

Research on Ideology during Globalization

【作者】 刘娜

【导师】 杨生平;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 随着全球化客观进程的不断演进,人们对全球化的认识也越来越深入,其研究成果又会反过来影响全球化的客观进程。从这一简单逻辑推理中,我们已经可以看到全球化进程中所暗含着的意识形态问题。对于全球化的早期研究,大部分是从经济角度入手,所得出的研究成果也或多或少的反映了客观事物的本来面目。然而随着全球化的进一步发展,人们对其研究的视角早已跨出经济领域而向各个领域拓展。观念层面与实践层面的全球化相互影响和作用,这种动态的、复杂的现象使学者们对其研究的难度加大,在很多问题上难以达成共识。然而,正是这些尚未达成共识的地方才更加彰显了全球化进程中的意识形态问题。它代表着学者们不同的知识背景、价值观念,不同的利益代表、阶级立场,不同的研究角度和方法。始于2007年至今仍向纵深蔓延的次贷危机席卷了美国、欧盟和日本等世界主要金融市场,引起了世界范围的经济危机,再次彰显了全球化这把双刃剑所带来的经济负面效应的威力,欧美等西方发达国家的经济萧条景象及其所造成的大规模失业人口使我们深切的感受到金融危机的可怕。尽管在社会主义社会制度的保护伞下,不至于卷进灾难深重的金融危机之中,但由于经济全球化波及全球的连锁反应,我们国家各行业也或多或少的受到了不同程度的影响。这次历史性的重大金融危机无疑使得本已经炒得沸沸扬扬的全球化问题更加炙手可热,也为不同角度的研究者提供了更为详实的现实依据,摆在人们面前新的课题又将掀起一阵研究全球化的狂潮,启动了新一轮的全球化之争。有分析人士说,眼前的金融危机已经转化为经济危机,而且出现了向制度危机和意识形态危机转化的趋势。在金融危机的大背景下,发表于1867年9月14日的鸿篇巨著《资本论》重新进入西方发达国家更多人的视野,“马克思又回来了”的声音在西方社会渐渐响起。人们对于现实问题的思考再次提升到意识形态的层面。在全球化问题中争议最多讨论最多的是“全球化的本质”问题,这其实也是提纲挈领式的所有全球化问题的关键所在。无论从前人对全球化研究的成果来看,还是从全球化客观进程进一步发展所带来的现实问题或依据来看,从意识形态入手来对“全球化的本质”问题进行探讨,都是已经具备了一定的研究条件的。因而,本文试图转换全球化研究视角,从意识形态的角度来寻求这个人们争论已久的话题的答案。全球化是客观存在的。虽然现在对“文化全球化是否存在”还尚有争议,但“经济全球化是存在并且在不断发展着的客观事物”,这几乎是经过无数学者加以论证所得出的毋庸置疑的结论。既然存在一个客观的全球化的进程,人们对它就会有一个认识,全球化事物本身的复杂性、变化性及不确定性决定了认清事物的难度,加之不同学者不同的知识架构和研究角度、不同的阶级立场和文化价值取向,使得研究全球化的理论观点在取得大量一致性结论的基础上存在很大的差异。既然有研究者不同的文化背景和价值取向,就会产生意识形态问题,就可能会产生资本主义与社会主义的视域分野,即使在资本主义或者社会主义内部也可能会产生不同结论和看法,从而产生出种种带有意识形态色彩的全球化理论。理论来自实践,也必然对实践产生导向作用,那么这诸多基于全球化客观事物基础上形成的观点理论和看法也必然影响着全球化的自然进程,这就是全球化进程中所存在的或者说本身暗含着的意识形态问题。因此本文在某种程度上是在对全球化理论群的反思的基础上,进一步分析全球化进程中的意识形态之争。本文分为导言、正文、结语三部分。导言部分首先在概述了本论文选题的背景的基础上突出了本论文研究的目的和意义在于探究全球化争论中所暗含的意识形态问题。接着分析了国内外对于相关问题的研究现状,通过梳理国内外相关著作文献,找出全球化进程中意识形态问题的全球性“症候”,同时说明自己的研究思路以及所要使用的研究方法,由此得出所研究问题的结论。“理论创新”意味着“突破以往”,因此创新之处也一定是文章研究的重点和难点,在意识形态视角下反思全球化理论以及探究全球化意识形态形成与作用的机制是本文的创新点也是重点和难点。本文对全球化意识形态的概念、特征的界定和概括也是一个创新点。