

Study on Root System, Soil Water Distributon Characteristics and Dought Resistance of Caragana in Forest Land Belt Space

【作者】 德永军

【导师】 郭连生;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 森林培育, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文以阴山北麓四子王旗中间锦鸡儿带状林地为研究对象,按不同带间距设置典型样地,采用挖掘法、剖面法、样方法等分别对林地的根系、土壤水分、中间锦鸡儿生长和带间植物多样性进行调查;采用叶片显微观测法对中间锦鸡儿与小叶锦鸡儿、四翅滨藜、蒙古莸、杨柴的抗旱特征进行对比分析,结果表明:(1)全部根系与直径≥0.5mm根系质量和体积的分布格局相似,全部根系与直径≤0.2mm根系表面积的分布格局相似,不同带间距林地根系密度16m>5m>10m:根系垂直分布5m带间距时遵从y=aebx,10m、16m带间距时遵从y=aLn(x)+b函数关系;水平分布遵从y=ax3+bx2+cx+d函数关系。(2)5m带间距林地相邻带间的中间锦鸡儿根系在带间形成交叉分布的重叠型;10m带间距林地为灌草根系复合型;16m带间距林地为灌草根系复合与带间植物根系独占的镶嵌型。(3)不同带间距林地对土壤水分垂直分布的调节功能不同,5m带间距林地的调节功能较差,10m带间距林地的调节功能改善,16m带间距林地的调节功能较强。(4)林地年均土壤含水量排序为:10m>16m>5m>ck,存在较大差异。5m带间距林地年均土壤含水量随深度增加表现为降低型;10m带间距林地与此相反,为增加型;16m带间距林地介于二者之间,为平衡型。土壤含水量垂直分布遵从y=ax2+bx+c;水平分布遵从y=ax6+bx5+cx4+dx3+ex2+fx+g,并随带间距加大阶次增加,关系较复杂。(5)根系与土壤水分耦合关系可用y=ax6+bx5+cx4+dx3+ex2+fx+g表示,一般R2>0.8。(6)随林地带间距的增加,带间植物种丰富度、多样性、均匀度、饲用价值增加,优势度减小,林地植被向进展演替发展。(7)中间锦鸡儿和小叶锦鸡儿抗旱性为需水型,四翅滨藜和蒙古莸为忍耐型,杨柴为回避干旱需水型;抗旱性排序为中间锦鸡儿>小叶锦鸡儿>四翅滨藜>杨柴>蒙古莸,4个树种与中间锦鸡儿的抗旱性相似,可用于研究地的造林。

【Abstract】 Root system, soil moisture, growth speed of caragana (Caragana intermedia ), plant diversity between the caragana forest belt with different belt spacing at Si Zi King county in North Yinshan Mountain were studied by way of digging, soil profile and soil quadrat. Using leaf micro-sections of C. intermedia, C. microphylla, Atriplex canescens, Caryopteris mongholica, Hedysarum laeve, drought resistance of these trees were compared. The results as follows:The total root quality distribution pattern and total root volume distribution pattern were similar to the pattern of roots with diameter≥0.5mm. The superficial area distribution pattern of total roots was similar to the pattern of roots with diameter≤0.2mm. Root density in different forest belt space differed very moch, the density ranked 16m>5m>10m based on belt space. The vertical distribution of root in different forest belt space obeyed different molds, that is, in 5m belt space, roots distribution obeyed the mold y=aebx well, in 10m、16m belt space, root distribution obeyed the mold y=aLn(x)+b, y=ax3+bx2+cx+d, respectively.The caragana forest belt space influenced the roots distribution pattern. The roots distributed as a cross-distribution reduplication pattern when the belt space was 5m. The root distribution pattern was shrub-grass root composite when the belt space was 10m, and shrub-grass root composite and exclusive belt space growth plant root mosaic pattern occurred in belt with space of 16m.Different caragana forest belt space influenced the feedback regulation roles of soil water vertical distribution. The feedback regulation role of soil water vertical distribution was positive when the belt space was 5m, but when the belt was 10m or 16m, it tended to be negative or was negative, respectively.Different caragana forest belt space influenced annual soil water content. Annual soil water content ranked 10m>16m>5m>ck by the belt space. Annual soil water content with 5m belt space decreased as soil deepness increased, that’s a decreasing pattern. In contrast, annual soil water content with 10m belt space increased as soil deepness increasing, that’s a increasing pattern, and it intervenient with belt space 16m, as a balance pattern. Soil water content vertical distribution obeyed the mold of y=ax2+bx+c and horizontal distribution obeyed the mold of y=ax6+bx5+cx4+dx3 +ex2 +fx+g. The relation complexity increased as the belt space increased.The relation of roots and soil water coupling could be described as the mold of y=ax6+bx5+cx4+dx3+ex2+fx+g (R2≥0.8). Diversity, abundance, uniformity and fodder value of vegetation growing on the belt space increased as the belt space increased, but dominance of a plant decreased. Forestry vegetation was progressive succession.Drought resistance of C. intermedia and C. microphylla was water requisite pattern, A. canescens and C. mongholica was endurance pattern and H. laeve was aridity water requisite pattern. Drought resistance ranked C. intermedia > C. microphylla >A. canescens > C. mongholica >H. laeve. Their drought resistance was similar and all of them could be used as afforestation specieses.

  • 【分类号】S793.3;S714
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】450
  • 攻读期成果

