

On the "Pre-Obscure Poems" in 1960-70s

【作者】 王士强

【导师】 吴思敬;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 文艺学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文主要关注20世纪60、70年代北京地区的非主流诗歌活动,与此前的“地下沙龙”、“民间诗歌”等指称不同,“前朦胧诗”主要在诗歌本体意义上强调其与此后的“朦胧诗”的历史和艺术关联。文章分上下两篇,上篇主要是“前朦胧诗”的历史和发生学考察,关注其周边环境和发生缘由,包括时代背景、社会氛围、家庭影响、朋友交往、情感阅历、个体取向等。下篇主要是“前朦胧诗”的文化和美学研究,主要从文本特征、审美性、文化政治内涵等方面解读诗人诗作,并在诗歌发展的坐标和网络中定义其自身。第一至三章分别观照时间段落中几个主要的“前朦胧诗”写作群体。第一章为60年代中前期的“X小组”和“太阳纵队”,关注的主要当事人有郭世英、张鹤慈、张郎郎等。第二章知青的诗歌活动与“白洋淀诗群”,主要当事人有徐浩渊、鲁双芹、依群、根子、多多、宋海泉、林莽、江河等。第三章关注70年代末到80年代初的《今天》杂志和《今天》诗人群,主要当事人有北岛、芒克、赵一凡、周郿英、鄂复明、徐晓等。这三章主要通过当事者的口述资料来寻找关于历史的“声音”,还原历史的“细节”,并在其缝隙中探究内在的社会机理和诗歌的生存状况。第四章是论文上半部分的“综论”,讨论“前朦胧诗”的文化生态。首先是其发生学的考察:“大环境”方面,社会总体状况的高压、混乱与自由;“小环境”方面,家庭管控的“缺位”与“圈子”成员的互相影响;“个体”方面,精神与身体的双重放逐,青春的激情与叛逆。其次讨论其“亚文化”空间:“青年亚文化”特点;现代主义的文化选择;人性、人道主义、个人主体等“人”的因素的留存。下篇第五至七章对七位重要的“前朦胧诗”时期的诗人进行专门探讨。第五章食指,从红色主流文化与个人话语之间的裂隙、冲突出发探讨“两个”食指的现象,指出其中不可弥合的分裂性,同时指出其“相信未来”式的信念与“窗式美”的新格律艺术体式之间的共通性乃至高度吻合。第六章讨论“白洋淀诗群”的四位诗人:根子决绝的反抗、“末日情结”、“直面人生的感性”、诗作整体的背谬情境;多多对现世生活的诅咒、对异域的想象、对“手艺”的重视;江河的英雄情怀、社会关怀、对“人”的呼唤、理性抒情;林莽从简单到复杂、从现实与浪漫向现代的转变,以及其古典情怀和古典美学取向。第七章观照《今天》两位代表诗人北岛与芒克:北岛的怀疑与反抗、“个人”与“革命”的双声话语,以及诗艺上从“浪漫”到“现代”的转化;芒克作为“自然之子”的“恋母情结”和“大地崇拜”,性灵写作和对诗歌语言的更新。第八章是下篇的“综论”,讨论“前朦胧诗”与中国当代诗歌的变革之间的关系,指出其与红色主流诗歌之间的互渗、共存、复杂纠缠,其与西方文学尤其是西方现代主义文学影响之间的重要关联和遥远呼应,最后探讨其对于中国新诗传统的承续和对此后诗歌的影响,指出它是新诗发展流脉中的一个有机环节。余论由本文的写作引申到“前朦胧诗”与文学史“叙述”的问题,并就现存的几种诗歌史叙述方式展开一定的反思和评价,探求更“理想”的诗歌史叙述可能。

