都基于运气学说的自身,都没有触及一个最根本的问题:运气学说本身的源头在哪里,它的理论建立在怎样的基础之上。要知道问题的答案,可以引进现代科学研究问题的思维和手段,先对古文献中的基本概念作出解释,然后在此基础上一步步进行推理演绎,努力还原古文献的思维过程,从而尽量还原古文献的原始面貌,从而能够对古文献做出突破性的发展性的研究。五运六气的本质其实是《离散数学》里的数学模型,本质上属于《离散数学》的范畴,所以,可以利用《离散数学》的思维来研究它们。本论文先介绍了量子理论的相关知识。量子理论是整个近代物理学的基础,它与相对论一起构成近代物理学的两大支柱,它们的诞生,从根本上改变了人们关于时间、空间的传统观念,使我们对物质的运动形式和规律有了崭新的认识。量子理论认为:光不仅具有波动性,而且具有粒子性。组成光的粒子,被定义为光子。从这理论可以推导出:任何固态、液态、气态的物质,都不仅仅是我们肉眼所见的物质,它们都在不断地发出光或者吸收光,也都有光的波动性。在量子物理学里,还有个著名的爱因斯坦光电效应方程。由这方程可以导出:不仅光与光能够互相影响;而且光能够对固态、液态、气态的物质产生影响。物质与物质近距离接触,它们互相的光量子也会产生影响,导致物质的改变。以地球作参照系,把头项的天空分区并用天干地支进行标注可以表示出地球上空日月星辰出现的规律。这便是古代的天干地支计时法。这种方法标示的时间其实正表明了日月星辰的光线对地球万物以及人类的健康影响,也就是时间影响健康。日月星辰的运转也造成了地球气候的变化,时间与气候紧密相关。从这个角度上,可以对《素问》的五运六气学说不是从文字的角度,而是从天文和气候的角度重新作出解读。这种解读的结果显然更接近或者直接就是古代五运六气学说的本来含义。论文里解读的结果是:六气指的是“天气”,也就是一年四季不同时间段的气候情况变化。六气的具体内容指:厥阴风木、少阴君火、少阳相火、太阴湿土、阳明燥金、太阳寒水;六气与时间的联系:子、午的年份是少阴,寅、申年是少阳,卯、酉年是阳明,辰、戌年是太阳,巳、亥年是厥阴。五运指的是“地气”,也就是一年四季不同时间段地球土壤中的情况变化。五运的内容具体指:金、水、木、火、土。五运与时间的联系:甲:土太过己:土不及;乙:金不及庚:金太过;丁:木不及壬:木太过;丙:水太过辛:水不及;戊:火太过癸:火不及;五运六气互相间的关系遵从五行生克理论。可以制作五运六气平面图,以更好地显示五运六气之间的互相关系。六气的基本名称为:厥阴、少阴、少阳、太阴、阳明、太阳。人体的十二正经名称为:手厥阴心包经、足厥阴肝经、手少阴心经、足少阴肾经、手少阳三焦经、足少阳胆经、手太阴肺经、足太阴脾经、手阳明大肠经、足阳明胃经、手太阳小肠经、足太阳膀胱经。在十二正经的名称里,包含了六气的名称,这说明经络与六气有着必然的联系。中国古代一直讲究“天人相应”。六气与经络的联系正体现在“天人相应”上。这些经络的名字其实说明了不同经络中经气运行的特征的,如厥阴经中运行的经气性质与厥阴风木类似,其它依此类推。由这可以建立起自然界与人体的关联。可以根据各种动、植物的六气特性来研究它的在人体归经的特性,从而使得处方用药和针灸选穴更为准确。论文里介绍了研究五运六气的平面图:借助这张图的辅助,可以对五运六气作用于人体的情况作综合的分析。

【Abstract】 The aim of this article is to research time influence to disease,and explore a clinical diagnosis and cure guidance for it.The research method applies mathematical organon of《discrete mathematics》belongs to modern science category,meanwhile assort with clinical cases validation。WuYun LiuQi is important content of《SU WEN》,but research of it rests on character annotation and disease forecast.Its real resorce and principle have not been opened out.No research has clearly provided particular and handy guidance of clinic application about WuYun LiuQi.Study on ancient medical literature always focuses on character textual research and annotation.No doubt it is a doable way,although, we can induce into modern thought and means to investigate science problems.Firstly,we interpret basic concept of ancient literature, then make a consequence and deduction length by length on a base of it. Thought procedure of ancient literature is tried hard to be recovered, further try to recover a original visage of ancient literature to make a broken and developmental research.This article researches WuYunhiuQi using thought of《discrete mathematics》,deducts origin and content of WuYunLiuQi completely,and make a further exploration of its clinic application.The article firstly introduces correlative knowledge about quantum. Quantum is the base of all latter-day physics.Principle of relativity and quantum all together make of two stanchion of latter-day physics. Their naissance have changed traditional concept about time and space of people,and provide a brand-new cognition about movement form and regulation of matter.Quantum considers:light has not only undulatory property but also corpuscular property.The particle making up of light is defined photon. We can conclude from this theory that any solid,liquid and gaseous matter is not macroscopic matter.They shine and absorb light constantly and have light undulatory property.Quantum includes famous Einstein photoelectric effect equation.From the equation we can educe:light can not only affect each other,but also affect solid,liquid and gaseous matter.When matter touches each other in close quarters,their commutative photons also have an influence