

Study on History of Education in Guangdong Modern TCM Schools

【作者】 韩宇霞

【导师】 刘小斌;

【作者基本信息】 广州中医药大学 , 中医医史文献, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 一、研究目的中医的发展和振兴,必须以教育作为重要的支撑和依托。教育科学是教育实践经验的总结和先行者教育理论的结晶,教育历史是教育科学的重要源泉。医学教育史是医学史与教育史结合的科学,广东近代中医学校教育,是我国近代教育及近代医学教育不可缺少的组成部分。广东近代中医药学校教育在抗争救亡中曲折发展的历程及取得的成绩,足以成为当今开展中医药高等教育的巨大精神动力及重要智慧源泉。研究这段历史,总结经验,找出规律,以作借鉴,可为教育行政主管部门的中医教育发展决策提供智慧源泉和历史依据,从而推动我省中医药强省的建设进程。广东近代中医学校教育史的研究,虽有学者涉足其中,但系统性、综合性研究较少,部分重要历史事件有欠翔实,史料亦有待挖掘、补充。此外,未有近代广东医学教育史料汇编问世,后来者欲作进一步的深入研究,尚须花费大量的精力、时间进行史料的挖掘、搜集、整理。本课题在深入挖掘、搜集、整理史料的基础上,梳清近代广东中医学校教育发展的脉络,介绍近代广东中医教育在创建学校、培养人才、教育理念、教材编写以及学科建设方面的成绩,并通过广东近代中医教育曲折发展的历程回顾,探讨广东近代社会背景、广东近代西医学校教育与广东近代中医学校教育的关系、广东近代中医药组织与广东近代中医学校教育的关系,广东近代中医学校教育对建国后广东中医药事业、中医教育事业的影响,并对近代广东中医学校教育与西医学校教育进行初步的比较分析。同时,仿舒新城《中国近代教育史资料》,编写《广东近代中西医学校教育史资料》,为后来者作进一步的深入研究打下基础,并充实我校医史文献学科建设内涵。二、研究方法(一)文献研究法史,记事者也。研究近代广东中医教育史,首先要记述史实。本课题采用以文献资料为主的传统研究方法,力求详尽占有与广东近代中医学校教育相关的史料,以如实恢复广东近代中医学校教育发展的历史原貌。本文主要调研了以下几种类型的文献资料:1、广东近代中西医学校、医药团体主办的各种刊物,如《医学求益社课卷》、《广州医学卫生社课卷》、《广东中医药学校校刊》、《医林一谔》、《杏林医学月报》、《广东光汉医药月刊》、《博济》、《光华医事卫生杂志》、《医学卫生报》等。这类文献主要来源于中山图书馆文德路分馆。2、广东近代中西医学校刊印、出版的各种教材、讲义,这类文献主要来源于中山图书馆文德路分馆及广州中医药大学图书馆古籍书库。3、广东近代中西医学校的档案资料,这类文献主要来源于广东省档案馆。4、已经整理、出版的与广东近代中西医学校教育相关的资料,如朱潮的《中外医学教育史》、刘小斌的《广东中医育英才》、邓铁涛的《中医近代史》、沈英森的《岭南中医》、翁宗奕的《广东高等西医教育史》等。(二)采访调研法近代广东中医教育史资料,有文献之可征者已如上述,但更重要的是熟知广东近代中医学校教育史的专家、学者,必须对他们进行采访调研,才能使研究资料贯穿充实而准确。(三)比较法、分析法近代广东中医学校教育,与当时社会政治经济文化及西方医学传入关系密切,因此必须使用比较法、分析法,探讨明清广东社会背景与广东近代中医学校教育产生的关系:探讨广东近代中医药组织与广东近代中医学校教育的关系:探讨广东近代中医学校教育对建国后广东中医药事业、中医教育事业的影响及其对当今中医教育的启示;并对近代广东中医学校教育与西医学校教育进行初步的比较分析。三、研究内容与结果本论文的研究内容与结果主要包括以下五个方面:(一)广东近代中医学校的创办背景主要包括明清广东社会经济文化教育发展概况,近代广东西方医学的传入与西医学校教育的发展,广东近代中医药组织的产生。明初,广东单独设省,推动了广东社会经济发展,活跃的对外经济活动为中外文化交流创造了有利条件,为广东近代西方医学的传入及西医学校教育的发展奠定了基础。明清岭南文化逐渐走向成熟。明代出现了岭南儒家的门户之分,清初出现了岭南医学争鸣。明清字画诗词、声乐戏曲造就了岭南名医广博深厚的人文素养。明清广东书院激增,明清两代岭南医家“儒而通医”者比例高。这些都反映了明清两代广东中医素质、水平高,已具有文史哲医相通的特点,广东近代中医学校教育的产生,即渊源于此。近代西医学自广东传入中国,始于鸦片战争前夕。英国首先派出传教医生作为先遣,掩饰其肮脏的鸦片贸易。牛痘术的传入,是近代西方医学传入广东的先声。传教医生来粤建立医院、诊所,译著西医书籍,则标志着西方医学正式传入广东,并为广东近代的西医教育奠定了基础。近代广东办有博济医校、夏葛女医学校、岭南大学医学院、光华医学院、广东公医医学专门学校、中山大学医学院等多所西医学校,这些西医学校为广东解放后的西医高等教育奠定了坚实的基础。近代西方医学与西医学校教育对中医药学术及中医学校教育有着深远的影响,例如,近代中医学校在机构设置、学制定制、学科建设、课程编排、教材编写等方面均明显留有西医学校的烙印。(二)广东近代中医学校创办、发展的历史近代广东中医学校教育不是一蹴而就的,它经历了医药界同人集团结社互相学习提高的阶段。清末民初,废科举,兴学校,教育为国家之基础,医学实民命之攸关,广东地区的中医社团及药业组织,或附设中医教育,或投资兴办中医学校,与广东近代的中医教育有着密切关系。本论文对广州医学求益社、广州医学卫生社、广东中医教员养成所、广东医学实习馆等中医社团,城西方便医院、崇正善堂、四庙善堂、爱育善堂、惠行善院、广济医院、赞育医社、润身社、志德婴孩医院等九大善堂,香港药业三会、省城药业八行等省港药业组织与中医教育的关系进行了研究。在这一基础上,论文从学校历史沿革、经费设施、学制课程、教师学生及教材刊物、著名中医教育家等方面,重点研究了广东中医药专门学校、广东光汉中医专门学校、广州汉兴国医学校、广东梅县国医专科学校等四所中医学校。广州以外地区的中医学校,广东梅县国医专科学校办学成绩较为突出,本论文作了较为详细的介绍。香港中医药学校与粤省中医药学校联系密切,在粤省中医药界的历次抗争运动中,香港中医药社团、学校积极响应,遥作声援,故本论文将香港中医药研究院、香港中国国医学院两所学校一并纳入研究。广州梅县新中医学社(校)、潮安国医学校、惠阳开明中医学校、台山中医学校(社)、伯坛中医夜学馆、伯坛中医专科学校、广东保元中医专科学校、华南国医学校等中医药学校,本论文亦作了简略介绍。对既往广东中医教育史研究进行二次开发,系统研究近代广东各所中医学校历史沿革、教材建设以及中医教育思想理念,是论文的创新点之一。(三)广东中医药界的抗争救亡运动近代广东中医教育在极其艰难困苦的情况下创立出教育自立之路。北洋政府、南京国民政府专西遗中,广东近代中医学校的发展历程崎岖曲折。广东近代中医学校教育史,既是广东中医药界的办学史,也是广东中医药界的抗争救亡史。论文对民元教育系统漏列中医事件,南京国民政府卫生部第一届中央卫生委员会议“废止中医案”,教育部饬令全国所有中医学校一律改称传习所、不得列入国家教育学制系统,及广东中医药界的严正抗议、海外中医药团体的声援等进行了研究。(四)广东近代中医学校的教材编写1929年在上海召开的全国中医教材编辑会议,是近代中医教育史上的重要事件,是我国中医教育开始成熟的重要标志。会议议决科目与广东中医药专门学校课程设置相同,与会代表对广东中医药专门学校编写的教材给予了很高的评价,认为各省医校所送到会参考的讲义,以该校所编者为最完备。本论文对广东近代中医学校的教材编写进行了介绍。(五)广东近代中西医学校教育史资料汇编资料长编乃治史之基本功,古有李焘仿司马光著《续资治通鉴长编》,有吴其俊《植物名实图考长编》(在此基础上著《植物名实图考》)。本论文仿近代教育家舒新城主编《中国近代教育史资料》体例,在论文附篇,汇编成《广东近代中西医学校教育史资料》。广东近代中医学校教育史资料大量散见于各医学院校、医药团体主办的各类刊物中,对研究广东近代中医教育史有着较高价值。由于资料零散,未有史料汇编问世,学者欲对广东近代中医教育史进行系统、深入研究,必须花费大量时间、精力进行资料挖掘、搜集、整理。而且,随着时间的推移,刊物破损、遗失的情况越来越严重,广州中山图书馆馆藏的保存着重要史料的刊物,很多已残缺不全,如《中法医刊》仅存第二期,《光华医事卫生杂志》、《广东中医药专门学校校刊》等重要刊物亦保存得不完整,许多珍贵的广东近代中西医教育史料正存在于散佚、亡失的风险中。笔者对这些资料进行搜集、整理,仿舒新城《中国近代教育史资料》,汇编成《广东近代中西医学校教育史资料》,既可为后来者进一步系统、深入研究广东近代中、西医学校教育史奠定基础,又使这些珍贵的史料得到有效保存,并充实我校医史文献学科建设内涵。此项工作为前人所未涉足,可视为论文的另一创新点。四、结论明初广东单独设省,广东社会经济文化教育发展迅速,中医素质、水平高,具有文史哲医相通的特点,成为广东近代中医学校教育基础之一。近代西方医学与西医学校教育对中医药学术及中医学校教育有着深远的影响。中医学校的机构设置、学制定制、学科建设、课程编排、教材编写,与时代发展同步相适应,成为我国近代教育、近代医学教育不可缺少组成部分,其历史地位应予肯定。清末民初的中医社团组织及药材行商组织,是广东中医学校诞生的基础。1924年以后,中医教育以学校的形式出现。北洋政府、国民党政府对中医中药横加禁锢,中医学校办学历程坎坷曲折。广东中医学校建校舍、设医院、编教材、育学生、办刊物,为挽救中华民族宝贵医学遗产作出了重大贡献,奠定了解放后广东中医药事业发展的基础。广东中医药前辈为我们今天中医药教育医疗科研作出了卓越贡献,本文谨献给那些筚路蓝缕的中医教育事业先驱者,献给那些在工作岗位上勤恳敬业的中医教育工作者。