由于全球化客观进程始于资本主义又长期由资本主义主导,因而从整篇文章中区分资本主义全球化意识形态与全球化意识形态,把握其特殊与一般的关系始终是一个难点所在。此外由于时间和能力有限,对全球化理论的研究不可能穷尽,能否从一些热点问题的争论中挖掘出全球化的意识形态性也是一个难点。正文部分共有五章,按照由表象到本质,由特殊到一般再到特殊,由实践到理论再到实践的螺旋上升的逻辑顺序逐步深入分析全球化进程中意识形态问题的凸显、争鸣、本质、产生机制、作用机制,在此基础上形成对全球化逻辑归宿的判断,进而形成我们应对全球化的态度和对策。全球化自进入人们视野起就是一个颇具争议的事物,而且随着人们对其研究的不断深入,这一事物愈显复杂。形成这样一种现象的原因主要归咎于全球化对世界经济、政治、文化、制度乃至社会进程等多层次多方面都产生作用和影响,同时也由于研究全球化的各个个体或个体所代表的利益集团不同以及所处角度背景的不同,导致他们所感受到的全球化内容也有所不同。虽然对于全球化的起源时间地点、发展阶段及概念还未达成共识,但全球化作为一个不断发展着的客观历史进程是无可质疑的。通过对全球化起源的考察以及对全球化词源和内涵的分析,我们已经能够确定全球化的客观性。我们认为全球化是一个不以人的意志为转移的客观历史进程。这种过程是不断推进的,并呈现出不断深化发展的趋势。全球化是一个不以任何人的意志为转移客观历史进程,它的发展遵循着其自身的内在逻辑。但全球化绝对不是一个可以离开人类生产活动实践的完全自然的过程。这是因为:其一,全球化的产生和发展都依赖于人类社会的实践活动。全球化是由生产力的发展以及由此产生的人类交往的普遍发展而引起的。全球化的发展更是有赖于人类社会生产关系更新和生产方式的变革;其二,对全球化的认知具有主观性。人类对于客观事物本能的反应以及对未知事物的探求本性决定了全球化在观念层面的发展;其三,全球化发展的实际进程受到人的主观意识的影响。虽然人类意识不能决定全球化的产生,也不能左右全球化的发展方向,但人类主观意识的作用发挥能够对全球化进程的缓急产生影响。?全球化作为一个集客观性与主观性于一身的“二重性”的发展过程,是“全球意识”不断指认自我的过程,因此,其主观性色彩极为明显,尤其是植根于不同社会阶层和价值取向的人们对于全球化的判断更是带上了无法抹杀的意识形态色彩,并由此而发生跌宕起伏的理论碰撞与思想激荡。价值取向不同所引起的对全球化判断和争论突出了全球化进程中的意识形态问题。资本主义利用了全球化的双重性,使其沦为资本扩张的意识形态工具。?由全球化所引发的意识形态争论促进了意识形态性全球化理论产生和发展,换句话说,全球化理论的意识形态性在对全球化进程的不断认识和辩论中逐渐显现出来。而这种意识形态性全球化理论一旦产生,就会从社会、经济、政治、文化等各个领域对全球化的客观进程产生深刻的影响。我们通过对当代西方具有明显意识形态性的全球化理论进行梳理和考察,分析其资本主义本质、特征,以及它们对于近现代社会发展的影响,就可以清晰的看到“客观全球化-----主观全球化------全球化意识形态-----客观全球化”这一发展脉络。资本主义发达国家在经济上的主导地位以及其强大的军事力量,决定了资本主义全球化意识形态强大的影响力,在包括资本主义国家的整个世界各个领域都不可避免地受到资本主义全球化意识形态的强烈冲击。资本主义全球化意识形态的现实影响主要从三个层面展开分析:其一,从理论层面来看,全球化意识形态所倡导的“全球政治一体化”、“西方文明全球化”引起人们对于“全球治理”“普世价值”“文化多元化”的探讨与展望;全球化意识形态所推崇的西方所谓的“自由”“民主”“人权”等价值理念造成人们思想混乱,增加人们认识全球化客观历史进程本来面目的难度;其二,从实践层面来看,掩护英美等发达资本主义国家获得更多的利益,同时把资本主义的自身固有的矛盾也扩大到全球范围;造成拉美、俄罗斯、东欧、东南亚等实践其理论的国家受到重创;第三世界国家被迫接受不平等的国际经济制度与规则,国家主权受到威胁,民族文化受到强烈冲击;其三,从逻辑层面上来看,资本主义全球化意识形态必然作用于全球化客观进程。作为一种意识形态,全球化意识形态具备意识形态的一切特征。因而,我们分析全球化意识形态的形成机制是以分析意识形态的形成机制为基础和依据的。