

Professor Naijin Liang’ Differentiation of Syndromes and Treatment for the Spleen and Stomach Disease and Application Research

【作者】 邝丽华

【导师】 黄穗平;

【作者基本信息】 广州中医药大学 , 中医内科学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 研究目的:梁乃津教授是广东省名老中医,总结其中医学术思想、临证经验研究,是中医继承工作最重要的组成部分。研究方法和内容本文通过文字整理方式总结梁教授辨治脾胃病的学术思想与临床经验,通过计算机软件统计梁老辨治脾胃病的用药特点,通过填写调查表的方式收集病例,使用梁老治疗痞满病效果较好的健中消痞方治疗脾胃虚弱型痞满病的临床疗效观察。研究结果本文分为三部分内容。第一部分,通过收集梁乃津教授既往有关资料,整理其辨治脾胃病学术思想,介绍其辨治脾胃病的临床经验。一、梁乃津教授辨治脾胃病的学术思想和临床经验整理(一)梁乃津教授辨治脾胃病思想1.治疗方法学方面(1)梁老主张中西医结合治疗疾病。首先,梁老治疗疾病时,尤其注重治疗方法的选择与应用。他倡导中西医理论应互相验证,互为弥补,取长补短。尽快利用现代科学手段以发展中医,提高中医,完善中医。使中西医同时成为人类战胜疾病的有力工具。在具体疾病的治疗上,梁老有时会在辨证论治的基础上根据西药药理研究结果对药物进行比较选择。(2)主张治病的过程多种治疗方法相结合,优选治疗方法。梁老主张根据治疗方法的优劣特点,适当选择合适的治疗方法,优选治疗方法,使治病多途径、多靶点、多选择。梁老认为治病可以选择中药与西药相结合、药物与非药物相结合、整体与局部相结合。“三个结合”可以使得患者受到最优治疗方案,节省治病时间,最快捷径解决问题。(3)重视传统中医医籍的学习。梁老认为四大经典是中医学习的来源于发展。2.辨证论治特点辨证论治是中医进行诊疗活动的精髓。梁老非常重视疾病的诊断、治疗。从病因开始,梁老注意到体质、饮食等因素对疾病的影响。在辨证论治方面,梁老非常重视辨证的过程,他认为辨证是有章法的思维过程。(1)治病要明确病名梁老主张治病要明确病名。梁老认为中医学的追求目标是实现体质平衡,所以中药是以偏纠偏。在辨证论治的过程中,梁老主张治病要明确病名。病名的规范化使用能使得医者明确治病的方向,规范治病的手段,提高临床疗效。中医的病名多数以症状命名,主张中西医双重诊断。(2)辨证过程中首辨阴阳,明确水火之道。阴阳是八纲辨证之本,是治疗大法的两大途径。(3)抓主要矛盾,辨证要点抓主症。主症也是病名的来源。主症是疾病的最突出表现,也是医者需要迅速、及时解决的问题。故抓主症可以明确辨证思路。主症也是病机的集中体现。(4)灵活处方,遵古方方义而善灵活变通。急则治其标,缓则治其本。不急不缓则本标兼治。君臣药对付主症,兼杂证的处理方面可以在佐使药方面实现。如果主症病机与佐使药病机一致,则君臣药可以代替佐使药的地位。若主症病机与佐使药病机不一致,甚至相反,可以佐加中药性味相反的中药,但药味宜少,宜精,要恰到好处。如脾虚湿热型,脾虚生湿,湿而化热;如脾虚肝郁,肝气犯胃。这些兼杂证型梁老主张这样处理,处理的目标是体质平衡,即以偏纠偏。(5)重视气血阴阳调和,草药虫药经络如虎添翼。梁老重视气血阴阳的调和,重视脾胃的调护,重视气阴的调和。他认为,在疑难杂症的处理上,病程缠绵,病机复杂的疾病可以借用虫类药。但宜中病即止,不宜过火。治病靠八分治,二分养,脾胃病尤其如此。虫类药的药性特点可以解决一些特殊病机。而经络辨证可以帮助医者判断疾病的严重程度与用药防线。熟悉药物的偏向可以精确选择药物的目标,提高临床疗效。(6)专方验方的合理使用。专方验方是梁老多年来临证的宝贵经验,它的使用必须在辨证论治的基础上使用。梁老认为二者结合可以提高辨证论治的诊治水平。脱离了辨证论治的框架,专方验方的使用就失去了准则。二、梁乃津教授辨治脾胃病的用药特点频数统计通过收集的医案运用计算机软件进行频数分析。通过统计得出,梁乃津教授治疗发现胃痛和痞满的用药习惯上,梁老多采用补虚药与理气药相结合的特点,补虚药与理气药的使用最高,其次是活血化瘀药,符合脾胃居中焦,后天之本的生理特点。在专方验方的选择上,梁老治疗脾胃病使用验方“四味”。梁乃津教授的用药习惯与传统中医基础理论相符合,并发展了其应用范围(一)梁乃津教授治疗胃痛的用药特点在胃痛病的频数统计中,梁乃津教授使用的最多的分类药依次是补虚药、理气药、活血化瘀药、清热药、平肝息风药、收涩药、消食药、化痰止咳平喘药、泻下药。用的频次较高的中药依次是佛手、郁金、白芍、延胡索、柴胡、太子参、香附、海螵蛸、麦冬、台乌、黄芪、白术、全蝎、沙参、地龙、党参、枳壳、黄连、白背根、升麻、苏梗、三七、血竭、黄芩、黄柏、苦参、半夏、麦芽、谷芽等。排前四味的中药是佛手、郁金、白芍、延胡索,这四味正是梁老治疗脾胃病常用的“四味”,是梁老多年治疗胃痛必用的经验方。余中药分别分布于各种证型中。从比例上看,补虚药的比例为51.14%,为最高的中药类别。胃痛的治则是理气和胃止痛。理气药和活血药居其次,梁老治疗胃痛的经验符合胃痛的生理病理特点,也符合历代医家对胃痛的治则统一认识。(二)梁乃津教授辨治痞满的用药特点在痞满的频数统计中,收集食滞内停型1例,湿热阻胃型3例,肝胃不和型6例,脾胃虚弱型11例,一共收集19例医案。梁乃津教授治疗痞满使用较多的中药是柴胡、枳壳、白背根、白芍、苏梗、佛手、郁金、党参、黄芪、延胡索、麦芽、谷芽、太子参、半夏、白术、香附、台乌、黄柏等;使用频次最高的中药类型依次分别为:补虚药、理气药、活血化瘀药、清热药、消食药、解表药、化痰止咳平喘药、止血药和化湿药。从证型分布看,脾胃虚弱型居多数,补虚药和理气药居前两位,符合痞满病发生的主要病机。从中药看,白芍、苏梗、佛手、郁金、延胡索是梁老治疗脾胃病必用的经验性用药,属于验方类别。故梁老在治疗痞满病的经验上,必用郁金、佛手、延胡索、白芍,不分类型,在辨证论治的基础上加“四味”,既解决基本病机,又可未病防治,切掉疾病的五行相传途径,可以达到良好的治疗效果,故统计中出现补虚药与理气药居前的结果。三、梁乃津教授健中消痞方治疗脾胃虚弱型痞满的临床研究选取梁乃津教授常用治疗脾胃虚弱型痞满的加减健中消痞方为治疗组,健胃消食片为对照组进行研究。两组均为44例。在中医症候疗效和主症改善方面,两组比较差异有统计学意义,治疗组改善痞满中医脾胃虚弱证症候和主症方面优于对照组。结论1.梁乃津教授辨治脾胃病的学术思想与临床经验是值得我们学习、发扬和推广的宝贵经验。2.频数分析表明梁乃津教授用药特点是善用验方,采用辨证论治与验方相结合的方法,提高了临床疗效。3.“健中消痞方”是梁乃津教授多年来治疗痞证行之有效的经验方,是由传统香砂六君子汤基本方加减而来。加减健中消痞方主要由党参15g、茯苓15g、白术15g、甘草10g、砂仁10g(后下)、木香10g(后下)、陈皮10g、法半夏15g、郁金15g、延胡索15g组成,功效健脾益胃,理气除胀。临床研究表明,梁乃津教授健中消痞方治疗脾胃虚弱型痞满是有效的,是值得我们学习、总结和推广的宝贵经验方。