which leads to changes of matter.Look earth as frame of reference,sky is partitioned into subareas and labeled by the heavenly stems and earthly branches,then appearance regulation of the hosts of heaven above the earth can be denoted.It is Archaian by the heavenly stems and earthly branches chronometry.The identified time by this way just indicates rays of the hosts of heaven can influence everything on earth and people heath,that is,time influences heath.Movement of the hosts of heaven leads to variety of earth climate.Time is relative closely with climate.From this point of view, The theory of WuYunLiuQi《SU WEN》can be unscrambled from chronometer and climate aspect renewedly,not from character aspect.The result is obviously closer to or immediately essential meanings of Archaian WuYunLiuQi theory.The result unscrambled is:LiuQi means "weather", that is climate changes on different period of time of the four seasons in a year.The detailed content of LiuQi includes:Jueyin Fengmu、Shaoyin Junhuo、Shaoyang Xianghuo、Taiyin Shitu、Yangming Zaojin、Taiyang Hanshui;relation between LiuQi and time:the year of Zi、Wu is Shaoyin, the year of Yin、Mao is Shaoyang,the year of Mao、You is Yangming,the year of Chen、xu is Taiyang、the year of Yi、Si is Jueyin.WuYun refers to"telluric effluvium",that is soil condition changes on different period of time of the four seasons in a year.The detailed content of WuYun includes:metal、water、wood、fire、earth;relation between WuYun and time: Jia:excess of earth Yi:deficiency of earth;Yi:deficiency of metal Geng:excess of metal;Ding:deficiency of wood Ren:excess of wood; Bing:excess of water Xin:deficiency of water;Wu:excess of fire Gui: deficiency of fire.The relation between WuYun and LiuQi obey the rule of the produce and overcome of Wuxing。WuYunLiuQi plan view can be constructed to display mutual relationship betweenWuYunLiuQi better. Basic names of LiuQi are:Jueyin、Shaoyin、Shaoyang、Taiyin、Yangming、Taiyang。The twelve meridian of the body:hand Jueyin pericardium meridian、foot Jueyin liver meridian、hand Shaoyin heart meridian、foot Shaoyin kidney meridian、hand Shaoyang Sanjiao meridian、foot Shaoyang gall meridian、hand Taiyin lung meridian、foot Taiyin spleen meridian、hand Yangming large intestine meridian、foot Yangming stomach medirian、hand Taiyang small intestine medirian、foot Taiyang bladder medirian。It includes the name of LiuQi in the name of the twelve meridians.It means that it has certain relation between meridians and LiuQi.In archaic China,"man,as a microcosm,is connected with the macrocosm" had always been researched.The relation between LiuQiand meridians images it。The names of the meridian explain the characters of the Jingqi in different meridians,for example,the Jingqi in Jueyin Meridian is similar with Jueyin wood,the rest may be deduced by analogy. From it produced the relationship between nature and human body.By the LiuQi of all kinds of plants and animals,we can include their meridians, it will make the using acupuncture and medicine more reasonable。By dint of that picture,it can be found that QI of which time,which meridian and which point lose its balance.Then relative acupoints can be found to adjusted.Some time,it can be judged whether disease is difficult to cure thereout.Any climate in the earth is led by the regular movementof the plantes. However,different area has its different characters,so the humans.The influence of the WuYunLiuQi adds to the human needs to consider the different characters.In my clinical research:according to the WuYunLiuQi of the birthday and the WuYunLiuQi of the falling ill day,we can get better clinical results by using the calculating acupoints.It means that,the birthday of the man can reflects the characters of the WuYunLiuQi.In this essay,the pathopoiesis of LiuQi includes endogeny LiuQi and exogenous LiuQi。