意识形态首先是一种思想,为了维护和实现统治阶级利益将思想上升为国家权利和意志,这种思想转变为意识形态。我们认为,意识形态是利益驱使下思想与权力的合谋。由此我们进一步分析全球化意识形态与国家利益以及国家政权的关系,便可以清晰的看到全球化理论由学术理论转向意识形态的转化条件及机制。全球化是人类社会发展到一定阶段所必然出现的社会现象,其推进过程一方面逐渐促成人类共同利益的形成;另一方面也是利益冲突日益复杂化的过程。全球化空前广阔的交往空间使得各民族国家的国家利益更加复杂,国家利益是全球化意识形态产生的根本原因和条件。全球化理论只有符合统治阶级利益并由其利用国家政权加以强化和推广才能具备意识形态特征,因而才成为一种全球化意识形态。?全球化意识形态作为一种社会意识,它的产生有其必然性。它是全球化客观进程在观念层面的思维运动,是随着全球化客观进程的逐步推演而产生发展的。带有不同价值取向的人的反映使全球化意识形态产生具有必然性。全球化进程中,民族国家陆续被卷入全球化的历史大潮中,价值碰撞、利益冲突复杂化,国家主权受到冲击,全球化意识形态是实现和维护民族国家利益必然要求。促成和谐世界的形成需要全世界人民的共同努力,整合力量需要全球化意识形态的感染和号召。? ?马克思主义认为,只要阶级社会存在,就不可避免的存在着阶级对立。而在历史发展现阶段,存在两大对立的社会制度中最突出的就是无产阶级和资产阶级两大对立阶级,因而在意识形态领域最突出的也必然是两种完全对立的全球化观。这是由于意识形态的阶级性决定的。全球化客观进程伴随着全球化意识形态的博弈,全球化意识形态博弈的结果作为一个合力不断地影响着全球化进程的方向与速度。全球化意识形态的博弈也是它对全球化客观进程作用机制,从对全球化意识形态作用于全球化客观进程的历史与现状的分析,我们可以清楚的看到这一作用机制的脉络。继而我们可以根据分析社会主义和资本主义意识形态的价值内核与利益属性,再对照全球化与全人类整体利益的关系,找出其全球化意识形态的逻辑归宿,从而确定社会主义意识形态的历史定位。?社会主义全球化意识形态作为一种以全人类的自由全面发展为目标的全球化意识形态,是符合全球化发展的客观进程,符合人类发展的整体利益的。因而能够也必须在全球化客观进程中发挥自己的重要作用。社会主义全球化意识形态发挥作用的首要条件是要在融入全球化客观进程中发展社会主义。社会意识产生于社会物质并能动地作用于社会物质。社会物质为社会意识的产生提供现实素材。一方面,只有社会主义社会发展好了,经济繁荣了,人民生活幸福了,才能说明社会主义的优越性,才能使社会主义全球化意识形态更有说服力;另一方面,只有社会主义强大了,经济实力强大了、文化感染力渗透了强大了,才能够更有效的在全球范围内推广社会主义的全球观,使全世界更多的人认可和赞同社会主义全球化意识形态所主张的价值理念,从而加速客观全球化进程,加速使“全人类过上幸福生活,每个人达到自由全面发展”的图景成为现实。马克思主义是中国执政党的历史选择,是被历史证明了的颠扑不变的真理。它作为社会主义意识形态的内核和灵魂,指导中国共产党带领全国人民从解放中国到建立社会主义制度,再到发展中国特色的社会主义中国,取得了一系列巨大的成就,其理论自身也在实践中得到不断发展和完善。当今世界,经济全球化已成定局,“政治全球化”“文化全球化”初露端倪,各种意识形态鱼龙混杂。全球化意味着更多的交流和碰撞,面对各种纷繁复杂、颇具迷惑性和欺骗性的各种全球化理论,马克思主义应该发挥其批判性的理论特性,批判分析其理论背后的实质与根源,吸收其合理因素为己所用。社会主义核心价值体系是社会主义意识形态的本质体现,社会主义主导价值观是社会主义之所以优于资本主义的重要原因之一。在全球化时代,社会主义主导价值观决定社会主义全球化意识形态的价值取向,决定社会主义对全球化客观进程的价值判断。根据我们对主导价值观内涵的解读和分析,归纳出主导价值观对于社会生活所具有的普遍意义。在此基础上,我们简单回顾了改革开放以来三十年社会主义主导价值观的发展历程,只有理清这样一种发展和历史轨迹,才能理解在全球化背景下重新塑造社会主义主导价值观的迫切性,才能抓住重塑社会主义主导价值观的主线,从而避免落入全球化的意识形态陷阱。??