【Abstract】 Research purposeProfessor NaiJin Liang is one of famous Guangdong Traditional Chinese medicine doctor,it is most important component that Summing up their academic thinking of Chinese medicine and Studing on clinical experience.Research method and contentThis study is to sum up the text professor Liang’ s academic thinking and experence in differentiation of syndromes and treatments of spleen and stomach disease,to statistic professor Liang’ s using herbal by computer software, to select Jian Zhong Xiao Pi decoction of professor Liang in good treatment to cure weakness syndromes in speen and stomach of Pi Man disease by collecting cases in filling out the questions.Research resultThis article is divided into three parts:The first part,The first part organizes the spleen and academic thinking of stomach disease and clinical experience through collecting some information related to Professor Liang Naijin in the past.1.Diagnosis and Treatment of thinking of Professor Liang Naijin(1) Treatment methodologyWhen Mr.Liang treats diseases,he pays more attention to the choices and applications for the treatment methods,and he also claims the combination of the treatment for the disease between the traditional Chinese and western medicine.What’ s more,He advocates the theory of traditional Chinese and western medicine should be mutual proven and offset by each other,Using modern scientific methods to develop the Chinese medicine,enhancing and improving the Chinese medicine,so the Chinese and Western medicine become a powerful tool in the fight against disease.In the treatment of specific diseases,MR. Liang sometimes would make the choices of drug comparison in the basis of Dialectical theory from the results of western medicine.Secondly,Mr.Liang suggests a combination of number of treatment methods in the process of medical treatment.According to the advantages and disadvantages of the treatment methods, we should properly chose the appropriate choice of treatment,preferred treatment to cure multi-channel,multi-target,multi-choice.MR.Liang thinks that it’s better to treat the disease for choosing a combination of traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine,drug and non-drug combination,the combination of whole and partial."Three combinations"can became the optimal treatment for the patients,saving medical treatment’s time and solving the problem quickly.Third,professor Liang emphasis on traditional Chinese medicine study. He believed that the four classic is learning from the development of Chinese medicine.Thirdly,professor Liang pays more attention to the study of traditional Chinese medicine.He believed that the four classic is the source of the study and development of Chinese medicine.(2) Features of differentiation treatmentDifferentiation of syndromes and treatment is the essence of activities related to clinics.From the disease cause of the beginning,Mr.Liang notices the diet and other factors on the impact of the disease.In his view,a clear medical cause can provide the direction of the treatment of disease.In his view,a clear medical cause can provide the direction of the treatment of disease.If the patients eat certain foods with bloating,or the state of discomfort,Mr.Liang suggest stopping the use of such drugs and making appropriate addition and subtraction of Food digestion in the treatment of Chinese medicine.In the aspect of Differentiation of syndromes and treatment,professor Liang pay great importance to the process of differentiation.In his view,dialectics is a process of thinking art.Firstly,MR.liang’s dialectical thinking asks for our attention to the main disease,pathogenesis and the principal contradiction and achieve balance On the basis of dialectical unity.Mr.Liang goal of Chinese