It is called exogenous LiuQi that catching cold in cold weather and getting fever in hot weather.While it is called endogeny LiuQi that it has the closed relationship with time.The way of treating endogeny LiuQiand exogenous LiuQi is discussed in the essay。For nature,LiuQi describes circumstance of climate;For human body, no matter autogenous LiuQi and exterior LiuQi,it influences clay environment corresponding to nature climate environment.LiuQi makes human sicken,always correspondes to mistake of climate environment.The disease led by WuYun is the excess and the deficiency of the human just like flood breaking out and volcanic eruption in nature.Single some "Yun" excess and deficiency only leads to one way of the disease.With regards to WuYun,the excess and deficiency of many "Yun" destroy the balance of the body.It is much worse.He points in the Wushu points of the human body are the key points in producing illness.If it is excess,left He acupoints are used to reduce it。For example, soil is excess,left Yinlingquan acupoint of the foot Taiyin spleen meridian is used.If it is deficiency,right He acupoints are used to add it。For example,soil is deficiency,right Yinlingquan acupoint of the foot Taiyin spleen meridian is used.It needs to explained that the acupoints are chosed by WuYun in the meridians of the five viscera。Soil Yun is from foot Taiyin spleen meridian:fire Yun is from hand Shaoyin heart meridian;gold Yun is from hand Taiyin lung meridian;wood Yun is from footJueyinliver meridian; water Yun is from foot Shaoyin kidney meridian。How to judge whether disease is leaded by WuYunLiuQi? The simplest method is to ask patient his birthday and disease time of beginning, aggravation and ease.We can calculate using foregoing method,if deflection of "YunQi" emerges,effect of "YunQi" should be considered firstly,then others.At every turn,heath comes back when deflection of "YunQi" is corrected.In the plane view of the WuYunLiuQi of the patients,rare problems is found,other factors are induced,it needs to ask the patients in detailed and try to find the reasons of the illness.By the theory of WuYunLiuQi,external treatment can be developed of the TCM.For example,if someone gets cold,the cold is mainly in the meridian of Taiyang,so we can stick medicine that can get rid of cold to the related acupoints in hand Taiyang small intestine medirian and foot Taiyang bladder medirian.If the disease is not serious we can choose the acupoint of "Qian gu" in hand Taiyang small intestine medirian footTaiyangbladder medirian.The medicine that used to get rid of is lanatechead saussurea herb with flower.Put the lanatechead saussurea herb with flower on the acupoints.Certainly,someone will doubt its effectiveness and think it will not be absorbed.But,in fact,it is not correct.According to the theory of quanta:any material launch and absorb photon.Dried lanatechead saussurea herb with flower which sticks to the related acupoints can launch to the points,react with the cold factors to get rid of the cold,while it is not necessary to be absorbed by the skin.The book《The wisdom of not getting illness 4—internal illness treated by external methods》written by me is about treating illness by sticking medicine in the acupoints.The methods are mainly deducted from WuYunLiuQi and proofed by many patients.

【关键词】 五运六气五行
【Key words】 WuYunLiuQiWuXing