【Abstract】 By the advantage of globalization, we do more and more research about it. As a result, the achievements will affect the progress of globalization. In the whole process, we can find implied ideology issue. Our earlier global researches are focusing on economic. The achievements can in some way reflect the truth. But now, the research has been extended to more fields. The interaction between mental globalization and the real makes it hard for our researchers to come to agreement in lots of global issues. These disagreements show us the difference between our scholars in knowledge background, benefit, stand, research idea and so on, which represent ideological problem more clearly.The subprime crisis,which began in 2007 and had swept most world finical markets including USA、EU and Japan, causes worldwide economic crisis. The process shows us that“GLOBALIZATION”is a double-edged sword. It strengthens crisis. The recession and unemployment in those countries make the crisis a terrible disaster. Because of socialist system, we are not trapped in crisis, but still suffered in some way. The disaster not only proved a real word researching material but causes“GLOBALIZATION”a hot topic. Some researchers said that the financial crisis has become an economic crisis, and will continue to affect our social system and ideology. Under such condition, more west people looks into On Capital, published in Sep. 14th,1867. People’s thinking to real word comes back to ideology. The sound of“Max is backing”is appearing.What’s the nature of globalization is the key in talking about the globalization. Based on our senior’s researching findings and the material get from development of globalization, we now have enough condition to do research on the nature of globalization. This article will discuss the issue of globalization from ideology side.We still argue about whether culture globalization has happened, but almost every scholar accepts the view that economic globalization has. Globalization itself is a process that is complex,uncertain and keep changing, which make it hard for people to come to consist in views of globalization because of different knowledge background, even we have had lots of consistent conclusion. Difference in knowledge and value orientation may cause different ideology, even inside of capitalism and socialism. All that difference come out all kinds of globalization theories with different ideology. Theory comes from real world and will serve the real world, so those different globalization theories will also affect the globalization’s natural progress. That’s the ideological problem during the process of globalization, itself or implied. Based on reflect on group of globalization theories, this article will continue to analysis the argument about globalization ideology.The article includes three parts, namely, introduction, body and conclusion. The introduction will first discuss the issue-choice background, the purpose and the significance. Then by analysis some related article inside or out side, the author will try to find the symptoms of ideology during the process of globalization, and outline the author’s idea and researching approach, and come to the researching conclusion. New idea means break the old. The idea should be the key of the whole research. In this article, reflecting globalization theory and to trial-implement global ideology mechanism is the key. To define the conception and character of global ideology is also a breaking in this paper. Globalization raised from capitalism countries first is lead by those countries, so to distinguish capitalism global ideology from global ideology and understand the relationship between special and ordinary is the difficult part of this article. Because of limited time and capability, it is also a difficult to find global ideology from some hot discussing issue.The body contains five chapters. The content is arranged by logical order, beginning from putting forth the global ideology, to argument, nature and to analyzing its action way. Based on the analysis, we will give our opinion and suggestion toward the issue.From beginning, globalization is full of argument. With the researching forward, the issue looks more complex. One reason is that globalization affects world economic, political, couture, social system &development and so on. Another reason is that different researcher has different background and profit that make them get different researching material. We are still arguing about the origin and stage of globalization. As a developing history process, by reviewing the“globalization”, we assure its objectivity character and believe that the process will keep expending and deepening.Globalization has its own developing way. But it is not a solo process. People’s activity is part of it. The reason as below: firstly, globalization is a result of our social communication. It’s development depend on transformation of our society, including transformation in productive forces and productive relationship; secondly, our acknowledge is in some way, subjective; thirdly, the process of“globalization”is affected by human ideology, which in some way can push or hold the progress.Globalization as a process combined with objective and subjective, is a self-aware process, so its subjectivity is highlighted. Because of different social status and values, people draw different conclusions with their own ideology, which bumps. All highlight the problem of global ideology. By using the dualism of globalization, capitalism makes the ideology an expansion tool.Argument of ideology raised by globalization produce the global ideological theory and pushes it advance. Once established, those theories will affect our society in every field, including economic, political, culture and so on. By collecting and rearranging those global ideological theories from west, we can learn the nature of capitalism and the effect exerted on those