medicine is to achieve physical balance,so it is a partial corrective medicine.In the process of syndrome differentiation,treatment must be clear.The Standardized name of Disease can make use of standardized medical treatment and standard of the direction of a clear,standardized means of treatment to enhance clinical efficacy.Second,debating the masculine and feminine elements and clearing about road of the water and fire in the dialectical process.The masculine and feminine elements is the eight principal syndromes dialectical foundation, the two big ways for treating method.Third,stresses the principal contradiction,the dialectical main point grasps main sickness.Main sickness is also a origin of sick.Main sickness is disease’s most prominent performance,and is also the prompt question that needs the doctor to solute..Therefore grasping main sickness may be clear about the dialectical mentality.Main sickness is also the pathogenesis centralism manifests.Fourth,the nimble prescription,obeys ancient medical prescription Fang Yier friendly to be accommodating nimbly.Liang Lao believed that disease’s appearance is often not defers to the teaching material version formulation to have the symptom,in a big pile of chaotic symptom,holding main sickness is also insufficient.The performance of clinical illness is often concurrently mixed with other symptoms together.Accommodating ancient medical prescription’ s major part s is nimbly are processing the concurrently mixed symptom.It has certain principles and the orders regarding this empty table and solid processing aspect.Cure its sign anxiously,slow cure its essence while both can be cured if calming.The rulers and the ministers medicine copes with main sickness,and the concurrently mixed symptoms’ processing aspect may assist causes the formula surface to realize.If the main sickness pathogenesis causing the medicine pathogenesis are consistent with the assisting pathogenesis,then the rulers and the ministers medicine may replace the status of the assisting medicine.If the main sickness pathogenesis causing the medicine pathogenesis is inconsistent with the assisting pathogenesis,even is opposite,we may add the traditional Chinese medicine which is the opposite traditional nature of Chinese medicine,but the taste of medicine should be suitability few,and suitable essence, including the right way.If spleen weakness is hot and damp,spleen weakness is wet,but melts hotly;These concurrently mixed symptoms Liang Lao advocates to process like this,the processing goal is to keep the physique balance, named correcting an error.Fifth,we should take the vitality masculine and feminine elements to be well distributed,and make the herbal medicine insect medicine channels and collaterals even more powerful.Liang Lao also takes the vitality masculine and feminine elements well distributed,attention to the spleen and stomach of the nursing,focus on balance in the qi and yin。