

Study on Technology of Typical Steppe Native Grass Silage

【作者】 李海

【导师】 贾玉山;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 草业科学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 内蒙古大草原是我国北方草原的主体部分,是内蒙古自治区畜牧业的物质基础,草原畜牧业是内蒙古的优势产业和基础产业,也是农牧民赖以生存的主要手段和途径。但是,近年来草原畜牧业发展进程减缓,草畜矛盾日趋激烈,农牧民的养殖效益锐减。导致草原畜牧业当前困境的主要因素,除天然草地退化、牲畜数量增加和超载过牧因素外,传统的天然草地牧草收获调制技术不适应现代草原畜牧业生产模式,也是必须加以解决的主要制约因素。为了探索适合现代草原畜牧业生产的天然草地牧草高效转化利用技术,论文把锡林郭勒盟典型草原天然牧草作为研究对象,围绕天然牧草青贮增效主题,进行了不同加工方式天然牧草青贮工艺条件的研究。论文试验整体上分为四步进行。第一步,根据影响青贮成败和品质的主要因素,选择了原料含水量、贮藏密度和外源青贮添加剂等关键影响因素,设计了三因素四水平的青贮试验;通过对比分析不同处理天然牧草青贮饲料的感官指标、主要微生物数量构成、发酵品质(pH值,有机酸构成和含量)变化、营养成分变化和贮成率等指标,筛选适合天然牧草青贮的原料含水量、贮藏密度和外源添加剂使用量等工艺参数。第二步,进行天然牧草切短青贮试验,研究长草短贮后,青贮品质是否会得到改善。第三步,进行青贮贮藏时间对散草和草捆青贮饲料品质的影响研究。第四步,对所有处理青贮材料开窖后进行青贮二次发酵趋势研究。根据上述试验内容,比较长草与短草,散草与草捆青贮方式的优劣,最终筛选确定适合天然牧草青贮的方式方法和关键工艺条件。研究结果表明:①天然牧草在含水量在65%~70%、密度在350~400kg/m3范围内青贮,青贮料的感官品质、发酵品质较好,贮成率显著高于其它处理条件,并且可有效地保存青贮料中的营养成份,牧草青贮料的稳定性也较好,综合评定饲用价值较高。②添加菌剂可改善天然牧草青贮饲料的品质和稳定性。添加量为0.50g/kg时,天然牧草青贮饲料可消化营养物含量相对较高。③将天然牧草切短青贮,青贮料的感官品质、发酵品质、营养成分含量及稳定性变化不明显。青贮料的最适利用时间应在青贮35-120天之间。④天然牧草打捆后青贮效果好于散草青贮⑤将天然牧草青贮可有效地保存牧草中粗蛋白、粗脂肪、胡萝卜素等营养成分的含量,降低纤维类物质的含量,提高了天然牧草总可消化营养物质的含量。

【Abstract】 The Inner Mongolia Steppe is the main part of north grassland in China, and is the material base of livestock husbandry in Inner Mongolia. In Inner Mongolia, livestock husbandry is the competitive and basic industries, it also is the main income resource of farmers and herdsmen. However, the development rate of stock raising has been slow down recent years.The contradictions between grassland and livestock became more severe, income of farmers and herdsmen on stock raising reduced quickly. Besides of the factors such as natural grassland degradation,number of licestock increasing and over-grazing,the traditional harvest modulation technique could not support modern grassland animal husbandry production, and this is the main problem needs to be solved.To explore the high rate of transform and using technology of natural grassland to fit the modern grassland animal husbandry production, the paper selected to the natural grassland in Xilinguole league as study object, focus on the silage efficiency of natural grassland, studied on the conditions of different way of processing the natural grass silage technology. Experiments of this paper could be divided into four steps.Step1:According to the main factors that influence the silage quality and its success, choose the key influencing factors of native grass such as moisture content, storage density and extraneous source additive, three levels and four factors was designed in this silage test. By comparing and analyzing these indexes such as sensory quality, major microorganism quantity composition, ferment quality(pH Value,Organic acid composition and content) and silage success ratio of the native grass silage in different levels, the technical parameters such as raw materials moisture content, storage density and additive usage amount that suit for native grass silage in experimental area were screened. Step2: Make the test that cut the grass into pieces for silage,study on the silage quality would be improved after grass being cut. Step3:Study on influence of storage time on grass and grass bounldes silage quality. Step4: The second fermentation trend of all the treatments after opening cellar for the first time was studied. According to the test mentioned above, comparing the fermentation quality by the two methods of ensilage, including long and short cutting, grass and grass boundles, so as to choose the optimum method and key condition for the silage of natural grass.The research results showed that: ①Ensilage the native grass when its moisture content was from 65%~70%, density was in the range of 350 ~ 400 kg/m3, the silage grass not only has better sensory quality, better fermentation, higher silage success ratio and better stability, but also can preserve the nutritional ingredients effectively and make the silage grass has higher feeding value.②The additive can effectively improved the native grass silage quality and stability. The digestible nutrient content was relatively high when the fungi amount was 0.50g/kg.③Cut the native grass into pieces for silage, the grass sensory quality, fermentation quality, nutrition components and stability haven’t change significantly. The best use of time for native grass silage material was between 35-120 days after ensilaged.④The silage effect was better than grass silage after being baled.⑤It could effectively preserve the nutritional content, such as crude protein, crude fat and carotene by ensilaging natural grass. This mothod also decreased the fibers content, the digestive nutritional materials were also increased.

【关键词】 天然牧草青贮含水量密度青贮菌剂切短
【Key words】 Native grassSilageMoisture contentDensityFungi additiveCut into pieces
  • 【分类号】S816.53
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】596