【Abstract】 1.AimThe development and prosperity of TCM highly relies on education.As education science is a collection of education experiences and theories by forerunners,education history provides vital sources for education science. History of medical education can be defined as the science that combined medical history and education history.In this sense,history of education in modern Guangdong TCM schools is an indispensable part in education in modern China and education in modern medicine.The remarkable achievement Guangdong modern TCM schools have gained in tortuous development certainly will provide spiritual power as well as philosophical sources for TCM higher education institute in our times.The systematic and comprehensive research on education history of Guangdong modern TCM schools is rarely seen except very general studies. Therefore some significant historical events are not recorded truly and specifically,left a lot to complement.Besides,without the compilation of medical education in modern Guangdong,it would take a great outlay of energy and time for later researchers to collect,organize documents concerned.The ongoing thesis aims to 1) organize development of education in modern Guangdong TCM schools,2) introduce achievements made in school foundation, talent cultivation,education philosophy,textbook compiling and subject construction,3) review social background,the relationship between Guangdong modern WM education and modern TCM education,the relationship between Guangdong modern TCM organization and modern TCM school education,and influence of TCM school education on Guangdong TCM industry and TCM education industry after the founding of P.R.China,4) compare education in TCM and WM. Meanwhile,with History of Modern Education in China composed by Shu Xincheng as a model,the author compiles History of Education in Guangdong Modern TCM and WM Schools,which would facilitate further study and enrich medical documents in Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine(hereinafter referred to as GUCM).2.Research methods2.1 Documents research methodAs we all know,history can be defined as a record of events.To study TCM education history in Guangdong,one has to begin with historical events. Hence,the thesis,taking document research method as the main research method, presents detailed documents concerned with education in Guangdong modern TCM schools.Four types of documents are investigated as follows:(1) Varied journals hosted by Guangdong modern TCM and WM schools and medical group,such as Teaching Materials of Guangdong Medicine Beneficence Association,Teaching Materials of Guangzhou Medicine and Health Association, Journal of Guangdong TOM School,Yi Lin Yi E,Journal of TCM,Journal of Guangdong Guanghan Medicine,Bo Ji,Journal of Guanghua Medicine and Health, Medicine and Health,etc.This type of documents mainly comes from Wen De branch of Sun Yat-sen library.(2) Various textbooks and lecture notes published by Guangdong modern TCM and WM schools from Wen De branch of Sun Yat-sen library and Ancient Literature Collection of GUCM library.(3) Achieves of Guangdong modern TCM and WM schools from Guangdong Provincial Achieves.