He believed that in difficult various illnesses’ processing,the course is tangled up;pathogenesis complex diseases may borrow the insect class medicine.Stop for suitable curing,and not go too far.Treating an illness depends on eight partitioning,two points rising,especially spleen gastric disease.The insect medicine’s property characteristic may solve some special pathogenesis.But the channels and collaterals dialectical may help the doctor judge the disease’s severity and the medication defense line.The person who is familiar with the medicine’s deviation may choose the medicine precisely to the goal,enhancing the clinical curative effect.Sixth,the special side proven prescription’s use is Liang Lao’ valuable experiences for the years’ practices on medicine.The special side proven prescription’s use must use in the diagnosis and treatment foundation.Liang Lao thought that the two unions may enhance the diagnosis and treatment on the diagnosis level.The second part,using the computer software analyzes the collection medical notes.Obtains through the statistics,Professor Liang Naijin treats the discovery stomach ache and in local ruffian’s full medication custom,Liang Laoduo use makes up the empty medicine with to regulate the flow of vital energy the characteristic which the medicine unifies,makes up the empty medicine with to regulate the flow of vital energy the medicine use to be highest,next is the blood circulation removing extravasted blood medicine,conforms to the taste to come between burnt,foundation of day after tomorrow physiological characteristic.In the special side proven prescription’s choice,Liang Lao treats the spleen gastric disease to use the proven prescription "four tastes"The third part,clinical observation on treatment for disease of Swelling of the liver over the spleen and stomach,which cure in according to Professor Liang’ s prescription. In this paper,collected some of the medical cases from Professor Liang, as well as a large number of its followers medical notes,manuscripts,on the basis of Professor Liang summarize the idea of traditional Chinese medicine as well as some experience in diagnosis and treatment of diseases.Professor Liang is Expert in the treatment of the spleen and stomach diseases.This article focuses on the treatment of the spleen and stomach disease treatment in according to professor Liang’ s experience,and brief summary as following:Characteristics and usage of relieving distention prescription,relieving distention prescription is the treatment of Professor Liang with years success verified for the disease of Stuffiness in chest and abdomen.This prescription is drive from traditional soup(Xiangsha Liujunzi) from the basic addition and subtraction,its main ingredient:Pilosulae 15g,tuckahoe15g, Atractylodes 15g,Liquorice 15g,Fructus Amomi 10g(add later),Costustoot 10g(add later),dried orange peel 10g,Pinelliae 15g,Turmeric Root 15g, Corydalis 15g.this prescription is most effective for strengthening the spleen and stomach,it also good at rationale for gas expansion.Conclusion1.Professor Liang’ s academid thinking and clinical experience in differentiation of syndromes and treatments of spleen and stomach diseases is worthy of our study,develop and promote the valuable experience.2.Frequency analysis showed that Professor Liang is inlined to use effective decoction,and he likes to combine the differentiation of syndromes and treatments and effective decoction to improve the clinical efficacy.3.The clinical research indicated that Profeesor Liang’ s Jian Zhong Xiao Pi decoction curing weakness of spleen and stomach style of Pi Man disease is effective,and it is a valuable decoction,which is worthy to be studied,summarized and promoted.

  • 【分类号】R256.3;R249
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】855
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