

A Study of Hu Shi’s Literary Thoughts Influenced by Western Culture

【作者】 王光和

【导师】 林精华;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 胡适(1891—1962),安徽省绩溪县人,现代著名学者,在文学、哲学、史学、考据学、伦理学、红学等领域都有着重大的贡献,在学术史上产生了深远的影响。胡适于1917年1月发表《文学改良刍议》一文而成为文学革命的发起者,是新文化运动中最有影响的领袖人物之一,也是中国近现代文化思想史上最杰出的人物之一。胡适文学思想与西方文化的关系,历来都有研究,但至今仍缺乏从西方影响的角度进行全面系统的梳理和阐述,某些问题还有待于更进一步的深入探讨。本文共分绪论、正文和结语三部分:绪论部分简要回顾了“西方文化与胡适文学思想形成的关系”这一个问题的研究历史和现状,并对“文学革命的发生”这一历史事件的发生以及过程进行描述,以揭示“事件”背后的中外文化各种因素互相融合的表征。正文部分分五章。第一章论述进化论对胡适语言观和文学观所产生的影响,并指出胡适是以进化论为核心观念对中外文学史进行阐释,从而认识到中国的语言和文学已经到了必须改革的地步。第二章旨在阐述文艺复兴以来的欧美文学史对胡适撰写白话文学史的启迪和示范意义,并解析世界平民主义思潮对胡适的白话文学观和平民文学观的影响。第三章主要探讨西方文化思想对胡适的现实主义和自由主义文学观念的影响,并对胡适的这两种文学观念的内涵进行阐述,指出它们各自在中国现代文学史上的价值和地位。第四章探讨胡适白话诗理论以及创作与西方文学资源的渊源关系,并重点论述胡适的《文学改良刍议》和《谈新诗》中的诗歌主张与华兹华斯、惠特曼和英美意象派等诗学理论的关联。第五章指出西方文化给胡适文学批评所带来的现代意识。本章分为两大部分,第一部从批评话语、批评思维、批评标准和批评方法四个方面阐释西方文化对胡适文学批评所产生的潜移默化的浸染作用,第二部分论述科学主义、实用主义哲学以及欧洲近代传记批评对胡适进行中国古典小说考证的影响。余论部分对本文前五章进行总结,辨别胡适接受以上所论西方文化资源在历史阶段及原因上的不同,并分析它们在胡适文学思想中所呈现出的面貌和效果的差异。

【Abstract】 Hu Shi(1891-1962), born in Jixi, Anhui Province, was a distinguished modern scholar who had achieved high in literature, philosophy, history, textology, ethnics, Redology, etc. and had great influence on Chinese academic history. In 1917, Hu Shi published his article A Rustic Opinion on the Improvement of Literature and hence become an initiator of the Literary Revolution. He is considered one of the most influential leaders in China’s New Cultural Movement and one of the most eminent figures in the history of modern Chinese cultural thinking.There has always been studies on the relationship of Hu Shi’s literary thinking with Western culture, but few are systematic and comprehensive. Moreover, some issues are waiting long for deeper explorations.This paper is divided into three parts, namely, the introduction, the main part, and the conclusion.Part One briefly reviewes the studies on the relationship of Hu Shi’s literary thinking with Western culture, then it describes the historic event of Literary Revolution, so as to provide a blended cultural background of both Chinese and Western for this event.The main part is subdevided into five chapters.Chapter One discusses the influence of the Evolution Theory on Hu Shi’s linguistic and literary views, based on which we infer that Hu Shi’s illustrations of both Chinese and Western literary history are mainly made with the influence of the Evolution Theory, and it is under this influence that he points out the necessity of a revolution in Chinese language and literature. Chapter Two aims to illustrate the enlightment and modelling significance that Euro-American literary history provided to Hu Shi’s writing of vernacular literary history since the Renaissance, and it states the effect of global populist thinking on Hu Shi’s populace literature.Chapter Three focuses on the influence of the Western culture on Hu Shi’s realistic and liberal literary views, explains this two literary views, and points out their respective influence in China’s modern literary history.Chapter Four explores the relation between Hu Shi’s theories on vernacular poems and Western literature, among which, the relation of his advocations of“wiping platitudes out”in vernacular poem theories, prosifying tendency in peoms and“specified writing”with the advocations of Wordsworth, Whitman, and American Imagism.Chapter Five is mainly about the modern awareness that Western culture brings to Hu Shi and its reflection in the style and discourse of criticism. And the effects of scientism, positivism and biographical criticism in modern Europe on Hu Shi’s textual research of Chinese classical literature.The final part sums up the previous five chapters, analyzes the time and reason of Hu Shi’s acceptance of Western cultural resources, and reveals their varied reflection in his literary thinking.

  • 【分类号】I206.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1044