(4) Published documents related with Guangdong modern TCM and WM schools, such as History of Medical Education Home and Abroad by Zhu Chao,Guangdong TCM Education by Liu Xiaobin,Modern History of TCM by Deng Tietao,TOM in the South of Five Ridges by Shen Yingsen,and History of Education in Guangdong Higher Education WM Institutes by Wen Zongyi.2.2 Interview investigation methodFor all the related documents,the author has already specified above whereas for the experts or scholars in education of Guangdong TCM schools, the author decides to hold interview with them to make the documents faithful.2.3 Comparison method and analysis methodSince the education in Guangdong TCM schools is closely related with political,economic and cultural background as well as WM,the thesis chooses comparison method and analysis method to 1) discuss the relationship between social background in Ming & Qing dynasty and school education;2) probe into the relationship between modern TCM organization and school education;3) explore the influence and enlightenment of school education upon TCM industry and TCM education industry after the founding of P.R.China and TCM education in our times;and 4) compare the TCM education and WM education.3.Research contents and conclusionThe contents and conclusion in this research include following five elements:3.1 Background of founding Guangdong modern TCM schools.It mainly talks about 1) development of economy,culture and education in Ming & Qing dynasty,2) introduction of WM and development of WM education, 3) birth of TCM organizations.In the early Ming dynasty,with the separation of Guangdong region as Guangdong province,the frequent economic exchanges with outside following facilitate cultural exchanges with the world and pave the way for introduction of WM and development of WM education.In the Ming & Qing dynasty,Lingnan culture is becoming mature.In the Ming dynasty,different types in Confucian school appear and in the early Qing dynasty,Lingnan medicine witnesses prosperity.The painting and poetry,and music and opera in the Ming & Qing dynasty cultivate humanistic quality for those TCM experts in Lingnan.With the rapid growth of academies in the Ming & Qing dynasty,most TCM experts in Lingnan are masters in both medicine and Confucianism.From these,we can conclude TCM practitioners at that time are in very high level quality with knowledge of history,philosophy and medicine.This comprises the origin of Guangdong modern TCM education.On the eve of Opium War,WM is introduced to China.At first,U.K.sends its missionary doctors as a cover to mask its filthy opium trade.Later,cowpox vaccination is introduced,which marks the foundation of WM in modern Guangdong. Then when missionary doctors begin to build up hospital and clinic,and to translate some western books,it is the beginning of WM in Guangdong and a basis for WM education in modern Guangdong.The schools established in modern times include Bo Ji Medical School,Xia Ge Female Medical School,Medical School of Lingnan University,Guang Hua Medical School,Guangdong Public Security Medicine Specialty School,Medical School of Sun Yat-sen University and other WM schools.All of these schools lay foundation for higher education WM education after liberation.WM and WM education in modern times leave a profound impact on TCM and TCM education.No matter in organization establishment,educational system, subject construction,course arrangement or textbook compiling,one can witness imprinting of WM.3.2 Establishment and development of Guangdong modern TCM schoolsIndeed,these TCM schools are not built up overnight;instead,they are set up through constant