society by the theory. Now, we can draw a clear development outline, namely objective globalization—subjective globalization—global ideology—objective globalization.The leadership of capitalism in economic and power makes sure its global ideology exerting strong influence to the whole world in all fields. The article will discuss influence of capital global ideology in three levels. Theoretically, capital global ideology proposes“global political integration”“globalization of west culture”, which cause people argues on“universal value”and“cultural diversity”. Freedom democracy and human right prompted by west confuse people and make it hard to understand the nature of globalization. Empirically, capital global ideology helps west gain more benefit and spread its own conflict to he whole world, which cause countries in Latin America, east Europe suffered because of following its theories. Logically, capital global ideology will affect the process of globalization.Global ideology has all character of general ideology. We can analyze global ideology by using the tool used on analyzing general ideology. Ideology is thought. In order to maintain the benefit and the government, upper class force person to accept the though as country’s benefit and will. In this time, thought becomes ideology, so we believe that ideology is a conspiracy of thought and power, droved by benefit. By further analyzing the relationship between global ideology, national benefit and political power, we can find the function system that global theory transforms to ideology.Global ideology comes from people’s reflecting on globalization process, so it is behind the process. Wanting to know how, we analyze history origin based on the real world. Because of close relation between global ideology and national benefit, we should study the benefit conflict during the process. Globalization is a social phenomenon that appears with the development of our society. In one side, it promotes our common benefit. In another side, it makes the benefit conflict more complex. Globalization makes national benefit more complex also, while national benefit is the base of global ideology. Only those theories that coincide with ruler’s benefit can be spread by national power and become a kind of global ideology.Global ideology as one kind of social society is a reflection of globalization in people’s thought and will shift with the development of globalization. During the process of globalization, national countries are involved and conflict in value and benefit become more complex. When national sovereignty endangered, globalizing ideology is a way to maintain national benefit. It depends on the whole world’s joint effort to establish harmonious world and the necessary power of integration needs global ideology.Marxism believes that class makes class confliction. Proletariat and bourgeois are two main conflict classes at present in two conflict social system, social system and capital system. The confliction in globalization ideology is the reflection. The game of global ideology is advanced with the development of globalization. The game result affects the speed and developing direction of globalization. By analyzing the history functional way of global ideology, we can find that the game of global ideology is also its function system on globalization. By analyzing core value and benefit character of socialism and capitalism, and comparing globalization and human benefit, we try to find logical basis of global ideology and then confirm history status of socialist ideology.Socialist globalization ideology is aimed at human’s free and full development. It is correspond with objective process of globalization. It should and can play an important role. If we want socialist global ideology functioning worldly, first, we should develop our society during the global process. Ideology comes from real world and will act on it actively. The development of society serves the material base for the social ideology. In one side, if we want to show our socialist benefit can and the persuasion of our ideology, we should develop our economic and make our people live in happiness; in the other side, only backed with a powerful socialist country, can we spread our socialist globalization in world effectively and there will be more people accept and support our socialist core value carried by our ideology. By that way, we can speed up the process of globalization and let our goal that all human lives in happiness and all people develop freely and fully, come truth.Marxism is the historical choice of our Chinese communist party. It has been approved. It is the core of our socialist ideology. It is a theory that directs our party to lead our person from establishing social system to developing our Chinese characteristic socialism. We are successful and the theory is developed also. Now, economic globalization has been settled. Political globalization and culture globalization is appearing. All kinds of ideology are blend together. Globalization means more communication and more confliction. Facing with those confusing global theories, we should analyze and criticize their origin and essence, and absorb some useful thought to our theory.Socialist core value system is the essence of socialist ideology. It also is one of important reason that the socialism is better than capitalism. Socialist value guides the socialist global ideology and decides the socialist judgment toward global process. Followed with analysis of core value, we induce the general significance that core value have put on social live. Based on that, we briefly retrospect our thirty-year’s development history of our socialist core value. By outlining the development history, can we understand the imminent to reestablish the socialist value, so that we can re-outline our socialist core value to escape from trapped by other global ideologies.

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