

【作者】 李淑敏

【导师】 程恭让;

【作者基本信息】 首都师范大学 , 马克思主义哲学, 2009, 博士

【摘要】 本文是关于中国近现代文化保守主义思潮中“中国哲学观”的研究。全球化时代,在各种文化思潮的不断涌现与激荡中,如何对待中国传统文化,如何认识并发展中国文化的核心——中国哲学,是一个非常重要的问题。任何时期,任何哲学著作,以及中国哲学的发展都会受到中国哲学观的决定性影响。“中国哲学观”,顾名思义,就是对“中国哲学”的观照。本文中的“中国哲学观”,指的是对“中国哲学”的总体看法,包括对中国哲学的定义、特质、内容,优越性与局限性,历史现状与前途命运的分析与认识。在中国近现代思想史上,对中国哲学做着最深入研究的,莫过于文化保守主义者。对文化保守主义思潮中国哲学观的研究,不仅非常必要,而且对于我们分析和把握20世纪中国哲学发展的进程,对于未来中国哲学的建构与发展具有重要的价值和意义。本文考察的重点是20世纪上半期中国文化保守主义思潮中的中国哲学观。尽管这一思潮发端于19世纪中后期,但由于“哲学”概念是在十九、二十世纪之交时传入中国,也就是说在那时中国知识分子才有对“中国哲学”的自觉性认识。因此,本文原则上是从这一时期开始,来考察文化保守主义思潮中的中国哲学观。本文共分为六个部分。绪论中主要对“中国哲学观”进行界定与分析;第一章通过对中国近现代文化保守主义思潮的历史考察,分析概括近现代文化保守主义的内涵与特征;第二章以近现代文化保守主义思潮为背景,分析总结清末民初、五四新文化运动、抗日战争、抗战胜利到新中国建国这四个时期的中国哲学观,并分析指出,中国哲学观的形成与时代精神是紧密联系的;第三章在继续分析第二章内容的基础上,试图梳理出在近现代文化保守主义思潮的发展过程中,中国哲学观自身发展的逻辑脉络,指出文化保守主义者对中国哲学的认识经历了从情感到理性,从自卑到自信,从封闭到开放的心态转化过程,同时,他们对中国哲学的理论建构也经历了整理国故——文化调和——理论创新的过程,并且,文化保守主义者们对中国哲学的理论建构与其对中国哲学的心态是紧密联系在一起的;第四章将中国文化保守主义思潮中的中国哲学观与其他思潮中的中国哲学观作比较,以突出文化保守主义思潮中国哲学观的特征与价值:相对于激进的西化派来说,他们对中国传统哲学的认识更为理性而自信,全面而深刻;而对于马克思主义者的中国哲学观来说,文化保守主义者的中国哲学观则为其后来的“古为今用,洋为中用,批判继承,综合创新”的“综合创新论”提供了一定的资源和模式借鉴。第五章将从文化保守主义思潮中国哲学观的价值与缺憾,来评述其对中国哲学发展的意义,并在此基础上,对中国哲学的未来建构做出展望。本文试图说明,近现代文化保守主义思潮中的中国哲学观对于实现中国古代哲学的近现代转型,以及近现代中国哲学的建构与发展起着非常重要的作用。它包含着对中国传统哲学、中西方哲学关系、中国哲学与世界哲学关系的客观、理性、全面的认识,以及在此基础上建立起来的对未来中国哲学发展的设想。由此可以看出,近现代文化保守主义者并非“守旧”,更非落后,他们中的大部分早年出国留学,既有深厚的中国传统哲学与中国传统文化的积淀,又有通晓西方哲学与西方文化的学术背景。因此,近现代的文化保守主义者们更多是在更开阔的世界主义的学术视野中来认识和发展中国哲学的,在此过程中,他们牢牢把握住了两点:一是以中国哲学和中国文化为本位;二是保持中国哲学、中国文化发展的内在连续性。大多数文化保守主义者将研究中国哲学与中国文化作为一生的学术使命甚至生命的追求,但在不同的历史时期具体表现不一,这主要与他们所处时代的时代精神紧密联系。更进一步说,在中国近现代哲学史上,中国哲学观的形成与发展不仅与时代精神紧密联系,而且有着自身的发展脉络,另外,中国哲学观与中国文化观交织在一起,但从实质而言是中国文化观的核心,对中国文化观起着指导性作用。当前,中国的哲学领域存在着马克思主义哲学、中国传统哲学、西方哲学等哲学形态。在当今文化多元的时代背景下,如何建立一种适宜于当代中国的哲学发展模式,如何将中国哲学发展成为一种既顺应时代潮流又保持自身特质的哲学形态,如何促进当代中国哲学的建构与发展,是我们必须要面对的问题。笔者认为,在目前的条件和环境中,由张岱年先生提出,方克立先生加以完善的“综合创新论”将成为中国哲学未来发展模式的主潮,但对于这一发展模式的实践操作还需要做进一步的探讨。