【Abstract】 The main focus of this dissertation is the marginal poetry in Beijing from 1960s to 1970s. The "pre-obscure poems" is different from the previous "Underground Salon" and the "Folk Poetry". It puts more emphasis on the historical and artistic contact with obscure poems. This dissertation can be divided into two parts, the first half mainly focus on the historical and embryological study of the pre-obscure poems, including the historical background, the social environment, the family influence, the friends, the emotional experience, the individual orientation and so on. The second half is cultural and esthetical analysis of the pre-obscure poems. It studies the poets and their poetry from the following aspects: the characteristics of the text, aesthetics, the cultural and the political connotations, and gives a position of the pre-obscure poems in the evolution of Chinese modern poetry.The first three chapters are mainly about some of the major groups of the pre-obscure poems in that period of time. Chapter 1 is about the "X Group" and the "Sun Team" in the earlier period of the 1960s, the major poets are Guo Shiying, Zhang Heci, and Zhang Langlang and so on. Chapter 2 is about the poetry activity of the "educated youth" and "Baiyangdian Poetry Group", the representatives are Xu Haoyuan, Lu Shuanqin, Yi Qun, Gen Zi, Duo Duo, Song Haiquan, Lin Mang, Jiang He. Chaper 3 pays attention to the journal "Today" and its poetry group, whose members include Bei Dao, Mang Ke, Zhao Yifan, Zhao Meiying, E Fuming, Xu Xiao etc. These three chapters mainly concerns to seek the historical "sound" and restores the historical "details" to its origin through the interview record, and to discover its intrinsic social texture and the existential condition of poetry in the gleam of these materials. Chapter 4 is a summary of the first half of this dissertation. The cultural specialties of the pre-obscure poems are discussed here. First is the embryological investigation: the macro-environmental aspects include the social pressure, the confusion, and freedom; the micro-environmental aspects include the absence of family control and the mutual influence among circle members; the individual aspects include exile, youth fervor and rebel. Next is the discussion of the space of the subculture: the characteristic of the "youth subculture", the cultural choice of modernism, the preserves of the "human" factor, such as the human nature, humanitarianism, individuals and so on.The fifth chapter to the seventh chapter is a specialized study on the poets of the pre-obscure poems. Chapter 5 discusses the "two" Shi Zhi’s phenomenon from the aspects of the crevasse and the conflict between the red mainstream culture and the individual words; it points out the unavoidable split and the compatibility between the "future trusting" faith and the new classical writing style’s with the "Window Aesthetics". The sixth chapter discuss four representatives of the "Baiyangdian poetry group": Gen Zi’s "the unfaltering revolt", "the doomsday complex", the "inspiration of the face straight", the absurd situation; Duo Duo’s curse to the present life, the imagination to the foreign land, the emphasis on the "craftsmanship"; Jiang He’s heroic mood, the care for the society, the call for the "human", the rational express of feelings; Lin Mang’s transformation from simplicity to complex, the realistic and romantically to modern as well as the "classical mood", "classical esthetics". The seventh chapter discusses two of the representative poets Bei Dao and Mang Ke of the journal“Today”. Bei Dao’s suspicion and revolt, the alliteration words of "individual" and "revolution", as well as the transformation of the poem skills from "romantic" to "modern". As "the son of nature" Mang Ke’s "Oedipus Complex", "earth worship", soul writing and the renewal to poetry language. The eighth chapter is the synthesis elaboration part. It discusses the relationship between the pre-obscure poems and the transformation of the Chinese contemporary poetry, it points out the infiltrate, the coexistence, the complex entanglement of the pre-obscure poems and the red mainstream poetry. as well as the important connection and distant echoes between the pre-obscure poems and the influence of western literature, particularly modern western literature. The pre-obscure poems inherited the tradition of the Chinese modern poetry and rendered huge influence after it. It formed an organic part in the history of Chinese modern poetry.The epilogue of this dissertation expands to the topic of narration in literature history that is related to the pre-obscure poems, and launches certain reconsideration and the appraisal to the several existed narrative ways in the poetry history, and seeks a more "ideal" way of narration in the poetry history.

  • 【分类号】I207.25
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】995