exchanges and studies in medical circle.In the late Ming dynasty and the early Min dynasty,the imperial system of examination is abolished and schools are coming up.At that time,education is the basis of the nation and medicine is of the vital importance for the public.TCM groups and medicine dealers’ guilds,which give TCM education or build TCM schools, are intricately related with TCM education in modern Guangdong.This thesis explores the relationship between TCM groups,nine charity institutes, Guangdong Hong Kong medicine dealers’ association and TCM education.The TCM groups include Guangzhou Medicine Beneficence Association,Guangzhou Medicine and Health Association,Guangdong TCM Instructor School and Guangdong Medicine Internship Association.The nine charity institutes include Cheng Xi Hospital, Chong Zheng Charity Hospital,Si Miao Charity Hospital,Ai Yu Charity Hospital, Hui Xing Charity Hospital,Guang Ji hospital,Zan Yu Medical Center,Ru Shen Association,Zhi De Child Hospital.Guangdong and Hong Kong medicine dealers’ guilds include three Hong Kong medicine dealers’ guilds and eight Guangzhou medicine dealers.On basis of this,the thesis focuses study on Guangdong TCM Specialty School,Guangdong Guang Han TCM Specialty School,Guangzhou Han Xing TCM School, and Guangdong Mei Xian TCM Specialty School from school history,investment & facilities,system of education & course arrangement,faculty & students, textbooks & journals and famous TCM education experts.It is worth noting that Guangdong Mei Xian TCM Specialty School,which tops the other TCM schools outside Guangzhou,deserves our attention.Besides,two Hong Kong schools, Hong Kong TCM Research Institute and Hong Kong China TCM School are also included for study since Hong Kong TCM schools,who keep in close contact with its Guangdong counterparts,give their fully support in TCM resistance movement in Guangdong.Some other TCM schools will also be briefly introduced, namely,Guangzhou Mei Xian New TCM Association,Chao An TCM School,Hui Yang Kai Ming TCM School,Tai Shan TCM School,Bo Tan TCM Night School,Bo Tan TCM Specialty School,Guangdong Bao Yuan TCM Specialty School and South China TCM School.It is the innovation of this thesis to reorganize Guangdong TCM education history and to study history,textbook and education philosophy of varied TCM schools in Guangdong.3.3 Resistance and salvation movement in Guangdong TCM circleTCM education in modern Guangdong undergoes trials and tribulations to have its own independent status,especially during ruling of Northern Warlords Government and Naijing National Government.With no exaggeration,history of education in modern Guangdong TCM schools is a history of education in TCM, as well as a history of struggle and salvation in TCM field.Accordingly some studies are made to retell the historical events,including the exlusion of TCM in education system in the Min and Yuan dynasty,"Bill on Abolition of TCM" by the first session of central health committee member conference of Ministry of Health in Nanjing National Government,name changing of TCM schools to training institute and exclusion of TCM schools to national education system, protest from Guangdong TCM circle and support from TCM groups overseas.3.4 Textbook compiling in Guangdong modern TCM schoolsIn 1929,national TCM textbook edition meeting was held in Shanghai.It is an important event in modern TCM education history and a mark of maturity of TCM education in China.The subjects fixed up in the meeting are the same with that provided by Guangdong TCM Specialty School,who wins remarkable recognition from the representatives at present.So the author decides to introduce