【Abstract】 This article is about the thought on "Chinese philosophy" in Chinese modern cultural conservatism.In the emergence and the agitation of a variety of cultural trends of thought in the process of globalization, how to regard Chinese traditional culture, and how to recognize and develop the core of Chinese culture——Chinese philosophy, are very important issues. At any time, any philosophical works, as well as the development of Chinese philosophy will be of decisive influence on the thought on "Chinese philosophy". "Chinese philosophy" is, by definition, the observation of "Chinese philosophy". In this paper, the "Chinese philosophy", referring to the overall view of "Chinese philosophy", includes the analysis and understanding on the definition, characteristic, content, the advantages and limitations, and the current situation and future of“Chinese philosophy”.In the history of modern Chinese Thought, the study on Chinese philosophy is no more than cultural conservatism. Therefore, a study of the thought on“Chinese philosophy”in near modern Chinese cultural conservatism is very necessary. Furthermore, it is of great value for us to analyse and grasp the process of development of "Chinese philosophy", and to develop and reconstruct“Chinese philosophy”in the future.In this paper, the period studied is mainly the first half of the 20th century. Despite the modern culture conservative trend of thought began in the mid-and late 19th century, the concept "philosophy" came to China at the turn of 19th and 20th century, so it is at that time that Chinese intellectuals have the self-consciousness of "Chinese philosophy”.This article altogether includes six parts. In the Preface, the thought on "Chinese philosophy" is defined and analyzed. In chapter 1, through the historical inspection on the Chinese modern cultural conservatism, the author summarizes the essence and characteristic of Chinese modern cultural conservatism. In chapter 2, in the background of the history of modern conservatism, the author analyzes and summarizes the thought on“Chinese philosophy”in four periods including the late Qing Dynasty and early Republic of china, May 4th Movement, War of Resistance against Japan, the winning of Anti-Japanese War to the founding of New China, and also points out that the formation of the thought on“Chinese philosophy”is closely linked to the spirit of the times. In chapter 3, basing on analyzing the contents of the second chapter, the author tries to find the logical skeleton of the development of the thought on“Chinese philosophy”. It is pointed out that the cultural conservatives’recognition of“Chinese philosophy”is from emotional to the rational, from inferiority to self-confidence, from a closed mind to an open mind in the development of the thought on“Chinese philosophy”, and at the same time, their construction on the theory of Chinese philosophy has undergone the process of Rearranging the National Heritage - Cultural reconcile - theoretical innovation, and that cultural conservatives’construction on the theory of Chinese philosophy are closely linked to their attitude to Chinese philosophy. In chapter 4, the author compares the thought on“Chinese philosophy”of Chinese cultural conservatism with the thought on“Chinese philosophy”of other contemporary cultural trends of thought in order to highlight the characteristic and value of cultural conservative’s thought on“Chinese philosophy”. Compared with the thought on“Chinese philosophy”of the radical trend of Westernization, it is more confident, more rational, more comprehensive and more profound. Compared with the Marxists’thought on“Chinese philosophy”, it provides some important resources and a theory model to some extent for the later theory of Marxism "the past servers the present and foreign things serve China, critical inheritance, General innovation ". In Chapter 5, on analyzing the values and short-comings of the thought on“Chinese philosophy”of Chinese modern conservatism, the author comments on its significance to the development of Chinese philosophy, and on this basis, the author makes prospect of the future development of Chinese philosophy.This article attempts to show that the thought on“Chinese philosophy”of modern cultural conservatism plays an important role in Chinese philosophy’s transforming from ancient period to modern times as well as the developing of Chinese modern philosophy. It contains the objective, rational, comprehensive ideas on traditional Chinese philosophy, the relationship between Chinese philosophy and Western philosophy, the relationship between Chinese philosophy and philosophy. On the basis of these ideas, the future development of Chinese philosophy is conceived. It can be elicited that the modern cultural conservative is not "conservative" or even backward. Most of them ever studied abroad in their early years, so they have profound knowledge on Chinese traditional philosophy and culture, and academic background of Western philosophy and culture .Therefore, it is in an more open academic visual field that the modern conservatives understand and develop Chinese philosophy, and in the process, they firmly grasp the two points: one is to base on Chinese philosophy and culture, the other is to maintain the inherent continuity of the development of Chinese philosophy and Chinese culture. The majority of cultural conservatives regard the study of Chinese philosophy and culture as the academic mission of their lifetime or even the pursuit of life, but in different historical periods their specific performance is different, which is mainly linked to the spirit of the times they live in. Furthermore, in the modern history of the development of Chinese philosophy, the formation and development of the thought on“Chinese philosophy”not only is closely contact with the spirit of the times, but also has its own skeleton. In addition, Chinese philosophy and Chinese culture are intertwined, and Chinese philosophy is the core of Chinese culture and plays a guiding role in the development of Chinese culture.At present, there are mainly Marxist philosophy, Chinese traditional philosophy, and Western Philosophy in the field of philosophy in china. In today’s multicultural background, how to set up a suitable developing mode of Chinese philosophy , how to make Chinese philosophy’s development maintain its own characteristics as well as adapt to the developing trend of the times , and how to promote the construction and development of contemporary Chinese philosophy, are the questions that we must answer. The author thinks that in the current conditions and environment, the theory "On the General Innovate" which was put forward by Mr. Zhang Dainian and was perfected by Mr. Fang Keli will become the main development model of the future Chinese philosophy, but there is also a need to do further exploration on the practical operation of this development mode.

  • 【分类号】B26
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】736

