

Study on the Reservation of the Larus Relictus Habitation in Erdos Plateau Saline Wetland

【作者】 刘文盈

【导师】 张秋良;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 森林培育, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 鄂尔多斯高原盐沼湿地遗鸥繁殖地地处库布齐沙漠和与毛乌素沙漠接壤地带,典型的高原荒漠、半荒漠湿地生态系统。是迄今为止全球唯一一处以保护濒危鸟种遗鸥及其栖息地湿地生境为主旨的国际重要湿地。遗鸥鄂尔多斯种群是迄今为止发现最晚、占自然界中遗鸥有效种群数量60%以上的最大自持种群,遗鸥取湖心岛为繁殖生境,是狭栖性种[1-10]。保护遗鸥,必须要保护其栖息繁殖地生态环境,有必要对栖息地的湖泊水质、食物来源、湿地生物多样性、湿地生态需水等进行研究。对于中国内陆盐碱水域、盐沼湿地的研究,仅见于谢祚浑、何志辉等对达里湖的调查和颜京松、王基琳等对青海省湟水的调查。内蒙古湖泊资料仅见于王洪道、窦鸿身、颜京松著的《中国湖泊资源》1982年的调查资料,而且只有几大淡水湖泊的基本资料[54-60],迄今未见对内蒙古内陆盐碱水域鄂尔多斯高原沙漠盐沼湿地的报道。从2005年在鄂尔多斯遗鸥国家级自然保护区管理局资助下,开始对鄂尔多斯高原盐沼湿地遗鸥栖息繁殖地保护关键生态学问题进行调查,随后,本研究获得了国家自然科学基金项目资助(No.40761022)。我作为课题主持人,在本文中主要从盐沼湿地生物多样性、盐沼湿地生态需水、盐沼湿地生物与环境影响因子的关系方面进行研究。经过四年的调查研究,获得了以下结论:1、桃-阿海子属于超盐水体的氯化物型(食盐)湖。超盐水体随着盐度升高,生物种数减少。红碱淖属于碳酸盐型的苏打湖,苏打湖除了高盐度以外,碱度、碳酸根离子和pH值都很高,由于形成碳酸钙沉淀而钙离子含量很低,因而离子系数M/D很高。高盐度、高碱度、低钙离子含量这些因素都限制生物的移入,导致鄂尔多斯高原盐沼湿地生物区系比较贫乏。2、湖泊最小生态需水是生态学、水文学研究的一个新领域,无论在理论上还是实践上都处在起步阶段,本文从生态学、水文学、水文生态学三个角度探讨了鄂尔多斯高原盐沼湿地遗鸥繁殖地桃-阿海子最低生态水位的计算方法,提出了形态分析法、最小空间需求法、水盐平衡法、水量平衡法、生态水文法1、生态水文法2、功能法六种可以用于计算桃-阿海子最低生态水位的方法,根据最大值原则,确定其最低生态水位为1360.1m;最小生态环境需水量1.9×106m3。最低生态水位和最小生态环境需水量的确定对于鄂尔多斯高原沙漠盐沼湿地研究具有重要意义。3、鄂尔多斯高原盐沼湿地浮游植物以适应高盐碱的盐水种盐藻和螺旋藻及淡水普生性广盐种为优势种;浮游动物以盐水种臂尾轮虫和蒙古裸腹溞为优势种;底栖动物以摇蚊科幼虫和瘦蟌稚虫为优势种群。它们是鄂尔多斯高原盐沼湿地水生生物最占优势的种类,水生生物物种数少,单种优势种密度和生物量大,优势种密度和生物量在空间和时间上的分布和变动左右着调查区水生生物总数量的分布和变动。多样性指数H′、丰度指数d随着盐度升高而降低,Pielou均匀度指数J随着盐度升高而升高。4、遗鸥在红碱淖的繁殖巢数逐年增加,其空间分布和觅食状况取决于底栖动物摇蚊幼虫和瘦蟌稚虫的分布状态。5、湿地生物群落结构与生态环境影响因子的关系:钙离子是鄂尔多斯高原盐沼湿地水生生物分布的关键生态影响因子,在一定的盐度、碱度范围内,钙镁比值、离子系数(M/D)、总硬度是主要生态影响因子。

【Abstract】 The Erdos Plateau Saline Wetland lies between the MaoWusu desert and KuBuqi desert. It is a typical plateau hungriness wetland ecosystem. The hungriness saline-lake group is made up of about 100 lakes, like Tao-A Haizi, Hongjian-Nur, and Aobai-Nur. It is an important international wetland reserved for Larus Relictus and them habitation. Almost 60% Larus Relictus in the world breed in the Erdos Plateau Saline Wetland. They are on the top layer of the food net in the wetland. If we protect the Larus Relictus, we must protect their breed habitation entironment. So we must study on the water quality, food source, biology diversity, ecological water requirement and the entironmental effect factors.We study on key ecological issues in the reservation of the Larus Relictus habitation in Erdos plateau saline wetland supported by the Erdos Larus Relictus national natural reserve administration bureau from 2005. The National Natural Science Foundation of China supports us to finish the item later.After 4 years investigation, the basic conclusions were followed:1. The Tao-A Haizi Lake belongs to chloride lakes. The biology quantity is reduced with the salinity rise.The Hongjian-Nur Lake belongs to soda lakes. The salinity, alkalinity and pH is high in the carbonate soda lake. The calcium ion is little for forming calcium carbonate. The M/D quotiety is high. All the conditions restrict the biology naturalization. The biology community is poor.2. The lake minimum ecological water requirement is a new field of ecology and hydrology. The study is in primary stage in theory and in practice. We researched on the calculation methods of the lowest ecological water level on ecology, hydrology, and hydr-ecology three piont of view. Seven kinds of lake lowest ecological water levrl calculation methods are proposed. The first one is lake shape analytical method. The second one is the lowest space demand method. The third one is water and salt balance method. The fourth one is water quantity balance method. The fifth and the sixth one is eco-hydrology method. The seventh one is lake function method. After calculation, the Tao-A Haizi Lake’s lowest ecological water level is 1360.1 m. The lake minimum ecological water requirement is 1.9×106 m3. Study on the calculation methods of the lake lowest ecological water level is significant in solving the ecological degeneration of lake in hungriness wetland ecosystem.3. The dominant species of phytoplankton is saline species Dunaliella and Spiulina and freshwater species which can bear high salinity. The dominant species of zooplankton is saline species Brachionus plicatilis and M. mongolica.The Zoobenthos dominant species is Chironomidae and Ischnura grub.They are the dominant species in saline wetland. The kinds of them are few. The density and biomass of dominant species is large. Their distribution determines the total species distribution. Shannon-Weaver index (H′) and Margalef index (d) decreases with the salinity rising. Pielou index rise with the salinity rising.4. The Larus Relictus breeding nest increases year after year in Hongjian-Nur. Their distribution is determined by the condition of Zoobenthos distribution.5. The relation between the hydrophily biology community and the ecological factors:Calcium ion is key ecological influential factor. The hydrophily biology community distribution is determined by calcium ion. In some range of salinity and alkalinity, Ca2+/Mg2+, M/D, rigidity is the mostly ecological influential factors.