textbook compiling in Guangdong modern TCM schools.3.5 Collection of documents of education history in Guangdong modern TCM and WM schoolsIt is a convention that to study history,one first has to go with document organizing.In history,Li Tao writes A Sequel to the Long Compilation of the Historical Events Retold as a Mirror for Government based on the Historical Events Retold as a Mirror for Government by Si Maguang and Wu Qijun compiles the Long Compilation of Plant.Names and Pictures based on Plant Names and Pictures.Consequently the author,taking History of Modern Education in China by Shu Xincheng as a model,compiles History of Education in Guangdong Modern TCM and WM Schools,attached in the annex.The documents of Guangdong modern TCM school education,spread in varied journals of medicine schools and medical groups,serves high value for study on history of Guangdong modern TCM education.Without the compilation of these documents,it takes much time for scholars to explore,collect and organize if they intend to make systematic and in-depth study concerned.As time lapses, some journals are damaged and missed,and more precious literatures continue to be in the risk of missing.In Guangzhou Sun Yat-sen library for example, some important journals are incomplete,such as Sin-France Medicine,(only the second issue kept down),Guang Hua Medicine and Health and Journal of Guangdong TCM Specialty School.Considering this,the author intends to collect and organize all these valuable documents and to compile History of Education in Guangdong Modern TCM and WM Schools based on History of Modern Education in China by Shu Xincheng.This action would lay a foundation for future study on Guangdong modern TCM and WM school education and help to enrich literature building in GUCM by preserving all these precious documents.Since no one is engaged in the study before,it can be seemed another innovation of this thesis.4.ConclusionIn the early of the Ming dynasty,with the setting up of Guangdong province, Guangdong has undergone fast progress in economy,culture and education.For the TCM practitioners at that time,they are all skilled physicians with knowledge of history,philosophy and medicine,which becomes one of the bases for Guangdong modern TCM school education.The modern WM and WM school education leave far-reaching influence on TCM and TCM school education.The progress of TCM in organization setting,system of school,discipline construction,course arrangement and textbook compiling is in conformity with the progress of social development.In this sense,it plays an indispensable role in Chinese modern education and modern medical education;accordingly its historical status shall be recognized.TCM groups and medicine dealers’ guilds in the late Qing dynasty and the early Min dynasty give rise to birth of Guangdong TCM schools.After 1924, TCM education is carried in schools.Although TCM schools suffer from frustration and torture as Northern Warlords Government and Kuomingtang Government exert strict confinement on TCM,Guangdong TCM schools make remarkable contribution to save Chinese national treasure in building schoolhouses and hospitals,compiling textbooks,cultivating students and setting up journals,laying foundation for progress of Guangdong TCM industry after liberation.The TCM predecessors in Guangdong contribute to education,medical care and scientific research of TCM nowadays.Therefore,this paper is dedicated to those TCM forerunners who endure hardship in pioneering work and those TCM educators who bear diligence and conscience in TCM education.

【关键词】 广东近代中医学校教育史
【Key words】 GuangdongModernTCMSchoolHistory of education

