

The Study of Groundwater Flow Simulation and Management Model in the Arid Area of Inner Mongolia

【作者】 刘晓民

【导师】 刘廷玺;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古农业大学 , 农业水土工程, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着西部大开发政策的实施,地下水资源作为西北干旱半干旱地区重要水源,在保障居民生活、支持经济社会发展、维持生态平衡等方面都起到了十分重要的作用,同时,水资源短缺也日益成为制约区域发展的瓶颈问题。内蒙古鄂尔多斯市达拉特旗属于干旱半干旱缺水地区,其展旦召水源地地下水是城镇居民生活的主要水源,因此,对水源地进行合理的水资源评价并提出一种合理、高效的开发模式显得尤为重要。基于上述原因,本论文以展旦召水源地为研究区,开展了以下研究工作:1)首先回顾了地下水系统数值模拟及管理模型的研究现状及发展历史,阐明了我国地下水模拟模型及管理模型中存在的问题和不足,展望了地下水系统模拟模型与管理模型的发展趋势,为科学、客观、准确评价研究区地下水资源状况,合理建模奠定良好的基础。2)为准确测定研究区水文地质参数,本次研究运用核磁共振找水系统,进行了核磁共振测试试验;并利用钻探地质水文地质孔,开展了非稳定流抽水试验与地质地层测试试验;结合收集到的已有水文地质孔资料,采用不同方法,确定出水源地水文地质参数。此外,还选取潜水含水层渗透系数、给水度及承压水含水层渗透系数、贮水系数这四个参变量,利用随机函数的空间变异理论,系统地分析确定了各参变量的统计特征及其结构函数,并应用对数克立格法、泛克立格法、协克立格法对系统参数进行了估值预测,提高了地下水系统模型的模拟评价精度。3)在详细分析研究区地质和水文地质条件的基础上,对现状开采条件下研究区各项补给、排泄资源量进行了评价。按照可开采系数法、开采强度法对地下水可开采量进行估算。4)采用GMS6.0软件建立了研究区的水文地质概念模型和地下水系统数学模型。在建立含水层系统模拟模型时,充分考虑各项补排信息的动态变化特点。首先建立降水入渗补给量、潜水蒸发量与降水量大小、潜水蒸发强度、开采量大小和地下水位埋深的关系曲线,继而由模型来反映水资源开发对各项信息的动态影响程度。5)在考虑产业结构优化、水资源合理利用、生态环境保护等因素的基础上,运用大系统分解协调原理,建立了水资源系统模拟优化耦合管理模型,从而实现了水资源问题的分析、预测、优化、模拟和管理五者一体的功能。本文中管理模型和模拟模型的有机耦合的应用,实现了水资源管理时间和空间的有机结合,使描述复杂的地下水系统问题更真实、灵活、简单、便于修改,此研究的进行,在一定程度上促进了交互式程序分析研究的发展,也间接地拓展了今后水资源管理研究的发展方向。

【Abstract】 With the development of Northwest China, the groundwater resources have played a very important role in safeguarding the residents daily life, supporting the development of society and economy, keeping the ecological balance, etc. Water shortage problems are also becoming a bottleneck restricting the regional development. Groundwater of Zhandanzhao water source site in Dalate Banner, Ordos City, Inner Mongolia, is the main water source for urban life, therefore, reasonable water resources evaluation and an efficient development model is particularly important. For these reasons, this paper took Zhandanzhao water source site as the study area, carried out the following work:First, reviewed research status and history in the numerical simulation of groundwater flow and management model, clarified the problems and deficiencies , and prospected the trend, laid a good foundation for scientific, objective and accurate evaluation of groundwater resources and modeling reasonably.Second, in order to determine hydro-geological parameters in study area accurately, used nuclear magnetic resonance studying the water system, did nuclear magnetic resonance imaging tests; and carried out a pumping test of non-steady flow and the geological formation test by drilling hydro-geological holes; combined existing hydro-geological holes information, used different methods to determine the hydro-geological parameters of water source.Third, based on analyzed the geological and hydro-geological conditions of the study area closely, evaluated the recharge, discharge resources under the status quo conditions of exploitation of the study area. In accordance with mining scheme, the program group will be well over into rectangular regions, made use of exploitation intensity formula, accorded to the mining intensity and exploitation time, forecasted water level drawdown of cone of depression, determined the exploitable volume indirectly not to exceed allowable drawdown.Fourth, established hydro-geological conceptual model and groundwater flow simulation model of the study area by GMS6.0, used nuclear magnetic resonance, pumping test data and data of long viewed holes to identify parameters in the numerical model, achieved good results. In addition, this study also used a simulation model of groundwater flow, analyzed groundwater regime and resource composition under the conditions of fixed mining scheme. According to simulation results, provided technical supports and scientific bases for groundwater resources sustainable development.Finally, the study took groundwater flow simulation model as background, take Zhandanzhao water source site and Shulinzhao town as key study area, based on the comprehensive analysis of development plan in Shulinzhao town, considered coordinated development of development and utilization of groundwater resources system and society, economy and environment, exploited the maximum benefit of limited groundwater resources, established objective function based on maximal economic benefit with exploitation quantity, capacity of well, groundwater level, water demand and other constraints, solved by software, determined maximum allowable exploitation quantity of groundwater in study area, proposed optimal exploitation Schemes of Groundwater, by substitution of the optimization results into the mathematical model, forecasted the dynamic change trend of groundwater under the conditions of maximum allowable exploitation quantity.The application of the organic coupling between management model and simulation model, achieved the organic integration of time and space in the management of water resources, made the complicated groundwater flow problems more realistic, flexible, simple and easy to modified, the progress of the research, advanced the development of interactive program analysis research to some extent, and also expanded the development direction of water resources management in the future indirectly.


